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KENSRI EXCELLENCE DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM ..................................................................................


Class & Section ..................................................................

HEALTH & WELLNESS SERIES: Fitness (xamata)
NERVOUS SYSTEM Label the parts & write the functions of each part. REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Label the parts & write the functions of each part.

Human brain Cerebrum Cerebral cortex

Structure of a flower Write the differences between Self-Pollination and Cross-Pollination
Corpus callosum Stigma
Style Pistil

Filament Ovary

Pituitary gland Pons
Cerebellum Petal
Reticular activating
Medulla Sepal
Self pollination is the transfer of pollen from anther to stigma of the same flower or different flower the same plant,
Ovule whereas cross pollination is the transfer of pollen from anther of one flower to the stigma of another flower of the
Neuron/Nerve cell Receptacle same species.

Dendrites L.S of a flower showing the growth of pollen tube. Define fertilisation
Pollen grains
The fusion of male gamete(sperm) and female gametes(ova) to form a zygote is called fertilisation.
Pollen tube Define Reproduction
Sperm nuclei
Reproduction is the ability of living organisms to produce more living organisms of its own kind.

Axon terminals Tube nucleus

Write its significance
Axon Node of Ranvier Embryo sac
Reproduction is a very important process as it ensures continuations of living organisms, generation after generation.
Sperm nuclei
Nucleus Schwann cell Myelin sheath
Polar nuclei
What happens if egg is not fertilised?
Integuments If the egg is not fertilised or implanted in the uterus, the body sheds the egg and the thick lining of the uterus. This
shedding leads to the bleeding in women's menstrual cycle.
Define reflex action Egg cell Ovary
Signals passed along A reflex action is an automatic (involuntary)
relay neuron(message
sent to brain) and rapid response to a stimulus, which
minimises any damage to the body from Male reproductive system Female reproductive system Sex determination in human beings
potentially harmful conditions, such as
touching something hot.
Signals sent along
sensory neuron Sperm duct
Pain receptor Prostate gland
stimulated XY XX

Signal sent along

motor neuron Penis X Y X X
Stimulus Ovary Ovary
Spinal cord Effector muscle
(Cross section) (heat) Vagina
contracts(response). Urethra Cervix XX XX XY XY


Reproduction, fertilisation, pollination, reflex action, menstrual cycle, sex determination, etc

Outcome: H o w to compete to be a international athlete?

1. First and most important choose a sport which you like and are good at. 5. Be competitive and participate in competitions.
2. Be disciplined. 6. Sportsmanship: Accepts both victory and defeat.
3. Dedicate your time to the sport and train vigorously.
4. Maintain a good diet and body.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT:Mentor: ..............................................
Simna ma'am Don' memorise
YouTUBEmaterials seen: ......................................................................................................................... Ncert scient tb
Books:.....................................................................................................References: Wikipedia, tb

KENSRI EXCELLENCE DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM ..................................................................................


Class & Section ..................................................................

HEALTH & WELLNESS SERIES: Fitness (xamata)
Endocrine System COMPARATIVE STUDY Stick picture of each, observe and infer the
differences with that of human being. (make your selection unique)
Label the Endocrine glands and write the harmones secreted by each gland.
Insect Fish Amphibian/Reptile Good things to follow to keep the Systems healthy? Bad things to avoid....
Hypothalamus: It makes hormones
that control hormones released in Pituitary gland: The pituitary is often Things to follow............ Things to avoid.............
the pituitary gland. The referred to as the “master gland” 1) Eat a balanced diet. 1) Avoid skipping meals.
hypothalamus controls water because it not only secretes its own
balance, sleep, temperature, 2) Drink lots of water 2) Avoid smoking and alcohol
hormones, it tells other glands to
appetite, mood and reproductive produce hormones. 3)Exercise regularly 3) Avoid caffeine
behaviors, and blood pressure. 4) Avoid Staying up late at night.
4) Maintain good hygiene.

Thyroid gland: It secretes

Thyroid gland: It secretes triiodothyronine (T3) and 5)Get good rest. 5) Avoid eating junk food
triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). The thyroid

thyroxine (T4). The plays a key role in the
thyroid plays a key role in body's metabolism.
the body's metabolism.
Bird M a mma l Plant
Parathyroid gland: It
secrete parathyroid
hormone or parathormone.
What are the sickness arising out of dirty community?
Parathyroid gland: It
secrete parathyroid
The parathyroid helps
regulate the body's 1. Athlete's Foot (tinea pedis) 4.Dental Caries (Tooth Decay) 7.Lymphatic Filariasis.
hormone or Adrenal gland: The calcium balance and bone 2. Body Lice. 5.Head Lice. 8.Pinworms.
parathormone. The adrenal glands make and strength.
3. Chronic Diarrhea. 6.Hot Tub Rash.
release corticosteroid
parathyroid helps
hormones and adrenaline
regulate the body's

(epinephrine). These
calcium balance and maintain blood pressure
bone strength. and regulate metabolism. Ovary: The ovaries
contain the egg
Pancreas: It plays a role cells needed for Amphibian/Reptile
Insect Fish
in digestion and hormone
production. Hormones
reproduction. They What are the steps taken by the Government to improve the health of the people?
Testis: The also make estrogen
made by the pancreas and progesterone. The Indian government has developed a system of healthcare which provides medical facilities in less
testes make include insulin and
testosterone glucagon. These regulate time.
and sperm. blood sugar levels. The Indian government has increased the spending on the healthcare system.

The Indian government has regulated the sales and distribution of drugs and medicines to be sold at a
low cost.

What are the changes seen in boys and girls during puberty Bird M a mma l Plant Write the physics of nervous, reproductive and endocrine system.
The changes seen in boys and girls during puberty are:  NERVOUS SYSTEM: The basic structural unit of the nervous system is the neuron, a nerve cell specialized for the reception,
 Change in voice interpretation, and transmission of electrical messages. There are many types of neurons. ... The dendrites are the parts of the neuron
specialized for receiving information from stimuli or from other cells.
 Hair growth under armpits and in pubic area.  REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM: The process of fusion of sperm with egg (ovum) to produce zygote is called fertilization. Fertilization is a
 Increase in height. crucial stage of reproduction in human beings. The fertilized egg is called the zygote. Zygote starts to divide into many cells and
 Development of secondary sexual organs. develops into an embryo. Embryo moves into the uterus and gets attached to its walls. This process is referred to as implantation, and
the implanted embryo eventually develops into a foetus.
 Menstrual cycle starts in girls.  ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: the glands of the endocrine system have specialized hormone cells. The hormone molecules are synthesized
 Mental, emotional and intellectual maturity. in these cells and exit the cells (exocytosis) via some membrane transport mechanism. When they reach a cell which is sensitive to
that hormone, it will have a receptor for the hormone. The receptor will typically be in the cell membrane. The cellular response may be
a cascade of reactions to accomplish the purpose of the hormone.

Insect Fish Amphibian/Reptile Write the chemistry of nervous, reproductive and endocrine system.
 NERVOUS SYSTEM:In the peripheral nervous system, a chemical neurotransmitter carries the nerve impulses
from neuron to neuron across a synapse (space between neurons). The neurotransmitters are acetylcholine,
Define hormones norephinephrine, serotonin, and others. Nerves that release acetylcholine are called cholinergic nerves.
 REPRODICTIVE SYSTEM: During puberty, the pituitary gland produces two hormones, follicle-stimulating
Hormones are chemical substances that are secreted by the ductless glands or hormone(FSH) and luteinizing hormone(LH). In females and males FSH and Lh stimulate the testes and ovaries to

endocrine glands and released directly into the blood stream and are then reached to produce sex hormones. This results in the development of secondary sec characteristics.

the target site. They are responsible for regulating growth, development, behaviour  ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: The endocrine system is a complex network of glands, hormones and receptors.The
endocrine system, which is a slower system based on chemical messengers, the hormones, which are secreted
and reproduction. into the blood (or other extracellular fluids) and can reach all parts of the body.

Bird M a mma l Plant Write the biology of nervous, reproductive and endocrine system.

Mention the hygienic measures taken during puberty. NERVOUS SYSTEM: The basic unit of the nervous system is the nerve cell (neuron). Nerve cells consist of a large cell body and
two types of nerve fibers: Axon: A long, slender nerve fiber that projects from a nerve cell and can send messages as electrical
impulses to other nerve cells and muscles.
1)Bath regularly. 6) Wash your hair regularly.  REPRODUCTIOVE SYSTEM: All human beings undergo a sexual mode of reproduction. Offspring are produced by the fusion of
2) Trim your nails. 7) Eat a healthy diet. gametes (sex cells) from each parent, this known as fertilisation. In human beings, both males and females have different
reproductive systems; hence, they are known to exhibit sexual dimorphism.
3) Wear clean and comfortable clothes. 8) Exercise regularly.  ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: It is a control system of ductless glands that secrete hormones within specific organs. Hormones act as
4) Brush your teeth twice a day. “messengers,” and are carried by the bloodstream to different cells in the body, which interpret these messages and act on
5) Use deodorants and antiperspirants as needed
W h a t d i d y o u l e a r n from....

How are the following body systems modified based on the lifestyle of the chosen animals? 1 . M y profile choices:
From my profile choices i understood different lifestyles of various plant and animals. By finding more information on my choices I learnt
Endocrine system about their behaviours and how to nurture them, so now they are one of my physically and mentally challenged family members.
2. Collections:
Endocrine systems, also referred to as hormone systems, are found in all mammals, birds, fish, and many other types of living organisms. Iy may differ in animals based on their biological structure, habitat, venturing and eating habits etc. Collecting various information on my choices has helped me to improve my browsing skills as well as i learnt more about my profile
Reproductive system 3. Model Making:
The reproductive system varies in different animals based on the mode of reproduction(sexual or asexual), type of fertilisation(internal or external), Habitat, Mating process, season, etc. Model making has been very useful for me as it helped me to understand, describe and explain my body parts and systems in a better
Outcome: How can you be a good citizen and a role model? 4. D i a g r a m s :
Diagrams are very essential tool to provide a clear and unambiguous picture. They helped my a lot as they are a lot easy and efficient
To be a good citizen and a role model we should first be responsible and disciplined. We should be a good family member in home, a good neighbour in the neighbourhood, a good student in school and then only you can be a good citizen. To be a role that explaining the entire process.
model you should love all, serve all and help ever and hurt never. 5. Experiments:
Experiments play an important role to prove or disapprove hypothesis, to test theories and to provide the basis for scientific research.
By doing experiemts we can also come up with new ideas for innovation.
List the professions a n d specialisations a s s oci ated with the s y s t e m s ? 6. Field Trips:
Neurologist, Gynecologist, Urologists, Endocrinologist Field trips helped me to enhance my critical and practical thinking skills, i was also able to visit and experience new places and
socialize with people.

Simna ma'am
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT:Mentor: .............................................. Don't memorise
YouTUBEmaterials seen: ......................................................................................................................... Ncert science tb
Books:.....................................................................................................References: Wikipedia, tb, youtube

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