Air Pollutionand Body Weight

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Air Pollution and Body Weight

Article · September 2023


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2 authors, including:

Narelle Stegehuis
Torrens University Australia


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AIR POLLUTION AND BODY functions.3 Risk factors include diet, exercise, and

psychosocial factors, therefore management requires
a multifactorial holistic approach. Obesity contributes
to physical, psychological, social, and metabolic health

IS AIR POLLUTION ANOTHER MODIFIABLE RISK problems. Being overweight and obese increases the
risk of chronic diseases, morbidity and mortality3. Excess
FACTOR FOR WEIGHT GAIN? body fat contributes to the development of abnormal
biomedical risk factors, such as blood pressure and
blood lipids, increasing the risk of type 2 diabetes3,4.

Adults with a BMI of 25-29.9 are classed as being

overweight, and a BMI above 30 is termed as being
obese 5. Obesity increases the risk of developing type 2
diabetes (T2D)6.

Australia has one of the highest rates of obesity in the

world. According to the Australian Institute for Health
and Welfare, the Overweight and Obesity report (07
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Jul 2022), in 2017–2018, 67% of Australians (that is, 2
in 3 people) aged 18 and over were overweight or
Narelle Grant-Stegehuis MHSc PhD Candidate obese (36% were overweight but not obese, and 31%
Education Research and Development Manager were obese), with higher rates now in adult males
Australasian College of Nutritional and
and the older age groups7. There are currently 14
Environmental Medicine
million Australians living with overweight or obesity8. In
A/Professor Vicki Kotsirilos AM, MBBS, FACNEM, 2017–2018, 25% (1 in 4) children and adolescents aged
FASLM 2–17 were overweight or obese in Australia; 17% were
Narelle Grant-Stegehuis A/Professor Vicki Kotsirilos Awarded Honorary Fellowship RACGP, General overweight and 8.2% were obese9. The proportion of
MHSc PhD Candidate AM, MBBS, FACNEM, FASLM Practitioner being overweight and obese in children varied across
age groups, but on average were equal for males and


ABSTRACT METHODOLOGY Ambient air pollution such as Particulate Matter

(PM)2.5 & 10, nitric oxide (NOx), nitrogen dioxide (NO2),
Ambient air pollution and obesity are both independent A search of Pub Med and Google Scholar literature ozone (O3), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
global public health issues. Ambient air pollution is search was performed using a combination (PAHS), are now recognised as likely risk factors for the
well evidenced as a contributor to several chronic of search strategies using keywords “obesity”, development of T2D9, 10.
health conditions. Based on observational studies, air “evolution”, “exposome”, “environment”, “air pollution”,
pollution is also recognised as a possible contributor “obesogens”, “sociodemographic”, “insulin resistance”, The Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 estimated that
to obesity and changes in body weight due to its “thermogenesis”, “T2D”, “transgenerational”, “genetic”. about a fifth of the global burden of type 2 diabetes is
influence on metabolic changes commencing in utero attributable to PM2·5 pollution. 11
and amplifying throughout the lifespan. The aim of OBESITY INCIDENCE
this narrative review is to explore the current research This demonstrates the need to consider and include
that focusses on the influence of ambient air pollution The incidence of higher-than-normal body weight ambient air pollution exposure assessment within
to changes in body weight, and the risk of developing and obesity has reached epidemic global proportions, primary health care models and explore new ways
obesity and Type 2 Diabetes. with the World Health Organisation1 estimating to assess its impact and implement air pollution
approximately 2.8 million deaths per year resulting mitigation and preventative interventions to reduce the
Establishing preventative health assessments that from obesity related health complications. Ambient air incidence of obesity 12and of Type 2 Diabetes.13
incorporate air pollution exposure are essential to pollution is well evidenced as a contributor to several
mitigating a rise in obesity and avoid a public health chronic health conditions such as cardiovascular, A systematic review of high-quality epidemiological
crisis. respiratory disease and diabetes2. studies demonstrated ambient air pollutant exposure,
especially for PM2.5 & 10, had significant association and
Keywords: obesity, evolution, exposome, environment, The causes of being overweight or obese are prevalence with the incidence of T2D, and that diabetic
air pollution, obesogens, pesticides, insecticides, multifactorial and usually occur due to an imbalance patients may be more vulnerable to air pollutant
sociodemographic, insulin resistance, thermogenesis, between energy intake from the diet and energy exposure.14 The study results found NO2 exposure also
T2D. expenditure through physical activities and bodily raised T2D prevalence.

10 acnem JOURNAL | VOL 42, No 1 | MARCH 2023 acnem JOURNAL | VOL 42, No 1 | MARCH 2023 11
The literature cites biological mechanisms of outdoor BIOLOGICAL MECHANISMS CONCLUSION 4. Diabetes Australian Facts. Diabetes risk factors. Australian
and indoor air pollution with obesity and T2D to include Institute of Health & Welfare. Last updated: 13 Jul 2022. Accessed
vascular insulin resistance and metabolic disturbances Animal and cellular studies conclude metabolism Addressing air pollution is essential to mitigate its 30th January 2023 from
caused by inflammation, immune activation, oxidative disrupting chemical exposure including toxic pesticides negative impact on human health and its association diabetes/diabetes/contents/diabetes-risk-factors
stress, metabolic dysregulation, intestinal flora disorders found in air pollution (obesogens) reduce cellular with chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease
metabolic functioning and may directly contribute and respiratory diseases. More research is required 5. Diabetes: Australian facts. Australian Institute of Health &
and genetic polymorphism, commencing in utero 15, 16, 17 .
to obesity30, 31, 32 with exposure occurring throughout particularly to determine the mechanisms, but it Welfare. Last updated: 13 Jul 2022. Accessed 30th January 2023
AMBIENT AIR POLLUTION INCIDENCE AND OBESITY the lifespan and influencing subsequent generations appears there is some research demonstrating an from
through epigenetic influences. association of air pollution exposure with obesity and australian-facts/contents/diabetes-risk-factors/overweight-
Epidemiological studies also demonstrate that long diabetes. Obesity and T2D are serious and long-term and-obesity
term air pollution exposure may be a contributor to Several mechanisms are suggested to explain the health conditions that increase the risk of morbidity
association between environmental compounds found 6. Al-Goblan AS, Al-Alfi MA, Khan MZ. Mechanism linking diabetes
obesity and risk compounding throughout the lifespan and mortality. Exposure to ambient air pollutants
with intergenerational and demographic influence 18, 19. in ambient air pollution and diabetes. Causal links may can occur throughout the life span and pollutants mellitus and obesity. Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes. 2014 Dec
be associated with biological mechanisms contributing can accumulate in the body over time. Studies have 4;7:587-91. doi: 10.2147/DMSO.S67400. PMID: 25506234; PMCID:
Ambient air pollution is a global problem with sources to the formation of insulin resistance (IR), disordered demonstrated that a higher exposure to chemical PMC4259868. Accessed 30th January 2023 from https://www.
originating from various sources such as vehicle glucose homeostasis, prediabetes and diabetes is exposure leads to a greater risk of cardiovascular
emissions, coal fire power stations, industrial activities, provided below: disease and obesity levels.42
7. Overweight and obesity. Australian Institute of Health and
mining smelters, agricultural practices, and natural
disasters 20. Disasters such as bushfires can be natural 1. The overproduction of proinflammatory Ambient air pollution contributes to changes in Welfare. Release Date: 07 Jul 2022 Accessed 30th January
or anthropogenic, sudden, or prolonged. They add to mediators is key. Mediators activate c-Jun metabolic factors and body weight influencing the 2023 from
air pollution by way of infrastructure damage and the N-terminal kinase, inhibiting insulin signalling health of generations. The components of air pollution overweight-and-obesity
release of air pollutants, hazardous materials, and the through insulin receptor substrate proteins33 34. are diverse and mechanisms of action are unique to
8. Department of Health & Aged Care. National Obesity Strategy
formation of toxic gasses 21, 22. the individual, indicating the need for a ‘precision’ and
2. Oxidative stress generation activates 2022–2032 – Joint Statement from all Australian Health
personalised holistic approach to obesity prevention
The incidence of disasters such as bushfires are nuclear factor (NF)-KB and insulin signalling and management.
Ministers. Accessed 30th January 2023 from
projected to increase with climate change and pathways35.
instability 23 Obesity is a public health crisis, which can originate 2022-2032-joint-statement-from-all-australian-health-
3. Endothelial dysfunction and reduced from metabolic changes commenced in utero and ministers?language=en
A recent systematic review and meta-analysis of peripheral glucose uptake36. amplified throughout life stages.
9. Wu, Y., Zhang, S., Qian, S.E. et al. Ambient air pollution associated
epidemiological studies indicated that air pollution
is correlated with childhood obesity and weight gain, 4. White and brown adipose tissue functionality Adoption of a preventative approaches are required with incidence and dynamic progression of type 2 diabetes: a
and is regarded as a probable risk factor, but long and vascular pathology impaired by to mitigate the harmful health effects of air pollution to trajectory analysis of a population-based cohort. BMC Med 20,
term, large scales studies are still required.24 The particulate matter PM2.5 exposure37. reduce the incidence of obesity and T2D. By focusing 375 (2022). Accessed 30th January 2023
research demonstrated that for obesity the association on lifestyle, behavioural changes and mitigating s12916-022-02573-0
5. Metabolism disrupting chemicals found in
was considerable with exposure to the much finer environmental influences such as reducing exposure to
air pollution (obesogens) increase fat mass; 10. World Health Organisation, 2022 Accessed 30th January
Particulate Matters: PM10 and PM2.5. A rise in BMI status and addressing the sources of air pollution and working
modify the metabolic rate, the gut micro biota 2023 from
was observed with 10 μg/m3 increments in exposure to with allied health professionals forms a crucial path to
composition, endocrine control of eating change-and-health/air-quality-and-health/health-impacts
PM10, PM2.5, and NO2. reducing the incidence of global obesity.
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11. GBD 2019 Diabetes and Air Pollution Collaborators (2022).
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