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Jutting his head into the unlocked museum, he scanned the place, however; if the
ginormous room was filled with pitch black darkness. Thus, devoid the ability to see, he
couldn’t Commence to Conclude a verdict on the theft.

Looming over a nearby desk, adjacent to the wall, he managed to hover his hand over
to it without creating any tormenting sound. Trying to a not to arouse any attention lest
anyone was stealthily out of his visual, he clenched his hand on a torch. He had the
feeling of triumph, but what was to be sought, hinted imminent danger.

Detective Eugene altered the switch of the torch on, yet his jaws dropped, and his eyes.
broaden wide. What was Visual to him was manifest indeed; for the officer was
restrained, Thumping, wailing and tied to the wall. And as his eyes moved to the
opposite side, what was his prospect turned out to be real. The Mona Lisa was stolen…


Jutting his head into the unlatched door of the museum, his eyes darted around the
room, scanning the darkness for any sign of movement. But the cavernous hall was
engulfed in an inky blackness. Unable to see, he couldn't yet conclude whether or not
the theft had taken place.

Looming over a nearby desk, adjoining the wall, he managed to hover his hand over it
without making a sound. Careful not to alert anyone who might be lurking nearby, he
clenched his hand on a torch. He was pleased and saturated with satisfaction, but what
was to be sought hinted at imminent danger.

Detective Eugene fumbled with the torch switch, his fingers trembling slightly. But as he
altered the switch on, his jaws dropped and his eyes broadened wide. What was visual
to him was manifest indeed: the officer was restrained, struggling and groaning against
the wall. And as his eyes moved to the opposite side, what was his prospect turned out
to be real. The Mona Lisa was stolen...

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