D2 DLL Eng8 W1 Day1

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Section/Time/ Grading 3RD
ENGLISH 8 Teaching Period
Days Date February
13, 2023
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of: Southeast Asian literature as a
mirror to a shared heritage; coping strategies in processing textual
information; strategies in examining features of a listening and viewing
material; structural analysis of words and propaganda techniques; and
grammatical signals for opinion-making, persuasion, and emphasis.
B. Performance Standards The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering a persuasive
speech based on an informative essay featuring use of properly
acknowledged information sources, grammatical signals for opinion-
making, persuasion, and emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features,
stance, and behavior.
C. Learning Competency(ies) Examine biases (for or against) made by the author (EN8RC-IIIg-
a. Differentiate bias from prejudice.


III. LEARNING RESOURCES https://www.scribd.com/document/474046299/BIAS-AND-PREJUDICE#
(References & other https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xYsvcKfq8E
learning resources)
ELICIT Ask one or two questions related to previous lesson.
A. Reviewing previous lesson or
presenting the new lesson
ENGAGE The will present the objective of the day -
B. Establishing a purpose of the  Differentiate bias from prejudice.
EXPLORE (MOTIVATION) Task 1: Photo react!
C. Presenting examples/ instances The teacher will show pictures and will ask the students to describe each
of the lesson photo about what they notice about men and women through answering the
following questions:

What do they reveal about men and women?

2. Should women always be portrayed as the one to do household chores

and men as warriors? Why?

EXPLAIN (ACTIVITY 1) Discussion:

D. Discussing new concepts and Bias
practicing new skills #1
 means partiality for or prejudice against someone,
something or some idea.
 Any opinion that influences a person’s thoughts,
feelings, or actions. A person can be biased against
something or have a bias for something.
 An attitude, belief, or feeling that results in and helps
to justify unfair treatment of a person because of his
or her identity.
 Example: Female teachers give attention to
Prejudice – is an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed
beforehand or without knowledge, thought or reason. It
simply means to pre-judge others.
Example: It is sometimes assumed that someone
who is physically disabled is also mentally
1. The author uses inflammatory words (name calling, hate
speech, direct attack or insult)
Ex. The black men stole the boy’s tennis shoes.
2. The author consistently makes claim whose larger
purpose is to elevate (or demean) one social, ethnic,
national, religious or gender group compared to another.
Ex. Before a surgeon can operate, he must know
every relevant detail or the patient’s history.
3. The author consciously presents evidence that serves to
tell only one sided stories or issues.
4. The author falsifies and/or dishonestly cites evidence in
order to present his or her case in a more positive
5. The argument appeals more to the emotion than logic.

(ACTIVITY 2) The teacher will show a video clip featuring a Filipina actress who
E. Discussing new concepts and claims that it’s not right to put label on anyone. The students have
practicing new skills #2
to watch it and find out the label attached to her.


ELABORATE (ANALYSIS) Answer the following questions:

F. Developing Mastery (leads to 1. What is the label attached to the woman in the video?
formative assessment) 2. Do you agree with what the woman said? Why?
3. When you put a label on someone, are you also being biased? Why?
4. Do you know women in the same situation as the actress? What
comments do you hear from other people about them?

G. (APPLICATION) Differentiated activities:

Finding practical applications of
concepts and skills in daily living The teacher will group the class into three.
Group 1: Think of professions which show biases/prejudices in
terms of sex.
Group 2: Create a mini dialogue showing your personal experiences
of prejudice or bias. (role play)
Group 3: A comic strip drawing about bias and prejudice.

Content: 10 points
Presentation: 15 points
Teamwork: 10 points
Total: 35 points

H. (ABSTRACTION) Why is it important to identify author’s bias/prejudice when reading?

Generalizing and abstractions about
the lesson
EVALUATE Differentiate bias from prejudice. Write BI for biased statement and
I. Evaluating Learning PRE for prejudiced statement.

1. Bullying and discriminating a person with disability.

2. Posting negative comments in social media about economic
status of a family.
3. Not serving someone in a restaurant or retail store because of
their skin color.
4. This shampoo is the best for any type of hair.
5. Since Petals Beauty Lotion is good for you, it will be good for your
baby, too.
6. Joining this sweepstakes will make you an instant millionaire!
7. Since Father Santos is a priest, he cannot commit a crime.
8. All Filipinos love movies.
J. Additional activities for Construct five (5) sentences that contain biases/prejudices.
application or remediation

A. No. of learners who earned 75%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remediation work? No.
of learners who caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

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