Protein Engineering

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H. Schaller, Nucleic Acids Res. 9 , 1919 (1981). 54. J. H. Cox, B. Deitzschold, L. G. Schneider, 59. T. J. O'Donnell and A. J.

Olson, Computer
47. K. Strohmaier, R. Franze, K.-H. Adam, J . Gen. Infect. Immun. 16, 743 (1977). Graohics 15. 133 (1981).
Virol. 59, 295 (1982). 55. A. Anilionis, W. H . Wunner, P. J. Curtis, Na- 60. M. ~ o n n o l l unpublished
~, results.
48. S. Alexander, H . Alexander, N. Green, R. A. ture (London) 294, 275 (1981). 61. We acknowledge the efforts of our co-workers
Lerner, personal communication. 56. B. Dietzschold, T. J. Wictor, R. MacFarlan, A. who contributed to designing the experiments
49. G. Miiller, M. Shapira, R. Arnon, Proc. Natl. Varrichio, J . Virol., in press. and collecting the data to which we refer herein,
Acad. Sci. U . S . A . 7 9 , 569 (1982). 57. J. Beale, Nature (London) 298, 14 (1982); A. M. and thank many of our colleagues for sharing
50. A. M. Prince, H. Ikram, T. P. Hopp, ibid., p. Q. King, B. 0 . Underwood, D. McCahon, J. W. their data in advance of publication. We also
579. I. Newman, F. Brown, ibid. 293, 479 (1981). thank A. Olson for producing Fig. 1 and R.
51. J . L. Gerin et al., ibid., in press. 58. L. Chedid, F. Audibert, A. Johnson, Prog. Ogata for comments on the manuscript. Portions
52. D. L. Peterson,N. Natu, F. Gavilanes, J . Biol. Allergy 25, 63 (1978); H. Langbeheim, R. Ar- of this work were supported by grants from the
Chem. 257, 10414 (1982). non, M. Sela, Immunology 35, 573 (1978); F . American Cancer Society (NP-359) and the Na-
53. P. K . Bhatnagar, E. Papas, H. E. Blum, D. R. Audibert, M. Jolivet, L. Chedid, R. Amon, M. tional Institutes of Health (R01 A1 18509). This
Milich, D. Nitecki, M. J. Kareis, G . N . Vyas, Sela, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U . S . A . 7 9 , 5042 is paper No. 2824 of the Research Institute of
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 7 9 , 4400 (1982). (1982). Scripps Clinic.

trol in a predictable fashion would in-

clude the following:
1) Kinetic properties including the
turnover number of the enzyme and the
Michaelis constant, K,, for a particular
Protein Engineering substrate.
2) Thermostability and temperature
Kevin M. Ulmer 3) Stability and activity in nonaque-
ous solvents.
4) Substrate and reaction specificity.
5) Cofactor requirements.
In the last decade, genetic engineering count for more than 90 percent of the 6) pH optimum.
technology has been developed to the total enzyme market ( I ) . Frequently the 7 ) Protease resistance.
point where we can now clone the gene limiting factor in the industrial use of an 8) Allosteric regulation.
for essentially any protein found in na- enzyme has simply been the high cost of 9) Molecular weight and subunit
ture. By precise manipulation of the ap- isolating and purifying adequate amounts structure.
propriate regulatory signals we can then of the protein. Part of the solution to this The solutions to these problems have
produce significant quantities of that problem lies with the ability of genetic included extensive searches for the best
protein in bacteria. Recent advances in engineers to greatly amplify the produc- suited naturally occurring enzyme, mu-
chemical synthesis of DNA now permit
virtually unlimited genetic modification,
and offer the prospect for developing Summary. The prospects for protein engineering, including the roles of x-ray
protein engineering technology to create crystallography, chemical synthesis of DNA, and computer modeling of protein
novel proteins not found in nature. By structure and folding, are discussed. It is now possible to attempt to modify many
starting with the known crystal structure different properties of proteins by combining information on crystal structure and
for a protein we would like to directly protein chemistry with artificial gene synthesis. Such techniques offer the potential for
modify the gene to alter that structure in altering protein structure and function in ways not possible by any other method.
a predictable fashion, targeted to im-
prove some functional property. At each
stage we could verify the structural and tion of specific enzymes in microorga- tation and selection programs to enhance
functional changes that actually oc- nisms, but beyond cost there are often the native enzyme's properties, and
curred and thereby refine and extend our other limitations to the broader use of chemical modification and immobiliza-
predictive capability. Step by step, as we enzymes which stem from the fact that tion to obtain a stable and functional
gain facility with this technique and learn the desired industrial application is far biocatalyst. From such work we know
the detailed rules that relate structure removed from the physiological role nor- that all of these properties can in general
and function, we should be able to create mally played by the enzyme. In particu- be improved. Specific examples of what
proteins with novel properties which lar, industrial applications require gener- has been achieved by these methods and
could not be achieved as effectively by ally robust enzymes with a long half-life how protein engineering can build on this
any other method. under process conditions. Frequently knowledge to yield still further improve-
the desired substrate or product is some- ments are cited below.
what different from the physiological It is not uncommon to observe wide
Rationale one, and often the chemical conditions variations in properties such as turnover
for the reaction are decidedly nonphysio- number, K,, molecular weight, tempera-
Despite the fact that biochemists have logical, ranging to extremes of p H , tem- ture optimum, thermostability, pH opti-
characterized several thousand en- perature, and concentration. If enzymes mum, and pH stability among enzymes
zymes, there are only a handful that are to be more widely used as industrial of the same type isolated from different
could be considered enzymes of com- catalysts, we must develop methods to
merce. Indeed, only a dozen enzymes tailor their properties to the process of Kevin M. Ulmer is director of ex~loratorvre-
have worldwide sales in excess of $10 search at Genex Corporation, Science i n d ~ e c h n o l -
interest. The list of properties of en- ogy Center, 16020 Industrial Drive, Gaithersburg,
million per year, and together they ac- zymes we would like to be able to con- Maryland 20877.
sources. Among the glucose isomerases of enzymes from closely and distantly
(E.C. (2), for example, the turn- related organisms. It is found that there
over numbers range from 63 to 2151 are many variations on the same theme.
glucose molecules converted per enzyme Proteins appear to have only a limited
molecule per minute at 60OC and the K,,, number of basic architectures with many
for glucose can differ by more than an subtle changes superimposed (11). Very
order of magnitude (0.086 to 0.920 mo- similar patterns of chain folding and do-
lar). Molecular weights vary from 52,000 main structure can arise from diflerent
to 191,000 and temperature optima vary amino acid sequences that show little or
between 50" and 90°C. Some glucose no homology. The immunoglobulins are
isomerases are so thermolabile that they a prime example of conservation of
lose all activity after exposure to 60°C structure despite extensive differences in
for 10 minutes, while others are thermo- amino acid sequence (12). The natural
stable enough that they retain 100 per- mechanisms of evolution and gene rear-
cent activity after exposure to 70°C for Fig. 1. Electronic position-sensitive x-ray de- rangement involve recombination of sim-
10 minutes. The pH optima differ by as tector. [Courtesy of Xentronics Company, ilar sequences, deletions, inversions,
much as 3.5 pH units, and some are Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts] and duplications as well as simple point
stable only in the narrow range of pH 7 mutations. From an examination of the
to 9 while others can tolerate the range organization of higher eukaryotic genes
pH 4 to 11. Finding the optimum combi- mutant (6). In certain cases it has been it appears that functional domains of
nation of properties for a particular ap- possible to isolate mutants which have proteins may be coded in exons which
plication is often a difficult task (for altered substrate specificity or which are separated by introns, facilitating a
instance, the enzyme with the highest catalyze a different reaction from the building-block style of protein evolution.
activity might not be the most stable) and wild-type enzyme. A mutant of xanthine This is supported by recent evidence that
usually results in compromise. If, in- dehydrogenase has been isolated, for ex- intron-exon boundaries map at the sur-
stead, we could learn the structural fea- ample, which oxidizes 2-hydroxypurine face of proteins (13). It is thus likely that
tures of each enzyme that confer a spe- at position 6 rather than position 8 (7). many proteins will be forgiving of our
cific desirable property, we could per- Conventional mutagenesis techniques initial attempts to modify their struc-
haps combine these features by protein are generally limited to producing incre- tures. Gradual changes in function and
engineering techniques to create a totally mental changes in a protein. If several conformation should be the rule for mi-
new enzyme that manifests all of the specific amino acid changes distributed nor changes in sequence. However, this
desirable traits. It is difficult to imagine throughout the protein are required for will not always be the case. A single
accomplishing this by conventional ran- an observable improvement in a certain amino acid change (glycine to aspartic
dom mutagenesis techniques, but a di- property, it will be exceedingly difficult acid) in E. coli aspartate transcarbamy-
rected approach to protein modification to detect such an event in the mutant lase, for example, results in loss of activ-
guided by adequate structural informa- population because of the vanishingly ity and alters the binding of catalytic and
tion should be possible. small probability of its occurrence. If, regulatory subunits (14). The crystals of
It should also be possible to learn instead, we have some guiding principles the mutant enzyme are isomorphous
general rules for conferring thermostabil- for obtaining a desired property, we can with those of the native enzyme despite
ity on a protein. By examining the struc- directly make whatever modifications these extensive functional modifications.
tures of thermophilic enzymes and com- are required by gene modification tech- Such sensitivity to modification is likely
paring them with their mesophilic coun- niques. to arise when we are dealing with critical
terparts it has become clear that salt One of the major assumptions underly- residues in the active site, but the num-
bridges and other electrostatic interac- ing the belief that protein engineering ber of such residues should be small and
tions confer thermostability, as do spe- can be successful is that proteins in thus they should be amenable to a more
cific amino acid modifications that stabi- general will be forgiving of attempts at exhaustive analysis of the effects of mod-
lize secondary structures and interac- modification. This view is supported by ifications.
tions between secondary structures (3- the apparent plasticity of proteins. We Other evidence for the likelihood of
5). Subtle changes involving many coop- know from a long history of mutational success with protein engineering comes
erative interactions can impart signifi- studies that many amino acid changes in from studies of chemical modification of
cant thermostability, but the protein en- proteins are silent and have little or no enzymes. Success with semisynthetic
gineer is not necessarily limited to a effect on the functionality of the protein enzymes such as flavopapain (15) en-
subtle approach. The most thermostable (8). Indeed, in many cases it is possible courages a rational approach to enzyme
enzyme may result from a combination to isolate mutant proteins that have ami- modification starting with crystal struc-
of all these modifications, including the no acid insertions, deletions, and substi- ture information. The proteolytic en-
creation of additional disulfide bonds. tutions and still retain normal activity, zyme papain has been modified by spe-
Mutagenesis and selection can often just as tryptic fragments often retain cific covalent attachment of flavenoid
be used effectively to improve a specific some degree of function (9). Many pro- cofactors to the unique cysteine at posi-
property of an enzyme. For example, it tein fusions still exhibit the activity of tion 25 in the active site. From an analy-
is possible to isolate mutant enzymes the two component enzymes, and in fact sis of the enzyme's structure it was pre-
affected in allosteric regulation which are fusions to p-lactamase or p-galacto- dicted that such a modification would
released from feedback inhibition. The sidase have been used as markers for still allow room in the active site for
MTR 2 mutation of Escherichia coli an- studies of gene expression (10). substrate binding and would convert pa-
thranilate synthetase, which is insensi- There are now enough protein struc- pain into a flavin enzyme. The flavopa-
tive to tryptophan inhibition, is such a tures available for a detailed comparison pain performed as expected.
Fig. 2. Application of interactive three-dimensional computer graphics with a molecular model of tuna cytochrome c. (a) Native structure with
positively charged lysine residues indicated by dark shading. (b) Lysine residues have been graphically replaced with negatively charged glutamic
acid residues to simulate a protein engineering experiment that might reverse the surface charge of the protein. [Courtesy of R. J. Feldmann,
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland]

Many schemes for enzyme immobili- include the use of zero gravity aboard by a simple Fourier difference analysis,
zation (16) also point to likely success the space shuttle to eliminate convective as has been done for several tempera-
with certain types of modifications. By effects and improve crystallization and, ture-sensitive mutants of T4 lysozyme
more or less blindly derivatizing the sur- once the native structure has been (4, 5). If the modified protein is not
face of enzymes through the addition of solved, the use of protein engineering isomorphous, molecular replacement
polymers and other ligands (17), it has techniques to modify the protein in order techniques might be used to solve the
been possible to alter the solubility of to simplify subsequent crystallizations or new structure with much less effort than
enzymes, increase their resistance to obtain better isomorphous derivatives. was required for the initial structure de-
proteases and thermal denaturation, and Major advances have been made in the termination. The structural differences
alter the local pH at the active site to collection and analysis of diffraction data that result from each directed modifica-
advantage. All these methods are ex- for proteins. Synchrotron x-ray sources tion could thus be analyzed very rapidly.
tremely crude in comparison with what are now routinely used for protein crys- It is this ability to correlate experimen-
should be possible starting with an accu- tallography in Europe (19), and several tally observed differences in structure
rate crystal structure for the enzyme and facilities will soon be operational in the with differences in functional properties
an artificial gene that can be specifically United States (20). The higher x-ray flux that will be the key to developing predic-
changed at will. from such sources greatly reduces the tive rules for protein engineering.
data collection time, and the fact that the By collecting diffraction data over a
x-ray wavelength is tunable should per- range of temperatures (24) or by using
Protein Structure Determination mit phase calculation from a single iso- short-pulse x-ray sources it should also
morphous derivative by anomalous scat- be possible to learn something about the
X-ray diffraction methods are the only tering techniques. The use of position- dynamic aspects of the protein structure,
techniques at present that can provide sensitive x-ray detectors (Fig. 1 ) in place which are averaged out by traditional
the detailed structural information at the of photographic film for recording the methods. It is also possible to obtain
atomic scale which will be required for diffraction patterns, especially when experimental data on protein dynamics
protein engineering. Although protein combined with high-brilliance sources, by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
crystallography has traditionally been a will further reduce data collection time techniques. Recently, two-dimensional
very laborious process, recent advances and simplify some of the subsequent proton NMR techniques have been de-
offer the prospect of reducing the time processing steps (21). Better algorithms veloped which may also provide detailed
and effort required to solve new protein have facilitated the refinement of protein structural information on proteins in so-
structures to 1 or 2 years. The most models at higher resolution (22), and lution rather than in crystals (25). New
unpredictable aspect of the problem, techniques such as molecular replace- methods permit the assignment of peaks
which is likely to remain the rate-limiting ment (23) can significantly reduce the in high-resolution NMR spectra to spe-
step in the crystallographic process, is effort required to solve related struc- cific protons in the protein. A distance
obtaining diffraction-quality crystals of tures. The latter technique will be partic- matrix can be constructed from such
the protein. Some progress has been ularly useful for structure difference de- data and can then be converted to a set
made in recent years ( I @ , but a more terminations, which will be required to of three-dimensional coordinates for the
systematic approach with simple auto- develop protein engineering. If crystals molecule. So far the method has been
mated equipment could make the search of a modified enzyme are isomorphous successfully applied only to small pep-
for appropriate crystallization conditions with those of the native enzyme, the tides and it is not clear whether it can be
more efficient. Other possibilities might structural differences can be determined extended to average-sized proteins.
Protein Modeling

Model building has also been greatly

simplified through the use of sophisticat-
ed computer graphics. The protein struc-
ture can be fitted to the electron density
map by simultaneously displaying both
with an interactive color graphics pro-
gram (26). Similar molecular graphics
programs eliminate the need for building
physical models by providing real-time,
three-dimensional color representations
that can be manipulated at the turn of a
dial (27). Van der Waals surfaces for the
protein can be displayed and the interac-
tion between several molecules simulat-
ed. Interactive molecular graphics will
be the design board for the protein engi-
neer, especially when teamed with pro-
grams and superfast array processors
(28) capable of calculating, in real time,
the perturbations of a known protein
structure that would result from specific
modifications of the amino acid se- Fig. 3. Automated instrumentation for the synthesis of oligonucleotides.
quence (Fig. 2).
Most of the theoretical work on pro-
tein structure has been concerned with ilies of monoclonal antibodies that differ cloned gene, and then using DNA poly-
attempting to accurately predict the final only slightly in amino acid sequence may merase to replicate the rest of the gene,
three-dimensional conformation of a pro- provide a useful natural system for ex- which remains unmodified. Only one
tein from its amino acid sequence (29). perimental verification of the theory. Ini- modification at a time can be produced
This is a formidable task and, although tial attempts at protein engineering are with this method, but it requires the least
some progress has been made (30) in likely to be conservative in the selection amount of chemically synthesized DNA
calculating the structures of small pro- of modifications to be synthesized, but and will therefore be the method of
teins such as bovine pancreatic trypsin as we gain confidence in predictive mod- choice for most initial attempts at protein
inhibitor by using a combination of con- eling we will want to push the modeling engineering. Indeed, this approach was
formational energy calculations and dis- to its limits in order to further extend this recently used to modify the active site of
tance constraints, the theory is not at the approach. tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase, whose crystal
point where it can make significant con- structure was known (34). The cysteine
tributions to the solution of new struc- at position 35 was converted to serine
tures. Ultimately we hope to be able to Gene Modification with the predicted effect of lowering the
predict structures on the basis of amino K , for adenosine triphosphate. This is a
acid sequences alone, thus eliminating The technical breakthrough that major step toward protein engineering.
the need for experimental methods of makes protein engineering feasible is the The alternative approach is to con-
structure determination. This capability ability to rapidly and inexpensively syn- struct a completely synthetic gene de
will be important for the long-term suc- thesize oligonucleotides of defined se- novo, using chemically synthesized
cess of protein engineering. Such theo- quence. In the past several years the oligomers that are ligated together. This
retical work should benefit directly from chemistry of DNA synthesis has ad- approach requires a chemical DNA syn-
early attempts at protein engineering, vanced to the point where such oligonu- thesis capability beyond that of most
which should provide previously unob- cleotides are no longer curiosities but laboratories at this time, but offers a
tainable experimental data to further re- can be considered standard laboratory number of advantages over the in vitro
fine algorithms or test predictive models. reagents for the genetic engineer. This is mutagenesis techniques. The sequence
For the present, however, it would be largely due to the development of solid for the synthetic gene can be designed in
more useful to develop an accurate per- phase synthetic methods used in auto- a modular fashion which places unique
turbation theory for protein structure mated (Fig. 3) or semiautomated proce- restriction enzyme sites at convenient
which would allow us to calculate the dures (32). There are two general meth- positions within the gene to facilitate
effects of small changes in amino acid ods of gene modification with synthetic subsequent modifications. Since the
sequence accurately enough to eliminate oligonucleotides. gene is constructed by ligation of many
the need to perform experiments for Procedures for oligonucleotide-direct- oligonucleotides, multiple modifications
each step in the protein engineering ed in vitro mutagenesis (33) are used can be created in a single step by incor-
process. The present methodology for most appropriately for making small in- porating the appropriately modified
protein structure refinement and for cal- sertions, deletions, and substitutions of oligomers into the ligation mixture. This
culation of the structures of proteins that nucleotides at single specific sites in is likely to be the gene modification
are homologous to other proteins of cloned genes. The method is based on method of choice when extensive
known structure would provide a useful hybridizing a small oligonucleotide prim- changes in the amino acid sequence of
starting point for the development of er containing the desired nucleotide the protein are required during protein
such a perturbation theory (31), and fam- modifications to the appropriate site in a engineering. The genes for several small
11 FEBRUARY 1983
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C. S. Craik, S. Sprang, R. Fletterick, W. J.
A major investment of effort and re- bon is lost in this process, and there is Rutter, Nature (London) 299, 180 (1982).
sources in protein engineering will be thus considerable interest in possible R. Kim, T. Young, H. K. Schachman, S. Kim,
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needed before any commercially signifi- methods for eliminating or reducing this J. T. Slama, S. R. Oruganti, E. T. Kaiser, J .
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cant alterations to a protein are activity of the enzyme (43). The en- Y. Nakagawa, E. T. Kaiser, Biochem. Biophys.
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are starting to appear (34) and should (44) and the gene has been cloned and Adv. Chem. Ser. 191, 35 (1980).
lead to the development of a set of sequenced. Protein engineering might K. Mosbach, Ed., Methods in Enzymology (Ac-
ademic Press, New York, 1976), vol. 44.
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A. McPherson, The Preparation andAnalysis of
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DESY at European Mblecular Biology Labora-
tify the costs of a major undertaking in (45) and the restriction endonuclease tories, Hamburg, West Germany; LURE at the
protein engineering, the target protein Eco RI (46) are receiving a great deal of University of Paris-Sud, Orsay, France;
DARESBURY at Daresbury, United Kingdom.
should have at least some commercial attention from crystallographers and of- CHESS (Cornell High Energy Synchrotron
potential. At present, however, we are fer a number of interesting possibilities Source), Cornell University; SSRL (Stanford
Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory), Stanford
limited in our selection of proteins by the for protein engineering. It might be pos- University; NSLS (National Synchrotron Light
availability of adequate structural infor- sible to alter the recognition specificity Source), Brookhaven National Laboratory.
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Perez-Mendez, Nucl. Instrum. Methods 172,
promising. fashion and thus create whole new fam- 393 (1980); U. W. Arndt and D. J. Gilmore, J .
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A 34, 334 (1978); R. Hamlin, C. Cork, A. How-
available ( 3 n . With recent advances in ard, C. Nielsen, W. Vernon, D. Matthews, Ng.
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cause increasing concern about the sus-

ceptibility of crops to major disease out-
breaks and imply that important genetic
traits may be lost as world germplasm is
reduced ( I ) . With problems such as these
it is not surprising that the advent of
Prospects in Plant recombinant D N A technology is gener-
ating excitement. A whole range of very
Genetic Engineering specific plant genetic modifications can
now be considered, with the use of meth-
ods that may someday generate a genetic
Kenneth A. Barton and Winston J. Brill diversity not naturally present in culti-
vated plants.
The molecular genetics of prokaryotic
organisms is extremely complex and in
Agriculture is both the oldest and the gy, and a successful integration of new many respects poorly understood. The
largest of the world's industries. Over a technology with the results of intensive flow of stored genetic information in
period of thousands of years, a broad plant breeding programs. However, nucleic acids to the appearance of func-
spectrum of interacting natural and artifi- methods of crop improvement in the past tional gene products elsewhere in the cell
cia1 selective pressures has influenced few decades have initiated a series of requires completion of an intricate se-
the evolution of crop plants toward those new problems that are now becoming quence of events, with many points
now found under cultivation. Through- recognized. where positive or negative control over
expression can be exerted. Genetic regu-
lation present in simple eukaryotes, such
Summary. The functional expression of a novel gene in a genetically engineered as yeast, can b e more complex, with the
plant has not yet been reported. One major barrier in movement toward this goal is added potential for various interactions
our limited understanding of the molecular bases of gene expression. Attempts to between organelles, and with an increas-
establish genetic engineering as a practical facet of plant breeding are also ing number of both nuclear and cytoplas-
complicated by the fact that genes for most important plant characteristics have not mic genes. Higher eukaryotes, among
yet been identified. However, the benefits to be gained from all aspects of plant them crop plants, provide the still great-
improvement are stimulating research into both the development of plant transforma- e r problems of cellular differentiation;
tion technology and the isolation and characterization of genes responsible for for example, thousands of active and
valuable traits. As scientists develop greater knowledge of plant molecular genetics, interacting genes in a leaf cell may be
we can expect to see practical applications in such diverse areas as improvement of totally quiescent in a root cell of the
plant nutritional quality, decreases in fertilization requirements, and increases in same organism (2). The same natural
resistance to environmental stresses and pathogens. laws that govern the expression of D N A
placed in new genetic environments
through classical plant breeding apply to
out this evolutionary period efforts have Genetically superior plants derived the expression, o r lack of expression, of
been directed toward increasing crop from modern crop improvement pro- DNA placed in plants by recombinant
quality and productivity without under- grams typically require a high level of DNA technology. T o be successful in
standing the contributing molecular fea- crop management. Included in a manage- plant genetic engineering, we must begin
tures. While the supply of available nu- ment regime may be the input of increas- to develop an understanding of the ele-
trients for human consumption world- ingly expensive nitrogen fertilizer as well ments that control gene expression. The
wide has never been in excess, increases as the extensive use of pesticides and significance to gene expression of pre-
in agricultural productivity within the herbicides, all of which can result in cise D N A constructs is now beginning to
past few decades have been dramatic. A toxic residue accumulation in the envi- be understood in bacterial, yeast, and
significant reason for the successes of ronment. In addition, the high degree of
modern agriculture has been an in- inbreeding and the narrowing of the ge- Dr. Barton is a molecular geneticist and Dr. Brill
is director of research at Cetus Madison Corpora-
creased reliance on advanced technolo- netic base of widely cultivated crops tion, Middleton, Wisconsin 53562.
11 FEBRUARY 1983 671

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