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UEX - back/biceps - Week 3-4

Welcome to your 6 week push/pull/legs split workout plan!

Make sure to properly follow the supersets & rest between 15-20 seconds inbetween the exercises. After you are done with a superset, rest approx 50-
70 seconds depending how you feel. For isolated exercise that aren't in any supersets, rest the time that they are prescribed as. Once you are finished
with any isolated exercise or superset group, rest about 60-70 seconds as well.

Don't forget to do a quick warmup and short cardio session before & after your workout to prevent any injury! ( treadmill, exercise bike..etc)

The main goal is that you lift with a moderate intensity/tempo to get the most out of each exercise. Try to push yourself through and dont forget about
proper form!

These routines are generally more fitting for advanced level but you can easily adjust it to your level by simply decreasing the set and of course lifting
with lghter weight. I still recommend not resting too long otherwise your whole routine will go to waste.

Remember to not lift very light weights! It's better to do less reps with a more heavier weight than doing more sets with light weight.


Some plans also have a special ''quadruple'' set which is simmilar to a tri-set but more intense and has 2 exercises that you repeat. Resting times are
simmilar as to regular supersets.

TILL FAIL = Till failiure set

PO = Progressive Overload

If you have any additional questions, do not hesitate to message me on Instagram @jasaoslaj.

Good luck!

*P.S. With progressive overload exercises you increase the weight thats being lifted every new set. The rep range with the lighter weight should be a
bit higher than whats currently prescribed. Once youre on the 3rd and 4th set, you can try and do the prescribed amount( approx 8-9) with above

With the exercises that dont have PO prescribed, make sure your weight throughout the sets is more on the ''heavy'' side! As long as it gets you that
burning sensation and exhausts your muscle group! Dont forget about maintaining proper form and moderate intensity so you dont get injured. The
amount of reps written under each PO is the average amount you should be lifting. You can do 2-3 more reps in the first 2 sets when you're not lifting
AS heavy as you are in the last 2. With the last 2 sets, try and keep the reps as prescribed with moderate intensity for the best pump/effect.

Also try not to rest for too long between the superset groups otherwise you wont get that proper pump & the whole routine wouldnt be as benefitial.


Quick summary
1.) Dont lift too light while focusing on more reps.
2.) Dont lift with small intensity/tempo. Keep it moderate while maintaining proper form
3.) Last rep means the most. The more you push yourself, the better the outcome will be.
4.) Take appropriate rest times. Injury is never good news. Whats prescribed is the ''hardest'' version so dont be discouraged if you need more rest.

UEX - back/biceps - Week 3-4

Regular workout Created by Jasa Oslaj on 5 Jan 2023, last updated on Today.

est. 1h 34m


Barbell Cable Dumbbell EZ bar


Welcome to your 6 week push/pull/legs split workout plan!

Make sure to properly follow the supersets & rest between 15-20 seconds inbetween the exercises. After you are done
with a superset, rest approx 50-70 seconds depending how you feel. For isolated exercise that aren't in any supersets,
rest the time that they are prescribed as. Once you are finished with any isolated exercise or superset group, rest
about 60-70 seconds as well.

Don't forget to do a quick warmup and short cardio session before & after your workout to prevent any injury! (
treadmill, exercise bike..etc)

The main goal is that you lift with a moderate intensity/tempo to get the most out of each exercise. Try to push yourself
through and dont forget about proper form!

These routines are generally more fitting for advanced level but you can easily adjust it to your level by simply
decreasing the set and of course lifting with lghter weight. I still recommend not resting too long otherwise your whole
routine will go to waste.

Remember to not lift very light weights! It's better to do less reps with a more heavier weight than doing more sets with
light weight.


Some plans also have a special ''quadruple'' set which is simmilar to a tri-set but more intense and has 2 exercises
that you repeat. Resting times are simmilar as to regular supersets.

TILL FAIL = Till failiure set

PO = Progressive Overload

If you have any additional questions, do not hesitate to message me on Instagram @jasaoslaj.

Good luck!

*P.S. With progressive overload exercises you increase the weight thats being lifted every new set. The rep range with
the lighter weight should be a bit higher than whats currently prescribed. Once youre on the 3rd and 4th set, you can
try and do the prescribed amount( approx 8-9) with above average intensity. MAKE SURE THE STARTING WEIGHT

With the exercises that dont have PO prescribed, make sure your weight throughout the sets is more on the ''heavy''
side! As long as it gets you that burning sensation and exhausts your muscle group! Dont forget about maintaining
proper form and moderate intensity so you dont get injured. The amount of reps written under each PO is the average
amount you should be lifting. You can do 2-3 more reps in the first 2 sets when you're not lifting AS heavy as you are
in the last 2. With the last 2 sets, try and keep the reps as prescribed with moderate intensity for the best pump/effect.

Also try not to rest for too long between the superset groups otherwise you wont get that proper pump & the whole
routine wouldnt be as benefitial.


Quick summary
1.) Dont lift too light while focusing on more reps.
2.) Dont lift with small intensity/tempo. Keep it moderate while maintaining proper form
3.) Last rep means the most. The more you push yourself, the better the outcome will be.
4.) Take appropriate rest times. Injury is never good news. Whats prescribed is the ''hardest'' version so dont be
discouraged if you need more rest.

Superset of 4 sets

Cable Seated Close Row 11-12, last set till fail.

Rest for 20 sec

Dumbbell Single Arm Bent Ov… 8-9 PO, last set till fail.

Rest for 20 sec

Repeat new set

Rest for 55 sec

Superset of 5 sets

Cable Seated Row 8-9 PO ast set till fail.

Rest for 20 sec

Barbell Bent Over Row 11-12 last set till fail.

Rest for 20 sec

Cable Seated Row 8-9 PO last set till fail.

Rest for 20 sec

Repeat new set

Rest for 55 sec

Lat Machine Closed Grip Row 4 sets x 11-12, last set till fail. Rest 35 sec between sets

Rest for 55 sec

Barbell Deadlift 4 sets x 8-9 PO, last set till fail. Rest 35 sec between sets

Rest for 55 sec

Superset of 5 sets

Barbell Bicep Curl 11-12, last set till fail.

Rest for 20 sec

Cable Bicep Curl 8-9 PO, last set till fail.

Rest for 20 sec

Repeat new set

Rest for 55 sec

Superset of 4 sets

Dumbbell Incline Bicep Curl 11-12 last set till fail.

Rest for 20 sec

Zottman Curl 8-9 PO, last set till fail.

Rest for 20 sec

Dumbbell Hammer Bicep Curl 9-10 , last set till fail.

Rest for 20 sec

Repeat new set

Rest for 55 sec

EZ Bar Preacher Curl 4 sets x 11-12, last set till fail. Rest 35 sec between sets

Rest for 55 sec

Dumbbell Isometric Bicep Curl 4 sets x 8-9 PO each arm, last set till… Rest 35 sec between sets

Rest for 50 sec

Dumbbell Single Arm Bent Ov… 1 set x EACH ARM TILL FAIL.

Rest for 20 sec

Dumbbell Alternating Bicep Curl 1 set x TILL FAIL.

Cable Seated Close Row

1.Sit on a bench holding the handle with both arms straight out in front. This will be your starting point.

2.Pull the handles at the same time into your chest.

3. Return to starting position.

4. Repeat.

Dumbbell Single Arm Bent Over Row

1) Place one knee on a bench, one hand in a push-up position. Body parallel to the floor with back straight, one hand holding the dumbbell onto
your side.

2) Pull the dumbbell up to the side of your chest, keeping arm close to the body.

3) Lower the dumbbell returning to starting position.

4) Complete all reps on one side before switching to the other side.

Cable Seated Row

1) Sit at a seated cable row station with feet against the pads and knees slightly bent.

2) Lean forward and grasp the pulley handly with both hands and arms fully extended.

3) With your back straight, pull the handles towards your stomach, pause, and return to the starting position.

Barbell Bent Over Row

1) Stand in a half deadlift like position -- bent at hips, midline set in neutral (spine in neutral), and grasp a barbell with your hands shoulder-
width apart and arms hanging.

2) Pull the bar towards your body by squeezing your shoulder blades together.

3) Pause at the top, and return to starting position.

Lat Machine Closed Grip Row

1.Lean back and look up while holding the bar using a closed grip, with arms extended straight overhead.

2.Pull the bar down toward your chest. Lean back.

3.Straighten your arms completely, returning the handle to the starting position.
3 St a g te you a s co p ete y, etu g t e a d e to t e sta t g pos t o

4.Remain upright throughout and do not sway back and forth.

Barbell Deadlift
1) Stand and hold a barbell with both hands in an overhand grip.

2) With your back straight and knees locked, bend your body at your waist and lower down to the floor.

3) Then straighten up while still holding the bar at arms length. This is a very difficult exercise and is not meant for beginners.

Barbell Bicep Curl

1) Standing straight up, grip a barbell with an underhand grip, hands shoulder-width apart.

2) Curl the bar up toward your chest in an arc, with your elbows locked and close to your sides.

3) Bring the weight up as high as you can and then lower the weight slowly until your arms are straight.

4) Repeat. Make sure to not swing your back

Cable Bicep Curl

1.Stand facing the low pulley and attach a short bar to the low cable. Grasp the bar with your palms up and stand with your arms straight.

2.Bending on the elbows, curl the bar up towards your shoulders. Pause

3.Lower the bar returning to starting position.


Dumbbell Incline Bicep Curl

1) Sit on an incline bench with arms hanging and dumbbells in both hands, palms facing in.

2) Curl the weight in your right hand up to shoulder level, while turning your wrist so that your palms face upwards at the top.

3) Slowly lower the weight and alternate.

Zottman Curl
1) Stand and hold two dumbbells with arms hanging down on both sides.

2) Curl both dumbbells up towards your shoulders and when you reach the top, rotate your wrists so that your palms face downwards.

3) Lower the weights to the starting position as your palms face downwards.

4) Repeat.

Dumbbell Hammer Bicep Curl

1) Stand up straight with arms hanging and dumbbells in both hands, palms facing in.

2) Curl the weight in your right hand up toward your right shoulder, keeping your palm faced inwards at all times.

3) Pause at the top of the lift and then slowly lower.

4) Alternate.

EZ Bar Preacher Curl

1.For this exercise, you’ll be working your biceps.

2.Ensure that the top of your arms rest flat on the pad.

3.Make sure that your feet are well positioned on the floor and place your upper arms on top of the pad.

4. Use your arms to grab the barbell with a supinated grip (palms facing up) at about shoulder width apart or slightly closer from each other.

5.Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

Dumbbell Isometric Bicep Curl

1) Grab a dumbbell in both hands and curl the left arm so it sits at a 90 degree angle to your body.

2) Hold that position in your left arm and start by curling the weight in your right hand toward your shoulder, pause, and then lower to start

3) Complete the full set curling only your right hand while leaving the left arm still at 90 degrees.

4) Switch arms and repeat

) S tc a s a d epeat

Dumbbell Alternating Bicep Curl

1) Stand up with arms hanging and dumbbells in both hands, palms facing in.

2) Curl dumbbell for one arm, twisting your wrist on the way up and keeping your elbows still.

3) Slowly lower and alternate with the other arm

Tracking Sheet (Print and track your progress here. Don't forget to enter them online.)

Exercise Name Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

reps x reps x reps x reps x
Cable Seated Close Row
kg kg kg kg

reps x reps x reps x reps x

Dumbbell Single Arm Bent Over Row
kg kg kg kg

reps x reps x reps x reps x reps x
Cable Seated Row
kg kg kg kg kg

reps x reps x reps x reps x reps x

Barbell Bent Over Row
kg kg kg kg kg

reps x reps x reps x reps x reps x

Cable Seated Row
kg kg kg kg kg

reps x reps x reps x reps x
Lat Machine Closed Grip Row
kg kg kg kg

reps x reps x reps x reps x
Barbell Deadlift
kg kg kg kg

reps x reps x reps x reps x reps x
Barbell Bicep Curl
kg kg kg kg kg

reps x reps x reps x reps x reps x

Cable Bicep Curl
kg kg kg kg kg

reps x reps x reps x reps x
Dumbbell Incline Bicep Curl
kg kg kg kg

reps x reps x reps x reps x

Zottman Curl
kg kg kg kg

reps x reps x reps x reps x

Dumbbell Hammer Bicep Curl
kg kg kg kg

reps x reps x reps x reps x
EZ Bar Preacher Curl
kg kg kg kg

reps x reps x reps x reps x
Dumbbell Isometric Bicep Curl
kg kg kg kg

reps x
Dumbbell Single Arm Bent Over Row

reps x
Dumbbell Alternating Bicep Curl

Previous Stats

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