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1. Say if the nouns are countable (C), uncountable (U) o both (B).

a. ham e. sugar i. orange m. watermelon

b. tea f. strawberry j. jam n. bread

c. peach g. coffee k. a cup of tea o. milk

d. onion h. meat l. a glass of milk p. butter

2. Fill in the gaps with a, an or some.

1) I’d like ________ sausages and ________ eggs, please.

2) I want ________ cheese and ham sandwich today.
3) Would you like ________ apple or ________ pear?
4) I want ________ chocolate ice cream with my fruit salad.
5) I’d like ________ steak, ________ rice and ________ green salad.
6) Do you want ________ chips with your chicken?
7) Would you like ________ strawberries or ________ grapes?
8) I’d like ________ egg and ________ cereals for breakfast.
9) Can I have ________ water or ________ juice, please?
10)Would you like ________ tea or would you prefer ________ a cup of coffee?
11)Would you like ________ mineral water? And ________ sweets, too?
12)I want ________ jam and ________ butter for my toast, please.
13)Do you want ________ sausages, or would you prefer ________ steak?
14)Can I have ________ biscuits and ________ glass of juice, please?

3. Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1) My tea ________ too sweet. (be)

2) These oranges ________ very nice. (not be)
3) This steak ________ delicious. (be)
4) This cheese ________ really expensive. (cost)
5) These egg sandwiches ________ great. (be)
6) This coffee ________ terrible, but the biscuits ________ great. (taste /be)

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