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Woodruff Church of God e-Edition Newsletter October 4, 2011

Pastors Notes Sunday was a GREAT day! The service Sunday Morning was absolutely powerful. Even though our subject was Who is Satan?, we declared that we were going to fight against him for the sake of our families, our children, our grandchildren, our community and our church. I encouraged you to continue to stand firm against the tactics of the devil and keep yourself filled with the power of the Holy Ghost. This battle is worth fighting! Then Sunday night, we had a time of worship and a business meeting. I know that sounds like a strange mix, but if you were here, you know it was good! We sang praises, talked about the business of the church, then praise God for His blessings!!!! In spite of the recession and downturn of the economy, GOD HAS BEEN GOOD TO THE WOODRUFF CHURCH OF GOD!!!! That means that God has been good to our members. Can you give God some more praise?!?!?!?!?!? We also gave a chronology of events from the time we voted to relocate back in October of 2004 up until the week of the meeting. Many people have joined us along the way and werent part of the beginning of this process. The meeting gave those people an opportunity to know the history of this project. It also gave those of us that have been here awhile, a refresher. Weve come a long way. It certainly has taken us longer than we ever thought, but we are SO CLOSE! Discussions are still taking place with financial institutions, as well as, other sources. We are trusting God for His continued favor and blessings! I ended the meeting with some reading of our church history. In 1932, some people began meeting for prayer. Occasionally a preacher would come by to preach a message. One preacher, Euless Guy, suggested that they unite with the Church of God. August 5, 1933, Woodruff Church of God was organized. I thought it was interesting that they now had a congregation of 7 members, but didnt have a church building. On that day, Woodruff Church of God began to make an impact in the community of Woodruff. From that time until this, the impact of our church has continued to move, much like ripples on the water after a rock has been dropped in. We introduced a new logo for our church. (Youll see it at the top.) We will begin using this new logo to represent what God has done and is doing in the Woodruff Church of God.. From 7 members in a house, to a rented tin store building, to a white church building, to a bricked building, to our present sanctuary complex, GOD HAS BEEN GOOD. Each step has been a new ring in the ripple of our history. Each ripple is an extension of Gods favor and blessing, as well as, added responsibility. Recently, new ripples have been added as weve traveled to mission

fields. In those places we have built new relationships and have left a little of Woodruff behind. God truly has great things in store for us. Our greatest days are ahead, not behind. We thank God for all our history and we will not forget those that have paved the way. But we must press on. We must move forward. WITH GODS HELP, WE WILL!!!!!!! Although we did not extend opportunities to sign up to help us financially with the building protect, please prayerfully consider what the Lord would have you do. In two weeks, we will be taking a Vision Offering on the Sunday Afternoon of FallFest . I truly hope and pray that we have a HUGE offering that day. If we truly have a vision for what God is leading us to, what we give in the vision offering could very well propel us forward. Im so excited about this time in our churchs history. Sunday Morning..We will be participating in Communion during the service. Please take this week to think about what communion represents. Also taking the time to personally examine yourself. None of us are truly worthy, yet we can be in right standing with God. Communion is always a powerful time for believers in the Lord Jesus.

Fallfest News
ITS ALMOST HERE JUST DAYS AWAY FALLFESTOctober 15th11:00AM until 3:30 Pm On our New Property

Donate Water Please

I mentioned last week that we wanted you to help us with FallFest by donating canned soft drinks. Well, I received a call last week from a person that does not attend our church who wanted to have the Coke Wagon come to FallFest and they would purchase all the drinks for us. That means all the soft drinks will be provided to us free of charge. That also means that we can make 100% profit off of every soft drink sold. PRAISE THE LORD!!!!! So instead of bringing soft drinks, could you bring BOTTLED WATER? We have a source to get free water, but we cant sell it. So well be using the free bottled water for our Trunk or Treat! GOD IS SO GOOD!!! If you will help us with this, it will greatly assist us in making the most profit on the Saturday of FallFest.

Yard Sale
A new addition to FallFest this year will be an early morning yard sale. From 7:00 AM until 10:30 AM, there will be 20 spots available for a yard sale. The spots are $20 without us providing a table and $25 if we provide the table. This sale will be up on the new property close to the road. All the money from the sale of the spots will go to the FallFest total for that day. If you have some items to sell, make your plans to participate. You must pay in advance for your spot. Please see Judy Hayes to pay and reserve your spot. I hope you noticed the handmade quilt displayed in the lobby. We are working on a special project of raising $2,000 to keep this quilt as an heirloom. We hope to display it in our new church building. This quilt was made by Sis. Brenda Parker out of neckties from the men of our church. The money will also be used to purchase a case in which the quilt can be preserved as it is displayed. Wont you be part of helping us preserve such a wonderful art piece, as well as, help us raise money for our building fund? See Brad Burnett to donate towards this cause.

The Country Store AT FallFest

The Country Store needs items donated. You can donate canned goods, homemade crafts, Christmas decorations, or homemade baked goods. They will also be selling clothing. Please contact Mertice Whitmore, Sarah Nelson, Judy Crocker or Bobby Brown (4763470) to help pick up items.

Basket Silent Auction

Also, each Sunday School Class and ministry is asked to make a Themed Basket for the silent auction. We did this last year and it was a huge success and we made 100% profit on this. Have members of your group to donate items, put them in a basket and wrap it with cellophane. Please make sure your basket contents dont exceed $50. It is important that you make a detailed list of all the items in the basket. Ideas for baskets are: Carwash Tools Fall/Harvest Christmas Baby Girl/Boy Kitchen Items Bath/Relaxing Items Pets Hobby

AT 4:00 PM, Aaron & Amanda Crabb Concert

Most of you are well acquainted with the Crabb Family, so you know the anointing with which they sing. Aaron & Amanda are anointed singers and are coming to lift up Jesus. There will be a love offering received. (WE HAVE ATTACHED A POSTER AT THE END OF THE E-BULLETIN FOR YOU TO PRINT AND HAND OUT TO YOUR FRIENDS) What a great time this is going to be. Make your plans to be here.invited your friends.bring a lawn chair and lets have CHURCH!!!!!! .

Then on Sunday afternoon at 4:00 PM, we will have another worship experience. We will be singing and worshiping again, but it will just be us. ITS GOING TO BE GREAT!!!!!!!

A VISION OFFERING will be taken up again this year. In the past weve prayer walked the property and then brought a VISION OFFERING that goes to the building fund. Last year, we brought over $6,000. Im still hoping and believing that this year, we will be PRAISE WALKING instead of prayer walking!!!!! Please prayerfully consider what the Lord would have you give for this offering. Im believing God for GREAT THINGS AT THIS FALLFEST!!!!!!!

Pastor and Ministry Appreciation Day October 23

We will be honoring and showing our love and appreciation to our Pastor & Ministers.

We will honor our:

Pastor Youth Ministers Children Ministers Music Ministers Senior Adult Minister Outreach Minister We will have lunch in the CLC after the morning worship service. Please join us and bring lunch just like you would fix for your family. We also would like for you to bring a card or letter expressing your love and appreciation to each of our ministers. Lets come out and let them know how much we really love and appreciate each one of them.

Judy Hayes needs to meet with the following people Sunday, October 9.
Elders Music Board CE Board Youth Board Childrens Board Senior Adult Board Ladies Ministries Board. Meet in the youth room at 5:00 PM. If you have any questions please call Judy at 476-7418 or 706-4575.

Many of us may have some old gold, silver, and coins, just lying around the house. Larry Elrod, who works at Inman Mills, is a numismatic expert on appraising values. If you wish, he is willing to appraise your items. This is another way we could raise money for our Building fund. Please, let the Lord direct you as you look through your items at home. Ask God what direction He would have you take to help this great cause.

Prayer List
Heath Richards, Lucy Polson, James Wesley Owens, Larry Trotter, Tracy Grant, Dan Tate, Dot Rains, Keith Adams, Brenda Crocker, Jerri Peavy, Johnny Waldon, Doris Taylor, Ruby Nell Watson, Tom Goen, Junior Bradley, Rick Lanford, Johnny Cochrell, Will Ball, Larry Elliott, Docia Sloan, Bonita Cherry, Candace Ball, Jackson, Gerald Wilson, Lisa Culbertson, Sherry Smith, Todd Smith, Brianna Smith, Bethany Nabors, TJ Nabors, Paula Beck, Roger Beck, Alex Beck, Elaine Marr, l, Morgan, Olin Morgan, Nicholas Cobb, Linda McAlister, Connie Smith, Jackson Matthews, Hazel Justice, Michael Neely, Larry Frazier, Dianne Roddy, John Knight, Michael Hoyt, Young, Mandy Mitchell, Arley Morgan, Doris Hoyt, Ashton Lancaster Also remember those needing jobs, our Shut Ins and those in Nursing Homes.

October 6 Monthly Band of Brothers meeting at 6:00 PM in the CLC dining room. October 15 Community Mens Breakfast at West End Baptist Church at 8:00 AM. Tim Davis will be the speaker. Jason Hayes will be singing and sharing his testimony. Come out before Fall Fest and join other men from our community for a great breakfast and an inspiring message. November 3 Monthly Band of Brothers meeting at 6:00 PM in the CLC dining room November 5 Iron Sharpens Iron Mens Conference from 8:30 4:55 in Charlotte, NC. The sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the hallway. The cost is $39 for men and $29 for students (ages 13 and up). The cost for lunch at the conference is $8. You must be signed up and have your money in to Jason Hayes by Sunday Oct. 23.

October 6-- the first fundraiser orders are due. Please have orders and money ready to turn in by that date. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We have a good many of the Komen for the Cure pink bracelets left from last year. We would like for our ladies to wear these for the month of October. If you kept yours from last year, please dont take another one. We want as many as can to support this worthy cause. October 23 is Pink Sunday. We will honor those who have survived Breast Cancer. The Toy Closet item to purchase this week is: Play make-up/Teen real make-up We need more items for older girls and boys (ages 10 and 15) please.

Tonight, October 4 -- The F.R.E.E.D. 12-Step Addiction Supports Group will hold their OPEN MEETING. We will be in the Youth Building. Snacks and beverages will be served at 6pm followed by the meeting at 6:30pm. Our guest speaker will be Charlie D, who attends the Abundant Life Church. He will be sharing his "overcoming" experience with us. If you have been addicted or someone close to you is an addict, we invite you to attend this meeting which is open to everyone. Help is available! If you want to know more about this program, please contact John/Jeanne Nemitz at 476-2819.

Mainstream (Middle Age) Ministry Club is going White Water Rafting down the Nantahala River Saturday October 22. The cost is $35 per person. We will need the money and a waiver by Wednesday October 12th. This will be a great way to fellowship and experience what God has made! Please see Paul Lundberg for details.


Happy 1st Birthday to Kelsey Murphy Love: Mom and Dad

Sunda,y, October 9 Childrens worker Meeting at 4:00 PM in the CLC.

October 29 -- Trunk or Treat

We would like your help in filling the CLC parking lot with decorated cars. There will be a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prize for the winning cars. The children will Trick or Treat around to each car, so have lots of good candy to hand out.

If you would like to decorate your car, please see Donna or Garren Burdette to sign up. We also will be having a free hotdog supper for everyone in attendance.

Wednesday, October 5 Monday, October 10

Youth Praise & Worship.5:50PM Youth Connection...600PM Youth Ignition700PM Prayer Meeting.. 7:00 PM

Friday, October 14 Acts Student Ministries will sponsor a Tailgating Party at the
Woodruff High School football game. We will have food and prizes. Tailgating will start at 5:30pm and go up until kickoff. Come by the tent and join us. There is no charge for this event. See ya there!

Volunteers are needed

We need Adult Help with the wonderful youth that attend our church on Wednesday nights. HELP IS NEEDED IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS: 1. Pre-Service help ( Help maintain the group before church from 5:50 until 7:00. Then, if you wish, you can go to the sanctuary for Bible Study.) 2. Service help ( Help from 7:00 until church is over. You can go to choir and then join us.) 3. Our New Avenue of Ministry-- Brown Bag Meals each Wednesday night. (We need help preparing the food, bagging, distributing, and cleaning up.) Please pray about this and let the Lord direct you. Our youth program is growing and we need dedicated leaders in this area.

Ministry Leaders for This Week

Greeters Kathy Arellano & Carolyn Everette SS Greeter - Robert Sloan CLC Greeter - Paul Lundberg Head Ushers - Charles OShields and Bobby Brown Finance Committee -- Ryan Ballard and Sam Garrett Usher Team # 2 Walter Housand, Ryan Ballard, Sam Garrett, John Nemitz, Paul Lundberg, Phillip Pruitt Wednesday Bus Ministry-- Bus: Garren Burdette & Craig Blackwell Van 1: Tabitha & Brian Hellams Van 2: Tim & June Vassey Kiddie Church 2-5 year oldsRamona & Clint Letourneau (Play Practice) Kiddie Church 6-12 year oldsDonna Burdette & Tabitha Hellams (Christmas Play Practice) Kidz Praise & Worship None (Childrens Worker Meeting - 4:00) Kidz Drama Practice 5:00 Nursery-- Wednesday Phyllis Arnold Sunday AM -- Ann Knight and Ashton Garrett Sunday PM --Jessica Murphy Music Wednesday Kathy Arellano Sunday AM Amy Arnold Sunday PM Chris Roberson Praise Team White

Dont forget the poster at the bottom.

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