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Computers and Structures xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

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Large deformation analysis of functionally graded visco-hyperelastic

João Paulo Pascon
Materials Engineering Department, Lorena School of Engineering, University of São Paulo, Pólo-Urbo Industrial, Gleba AI-6, s/n°, 12602-810 Lorena, SP, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this paper, a numerical formulation for the analysis of viscoelastic functionally graded materials under
Received 1 March 2018 finite strains is presented. The general constitutive modeling is described within the context of
Accepted 1 June 2018 Lagrangian and isotropic visco-hyperelasticity. The specific models selected are the compressible neo-
Available online xxxx
Hookean hyperelastic law, the Zener rheological model and the isochoric evolution law described in
terms of the rate of the viscous right Cauchy-Green stretch tensor. The material coefficients may vary
Keywords: smooth and continuously along one direction according to the power law. The viscous update is per-
Large deformation analysis
formed via the exponential rule. The main novelty of this paper is the use of gradually variable viscoelas-
Functionally graded materials
tic coefficients in the finite strain regime.
3D finite elements Four numerical examples involving functionally graded materials and finite viscoelastic strains are
originally analyzed to assess the formulation proposed: a bar under uniaxial extension, a block under
simple shear, the Cook’s membrane and an elastomeric bridge bearing. Isoparametric solid tetrahedral
finite elements of linear, quadratic and cubic orders are employed. The influence of the material vis-
coelastic parameters on the mechanical behavior is analyzed in detail. Results confirm that mesh refine-
ment provides more accuracy and the present model can reproduce large levels of viscoelastic strains in
functionally graded materials.
Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction work of [1], a new plate theory is developed considering the vis-
coelasticity of polymer foams. It is stated that, since the mechani-
Viscoelastic functionally graded materials (VFGMs) have been cal properties vary over the thickness direction, the foam can be
widely used in engineering and industry. In these advanced com- approximately modeled as a FGM. As pointed out by [2], due to
posites, the mechanical behavior is time-dependent and the mate- their impact loading resistance and low weight, polymeric foams
rial properties vary gradually (smooth and continuously) over the are employed in automotives, spacecraft, submarines and airplane.
volume. This gradual variation avoids the occurrence of material To investigate the dynamic behavior, those authors develop a
mismatch and stress discontinuities, which lead to delamination method for free vibration analysis of cylindrical panels composed
problems in composite laminates, for example. Functionally of VFGM. In [3], a dynamic analysis of multi-span VFGM nanopipes
graded materials (FGMs) have many potential applications in conveying fluid is performed based on nonlocal elasticity theory,
high-temperature environments, e.g. nuclear reactor components, showing that the concept of FGM also has applications in nan-
chambers of internal combustion engines, blade casing in thermal otechnology. Moreover, since the mechanical behavior is signifi-
power plants and spacecraft. Such composites usually exhibit cantly affected by the nature of spatial variation of material
creep and relaxation viscoelastic behavior at high temperatures. properties, FGMs can be tailored for specific task performances.
A representative material having such properties is the polymer Optimization design procedures involving VFGMs can be found,
(or elastomer). for instance, in [4] and [5]. Another fact to be highlighted is that
Although the damping mechanisms vary with temperature, cracks can eventually appear in FGMs under high temperatures.
many elastomers are viscoelastic even at room temperature, for Examples of fracture mechanics models devoted to VFGMs are
instance. There are several works in the context of mechanical/ described in [6] and [7].
structural analysis of VFGMs under isothermal conditions. In the The usual modeling of FGMs involves the definition of a contin-
uous function that describes the gradual variation of the material
coefficients along one or more directions. The most common
E-mail address: functionally graded (FG) models are the power law (p-FGM), the
0045-7949/Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Pascon JP. Large deformation analysis of functionally graded visco-hyperelastic materials. Comput Struct (2018), https://
2 J.P. Pascon / Computers and Structures xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

sigmoidal law (S-FGM) and the exponential law (E-FGM) (see, for work, motivated by the lack of studies, is to perform a finite ele-
instance, the work of [8]). Other FG models can also be adopted, ment analysis of general 3D structural problems involving FG
such as the two- and the five-parameter exponential laws, as well visco-hyperelastic materials under isothermal and quasi-static
as the Weibull exponential function, usually employed for carbon conditions. The development of this original formulation is essen-
nanotube (CNT)-reinforced laminated composites [9–11]. For tial mainly for elastomeric structures under finite strains and com-
model calibration of VFGMs, the reader can be referred to the work plex boundary conditions. Two novelties of the present study can
of [12], in which the generalized Kelvin model of arbitrary order is be cited: the use of the FG concept to describe the gradual variation
used. of visco-hyperelastic coefficients; and the unique finite element
An important limitation of the abovementioned works involv- analysis of general structural problems involving VFGMs under
ing VFGMs is the restriction to small strain regime. It is well known finite strain levels.
that elastomers, for example, are usually highly deformable and This paper is organized as follows. The kinematic formulation is
present nonlinear time-dependent behavior. The modeling of elas- described in Section 2. The constitutive models, the evolution
tomers under finite viscoelastic strains remains a major challenge. equations and the FG law adopted are provided in Section 3. The
The finite elastic response of polymers is often modeled within the numerical solution procedure to deal with the nonlinear expres-
context of hyperelasticity, defining a scalar strain energy function sions involved is given in Section 4. The illustrative numerical
that can reproduce large strain levels and, in general, a nonlinear examples used to validate the present methodology are described
material model (see, for instance, the works of [13] and [14]. The in Section 5. Finally, the main conclusions of the work are high-
inclusion of the viscoelastic behavior can be performed by setting lighted in Section 6.
the time-dependence of the material properties (or the damping
response). Two common frameworks appear in the context of finite 2. Kinematics
viscoelastic strains: Convolution Integral Model (CIM), based on
convolution or hereditary integrals [15–17]; and Internal Variable The present kinematic description is the same as the one
Model (IVM), defined in terms of hidden (or internal) strain history
adopted in [29] and, thus, is briefly described.
variables (see, for example, the works of [18–23]). A comparison of The kinematics is based on the multiplicative split of the defor-
both frameworks is done in [24], which have concluded that it is
mation gradient F, similar to the Kröner-Lee decomposition
very difficult to decide which model is more appropriate for employed in finite elastoplasticity:
specific applications. The present formulation belongs to the
second framework and can be considered as a particular case of @y
F¼ ¼ FeFv ð1Þ
the finite strain models proposed in [18] and [19], in which the @x
thermal effects are considered, or the damage model suggested where the vector fields x and y are the initial and the final
in [25]. The model of this paper is also restricted to isotropic (deformed) configurations, respectively; and the subscripts ()e and
materials. An example of general anisotropic visco-hyperelastic ()v denote, in this order, the elastic and the viscous parts. The mul-
model is found in the phenomenological formulation proposed tiplicative decomposition (1) is also used in [19,20,23,38], for
by [26]. instance. According to [20], the multiplicative decomposition of
The Finite Element Method (FEM) is employed to deal with gen- the deformation gradient is conceptual and is not defined
eral structural problems involving FG visco-hyperelastic materials. experimentally.
The element adopted is the isoparametric tetrahedral solid of any- The use of decomposition (1) leads to the concept of an inter-
order based on positional description, successfully employed, for mediate configuration, described by setting F e ¼ I ) F ¼ F v .
instance, in [27–29]. In these works, it is demonstrated that full According to [24], this configuration can be used only for quasi-
integration scheme together with high order polynomials is very static problems, which is the case of the present study. An alterna-
effective to avoid locking problems even in complex structural tive multiplicative decomposition of the gradient is found in [26],
problems, without using logarithmic strains, corotational rates in which the reversed form is adopted: F ¼ F v F e . As pointed out
and mixed formulations. The present work can be considered as by those authors, the intermediate configuration F ¼ F v defined
an extension of the homogeneous visco-hyperelastic formulation in (1) is a stress-free (or relaxed) configuration only when internal
proposed in [29] to the case in which the material has gradually static equilibrium is reached or when time scales becomes infi-
variable properties. Some alternative numerical formulations have nitely large (t ! 1). However, the difference between such
been recently proposed to solve the same problems analyzed in the decompositions does not influence the present approach, since it
present work. One example is the Consecutive-Interpolation Proce- is not necessary to determine the individual components of the
dure (CIP) addressed in the works of [30–33], in which the nodal gradients Fe and Fv (see Section 3).
average gradients are interpolated in a second step, resulting in The numerical approximation is based on positional description
continuous nodal stresses without smoothing operation and with- and follows the usual FEM procedure, i.e., is based on nodal posi-
out increasing the number of degrees of freedom. Another interest- tions and Lagrange shape functions. Isoparametric solid tetrahedral
ing approach is the Isogeometric Analysis (IGA) used, for example, finite elements of any-order are employed. The degrees of freedom
in the works of [34–36]. In that formulation, the geometry is are the current spatial positions of the nodes, instead of nodal dis-
exactly described using CAD basis functions (e.g. NURBS) and fewer placements. Further details on how to determine the deformation
control points (when compared to traditional FEM), resulting in a gradient (1) based on the nodal positions can be found, for
high-order continuity and a simple mesh refinement. instance, in the works of [27–29,39]. One should note that, in such
According to the author’s bibliographic review, there are few references, no strain enhancement is used and, although the anal-
works in which finite visco-hyperelasticity is employed together ysis is geometrically nonlinear, no special treatment of element
with the concept of FGM. In the study of [37], for example, a for- distortions is carried out.
mulation is proposed to analyze the mechanical behavior of trans- The strain measures adopted in this work are the symmetric
versely isotropic FG rubbers under finite viscoelastic strains. It is right Cauchy-Green stretch tensor and its invariants:
demonstrated that the proposed constitutive model agrees with
uniaxial experimental data of polyurea. However, that work is the- C ¼ F T F ¼ F Tv F Te F e F v ¼ F Tv C e F v ð2Þ
oretical and no finite element analysis is performed for general
mechanical or structural problems. The purpose of the present i1 ¼ trðCÞ ¼ C e : C v ð3Þ

Please cite this article in press as: Pascon JP. Large deformation analysis of functionally graded visco-hyperelastic materials. Comput Struct (2018), https://
J.P. Pascon / Computers and Structures xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 3

i3 ¼ J 2 ¼ detðCÞ ¼ J 2e J2v ¼ ði3 Þe ði3 Þv ð4Þ the shear modulus, which corresponds to the neo-Hookean law ini-
tially proposed by [43] for incompressible elastomers.
where scalar J = det(F) is the Jacobian, which is a measure of volu- The stress tensor S and the internal dissipation inequality can
metric strain (or volume changes) also defined as the local ratio be found by means of the Clausius-Duhem inequality of thermody-
between infinitesimal volume elements in the reference and cur- namics and the Coleman-Noll procedure (see, for example, the
rent configurations (dv =dV 0 ). Because of decomposition (1), the work of [13]):
quantities Je and Jv measures the volumetric changes of the elastic
and viscous parts of deformation, respectively. As one can note, @w
S¼2 ¼ S1 þ Sq ð7Þ
the present formulation is Lagrangian, since the reference is the ini- @C
tial undeformed configuration, and objectivity is assured by the use
of tensor C and its invariants (see [13], for instance). dint ¼ S : C_  w_ P 0 ) dint ¼ ðC e S eq Þ : Dv P 0 ð8Þ
3. Constitutive modeling where S1 is the equilibrium stress tensor at the spring corre-
sponding to w1; Sq is the non-equilibrium stress tensor at the
As in [29], the constitutive modeling adopted is based on the Maxwell element; scalar dint is the internal dissipation; Seq is a
visco-hyperelastic models proposed in [19,20,23,40,41], which fictitious stress tensor; and Dv is the viscous rate of deformation
can reproduce finite levels of elastic and viscous strains. tensor. The stresses S1 and Sq are defined at the reference
configuration. The fictitious stress Seq defined at the intermediate
3.1. Stress configuration can be considered the push-forward operation on
Sq via Fv:
The rheological model of Zener is adopted, i.e., the time-  
dependent response is described by two elements arranged in par- S q ¼ F 1 T 1
v S eq F v ¼ F v 2 e F T ð9Þ
allel (see Fig. 1): an elastic spring with strain energy w1; and a @C e v
Maxwell element containing an elastic spring with strain energy
According to the above expression, when time scale becomes
we and a dashpot with viscosity g. One can say that w1 is the extremely large the effect of viscosity disappears (F v ¼ I) and,
stored strain energy between the reference and the final configura-
thus: S q ¼ S eq . In other words, if the reference configuration were
tions, and we is the stored strain energy between the intermediate
the intermediate configuration, the fictitious tensor S eq would be
configuration (F = Fv) and the final one. Therefore, the expressions
the stress at the Maxwell element [29].
defining the energies w1 and we can be written in terms of the
The following stress-strain relations developed in [29] are nec-
stretch tensors C and Ce, respectively, or in terms of C and the pair
essary in order to determine the stress tensor S in terms of tensors
(C,Cv). The influence of the rheological model adopted on the
C and Cv for models (5) and (6):
mechanical response is much greater in the finite strain regime,
when compared to the small strain case, as pointed out by [20]. @w1
S1 ¼ 2 ¼ K 1 lnðJÞC 1 þ l1 ðI  C 1 Þ ð10Þ
The present model is defined following the compressible and @C
isotropic neo-Hookean hyperelastic law adopted, for example,  
in [42]: S q ¼ F 1 2 e F T ¼ K e lnðJ e ÞC 1 þ le ðC 1
v C
Þ ð11Þ
@C e v
K1 2 l
w1 ¼ ½lnðJÞ þ 1 ði1  3  2lnJÞ ð5Þ
2 2 One can see that it is not necessary to determine the viscous
gradient Fv and the elastic Cauchy-Green stretch tensor Ce, as the
Ke 2 l stress tensor can be completely obtained from tensors C and Cv.
we ¼ ½lnðJ e Þ þ e ðie1  3  2lnJ e Þ ð6Þ
2 2 This fact is convenient for implementation since both tensors C
where K and l are the bulk and shear moduli of each spring. The and Cv are symmetric and, thus, have only six independent compo-
neo-Hookean model is usually employed to reproduce the nonlinear nents (not nine, as in the case of the gradients F and Fv). Moreover,
stress-strain behavior of elastomeric materials under finite levels of the gradients are not objective strain measures. Although the neo-
elastic strains. The expressions (5) and (6) correspond to a model Hookean model is nonlinear and can be used to reproduce finite
version in which the compressibility condition is included. The elastic strains, expressions (10) and (11) are not so complex when
near-incompressibility condition observed in polymers can be compared to other nonlinear hyperelastic models found in the sci-
enforced by choosing a value of bulk modulus much larger than entific literature.

3.2. Evolution equation

In order to obtain the stress tensor S, it remains to deter-

mine tensor Cv. Following the usual procedure, an evolution
equation in terms of viscous strain rate is employed. This
equation describes the variation of the viscous strains over time
and must satisfy inequality (8). The evolution equation adopted
in this work is similar to the formulations proposed in [20]
and [40]:
Dv ¼ dev ðC e S eq Þ ð12Þ
Applying the relation between Dv and the rate of Cv, a Lagran-
gian version of the evolution Eq. (12) can be defined:
Fig. 1. Rheological visco-hyperelastic model adopted. The symmetric second-order C_ v ¼ 2F Tv Dv F v ¼ F Tv dev ðC e S eq ÞF v ð13Þ
tensor S is the second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor. g
Please cite this article in press as: Pascon JP. Large deformation analysis of functionally graded visco-hyperelastic materials. Comput Struct (2018), https://
4 J.P. Pascon / Computers and Structures xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

As tensor Cv is Lagrangian (or defined in terms of the initial con- 4. Numerical algorithm
figuration), there is no need of using a corotational Eulerian strain
rate. As demonstrated in [29], the use of some properties of tensor The numerical solution strategies adopted are described in this
algebra from (13) results in: section.

C_ v ¼ dev ðCS q ÞC v ð14Þ 4.1. Equilibrium
The deviatoric character of the evolution equations adopted First, the static equilibrium is expressed at the current position
leads to an isochoric viscous deformation, i.e.: J v ¼ detF v ¼ 1 or via the nonlinear version of the Principle of Minimum Total Poten-
tial Energy (see [13], among many others):
J 2v ¼ detC v ¼ 1. It means that the volumetric changes correspond
Z Z   
only to the elastic part of the deformation occurred. Evolution @w
dP ¼ ðdwÞdV 0  dðf ext  ydf Þ ¼ dV 0  f ext  dydf ¼ 0 ()
equations with the same type as (14) are similar to the incom- X X0 @ydf
Z 0 
pressible flow rule adopted in finite elastoplasticity. The inclusion @w
f int ¼ dV 0 ¼ f ext
of viscous volumetric changes can be performed by modifying the X0 @ydf
evolution Eqs. (12) or (14). ð16Þ
where the symbol d denotes a virtual variation (similarly to the
3.3. Functionally graded variation Principle of Virtual Work); scalar P is the total potential energy;
dV0 is an infinitesimal volume element of the initial configuration
Following the usual procedure in the modeling of FGMs, an X0; ydf is the vector that contains the degrees of freedom, which
expression describing the gradual variation of some material coef- are the three current positions of the nodes; and the vector fields fint
ficient, called FG law, must be defined. In this study, the material and fext are the internal and external (applied) force vectors, respec-
parameters vary smooth and continuously along one direction tively. Vector fext corresponds to the mechanical point loads on the
according to the power FG law (see, for instance, the work of [8], structure and vector fint must be determined for the final configura-
for further details). If a general coefficient (a) varies along direction tion described by ydf at which equilibrium (16) is achieved. As the
x (which can be x1, x2 or x3) from a2 at x = 0 to a1 at x = xmax, the analysis is geometrically nonlinear, a general expression to deter-
resultant FG power law is: mine explicitly the unknown configuration ydf from the known vec-
 p   p   p tor fext is not available. Therefore, the Newton-Raphson iterative
x x x technique is employed, i.e., for a given trial configuration, the resid-
a ¼ a1 þ a2 1  ¼ a2 þ ða1  a2 Þ ð15Þ
xmax xmax xmax ual force vector and the Hessian matrix are determined until the
equilibrium (16) is sufficiently satisfied within a given tolerance:
where p is the FG power coefficient, employed to define the gradual Z  
variation of parameter a. If the power coefficient p approaches zero, r ¼ f int  f ext ¼ dV 0  f ext ð17Þ
X0 @y df
the material parameter a is approximately constant and equal to a1.
On the other hand, if p approaches infinity, a is equal to a2. Thus, the Z !
@r @f int @2w
cases p ! 0 and p ! 1 are considered the two homogeneous limit- H¼ ¼ ¼ dV 0 ð18Þ
ing cases. The value of the graded parameter a can be determined @ydf @ydf X0 @ydf @ydf
from (15) at any point based on its initial position. Examples of
gradual variation are depicted in Fig. 2. It should be pointed out that Dydf ¼ H 1  r ð19Þ
expression (15) is not restricted to prismatic bodies and can be
One can note that the applied forces considered in the present
applied to more complex geometries, including radial variation in
work are conservative, as their values do not depend on the final
axisymmetric problems, for example.
configuration. The prescribed loads (or prescribed displacements)
Expression (15) can be employed for any of the five material
are divided into a large number of steps in order to improve con-
coefficients of the present model (K1, Ke, l1, le or g). If all these
vergence of the analysis. The integrands above can be replaced by:
coefficients are gradually variable according to (15), the stresses
and the rate of Cv will change along direction x even in the case @w @w @C 1 @C
¼ : ¼ S: ð20Þ
of homogeneous deformation. @ydf @C @ydf 2 @ydf
@2w 1 @ 2 w @C @w @C @C
¼ : þ : :
@ydf @ydf 2 @C@C @ydf @C @ydf @ydf
1 @S @C @C @C
¼ : þS : : ð21Þ
2 @C @ydf @ydf @ydf
The derivatives of tensor C in respect to the vector of degrees of
freedom ydf can be obtained, for example, in [39]. The partial
derivatives @S=@C represent a fourth-order tensor called consistent
tangent operator in terms of tensor C and the expressions to deter-
mine it for the present model can be found in [29]. In expressions
(20) and (21), one can note the separation between the finite ele-
ment approach and the constitutive modeling. The determination
of stretch tensor C, as well as its derivatives with respect to ydf,
is performed based on the kinematical approximation employed.
The determination of the stress tensor S and the consistent tangent
Fig. 2. Gradual variation of a generic material coefficient a according to the power operator, in turn, depends on the material model and on the previ-
FG law (15) for the case in which a1 > a2. ously calculated strain field.

Please cite this article in press as: Pascon JP. Large deformation analysis of functionally graded visco-hyperelastic materials. Comput Struct (2018), https://
J.P. Pascon / Computers and Structures xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 5

The integrals that appear in expressions (17) and (18) are As in the case of the equilibrium, expressions (23) and (24) are
numerically evaluated via Gaussian quadrature formulas, whose nonlinear regarding the components of Cv and, thus, a Newton-
coordinates and weights can be found in the work of [44]. As in Raphson iterative technique is employed to perform the viscous
the works of [27–29], the elements are fully integrated, avoiding update:
the use of reduced or selective reduced integration schemes.
M v ¼ ðC v ÞNþ1  expðDtRv ÞNþ1 ðC v ÞN ð25Þ
4.2. Viscous update  1
@M v
DC v ¼  : Mv ð26Þ
The determination of the consistent tangent operator @S=@C, @C v
which appears in expression (21), involves the calculation of the
where Mv is the residual matrix of the viscous update scheme. It
derivative @C v =@C, as the stress S depends on both stretch tensors
should be remembered that this procedure is done at each Gaussian
C and Cv:
point. As the present finite element is a solid tetrahedron of any-
@S @S @S @C v order, the processing time may become extremely large and, thus,
¼ þ : ð22Þ a high computational effort is required for complex analyzes. How-
@C @C @C v @C
ever, this can be overcome by using parallel processing techniques,
This means that the stretch tensors above depend on each for example. In this case, the accuracy of numerical results is
other. Actually, tensor Cv evolves as the tensor C is changed. Due assured if the number of integration points is sufficiently large.
to the evolution equation adopted, a general formula to determine The algorithm proposed has been implemented in a computer
@C v =@C is not available. This problem can be overcome via a dual- code and the corresponding flowchart is provided in Fig. 3.
step method: elastic predictor followed by a viscous update. In the
first phase, the deformation is assumed to be purely elastic, i.e., the
viscous deformation remains constant. In the second phase, the 5. Numerical examples
viscous tensor Cv is update, which is done in the present study
via the following exponential scheme applied to the evolution Eq. Four structural problems involving FMGs under finite viscoelas-
(14): tic strains have been analyzed in order to assess the performance of
the proposed numerical formulation in predicting their mechanical
ðC v ÞNþ1 ¼ expðDtRv ÞNþ1 ðC v ÞN ð23Þ behavior. The analyzes have been performed via computer simula-
tions in a parallel programming cluster with eight processors. The
2 tolerance adopted for the error regarding the norm of the residual
C_ v ¼ Rv C v ) Rv ¼ dev ðCS q Þ ð24Þ vector (17) is 106. The focus of the present study is the gradual
variation of viscoelastic parameters and, thus, the effect of the FG
where N and N + 1 denote, in this order, the beginning and the end power coefficient on the mechanical behavior is analyzed in detail
of step N; Dt is the time increment adopted; and Rv is the tensor regarding displacements, strains and stresses. Five values for coef-
that defines the ‘‘direction” of the rate of C v . The total strain C is ficient p have been selected for all the numerical examples: p ? 0,
kept constant along the second phase. Alternative common integra- p = 0.25, p = 1.0, p = 2.5, and p ? 1. The first and the last values
tion schemes include backward Euler method, midpoint rule and correspond to the two homogeneous limiting cases, and the other
Runge-Kutta procedures. three values denote the FG intermediate cases. This procedure is

Fig. 3. Flowchart of the developed computer code.

Please cite this article in press as: Pascon JP. Large deformation analysis of functionally graded visco-hyperelastic materials. Comput Struct (2018), https://
6 J.P. Pascon / Computers and Structures xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

usually done in the scientific literature for modeling FGMs (see, for the viscosity, which is 10 times higher. Two situations are analyzed
instance, [8], [45] and [46]). with the same specimen in order to show the capabilities of the
Since the integrals in (17) and (18) are numerically evaluated, present formulation in reproducing the basic time-dependent phe-
the value of the material coefficients must be determined at each nomena in large-strain viscoelasticity: creep under constant force
integration point in the case of a FGM. The number of integration and stress relaxation under constant strain. The time increment
points per element in this case should be larger than the corre- adopted is Dt = 0.1 s (per step). The mesh division employed in
sponding homogeneous case, which increases the processing time. both cases is 4-10-2, whose values denote the number of divisions
Although homogenization techniques and selective/reduced inte- along the x1, x2 and x3-directions, respectively. The reason for this
gration schemes can reduce considerably the processing time, full mesh division is to enrich the discretization along the direction
integration is adopted in this study, as the present numerical ana- with gradual variation (x2) and, at the same time, to avoid very
lyzes are performed with the abovementioned cluster. It has been elongated elements. Only the linear order is used, as the present
demonstrated in the works of [27], [29] and [46] that full integra- example is very simple, which results in 165 nodes and 480 tetra-
tion provides accuracy of numerical results in the context of non- hedral elements. The number of integration points per element is
linear analyzes involving high-order solid tetrahedral finite one if the material is homogeneous and four if the material has
elements. Three polynomial degrees are used in the present study: gradual variation.
linear (four nodes), quadratic (10 nodes) and cubic (20 nodes per The following linearized measures of small strain theory of
element). Solid Mechanics can be determined in uniaxial problems:
Finite element discretizations (or meshes) with different orders pffiffiffiffiffiffi
and amounts of elements can be employed for each structural eeng
1 ¼ k1  1 ¼ C1  1 ð27Þ
problem to analyze the influence of the mesh refinement on the
mechanical behavior. The generation of such discretizations is per- rnom
1 ¼ k 1 S1 ¼ C 1 S1 ð28Þ
formed here from the same base mesh, composed of hexahedra of
linear order. Each hexahedron of the base mesh is divided into a where eeng
1 is the longitudinal engineering (linearized) strain; rnom
1 is
certain number of hexahedra according to the element order and the longitudinal nominal stress; and k1 is the longitudinal stretch.
the number of divisions selected. The resultant hexahedra are The reason of employing these measures is that they have a direct
divided into six tetrahedral elements each. For example, if a base physical meaning, unlike stretch C1 and stress S1.
mesh with four hexahedra has two divisions along the three spatial According to expression (15), increasing the FG power coeffi-
directions, the resultant number of tetrahedral elements is: 4  (2 cient p leads to a higher volumetric ratio of the material defined
 2  2)  6 = 192. All the nodal coordinates of the resultant tetra- at x2 = 0. For the present example, this material is slightly less rigid
hedral mesh are automatically determined from the coordinates of and has a much lower viscosity when compared to the material
the base mesh and the element order selected. defined at x2 = 1.0. The results obtained from the creep analysis
provided in Fig. 5 show that, as the power coefficient p increases,
5.1. Uniaxial stress the instantaneous elastic response is higher and the time spent
to stabilize the response is lower. This fact is expected because,
The first problem is the prismatic specimen showed in Fig. 4. as demonstrated in [29] for the homogeneous case, an increase
The purpose is to analyze the influence of the variable viscoelastic in the viscosity parameter g leads to a lower instantaneous
parameters on the response of a bar under uniaxial stress. The response and a higher stabilization time. The creep curves of
boundary conditions depicted in Fig. 4 are employed to enforce this Fig. 5 are similar to the numerical results obtained, for instance,
stress state along x1. The material parameters adopted at x2 = 0 by [41] for a carbon-black filled chloroprene rubber. The constitu-
have been extracted from the numerical analysis performed by tive law adopted by those authors is the Bergström-Boyce model,
[23] and correspond to a carbon-black filled natural rubber, which which is an extension of the elastic Arruda-Boyce model and has
is a usual elastomer employed, for example, in tires and bushings. the Zener rheological representation with a nonlinear viscous rate
The values of the coefficients at x2 = 1.0 are 10% higher, except for evolution law (see, for example, [47]). The boundary conditions

Fig. 4. Prismatic bar under uniaxial stress state (geometry, mesh, boundary conditions and material parameters).

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Fig. 5. Results for the prismatic bar under creep test: (a) prescribed nominal stress (28); (b) engineering strain (27).

employed in [41] are different from the present example, as one of material with lower viscosity and, as demonstrated in the homoge-
the faces normal to the longitudinal axis is completely clamped neous study of [29], when the viscosity parameter adopted is
and, thus, the stress state near this face is not uniaxial. Considering reduced, both instantaneous elastic response and stabilization
the entire length of the bar, the maximum longitudinal mean strain time decreases. The homogeneous material with the properties
achieved in that work is 70%, and the maximum strain of the pre- defined at x2 = 1.0 is the most rigid material and, thus, has the lar-
sent example varies from 740% to 820%, which represent extremely gest value of instantaneous stress response. The reason for the
large values of deformation. The initial undeformed configuration smaller stabilization time can be seen in the evolution Eq. (19),

is recovered in all cases when time becomes extremely large
in which one can note that, as the viscosity decreases, the rate C
(t ! 1). Moreover, the analysis of the constant-force intervals v
reveals that the differences along the first interval (1 < t < 11 s) becomes larger. In relaxation uniaxial tests, the longitudinal non-
are much higher when compared to the second one (12 < t < 50 equilibrium stress Sq1 vanish as the time evolves (see, for instance,
s). This is probably due to the level of force achieved at each inter- [29]) and the rate at which this happens depends on the rate of
val. The stabilization time becomes higher by increasing the stress stretch tensor Cv. In other words, as the coefficient p increases,
level because, as pointed out by [23], the long molecular chains of the peak stress achieved at t = 1 s and also at t = 12 s becomes
the polymer demands some time to deform and may entangle. smaller. For all cases, however, the applied force stabilizes at t =
The influence of the constitutive law on the distribution of Cv11 11 s, becomes a compressive load after t = 11.9 s and returns to
can be seen in Fig. 6. The tendency mentioned in the last paragraph zero when t ! 1. This stress inversion is probably due to the dis-
is also present. Comparing the five distributions in each graph, an sipative nature of the polymer deformation, as the entangled
increase in the power coefficient leads to an increase in the viscous molecular chains require a compressive stress to recover and pre-
stretch Cv11, as the viscosity becomes smaller. Besides, for the FG serve their initial configuration. One can say that the maximum
cases, the values of Cv11 decrease as the initial coordinate x2 strain level of 800% achieved along the interval 1 < t < 11 s corre-
increases. This is expected because, in such cases, the viscosity sponds to a very high uniaxial deformation. Therefore, the present
parameter becomes higher (see Figs. 2 and 4). model can reproduce both creep and relaxation tests of VFGMs in
The numerical results obtained from the relaxation test shows the large-strain regime.
that, as the power coefficient p increases, the instantaneous elastic It is demonstrated that, even in the present simple example, the
response and the stabilization time decreases (see Fig. 7). As in the effect of the constitutive model on the mechanical behavior of
creep test, an increase in the value of p leads to a higher ratio of the VFGMs at finite strain levels is considerably great. The nature of

Fig. 6. Distributions of the longitudinal viscous stretch along the line segment x1 = x3 = 0 for the creep test: (a) t = 10 s; (b) t = 11 s.

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8 J.P. Pascon / Computers and Structures xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

Fig. 7. Results for the prismatic bar under relaxation test: (a) prescribed engineering strain (27); (b) nominal stress (28).

the spatial variation of material coefficients will clearly affect the suspension system or the rolling resistance of tires. The material
overall and the local behavior in terms of creep, relaxation, instan- coefficients defined at x3 = 1.0 are the same as those reported
taneous elastic response and stabilization time. Because of the by [23]. The parameters at x3 = 0 have the same values, except
highly nonlinear character of the present material model, analyti- for Ke and le, which are eight times larger. The mesh division
cal solutions for both homogeneous and FG cases are practically employed for this case is 2-2-10 (along directions x1, x2 and x3,
impossible to be obtained. Then, the use of numerical methods respectively). As in the first example, only linear order is
during the design of a structure made of VFGMs is imperative even used, resulting in 240 tetrahedra and 99 nodes. The numerical
for simple cases. integration schemes adopted are the same as those of the first
5.2. Simple shear The measures from Solid Mechanics employed in this case are
the amount of shear and the mean nominal shear stress:
The second numerical example is a cubic block under cyclic  
simple shear condition (see Fig. 8). All the displacements along c12 ¼ arctan ð29Þ
the x2-direction are restricted and the normal strain along the x3
are allowed. The objective in the present analysis is to evaluate
F 12
the influence of the graded material parameters (Ke and le) snom
12 ¼ ð30Þ
L 0 b0
on the usual hysteretic behavior of polymers under simple shear.
The prediction of the hysteresis phenomenon is important, for where L0, h0 and b0 are the initial dimensions along x1, x2 and
example, in the analysis of rubber springs used in a vehicle x3-directions, respectively.

Fig. 8. Block under simple shear (geometry, mesh, boundary conditions and material parameters).

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A triangular pulse with increasing amplitude is employed for hysteresis loop. According to Fig. 10d–f, it can be observed that
the prescribed displacement at the upper face. Two values for the the hysteresis is also higher when the shearing limits of the
time increment have been adopted: 0.1 s and 0.01 s. These values cycle becomes larger, as the stabilization time increases with
correspond to a prescribed displacement rate u_ 1 of 0.50 and 5.0, the stress level achieved. The finite levels of shearing achieved
respectively. The comparison of results provided in Figs. 9 and 10 (cmin
12 ¼ 1:25 and c12 ¼ 1:19) indicate that the present formula-

indicates that, as the displacement rate increases, the variation of tion can reproduce the hysteretic behavior of VFGMs under simple
the applied forces and, thus, the hysteresis loop become larger. shear and large-strain regime.
This fact confirms the viscoelastic rate dependent stiffening behav-
ior usually observed in elastomers and reported, for instance, in 5.3. Cook’s membrane
[41] for highly saturated nitrile HNBR50 rubber. Moreover, the
results of Fig. 10 show that the hysteresis loop becomes larger The third problem is the Cook’s membrane, showed in Fig. 11.
when the FG power coefficient p increases, which results in a larger This benchmark example is often used to assess the finite element
ratio of the material with lower values of Ke and le. As pointed out performance in a large deformation problem with combined bend-
by [48], the hysteresis is caused by internal friction, which is ing and shear (see the works of [49–51], among many others).
directly related to damping. When the moduli Ke and le decrease, Although it seems a plane structural problem, the singularity at
the relative effect of the dashpot of the Maxwell element in Fig. 1 the upper left corner leads to a complex 3D behavior around this
increase, leading to a higher internal friction and, thus, a higher point. The Cook’s membrane is usually analyzed under the

Fig. 9. Results for the block under simple shear with Dt = 0.1 s: (a) evolution of the prescribed displacement; graphs stress (30) versus strain (29) for: (b) homogeneous case 1
(p ! 0); (c) FG case p = 0.25; (d) FG case p = 1.0; (e) FG case p = 2.50; (f) homogeneous case 2 (p ! 1).

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10 J.P. Pascon / Computers and Structures xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

Fig. 10. Results for the block under simple shear with Dt = 0.01 s: (a) evolution of the prescribed displacement; graphs stress (30) versus strain (29) for: (b) homogeneous
case 1 (p ! 0); (c) FG case p = 0.25; (d) FG case p = 1.0; (e) FG case p = 2.50; (f) homogeneous case 2 (p ! 1).

assumption of plane strain conditions, in which the planes x3 = 0.0 thus, the near-incompressibility condition is assumed, i.e., the vol-
and x3 = 0.5 do not move along the x3-direction. In this paper, how- umetric changes are supposed to be small. This condition usually
ever, the stress-free conditions at these out-of-plane surfaces are leads to numerical instabilities in the analysis of the Cook’s mem-
employed, following the work of [50], which have adopted the brane. Therefore, the objective in analyzing the present example is
nonlinear Hartmann-Neff hyperelastic model [52] without viscous to verify if the finite element formulation proposed can reproduce
effects. The shear load is uniformly distributed along the right face the correct mechanical behavior in a complex problem. There is no
(x1 = 48.0) and is always vertical (not tangential to the deformed study in which the Cook’s membrane is analyzed within the con-
face). One can note that the refinement of the base mesh is concen- text of visco-hyperelasticity, according to the author’s biblio-
trated around the upper left corner, in which both stress and strain graphic review.
fields are expected to be more complex. The time increment per A convergence analysis regarding the most flexible homoge-
step adopted is Dt = 0.1 s. All five material parameters vary along neous case (K1 = 1000, l1 = 10, Ke = 500, le = 8 and g = 200) has
the thickness direction (0 6 x3 6 0:5). The reason for adopting this been performed in order to assess the influence of the mesh refine-
kind of gradation is that there are many structural components ment on the membrane behavior. The plane displacements of point
composed of thin FG panels and plates in which the material coef- A (48.0, 60.0, 0.0) at the end of phases 1 and 2 converge with mesh
ficients vary across the thickness, such as the thermal barriers refinement, according to Table 1. The influence of the power coef-
employed in space structures and turbine rotors. The adopted val- ficient p on the membrane behavior has been analyzed for the most
ues of the bulk moduli are much higher than the shear moduli and, refined mesh: 3325 nodes and 576 cubic elements. The graph

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Fig. 11. Cook’s membrane: geometry, boundary conditions and material data (the dashed lines correspond to the base mesh).

Table 1
Convergence analysis for the most flexible homogeneous Cook’s membrane.

ORD NN NE NIP u1 (100) u2 (100) u1 (200) u2 (200) PT (s) TNI

1 60 144 1 9.28 14.19 1.63 3.21 11 979
189 576 12.56 15.89 1.99 3.55 41 900
390 1296 14.75 17.02 2.24 3.79 130 900
663 2304 16.48 17.92 2.48 4.04 306 883
1008 3600 17.81 18.60 2.71 4.29 751 828
1425 5184 18.83 19.10 2.90 4.51 3039 800
2 315 144 11 19.95 20.14 3.15 4.91 196 974
1105 576 –22.61 20.83 3.86 5.56 1322 900
2375 1296 –22.96 20.93 3.95 5.65 15,494 800
4125 2304 –23.05 20.98 3.98 5.67 48,085 800
3 910 144 15 –22.97 20.90 3.97 5.66 1014 900
3325 576 –23.09 21.01 3.99 5.68 39,808 800

ORD = element order. NN = number of nodes. NE = number of elements. NIP = number of integration points (per element). u1 (X) and u2 (X) = displacements of point A at the
end of step X.
PT (s) = processing time (in seconds). TNI = total number of iterations.

force-displacement depicted in Fig. 12 shows that the membrane where dev r is the deviatoric part of the Cauchy stress tensor. The
becomes more rigid when the power coefficient increases. As in noticeable concentration of stresses at the upper left corner in all
the first numerical examples, this trend is expected because the five cases may give rise to crack formation or structural instability,
ratio of the most rigid material (defined at x3 = 0.0) becomes larger for example. The comparison of Figs. 13–17 indicates that the
as the coefficient p increases. The maximum displacements pre- equivalent stresses are higher for the homogeneous cases. The trend
sented in Fig. 12 shows that the membrane achieves large defor- between the maximum equivalent stress and the power coefficient
mation levels for all five cases, reinforcing the need of a is not clear. Except for the homogeneous case 1 (p = 0.0), as the
geometrically nonlinear analysis. power coefficient increases the maximum equivalent stress
The results in terms of stresses are provided in Figs. 13–17 con- becomes slightly larger. Comparing the zoom views, the stress
sidering the most refined mesh (3325 nodes and 576 cubic order (31) seems to concentrate at the corner x3 = 0.5 for the homoge-
elements). Due to the singularity point, individual stress compo- neous cases, and a little more at the corner closer to the plane x3
nents may not converge with mesh refinement (see, for instance, = 0 for the FG cases. The tendency in each of the heterogeneous
the work of [50]) and, thus, the present results are given in terms cases is expected because, as the x3-coordinate increases, the mate-
of the equivalent Cauchy stress: rial becomes less rigid.
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi As expected, the upper left corner is a critical point for all five
req ¼ dev r : dev r ð31Þ cases and, thus, the finite element formulation employed must
2 be able to resolve possible singularities. Some finite element

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12 J.P. Pascon / Computers and Structures xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

Fig. 12. Graph force–displacement for the Cook’s membrane.

Fig. 13. Equivalent Cauchy stress field for the homogeneous case 1 of Cook’s Fig. 15. Equivalent Cauchy stress field for the FG case p = 1.0 of Cook’s membrane at
membrane at t = 10 s. t = 10 s.

Fig. 14. Equivalent Cauchy stress field for the FG case p = 0.25 of Cook’s membrane Fig. 16. Equivalent Cauchy stress field for the FG case p = 2.50 of Cook’s membrane
at t = 10 s. at t = 10 s.

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J.P. Pascon / Computers and Structures xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 13

direction (x3) around the upper left corner, which leads to a finite
3D strain field especially in this region. The transverse Cauchy-
Green stretch (C33) is also concentrated at the upper left corner
(see Fig. 18), reaching high levels. This may explain the reason
why some plane strain formulations can present numerical
instabilities even in linear-elastic analyzes. As in the case of
displacements, the values of C33 become smaller by increasing
the power coefficient (the membrane becomes more rigid).
Therefore, the present numerical formulation can reproduce the
large-deformation viscoelastic behavior of a Cook’s membrane
composed of FGM, capturing the singularity and the variation of
stresses and strains across the thickness direction.

5.4. Elastomeric bridge bearing

The last example is the rubber bearing depicted in Fig. 19. The
geometry is extracted from [53], which have analyzed a bridge
bearing composed of four rubber layers reinforced by three rigid
steel plates, including frictional contact between the pad and the
Fig. 17. Equivalent Cauchy stress field for the homogeneous case 2 of Cook’s rigid blocks on top and bottom. The constitutive laws adopted in
membrane at t = 10 s.
that work are the nonlinear hyperelastic Yeoh model [54] for the
rubber and a bilinear elastoplastic model for the steel. In the pre-
formulations fail in analyzing this singularity problem due to the sent study, only one elastomeric layer between two rigid faces is
inability to reproduce the correct membrane flexibility, presenting analyzed. The prescribed displacement at the upper face is applied
severe locking behavior. One can also note, in the perspective along the five phases showed in Fig. 20. One can note that the ver-
views of Figs. 13–17, the displacements along the thickness tical normal strain achieves 10% at the end of phase 1 and is held

Fig. 18. Transverse Cauchy-Green stretch (C33) around the upper left corner of the Cook’s membrane at t = 10 s: (a) homogeneous case 1; (b) FG case p = 0.5; (c) FG case p =
1.0; (d) FG case p = 2.50; (e) homogeneous case 2.

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14 J.P. Pascon / Computers and Structures xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

Fig. 19. Elastomeric bridge bearing: geometry, boundary conditions and material data.

Fig. 20. Phases of the prescribed displacement imposed at the upper face of the elastomeric bearing.

constant along phase 2. The idea is to simulate the effect of the employed is divided into three parts along x1 and x2-directions,
bridge weight on the support that contains the rubber bearing and two parts along x3-direction (see Fig. 19). The material coeffi-
before the passage of the vehicles. The normal strain reached in cients adopted for the upper face (x2 = 11.113 mm) are extracted
[54] along the vertical loading, considering the material data and from [23] and the parameters at the lower face (x2 = 0) are defined
the average vertical stress applied, is approximately 7.2%, which as in the first example (K1, l1, Ke and le increased by 10% and vis-
explains the reason of selecting 10% of compression in the present cosity g 10 times higher). The FG material distribution through the
study. After the end of phase 2, the face is moved simultaneously thickness direction (x2) can be justified by possible temperature
along the x1 and x3 directions, until a maximum horizontal dis- cycling which, according to the study of [55] on asphaltic pave-
placement equal to the rubber thickness and 20% of compression ments, leads to variation in temperature with depth. In this case,
along the vertical direction. Then the face is brought back to the since the viscoelastic response of an elastomer depends on the
same position reached at the beginning of phase 3 and do not move temperature level, the material coefficients will vary across the
along the last phase. The objective of analyzing the bearing with thickness.
these last three phases is to simulate the effect of the traffic load- As in the third example, a convergence analysis of the vertical
ing, which causes both vertical and horizontal displacements at the reaction forces at the top has been carried out for the most flexible
pad. One should highlight that possible rotations of the upper face homogeneous case. As expected, the reaction forces (at time t = 11
are neglected in the present study, considering that they are pre- s) converge with mesh refinement, according to table 2. The values
vented by the rigid faces. In the work of [53], these rotations occur of the forces computed are the sum of all the vertical forces at the
but are negligible even after the horizontal traffic loading. upper face necessary to reproduce the prescribed displacement.
The present numerical example is analyzed considering the The evolution of the vertical normal stress can be seen in
symmetry regarding the plane x3 = 228.6 mm. The base mesh Figs. 21–25 for the most refined mesh. The maximum compressive

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J.P. Pascon / Computers and Structures xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 15

Table 2
Convergence analysis for the elastomeric bridge bearing.


1 64 162 1 0.1202 1.1976 2 273
343 1296 0.1199 1.1181 29 256
1000 4374 0.1198 1.0905 412 245
2197 10,368 0.1197 1.0771 5628 260
2 343 162 11 0.1197 1.0794 25 259
2197 1296 0.1191 1.0570 3949 261
3 1000 162 15 0.1191 1.0557 235 269
6859 1296 0.1173 1.0410 60,136 278

ORD = element order. NN = number of nodes. NE = number of elements. NIP = number of integration points (per element). RF1 and RF2 = reaction forces at t = 11 s. PT (s) =
processing time (in seconds). TNI = total number of iterations.

Fig. 21. Distribution of the normal Cauchy stress r22 for the homogeneous case 1 of the bridge bearing at: (a) t = 1 s; (b) t = 10 s; (c) t = 11 s; (d) t = 20 s.

Fig. 22. Distribution of the normal Cauchy stress r22 for the FG case p = 0.25 of the bridge bearing at: (a) t = 1 s; (b) t = 10 s; (c) t = 11 s; (d) t = 20 s.

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16 J.P. Pascon / Computers and Structures xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

Fig. 23. Distribution of the normal Cauchy stress r22 for the FG case p = 1.0 of the bridge bearing at: (a) t = 1 s; (b) t = 10 s; (c) t = 11 s; (d) t = 20 s.

Fig. 24. Distribution of the normal Cauchy stress r22 for the FG case p = 2.50 of the bridge bearing at: (a) t = 1 s; (b) t = 10 s; (c) t = 11 s; (d) t = 20 s.

stress occurs near the symmetry plane (x3 = 0.2286 m) and deformation together with a compressive strain two times larger
becomes smaller when the power coefficient p increases, as the when compared to the time of 10 s. Moreover, the minimum stress
material becomes more flexible. The stress relaxation phenomenon values are slightly more spread over the edge x1 = 228.6 mm at t =
can be identified in all five cases comparing the stress values of t = 11 s comparing to the other times, showing the influence of the
1 s and t = 10 s, although the differences are relatively small. This shearing on the distribution of the vertical stress r22 on the upper
means that the stresses (and also the strains and displacements) face. Considering the displacement fields, one can see considerable
in the bearing demand some time to stabilize even under a con- levels of displacement along the x1 and x3-directions in Figs. 21–25,
stant loading, which can influence the overall structural behavior showing the barreling of the bearing, also noted in [53].
of the bridge. The distributions at t = 10 s and t = 20 s are approxi- Some distributions of the vertical stress r22 along two line seg-
mately the same, indicating that the bearing recovers the stresses ments are provided in Figs. 26 and 27. Again, the stress values
when time becomes extremely large (t ! 1) considering the same become smaller by increasing the power coefficient p and are
levels of prescribed displacement. One can note the effect of the higher at t = 11 s. The effect of the shearing on the curve stress ver-
traffic loading by comparing the stress distributions at t = 10 s sus coordinate x1 is more remarkable near the edge x1 = 0 (see
and t = 11 s. The maximum vertical normal stress becomes Fig. 26). This effect is different from the numerical results obtained
approximately 2.4 times higher at t = 11 s, in which there is a shear by [53], in which the stress curve only bend slightly to the shearing

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J.P. Pascon / Computers and Structures xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 17

Fig. 25. Distribution of the normal Cauchy stress r22 for the homogeneous case 2 of the bridge bearing at: (a) t = 1 s; (b) t = 10 s; (c) t = 11 s; (d) t = 20 s.

Fig. 26. Vertical stress distribution for the elastomeric bridge bearing along the segment x2 = 11.113 mm and x3 = 228.6 mm at: (a) t = 10 s; (b) t = 11 s.

Fig. 27. Vertical stress distribution for the elastomeric bridge bearing along the segment x1 = 114.3 mm and x3 = 228.6 mm at: (a) t = 10 s; (b) t = 11 s.

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18 J.P. Pascon / Computers and Structures xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

direction, preserving its shape. The difference is probably related to Department of the São Carlos School of Engineering (SET/EESC)
the constitutive models adopted in each study. The graphs in for allowing the remote access to their cluster.
Fig. 27 indicate that the stress becomes higher with the shearing,
but the shape of the curves is preserved. This oscillatory shape
Appendix A. Supplementary material
indicates the complexity of stresses and strains inside the bearing
even with no shearing, which means that the finite element
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
formulation employed should be able to reproduce such fields.
the online version, at
It is worthwhile to mention that homogenization techniques
usually employed for FGMs may not be able to capture unexpected
oscillatory behavior of stresses and strains. Although the
processing time and the computational effort can be reduced References
with the homogenization process, only the global structural
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Please cite this article in press as: Pascon JP. Large deformation analysis of functionally graded visco-hyperelastic materials. Comput Struct (2018), https://

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