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Enrichment activity

Big Verb-Board
 Action Verb



Allowing students capability to draw action verbs that they performed on a day helps them
boost their memory and creativity. Creative thinking with a creative work is such a good example for
them to learn effectively. This activity afterwards would be beneficial for the students as they learn to
enhance their skills through posting the action verbs that they draw throughout the time given. As they
post their outputs on a Verb-board they will try to perform and imitate what action word is shown on
their output.

How does this works

a. In a class, the teacher will label the green board with the word “Verb-Board” and the
students will notify that the specific board if for an output. Students will be given instructions
that, for this activity, they have to show their creative skills through drawing.
b. Students will prepare their art materials and will be given white papers for the output.
c. Students will understand that the propose activity is for them to show their talent and skills
in arts while learning action verbs at the same time.
d. Students will be given 15 to 20 minutes for this Activity
e. As they finish their output, the remaining time could be for the presentation of each student
in front and will try to imitate what they have drawn.

Learning Objective:

 Student will apply their creativity specially in drawing at the same time learning Action Verbs
 The action verbs that had been perform by others will be learn by their classmates.
 Thus, this might help student’s cognitive ability to know the various action verbs that had been
performed by them and their classmates a s well.

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