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- 3 to 5 minutes monologue
- Choose 1 character from noli me tangere or el filibusterismo to act out their thoughts,
feelings, and recommendations regarding to what is happening in the Philippine society
- Any language is okay as long as it’s understandable by the professor.

Maria Clara is a fictional character from Jose Rizal's novel "Noli Me Tangere," set in the 19th
century Philippines. While she represents the virtue and modesty of women during her time, it's
important to note that she is a creation of literature and not a real person. Nonetheless, we can
imagine how a character like Maria Clara might react to some current issues in the Philippines.
Here's a script that portrays her hypothetical reactions:

[Scene: A well-appointed, traditional Filipino house. Maria Clara, dressed in her elegant Maria
Clara gown, is sitting gracefully in a dimly lit room. She's reading a letter.]

Narrator: In a time long past, in the world of "Noli Me Tangere," Maria Clara receives news
about current issues in the Philippines.

Maria Clara: [Furrows her brows, her delicate hand trembling slightly] Oh, what troubling news
has reached my ears? [Pauses to collect her thoughts] My beloved Philippines, you have faced so
much throughout the years.

[Issue 1: Political Corruption]

Maria Clara: [Sighs deeply] Political corruption still plagues our beautiful land. It pains me to
hear that the values we hold dear continue to be eroded. Our leaders should be paragons of
integrity, leading with honor and selflessness.

[Issue 2: Poverty and Inequality]

Maria Clara: [Her eyes glisten with empathy] The plight of the impoverished and the gaping
divide between the rich and the poor persist. It is the duty of those who have been blessed with
abundance to reach out to those in need. Our society should be a place where everyone has the
opportunity to thrive.

[Issue 3: Environmental Concerns]

Maria Clara: [Looks out the window at the horizon] Our natural wonders are under threat. The
land that has given us so much beauty and sustenance cries out for our care and protection. We
must act as stewards of the environment, preserving it for future generations.

[Issue 4: Social Injustice]

Maria Clara: [Closes her eyes briefly] Discrimination and injustice still cast a shadow over our
land. Every Filipino should be treated with respect, regardless of their background or beliefs. It is
in unity and understanding that we find strength.

[Issue 5: Pandemic]

Maria Clara: [Worried expression] A global pandemic has swept the world, including our
beloved Philippines. We must follow the guidance of our healthcare professionals and work
together to keep our communities safe.

[Issue 6: Calls for Change]

Maria Clara: [Nods resolutely] Change is possible. It begins with each one of us. Just as I stood
firm in my principles, we must all find the courage to advocate for a better Philippines, where
justice, compassion, and unity prevail.

[Closing Scene: Maria Clara folds the letter, her resolve firm.]

Maria Clara: My heart aches for the Philippines, but it also swells with hope. Let us continue to
work towards a brighter future, one where our nation's promise is fully realized.

[The scene fades out, leaving Maria Clara's image as a symbol of timeless Filipino values and

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