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Chapter 1

Units, Physical
Quantities, and Vectors
PowerPoint® Lectures for
General Physics for Engineering II
University Physics, Thirteenth Edition
– Hugh D. Young and Roger A. Freedman

Customized by Dr. Ahmad I. Ayesh, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics , Qatar University, 2014
Goals for Chapter 1
– To learn three fundamental quantities of physics and the
units to measure them
– To keep track of significant figures in calculations
– To understand vectors and scalars and how to add vectors
– To determine vector components and how to use them in
– To understand unit vectors and how to use them with
components to describe vectors
– To learn two ways of multiplying vectors

Customized by Dr. Ahmad I. Ayesh, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics , Qatar University, 2014
The nature of physics
• Physics is an experimental science in which
physicists seek patterns that relate the phenomena
of nature.
• The patterns are called physical theories.
• A very well established or widely used theory is
called a physical law or principle.

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Solving problems in physics
– A problem-solving strategy offers techniques for setting
up and solving problems efficiently and accurately.

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Solving problems in physics

Customized by Dr. Ahmad I. Ayesh, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics , Qatar University, 2014
Standards and units
– Length, time, and mass are three fundamental
quantities of physics.
– The International System (SI for Système
International) is the most widely used system of
– In SI units, length is measured in meters, time in
seconds, and mass in kilograms.

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Standards and units

Customized by Dr. Ahmad I. Ayesh, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics , Qatar University, 2014
• Unit
– SI – meter, m
• meter – the distance traveled by light in vacuum
during 1/(299792458) of a second (around 3.33

Customized by Dr. Ahmad I. Ayesh, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics , Qatar University, 2014

– SI – kilogram, kg

•Kilogram - mass of a specific

cylinder kept at the
International Bureau of
Standards in France.

Customized by Dr. Ahmad I. Ayesh, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics , Qatar University, 2014
• Units
– seconds, s

• Second – is the time of oscillation

• of radiation from a cesium atom
(Atomic clock)

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Unit prefixes
• Table 1.1 shows some larger and smaller units for
the fundamental quantities.

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Unit consistency and conversions

Customized by Dr. Ahmad I. Ayesh, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics , Qatar University, 2014
Unit consistency and conversions
Examples 1.1: The world land speed record is 763.0 mi/h, set on
October 15, 1997, by Andy Green in the jet-engine car
Thrust SSC. Express this speed in meters per second.
(1 mi = 1.609 km)

Customized by Dr. Ahmad I. Ayesh, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics , Qatar University, 2014
Unit consistency and conversions
Examples 1.2: The world’s largest cut diamond is the First Star
of Africa (mounted in the British Royal Sceptre and kept in
the Tower of London). Its volume is 1.84 cubic inches. What
is its volume in cubic centimeters? In cubic meters? (1 in. =
2.540 cm)

Customized by Dr. Ahmad I. Ayesh, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics , Qatar University, 2014
Uncertainty and significant figures—Figure 1.7

Customized by Dr. Ahmad I. Ayesh, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics , Qatar University, 2014
Uncertainty and significant figures—Figure 1.7

Customized by Dr. Ahmad I. Ayesh, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics , Qatar University, 2014
Uncertainty and significant figures

Customized by Dr. Ahmad I. Ayesh, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics , Qatar University, 2014
Estimates and orders of magnitude
• Example 1.3: The rest energy E of an object with rest mass
m is given by Einstein’s famous equation E = mc2, where c
is the speed of light in vacuum. Find E for an electron for
which (to three significant figures) m = 9.11x10-31 kg. The
SI unit for E is the joule (J); 1 J=1 kg.m2/s2. c =
2.99792458x108 m/s.

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Uncertainty and significant figures - exercise

Customized by Dr. Ahmad I. Ayesh, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics , Qatar University, 2014
Estimates and orders of magnitude

– An order-of-magnitude estimate of a quantity

gives a rough idea of its magnitude.

Customized by Dr. Ahmad I. Ayesh, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics , Qatar University, 2014
Vectors and scalars

Customized by Dr. Ahmad I. Ayesh, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics , Qatar University, 2014
Drawing vectors—Figure 1.10
• Draw a vector as a line with an arrowhead at its tip.
• The length of the line shows the vector’s magnitude.
• The direction of the line shows the vector’s direction.
• Figure 1.10 shows equal-magnitude vectors having the same
direction and opposite directions.

Customized by Dr. Ahmad I. Ayesh, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics , Qatar University, 2014
Adding two vectors graphically—Figures 1.11–1.12
• Two vectors may be added graphically using either the parallelogram
method or the head-to-tail method.

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Adding more than two vectors graphically—Figure 1.13

• To add several vectors, use the head-to-tail method.

• The vectors can be added in any order.

Customized by Dr. Ahmad I. Ayesh, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics , Qatar University, 2014
Subtracting vectors
• Figure 1.14 shows how to subtract vectors.

Customized by Dr. Ahmad I. Ayesh, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics , Qatar University, 2014
Multiplying a vector by a scalar

• If c is a scalar,

product cA has
magnitude |c|A.

• Figure 1.15 illustrates

multiplication of a
vector by a positive
scalar and a negative

Customized by Dr. Ahmad I. Ayesh, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics , Qatar University, 2014
Addition of two vectors at right angles

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Addition of two vectors at right angles

Customized by Dr. Ahmad I. Ayesh, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics , Qatar University, 2014
Components of a vector—Figure 1.17
• Adding vectors graphically provides limited accuracy. Vector
components provide a general method for adding vectors.
• Any vector can be represented by an x-component Ax and a y-
component Ay.
• Use trigonometry to find the components of a vector: Ax = Acos θ and
Ay = Asin θ, where θ is measured from the +x-axis toward the +y-axis.

Customized by Dr. Ahmad I. Ayesh, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics , Qatar University, 2014
Positive and negative components—Figure 1.18

• The components of a vector can

be positive or negative numbers,
as shown in the figure.

Customized by Dr. Ahmad I. Ayesh, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics , Qatar University, 2014
Calculations using components
• We can use the components of a vector to find its magnitude
and direction:

Customized by Dr. Ahmad I. Ayesh, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics , Qatar University, 2014
Finding components—Figure 1.19
• We can calculate the components of a vector from its magnitude
and direction.

• Example

1.6: Determine the x- and y-components of vectors D
and E. Magnitude of D is 3.00m and α=45.0º. Magnitude of E is
4.50m and β=37.0º .

Customized by Dr. Ahmad I. Ayesh, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics , Qatar University, 2014
Calculations using components
• We can use the components of a
set of vectors to find the components
of their sum:

Customized by Dr. Ahmad I. Ayesh, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics , Qatar University, 2014
Problem-solving Strategy (adding vectors)

Customized by Dr. Ahmad I. Ayesh, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics , Qatar University, 2014
Adding vectors using their components - Example

Customized by Dr. Ahmad I. Ayesh, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics , Qatar University, 2014
Adding vectors using their components
Example 1.8: After an airplane takes off, it travels 10.4 km
west, 8.7 km north, and 2.1 km up. How far is it from the
take-off point?

Customized by Dr. Ahmad I. Ayesh, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics , Qatar University, 2014
Unit vectors
• A unit vector has a magnitude
of 1 with no units.
• The unit vectors:
• î points in the +x-direction,
j points in the +y-direction,
k points in the +z-direction.
• Any vector can be expressed
in terms of its components as

A =Axî+ Ay j + Az 

Customized by Dr. Ahmad I. Ayesh, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics , Qatar University, 2014
Adding vectors:

A = Ax iˆ + Ay ˆj + Az kˆ

B = Bx iˆ + B y ˆj + Bz kˆ

R = ( Ax + Bx )iˆ + ( Ay + B y ) ˆj + ( Az + Bz )kˆ
= Rx iˆ + R y ˆj + Rz kˆ

Customized by Dr. Ahmad I. Ayesh, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics , Qatar University, 2014
Examples 1.9

D = (6.00iˆ + 3.00 ˆj − 1.00kˆ)m and

E = (4.00iˆ − 5.00 ˆj + 8.00kˆ)m

Customized by Dr. Ahmad I. Ayesh, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics , Qatar University, 2014
1.10 Products of Vectors

Customized by Dr. Ahmad I. Ayesh, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics , Qatar University, 2014
The Scalar Product

Customized by Dr. Ahmad I. Ayesh, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics , Qatar University, 2014
The Scalar Product

• The scalar product is positive

The scalar product is negative

The scalar product is zero

Customized by Dr. Ahmad I. Ayesh, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics , Qatar University, 2014
Scalar Product in Terms of Components

iˆ.iˆ = ˆj. ˆj = kˆ.kˆ = 1

iˆ. ˆj = iˆ.kˆ = ˆj.kˆ = 0
 
A.B = ( Ax iˆ + Ay ˆj + Az kˆ).( Bx iˆ + B y ˆj + Bz kˆ)

 
A.B = Ax Bx + Ay B y + Az Bz

Customized by Dr. Ahmad I. Ayesh, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics , Qatar University, 2014
Calculating a scalar product
 
• In terms of components, AB = Ax Bx + Ay By + Az Bz.

• Example 1.10 shows how to calculate a scalar product in two


[Insert figure 1.27 here]

Customized by Dr. Ahmad I. Ayesh, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics , Qatar University, 2014
Finding an angle using the scalar product
• Example 1.11 shows how to use components to find the angle
between two vectors.
Find the angle between the vectors

A = 2.00iˆ + 3.00 ˆj + 1.00kˆ and

B = −4.00iˆ + 2.00 ˆj − 1.00kˆ

Customized by Dr. Ahmad I. Ayesh, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics , Qatar University, 2014
The Vector Product
•The magnitude of the vector
product of two vectors

 
A × B = AB sin φ

Customized by Dr. Ahmad I. Ayesh, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics , Qatar University, 2014
Finding the Direction of a Vector Product

   
A× B = −B × A

Customized by Dr. Ahmad I. Ayesh, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics , Qatar University, 2014
The Cross Product of Unit Vectors

Customized by Dr. Ahmad I. Ayesh, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics , Qatar University, 2014
The Cross Product of Two Vectors
 
A × B = ( Ax iˆ + Ay ˆj + Az kˆ) × ( Bx iˆ + B y ˆj + Bz kˆ)
•Expand the expression
 
A × B = ( Ay Bz − Az B y )iˆ + ( Az Bx − Ax Bz ) ˆj + ( Ax B y − Ay Bx )kˆ
 
A × B = C x iˆ + C y ˆj + C z kˆ

C x = ( Ay Bz − Az B y ), C y = ( Az Bx − Ax Bz ), C z = ( Ax B y − Ay Bx )

iˆ ˆj kˆ
The vector product can be also  
expressed in determinant form A × B = Ax Ay Az
Bx By Bz
Customized by Dr. Ahmad I. Ayesh, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics , Qatar University, 2014
Example 1.12

Customized by Dr. Ahmad I. Ayesh, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics , Qatar University, 2014

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