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Abdulrahim Habib 201307402



Reading expands the mind and enriches the knowledge. There are many types of books such as e-

books and paper books. The topic is worthy of research because reading is something essential in

our lives. This report includes five stages such as survey, survey findings, research questions,

research findings, conclusion and references. It was found that the majority of people like reading.

Furthermore, the results show that more than half of them like to read from library. The report will

discuss two things. First, the importance of reading. Second, which is better: e-book or paper book?

Finding survey - analysis (reading):

I created my survey questions on October, 03 2013 by using Survey Monkey website. I opened the

survey for people to answer it on October 4, 2013 then I closed my survey on October24, 2013. I

sent my survey questions to 97 people and I got 58 responses. Respondents answered all my

questions because they were easy and short. More than half of respondents were male and 41.38%

were female. All of respondents were students and their ages are between 15-19.

It can be seen in Graph (1) that more than half of

respondents like to read and less than a quarter did not

like reading. In addition, almost all of them have a small

library in their homes.

Over 75 percent of those who responded don’t like

reading scientific and cultural books. Less than 15% like

reading cultural books and just 10% like reading

Abdulrahim Habib 201307402

scientific books. The Majority of the respondents read 1-3 books last year. Although greater than

40% of respondents said that they read more than 3 books last year.

According to Graph (2), almost half of respondents got

their books from library. On the other hand, more than

30% of people surveyed read online books. Less than 15%

borrow books from other people. 73.68% respondents said

that they read books for two hours per week just for fun

while only 12.28% respondents read more than 2 hours a

week. Less than 15% don’t read at all.

Research findings:

No one can disagree that reading is very important in our lives because it helps keep our mind active

and growing. The mind is like all muscles which needs exercise and reading is a very active exercise

for our minds. For reading we don’t have to devote special time, we can read wherever we are, like

when we travel by bus or train, in the office when we are free or waiting someone at home ... etc.

We can make self improvement by reading. “Reading widens our horizon of information. We’ll

always have something to talk about. We can discuss various plots in the novels you read. The

possibilities of sharing become endless.” Through reading, we understand the world more and it

makes ourselves more confident. Reading develops the mind and it is a method of discovering new

things and adding value to our knowledge base. Calandra Dixon is a student in George Mason

University says “Reading allows us to readily fill our minds with all types of information. I

personally enjoy reading. Not only does it allow me time for the relaxation of my mind, but it also

gives me the opportunity to expand my knowledge.”

Abdulrahim Habib 201307402

Now, the question which arises itself that, which is the better: reading E-Books or paper book? In

this question people are divided into two sections. One of them believes that E-Book is better. On

the other hand, other people think a paper book is better. Modern technologies have become

something essential in these days. Furthermore, it entered in everything related in our lives even

reading. In my opinion, paper books are better than e-books. E-books can have bad effects on our

eyes if we read them for a long time. While in paper books, we can read them for long time as we

want without affecting our eyes. Printed books have special features where we cannot find

replacement for that. You cannot get the pleasure of reading unless you flip your book by yourself.

“Another factor to bear in mind is that paper books don’t need power to function. They can be read

anywhere with sufficient light, and are perfect travelling companions for exactly this reason.”


In conclusion, the big problem I faced while I was doing my research was finding websites. I spent a

lot of time to finish this step. The purpose of the current research was to determine the importance

of reading and clarify the best way of reading between e-books and paper books. The result of this

research shows that reading is very important because it enriches our knowledge and makes our

mind full of information and very wide. In addition, the best way of reading is by paper books

because it can be read in any situation and wherever we are.

Abdulrahim Habib 201307402





Survey questions:

1. Your gender is?

2. How old are you?

3. Your job is?

4. Do you like reading?

5. Do you have a small library in your home?

6. Are you a fast or slow reader?

7. What kind of books do you like to read?

8. How many books did you read last year?

9. Where did you get your books from?

10. How much time do you read books just for fun per week?

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