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My 11+ experience

The 11+ is a test that you complete to show if you want to go to a

grammar school of your choice in Year 7, however you need to pass it
to go a grammar school. This is how I trained for the 11+, what
happened before the exam, what happened in it and what happened
after it.

Training for the 11+

How I prepared was that I did many work sheets in Maths, English,
Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning, My Mum and Dad also
got me a tutor to help me practice for the 11+. Getting a tutor and
doing lots of work sheets made me more confident and ready for the
exam. In the weekends my Mother and Father also helped me a lot by
teaching me things like BODMAS/BIDMAS and adding and
subtracting fractions. My school (Dartford Primary Academy) also
helped me by teaching and going over things I’ve learnt to improve
my learning.

The 11+ exam day

The day before the 11+, I couldn’t sleep I was nervous and excited at
the same time I tried to calm down and then slept off. I woke up at
5:30, bathed, brushed, then I did my chores and ate my food, changed
and walked to school.

At school, it started off like a normal, ordinary day but at 9:00 the
people who were doing the exam were told to line up outside in the
hall and we were sorted into classes then the teachers told us the
instructions and we started doing Maths and English it took me 38
minutes out of 50 to finish it and I checked over it for 12 mins. After
that, it was breaktime and I played with my friends (Shrayan, Troy,
Thomas and Aston) and talked to them about the test so far. After
break, it was time for Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning.
It took me 40 minutes out of 50 to finish and it took me 10 minutes to
check it. After that we had Lunch and after lunch, we wrote an essay

The essay I chose to write was about someone rescuing two people in
a burning house. At first, the person who saved the people was eating
at home until he heard a person screaming so he looked out of a
window and saw the house across the street was burning down he ran
out and saved the people in the house. Then when we finished it we
were done with the test, I felt so relieved because I thought it would
be more difficult than it was and that it was finished.

After the exam

The day after, I knew that I had passed, that was how confident I was.
It was a very long wait until the results but when they came out, I was
so excited, the day felt like the longest day ever even though we
ended school early. When me parents picked me up my teacher told
me that I had smashed the 11+.

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