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Curriculum Vitae


Name : Bagas Restu

Place and date of birth : Magelang, May 13th, 2002 – 13th of May, 2002
Address : Ngaran 1 Borobudur
Sex : Male
Religion : Islam
Marital status : Single
Phone number : 08xxxx
Email : Bagas@gmail,com
Social Media Account : IG, FB, YT, Tiktok

Education Background
Senior High School : SMA N 1 Kota Mungkid, 2021
Junior High School : SMP Terpadu Ma’Arif, 2018
Elementary School : SD Terpadu Ma’arif, 2015

Organization Background
Students’ Association, Member, 2020
Youth Association, Chief/Head, 2020
Red Cross Organization, Member, 2020
Scout Association,

Working Experience
PT. Telkom, Staff, 2019

Internship Experience
Fariz Comp, Technician, 2019 – An intern

National Birds Competition, 3rd winner, 2022

First language : Javanese
Second language : Indonesian
Foreign language : English, Arabic, France, Spanish, Mandarin

Videographer, Video Editor,
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 11th , 12th , 13th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 31st,

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