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C124 Fuck Them Kids



Weekly goal

20 power stones= 2 chapter release

40 power stones= 4 chapters release

100 power stones= 8 chapter release

200 power stones = 14 chapters release

Start voting now for more chapters guys.

.Trivia of the day #67: Ophis character was based on Apep the Egyptian God of Darkness and despite her
race being a Chaos Pixi, her true form is far from Pixi-like.

“They are a family of Demon Summoners’ father, they are bad news, and from what I have gathered so
far from my investigation, their daughter Felisha Diablo, the bitch whose eye I have taken for her
disrespect towards mother is the daughter of the same person who you refused to marry first in your
high school days, my guess is, that same mother married Lord Felix and due to her childish behavior is
now aiming at our family.”

Victor said with an annoyed tone, which was followed by a frightful look in his eyes, it has become
painfully clear that his foolish actions might have doomed the family, however to his surprise, when he
looked at his father, he was surprised to see that the very man that he admired for a long time, remain
calm and unfazed upon hearing the bad news.

It was as if the mere thought of the Diabo and Lucifer families were not worth recognizing in his view, to
put it into a better perspective, then Victor would say that the way his facial expression looked, was as if
he was clearly saying he was not impressed in the slightest.

This puzzled Victor, he knew his father was a very strong man and someone who was greatly admired by
others, he was one of the extremely rare people who possess a Singularity despite it being weak, but he
found a way to conquer his weakness.

Although it still doesn’t dull the fact that despite magic being more common, it is still way more
powerful as it is the art to manifest miraculous conditions and effects into reality.

Meanwhile, singularity is just a superpower gifted from birth, but regardless of what is stronger power is
still power, and in the end, only those with greater power will rise to the top.

Because of this, it’s way more common to see either a Warlock or Witch, then and again, what makes a
person a magic user, to begin with? Well, it’s simple, if you can feel and absorb mana you are instantly
classified as a Warlock or a Witch.

It was as simple as that, no other context was needed to explain such figurative terms.

But still, he doesn’t want to slander his father’s great name, but even so, despite being a child, he knows
there is no way his father can handle an Exile family who originally stems from a SS- Rank family, as the
Lucifer family is one of ten great nobles families ranked 6th in the hierarchy.

It is said their clan mistress is contracted with a Duke rank Demoness, in laymen’s terms a Noble Demon,
a being one step away from transcending to a Demon Lord, if that is the case then without a doubt, they
are forced to be reckoned with.

But soon as Victor was about to panic even more about the situation, a firm hand touch his head in a
caring manner, which snap him out of his trance, this of course made him look up to see a carefree
expression on his beloved father’s face, as he said.
“Demons are strong indeed, trust me, no one knows that fact better than I do, however, my sword can
easily cut down those inferior demons, stop worrying yourself child, and have some trust in your father.”


Spoke Victor as he said his name in surprise, deep down he felt good inside that for once his father is
cheering him up.

“What is it, boy?”

Ryu Asmodeus said questioning the boy’s surprised manner.

However, Victor just shakes his head, as he regains his composure, and said to himself, seemingly trying
to hit himself with the realistic fact that is reality, and appreciating his father’s concerns at the same

“Hmmm… Nothing father, T-Thank you!”

Ryu Asmodeus said nothing and just nod his head, meanwhile, Victor look up to his noble figure more as
he said to himself.

“I wish I can be as calm as a father one day.”

Victor knew that his father was just saying that to make him feel better, there was no way his father
could take down a demon, even the weakest one is A- class threat, with the strongest being the Demon
Lords classes who are considered Apocoliptic-level threats, then and again he is just thankful that he
doesn’t need to fight or witness a Demon King up front.

To be honest it’s because of the revival of the unnamed Demon King who was reborn in Japan according
to Principal Michael that all Noble families were ordered to be stationed in Eden, for the sole reason
that a “Ω Level: Scenario” was announced not too long ago.
From what he can remember about the announcement, they are calling the Namless Lolita Demon King,
Lord Apophis, the Cosmic serpent who dwells in the chaos and is lord of the Chaos pixies, she represents
the Sorrow and Grief of all conscious life forms.

‘Well so much for Japan, I have always wanted to visit there at least once.’

Victor said to himself but seeing that Apophis turn the place into a horror movie, that dream could never
be realized.

However, upon thinking this to himself, Victor was soon taken out of his thoughts when a gut-wrenching
scream could be heard coming from the distance.


This immediately took the attention of both me and Victor as the scream was so gut-wrenching that it
made Victor shiver upon hearing it.

His brotherly instincts automatically kick in when he heard the sound of the scream belonging to his
older sister, although famous for being a spoiled bitch with zero moral compasses, as her brother he
could not allow any harm to come to his family.

And to Asmodeus’s surprise, when he looked over at Victor, he notice that all the veins in his body
began to glow a purple aura as if his body was somehow absorbing the mana from the atmosphere
directly into his heart, and pumping it throughout his body.

And in a blink of an eye, the young warrior of the noble Lioness family took off with a great speed that
even surprise Asmodeus, although, to him, this still was considered extremely slow seeing that his
thought process is out of his world.

However, it was very impressive for a human nonetheless.

“Victor Lioness ha, hmmm… Now that I think about it Elisha wasn’t a human when I first met her, and
these are her kids, great even more hybrids, Sigh… Anastasia… What do you think is the best course of

Asmodeus asks his new A.I assistant, after all, the Lilith side of her, is in Elisha’s body right now, and the
person who seizes control over the system functions of the Demon King System, was none other than
the true personality of Lilith, that being the Original princess, Anastasia.

And upon hearing Asmodeus’s request she automatically responded as her master order always takes
first priority.

『Calculating the best alternative』

『Calculations complete. Now giving suggestion. The best course of action to reassure that everything
goes smoothly is to annihilate all hybrids in this house』

Anastasia responded with her honest solution, after all, she was a rather straight-to-the-point kind of
person, then and again the original personality was basically a bloodthirsty Artificial intelligence in terms
of behavior, despite her being a living organism.

Although Asmodeus has already concluded that one who has immense intelligence doesn’t need
empathy or even emotions, it can cripple her full capacity as a universe-ending weapon, as for the
Answer, all that matters where results after all.

However, Asmodeus didn’t stay on the topic for long instead he just went ahead to look at Victor’s
status to see how strong he was, and what he found was accurate to what he thought.

[Personal information]

|Name: Victor Lioness | Age: 16| Race: Unknown/Hybrid |

[Victor Lioness Status]

|HP: 9,000/9,000| LVL: 18/100|

|MP: 10,000/10,000| STR: 43|

|SPD: 53| CHM: 32|

|DEF: 31| END: 39| STM: 47|

|INT: 19 | WIS: 29|

|VIT: 500| LUK: 24|

[All skills in total] > Racial > Singularity

|Racial Ability: Mana Empowerment: The ability to increase the quality of mana by 10×|

|Racial Ability: Mana Vessel: The ability to have a body that can be limitlessly empowered by Mana
giving the user Super Strength, Speed, Durability, and Endurance|

|Racial Ability: Absolute immunity to fire: No kind of fire can harm you|

|Racial Ability: Fire Breathe: The ability to breathe powerful breaths of fire, although the user must eat
coal or drink anything flammable|

|Singularity: Enrage: The ability to enter a berserk state that represents your emotions, no form is the
same, as this power is the manifestation of your rage, stats boost is dependent on how much rage the
user feels|
|Race Synopsis: A Namless race, although human in appearance this Namless race is similar to dragons
and Flugels|

“Tsk… just as I thought, the little fucker isn’t human, he is an unknown thing from another world, well
technically speaking he is an otherworldly race, born on earth.”

“Well then I shouldn’t waste any more time, let’s purge this entire family of heretics right here, right
now, Lilith has Elisha’s body under control, so there shouldn’t be anything stopping me from doing so.”

With that said, Asmodeus began to follow Victor with a sinister smile on his face, the mere thought of
ripping the little fucker crafted by heresy, was so exquisite that Asmodeus might as well make his
sadistic tendency lose for once.

At this point and time, Victor was already downstairs.

However, upon reaching downstairs, Victor found out why he heard his sister screaming, and upon
reaching the dining room he stop, as the sight before his eyes, made him freeze in utter shock.

The walls, the ground, the ceiling, and even the entire dining room table were coated in a thick pool of
blood, it was plastered in every direction imaginable, and the thick scent of iron was so potent even the
scent of the very meal prepared was non-existent.

Victor’s eyes open up in pure horror, as the scene was a traumatic one indeed, he couldn’t even move
due to the shock, however, what made this even more of a nightmare was the fact that all butlers, the
weakest being a B- Ranks and the strongest hailing from A-rank lineage of servants.

Was brutally present in a horrendous masterpiece of death and suffering, because their bodies were
stationed in every direction of the room, a vast majority of them were ripped and torn into several
pieces, and their blood was everywhere, while their limbs were scattered all over like a missing puzzle
piece, the intestines of two or maybe even three of the butlers where hanging off the chandelier
hanging down like a Halloween decoration.
Meanwhile, some of them look as if they were stabbed and impaled with their missing limbs, and
horrifically presented for all to see in an inhumane matter.

The most traumatizing thing to witness for Victor however wasn’t even the blood and gore of the
corpses belonging to his servants.

No, instead it was the sight of a figure of a familiar person he knows too well, she was dressed in all
black, and despite the room being flooded and coated with blood, her morbid and majestic figure
remained clean.

Of course, this was none other than his mother who was standing on the mutilated corpse of his siblings,
and in her left hand was the family maid that was struggling for air as she slowly chokes the living
daylight out of her.

Each second passed by and the sound of her neck bone slowly being snapped in two could be heard,
even the sight of Rita trying to desperately claw her way free of her clutches, was traumatizing seeing
that Rita’s nails were broken, and bloody due to all the digging.

And upon entering, Victor notice Rita gazing at him, and with a struggling smile, the maid said with what
little life force she had left, the last words that came out of her most were.

“Raau…uN!... ma-ma…stwer.”

However, before he even had the time to acknowledge that one single command, all that he heard right
after, was the horrid sound of his mother’s slender and tiny hands, crushing Rita’s neck into oblivion
with her monstrous strength, moment after blood began to leak from her mouth and nose as a cracking
and crushing sound went off, as Victor was forced to watch Rita execution right before his eyes.

And he couldn’t do anything because of being petrified by fear and shock at the situation.

Right after, all that could be seen were Rita’s hands that limply lost life, as her grip and struggle for
survival diminished and came crashing down after the snap, and upon looking at her, anyone could tell
that she died with her eyes open, but the traumatizing, fearful, and agonizing look on her face speaks for
Victor looks onward to see the level of destruction, that was caused by the person who raised, fed, and
loved him all of his life, his biggest supporter, and motivation.

His mom, Elisha Lioness, the monster that had casually taken the life of every last person in the Lioness
mansion, in some of the most brutal ways possible at that.

His face remain on Rita, who had tears, snot, blood, and saliva dripping down from her face running
down her cheeks, and what remain of a neck, clearly shaken with fear, then to his sibling who was at this
point ripped and mutilated like a torn paper, and can only be recognized with clothes that where on
their bodies at the time.

And finally, his vision met with the cold, and uncaring eyes of his beloved mother, at this point and time,
he was left speechless, betrayed, and traumatized, he couldn’t even develop the strength to respond to
this chaos with anger.

If anything he lost all strength in his legs, as he limply fall to the ground, staining his white attire in the
blood of his loved ones, trembling in fear and disbelief at the sight before him.

All he could say to the woman before him, with a smile of false hope, was.

“Haaa… W-W-whattttz… No… Nwoahehehe… This~~ is a joke right… MMMOM?!!!”

The woman remains silent, as the boy continues.

“t-t-t-THwis… Isn’t… re…real~~ RiGhTTT?!!!.”

However, even now the woman remained silent, as the boy continue his rambling.


He shouted, as his despair was slowly turning into anger and confusion.
However, the answer he got broke him completely, as an overwhelming amount of sorrow and
emotional damage fill his being.

“Tsk… Annoying human I’m not your fucking mom, nor I ever wish to be, you were created from a weak
sperm cell, and the egg of a living heretic, that alone makes you an abomination to this world, that and
the fact that no child of mine would be, look, or behave as pathetic as you, honestly, your existence is
revolting, please kindly die.”

To Be Continued

Next Time: A Family of Demons

C125 Fake Transcendence



Weekly goal

20 power stones= 2 chapter release

40 power stones= 4 chapters release

100 power stones= 8 chapter release

200 power stones = 14 chapters release

Start voting now for more chapters guys.

.Trivia of the day #68: Evangella is the strongest Demon King despite being the first Demon King

“Tsk… Annoying human I’m not your fucking mom, nor I ever wish to be, you were created from a weak
sperm cell, and the egg of a living heretic, that alone makes you an abomination to this world, that and
the fact that no child of mine would be, look, or behave as pathetic as you, honestly, your existence is
revolting, please kindly die.”


The shock of the statement completely breaks Victor, as he watches and heard his own mother disown
him in one of the cruelest ways possible, to tell him to die because his existence was revolting.

Words couldn’t describe how he felt at this moment, however, at these words, a single answer came
before him, or more like a revelation of this situation.


One thing was for sure, in Victor’s headcanon, this thing couldn’t be his mom right, his mom would
never hurt or betray him like this, his mom was a fierce proud warrior that love all her children equally.

“Heh… hehehe… I see you are not my mom.”

“So… If I destroy you… I-I-I…

However, at this point, Victor’s anger reaches a level that it couldn’t suppress and if fueled by a new
purpose, Victor slowly arises, as imminent anger presents itself in his eyes, as his form slowly began to
distort, into something unrecognizable, something horrendous and vile, that being a monster.
Giant black spikes slowly began to emerge from all over his body as he grew an impressive two meters in
height, his hair began to fall off, and his eyes became a swirling red void.

Volcanic cracks began to emerge from all over his body as well, as his overall power, and body size
began to rise at a drastic rate, One meter, two meters, ten meters, his size, and growth were not
stopping at all.

Currently speaking, Victor has subconsciously deleted his human part of him, utilizing his anomalous
blood, to the utmost limit, making his unique singularity spiral out of control.

Bringing forth the monster sleeping deep inside him, surpassing even the realm of a normal human,
surpassing even the realm of even a dragon at this point, and entering the realm of the unknown.

Because tentacles, wings, giant hands, legs, claws, spider-like appendages, and various amounts of limbs
and heads of animals and beasts that are known and unknown were sprawling out of his swollen body of
muscle and fat at an uncontrollable rate as well.

Every second a new feature of this unknown transformation began to sprout new natural artillery fit for
combat, as if it was being fertilized by something, however before Victor got any bigger, and turn into a
literal kaiju or abomination, and grabbed the attention of everyone in the Academy, a sudden Demonic-
Holy Sword extended at super-fast speed, as it wasted no time to pierce through the beast body.


And unknown to everyone present, a certain someone said.

『Direct contact with the target has been made, now excreating a high dosage of the Vissilana Poison
within the targets body via the use of the Divine Sword Asmodeus』

And upon doing that, the effects of the Vassilana poison began to do its job immediately, because upon
entering the abomination bloodstream, Victor began to melt into an unrecognizable mush, till eventually
all the newly acquired matter of limbs and weaponized body parts dissolve off of his body at a
tremendous rate, returning him back to a partially recognizable state.
However his eyes were dropping out of his sockets, and half of his body was fused to a goo-like
substance that was his body, even his skin, and bones were melting, the same could be said for his
entrails that were fusing with his other organs, the guy looks like a human ice cream for Eldritch

In this state, Victor could not even talk, as his vocal cords, and probably his entire throat and esophagus
has already fused with his melting stomach, and the pain of this form was indescribable, so explaining
with mere words would be impossible, however, if there was a cure for this level of suffering then death
would be the only freedom from this hell.

He could not hear either, as the function of smell, taste, sight, and hearing were crippled, by the deadly
poison of the Divine sword

However, one man was behind him, walking in the air to avoid stepping into this mess he created, he
looked at the boy with disgust and disdain for his mere existence and pull out his sword from his chest,
and said.

“Honestly only a fool would make their enemy fully transform, well either way die, and never
reincarnated .”


Those were the last words that were heard from Asmodeus, as he decapitate Victor with zero care or
hesitation for the kid, it wasn’t long till you could see Victor’s head fly off his body and roll onto the
ground, landing in the toxic goo, putting him out of his misery.


Right after, Asmodeus got a message saying as such.

『A total of 4 Heretics have been killed, and the universe is pleased that a lingering imbalance has finally
been corrected, as a reward you have been rewarded with a ×1 unique genre card』
『Akashina has deposited the Genre Card to Asmodeus Morningstar, please check in your sub-space to
collect your reward, P.S Akashina said watching is more fun』

Upon hearing this weird message Asmodeus’s eyes open in wonder as he transforms his sword back into
a ring, as he said.

‘Ok it’s been a while since I have received a reward from my master, I’m intrigued by this, tell me what is
a genre card.’

Upon hearing this Anastasia, answer Asmodeus’s question based on the intel on her memory database
as she said.

『Congrats Master. This is rather big news, especially since we are far from reaching the realm of the
Gods, although this is a start』

‘More explaining please?’

『Most certainly Master. A Genre Card. Is a deed to your very own universe, well a Godless universe
outside our plane of existence that is』

Anastasia said in a rather emotionless tone, however, Asmodeus had a priceless look on his face as he
said out loud.

“Hahaha… Excuse me for a minute Anastasia I think I miss heard you let me clean my ear out first.”

However, the doubts about the news were all clear up when Lilith herself, steps in, as she walks up to
Asmodeus, and said.

“It’s like what my other self said, husband, a genre card is only something that the Demon Kings are
allowed to have, it is something that allows them to acquire more power over time, each Demon King is
allowed to have up to ten universes at least, however, you have a special power that makes you have
access to an infinite amount, although you have to earn them.”
“And that power makes such a feat possible, is called the book of Fables, in laymen’s terms, it’s a book
that documents everything about you, in its infinite pages, as the book is 10th dimensional in nature.”

“You see within the [Book of Fables] there is no one subject, as it’s one giant super library, it can be
considered a portion of Akashina power manifested into your palms, in short, if you add the genre Card
to the book of Fables, you can manipulate the other universe you received as a reward however you
please, in short, you become God of that universe.”

Said Lilith as she drops a bombshell on Asmodeus, the surprised him so much that he pulled out the red
book, a pointed at it with shock.

“You can’t be serious right, the item synopsis didn’t say this though?”

“I’m not lying to you, husband, although yes you can add characters, which are your servants within The
Book of Fable, seeing everyone Djinn information and life story is within your Book of Fables, even the
destiny of your children can be seen in the book of fables thanks to a certain skill of yours, however, you
have to understand to higher beings the mere concept of the universes are just fictional stories, for
example, what do you think is Akashina POV?”

Lilith asked Asmodeus, to which he replied.

“You said Akashina exists on the outside right?”


“I would say she sees everything.”

“Correct, however, keep in mind that Akashina’s definition of Everything is different from your definition
of everything.”

“I see, so Lilith, what exactly can I use the genre card for?”
Lilith smiled at this, the reason being this was big news, after all, this officially meant Asmodeus was
coming to different worlds to take as his own.

So she smile as she said.

“Well, are you familiar with the term incarnations?”

To Be Continued.

Next Time: So These Are Demon Summoners?

C126 Vessels



Weekly goal

20 power stones= 2 chapter release

40 power stones= 4 chapters release

100 power stones= 8 chapter release

200 power stones = 14 chapters release

Start voting now for more chapters guys.

.Trivia of the day #69: Rize is the only vampire that eats flesh

“So tell me Lilith how do I use these Genre Cards?”

“They’re not that hard to use, if anything all you need to do is tear it, and the information of the
universe that was given to you will appear.”

Lilith commented on Asmodeus’s question as she watches him pull out the Genre card from his Sub-
Space, after all, a genre card was a land mind for Demon Kings seeing they can pull out whatever they
find in that world into reality as long as they have enough souls to trade for it that is.

That was the only downside to Akashina’s power, it was heavily based on the law of equivalent
exchange, from what she has observed so far under the rule of other Demon Kings that is, that was one
of the main things need to activate the Demon King seed in every Demon King candidate, before they
become official Monarchs.

The more you sacrifice the more powerful you can become, although, then and again, that might just be
her default ways of setting things up.

Either way, Lilith had no way of proving that, but even so, she didn’t want to waste any more time
thinking of something so trivial, if anything with Elisha as her new vessel to manifest to the physical
world, she can now make her plans for Asmodeus even more vivid.

Seeing her intentions for him was not of betrayal, if anything it was to benefit him, either way though,
this entire school was Hersey incarnate.

As a result, it would have to burn to the ground.

Although Lilith herself was pleased with this entire scenario as well, there was one factor about the
immortalization process of her beloved that would make this whole task even easier for her.
That was the fact that out of every person that Asmodeus himself has recruited to be a part of his
kingdom, so far, she herself has only approved of two of them, her first son Lilu whose birth had a
greater purposed, and the most interesting of them all in her opinion was the vampire her lord has
taken an interest in.

Yes, the EternalBlood was someone who Lilith was very interested in, she herself had been keeping a
keen eye on her, for the very fact that out of all the anomalies she has met over her long life, Rize was
by far the most anomalous person she has encountered.

Why you might be asking, well to put it more simply, Rize for some weird reason possess a lesser version
of her unique original power, although it was way weaker.

In her days as Yurlungur princess of the “Answer,” she herself had the power of “Absolute Adaption”,
which was the power to Adapt to anything flawlessly, however, that power was brutally countered with
another absolute power whose effects were far greater than hers.

However Lilith didn’t dwell on the past for too long instead, she places her focus on Asmodeus and
asked as such.

“My liege I think it’s time for us to get to work.”

“I guess so.”

Right after Asmodeus took the weird-looking white card with a moon and sun spiraling around a
pentagon, the design was rather simple, but it had a rather Demonic Aura to it.

Asmodeus smiled at the mere sight of the card as if he picked up a rather amazing specimen, but he
knew he had bigger things to do while in this place, so he places back the Genre card within his
subspace, as he glares at Lilith and said as such.


“Yes, husband.”
“Husband haa, well I don’t mind it, either way, though I have questioned a rather serious question.”

“And what might that be?”

“Earlier Victor told me something rather interesting, you see there is a family of Demon lovers here in
this academy, it piques my interest a little, and apparently Victor had a little mishap with one of them,
are you familiar with the Lucifer family?”

Upon hearing this name Lilith’s eyes were raised as she can remember one Demon King that bore that
last name as she said to Asmodeus.

“Yeah… the Lucifer family goes way back, and to be honest, there are probably the only humans in this
world that are greatly loved by Demons, seeing they are the descendants of Solomon Lucifer, one of the
Previous Demon Kings of Lust, and the only Demon King who remained human while having the powers
of the Demon King, quite an odd fellow, honestly Lord Solomon was a different breed of dog, then and
again, every Demon King is born different.”

“Born different, interesting, so am I born different as well?”

Asmodeus ask with much curiosity, seeing that he wants to compare himself with other Demon Kings.

However, Lililths reply was not what he expected, as she said.

“Honestly you would fall under abnormal.”

“Abnormal, how so?”

“Akashina is rather fond of you husband, that alone makes your existence absolutely unfair.”
“Fair point, I can’t deny that fact, however servant of mine, it is not my fault that my creator is fond of
me, even so, nothing last forever, even now I see Akashina as something like a new mother figure of
mine, I owe that woman everything, if it wasn’t for her, life wouldn’t have been this fucking awesome,
but who knows maybe she will find somebody just as interesting, either way, if she ever needs a sword
to cut her enemies down, she always mines to use anytime, well either way though I will live my life to
the fullest, I fight, I kill, I rule, I fuck, and I correct, that’s my purpose in a nutshell.”

“But enough of this boring talk, can you fix Victor’s body for me, I want to make him my new vessel, he
seems like a far better choice than Ryu.”

Yes in terms of power, strength, and overall durability, Victor was a far better candidate than
Asmodeus’s current host Ryu, as the son of the legendary admirable Viscount might be able to
withstand his soul and overall powers, seeing that he demonstrates a rather impressive amount of
power for a mere child.

Of course, Asmodeus had to thank the heretic for that.

And upon hearing this Lilith smiled, as she happily replied to Asmodeus.

“Most certainly I will see to your every desire and wishes, if anything I want to deal with the affair of
making vessels for the others as well.”

Announced Lilith, after all, there was no better candidate than her, she live for Asmodeus, and no one
else, so being useful was of the highest honor for her, and with her Original powers before her fall now
back in her hands, remaking bodies was a rival task, so much so, breathing was so much easier.

And immediately upon Asmodeu’s orders, Lilith walks to the mass majority of corpses on the ground
preparing to she wanted to show her worth to her beloved master, and she wanted to show Asmodeus
just how fearsome she can be.

Although this wasn’t even a tenth of her original power, it was enough for the task at hand.
And with the desire to please and impress Asmodeus Lilith extends her hands forward, of course,
Asmodeus was just sitting in the air as if it was a throne, making it look as if he was floating in a sitting
position, as watched Lilith closely.

And to his surprise, a mouth grow on Lilith’s left palm, as it opened its mouth widely, and instant a
powerful suction could be heard, as all the blood, limbs, and even the organs of everyone’s corpse were
sucked within the mouth of her palm as if it was a black hole.

This surprised Asmodeus because not a single drop of her blood was left, it was as if all the evidence
disappear, and after absorbing everyone in the room, she close her hand-mouth by making a fist.

“Well, that was a sight to behold indeed.”

Asmodeus commented on Lilith’s actions, however, the alien Queen replied as such.

“I’m just getting started, beloved husband, now then, the real show begins.”

Right after, Lilith’s body began to split into several different people, of course, these people were the
same people that Lilith murdered in cold blood with zero hesitation, and before Asmodeus were the
repaired bodies of Ryu’s children and servants.

And upon looking at them, Asmodeus couldn’t help but say.

“They’re like empty vessels without a soul, seeing they all look emotionless.”

Lilith instantly replies to this as such.

“Yes… Now then, husband, I think it’s time to awaken your servants.”

“Hahaha I can’t agree more Lilith, well then let’s get this soul-transferring ritual finish with.”
To Be Continued,

Next Time: Take-over

C127 Vessels

Chapter 127 Vessels



Weekly goal

20 power stones= 2 chapter release

40 power stones= 4 chapters release

100 power stones= 8 chapter release

200 power stones = 14 chapters release

Start voting now for more chapters guys.

.Trivia of the day #69: Rize is the only vampire that eats flesh

“So tell me Lilith how do I use these Genre Cards?”

“They’re not that hard to use, if anything all you need to do is tear it, and the information of the
universe that was given to you will appear.”

Lilith commented on Asmodeus’s question as she watches him pull out the Genre card from his Sub-
Space, after all, a genre card was a land mind for Demon Kings seeing they can pull out whatever they
find in that world into reality as long as they have enough souls to trade for it that is.

That was the only downside to Akashina’s power, it was heavily based on the law of equivalent
exchange, from what she has observed so far under the rule of other Demon Kings that is, that was one
of the main things need to activate the Demon King seed in every Demon King candidate, before they
become official Monarchs.

The more you sacrifice the more powerful you can become, although, then and again, that might just be
her default ways of setting things up.

Either way, Lilith had no way of proving that, but even so, she didn’t want to waste any more time
thinking of something so trivial, if anything with Elisha as her new vessel to manifest to the physical
world, she can now make her plans for Asmodeus even more vivid.

Seeing her intentions for him was not of betrayal, if anything it was to benefit him, either way though,
this entire school was Hersey incarnate.

As a result, it would have to burn to the ground.

Although Lilith herself was pleased with this entire scenario as well, there was one factor about the
immortalization process of her beloved that would make this whole task even easier for her.

That was the fact that out of every person that Asmodeus himself has recruited to be a part of his
kingdom, so far, she herself has only approved of two of them, her first son Lilu whose birth had a
greater purposed, and the most interesting of them all in her opinion was the vampire her lord has
taken an interest in.
Yes, the EternalBlood was someone who Lilith was very interested in, she herself had been keeping a
keen eye on her, for the very fact that out of all the anomalies she has met over her long life, Rize was
by far the most anomalous person she has encountered.

Why you might be asking, well to put it more simply, Rize for some weird reason possess a lesser version
of her unique original power, although it was way weaker.

In her days as Yurlungur princess of the “Answer,” she herself had the power of “Absolute Adaption”,
which was the power to Adapt to anything flawlessly, however, that power was brutally countered with
another absolute power whose effects were far greater than hers.

However Lilith didn’t dwell on the past for too long instead, she places her focus on Asmodeus and
asked as such.

“My liege I think it’s time for us to get to work.”

“I guess so.”

Right after Asmodeus took the weird-looking white card with a moon and sun spiraling around a
pentagon, the design was rather simple, but it had a rather Demonic Aura to it.

Asmodeus smiled at the mere sight of the card as if he picked up a rather amazing specimen, but he
knew he had bigger things to do while in this place, so he places back the Genre card within his
subspace, as he glares at Lilith and said as such.


“Yes, husband.”

“Husband haa, well I don’t mind it, either way, though I have questioned a rather serious question.”

“And what might that be?”

“Earlier Victor told me something rather interesting, you see there is a family of Demon lovers here in
this academy, it piques my interest a little, and apparently Victor had a little mishap with one of them,
are you familiar with the Lucifer family?”

Upon hearing this name Lilith’s eyes were raised as she can remember one Demon King that bore that
last name as she said to Asmodeus.

“Yeah… the Lucifer family goes way back, and to be honest, there are probably the only humans in this
world that are greatly loved by Demons, seeing they are the descendants of Solomon Lucifer, one of the
Previous Demon Kings of Lust, and the only Demon King who remained human while having the powers
of the Demon King, quite an odd fellow, honestly Lord Solomon was a different breed of dog, then and
again, every Demon King is born different.”

“Born different, interesting, so am I born different as well?”

Asmodeus ask with much curiosity, seeing that he wants to compare himself with other Demon Kings.

However, Lililths reply was not what he expected, as she said.

“Honestly you would fall under abnormal.”

“Abnormal, how so?”

“Akashina is rather fond of you husband, that alone makes your existence absolutely unfair.”

“Fair point, I can’t deny that fact, however servant of mine, it is not my fault that my creator is fond of
me, even so, nothing last forever, even now I see Akashina as something like a new mother figure of
mine, I owe that woman everything, if it wasn’t for her, life wouldn’t have been this fucking awesome,
but who knows maybe she will find somebody just as interesting, either way, if she ever needs a sword
to cut her enemies down, she always mines to use anytime, well either way though I will live my life to
the fullest, I fight, I kill, I rule, I fuck, and I correct, that’s my purpose in a nutshell.”
“But enough of this boring talk, can you fix Victor’s body for me, I want to make him my new vessel, he
seems like a far better choice than Ryu.”

Yes in terms of power, strength, and overall durability, Victor was a far better candidate than
Asmodeus’s current host Ryu, as the son of the legendary admirable Viscount might be able to
withstand his soul and overall powers, seeing that he demonstrates a rather impressive amount of
power for a mere child.

Of course, Asmodeus had to thank the heretic for that.

And upon hearing this Lilith smiled, as she happily replied to Asmodeus.

“Most certainly I will see to your every desire and wishes, if anything I want to deal with the affair of
making vessels for the others as well.”

Announced Lilith, after all, there was no better candidate than her, she live for Asmodeus, and no one
else, so being useful was of the highest honor for her, and with her Original powers before her fall now
back in her hands, remaking bodies was a rival task, so much so, breathing was so much easier.

And immediately upon Asmodeu’s orders, Lilith walks to the mass majority of corpses on the ground
preparing to she wanted to show her worth to her beloved master, and she wanted to show Asmodeus
just how fearsome she can be.

Although this wasn’t even a tenth of her original power, it was enough for the task at hand.

And with the desire to please and impress Asmodeus Lilith extends her hands forward, of course,
Asmodeus was just sitting in the air as if it was a throne, making it look as if he was floating in a sitting
position, as watched Lilith closely.

And to his surprise, a mouth grow on Lilith’s left palm, as it opened its mouth widely, and instant a
powerful suction could be heard, as all the blood, limbs, and even the organs of everyone’s corpse were
sucked within the mouth of her palm as if it was a black hole.
This surprised Asmodeus because not a single drop of her blood was left, it was as if all the evidence
disappear, and after absorbing everyone in the room, she close her hand-mouth by making a fist.

“Well, that was a sight to behold indeed.”

Asmodeus commented on Lilith’s actions, however, the alien Queen replied as such.

“I’m just getting started, beloved husband, now then, the real show begins.”

Right after, Lilith’s body began to split into several different people, of course, these people were the
same people that Lilith murdered in cold blood with zero hesitation, and before Asmodeus were the
repaired bodies of Ryu’s children and servants.

And upon looking at them, Asmodeus couldn’t help but say.

“They’re like empty vessels without a soul, seeing they all look emotionless.”

Lilith instantly replies to this as such.

“Yes… Now then, husband, I think it’s time to awaken your servants.”

“Hahaha I can’t agree more Lilith, well then let’s get this soul-transferring ritual finish with.”

To Be Continued,

Next Time: Take-over

C128 Take-Over


Weekly goal

20 power stones= 2 chapter release

40 power stones= 4 chapters release

100 power stones= 8 chapter release

200 power stones = 14 chapters release

Start voting now for more chapters guys.

.Trivia of the day #70: Lilith ranks #8th in the top #10 strongest Characters who utilize magic

The newly made bodies that were created for the five bogatyrs and Asmodeus to possess were perfectly
reconstructed by Lilith as she presented all of them before him.

Currently speaking each of the bodies where lying down flat on the cobblestone floor, which had six
pentagram circles drawn from the blood from Ryu’s body, and at the center of each magic circle were
the newly made bodies that were chosen to be vessels.

A total of five circles spiraling around a single red circle at the center that had the remodeled body of
Victor and Ryu Asmodeus beside each other could be seen, at this point, a large amount of mana could
be seen fluctuating and radiating from Lilith’s body, so much so, even someone who couldn’t perceive
mana would have been able to feel and see an immense spiral of colors leaking from Lilith body.
Of course, Asmodeus look directly at Lilith and was mesmerized by just how much mana Lilith had in her
reserve, it was as if Asmodeus was looking at a depthless sea of nothing but refined mana.

Especially seeing how Asmodeus, was looking at her total MP, which was an insane 10,000,000,000 in
numeric value, this puzzled Asmodeus greatly, Lilith total Mana reserve was insane, extremely insane, so
insane to the point that it didn’t make sense, second to her would be Lilu who was reaching the realm
far greater than even Necroma who reserve didn’t reach such level.

Lilith saw Asmodeus glare, as she smiles, after all, being watched by the man she loves, was a great
feeling, then and again, she is aware of why he was glaring at her, so to garner his attention Lilith look at
Asmodeus and said.

“Your curious as to why my mana reserve is this large right?”

Asmodeus turns his head as he faced to roof once more and said out loud indulging in the conversation
with Lilith.

“Yes I’m very curious as to why your mana pool is that fricking big, do you care to explain.”

“Well husband of mine, please keep in mind, that your mana pool is a conceptual space that is deeply
tied to one soul, the older one gets, the more it expands, in my case, this is only natural given how old I

“Well, that does make sense, although I am curious, what exactly is your attribute Lilith?”

“Well my main magic is closer to ESP, in short, I possess magic that affects the mind, although I didn’t
bother unlocking my Secondary our Primary.”

“Why so?”

“To be honest, most magic users dedicated their life to one art, instead of three, then and again your
main magic attribute is the magic you have the most talent in, as a result, the majority focus on that
specific talent alone instead of being a jack of all trades, rarely you get magic geniuses like Necroma.”
“I see, well either way thanks for answering my question Lilith, now then I presume you made a barrier
around the ritual circle so my Demonic Energy doesn’t escape, along with others as well?”

Yes, this entire time Lilith was slowly making a magic barrier by sacrificing her mana, so Asmodeus along
with the other five bogatyrs’ Demonic Energy didn’t leak out while transferring their essences to another
vessel, it took a while but Lilith pull it off without a hassle.

And not only that Either she also put up a highly complex barrier around the mansion as well, so they
can do whatever they want in the mansion without anyone peeping at them.

Now all that was left was the transfer process, similar to how Asmodeus took over Ryu’s body using the
ritual, Lilith placed her hand in a praying-like manner, as a huge amount of her mana was been absorb
by the Magic Circle.

She then gave Asmodeus one last look, as she said.

“Are you ready?”

“Yeah let’s get this finish quickly.”

He responded as he close his eyes, to which Lilith replied as such.


And with those words said Lilith activate the ritual, and upon doing that a bright red light shine in the
room, blinding anyone that look at it.

A moment later, the first to emerge was a certain bob-cut maid, that had a rather miserable expression,
as she look at herself.

“I presume this is the body chosen to be my vessel?”

She said out loud, however, her focus was soon shifted to a certain drill hair girl, with an ashen grey
complexion as she said to her.

“And who might you be?”

However, her question wasn’t answered because the next person to get up, was a beautiful Ashen grey
hair girl, with a slender but thick muscular build she was probably 4” 2 in height, her skin was clear and
she was the spitting image of Ryu Lioness.

This woman was of course the eldest daughter of Ryu and Elisha, her name was Marian Lioness, and she
wore a skin-tight dress, and each of her limbs seems to have weights, all weighing over 20 kilos, she
seems to be type of woman that is good at CQC.

Evidence of this was the fact that her body had scars all over although it does have its charms as well, a
short but deadly beauty indeed.

However, despite being the physically strongest of the four siblings, the person that possesses her was a
certain redhead Yandere, as she began looking around, the first she said was.

“Aww… Why do I feel like I am in a child body?”

“Why do I feel like I am a grown man?”

Asked the voice of an adult man who seems to be in his twenties, he had black hair and was even taller
than Ryu, he wore the same thing as Ryu only because he was dressed in a full blue suit with grey shoes
and a red gentleman tie that matches his eyes.

His hair was a little messy, but that of course because it was curly as well, the man looked at everyone
here but his eyes stop a fashionable top hat, and the first thing that he notice was those rather
intimidating eyes.
However, he was aware that his father place his soul into an appropriate vessel, one fitting enough to
house his power, of course, this person was none other than Lilu, who now possess the body of the
eldest son of the Ryu family, and next hair of this esteemed family.

However, to the right of him, the sound of a cute but haughty voice went off revealing a busty teenage
girl that was 5” 9 in height, and wore something similar to Lilith, the only difference was the color of the
dress was red and gold, as she wore a large round hat, and around her waist was black sheep plushy
with two mini broad swords in its adorable hands.

Her eyes were red like Lilu, and her skin was pale, she had sharp artificial claws, and was adorned with
various pieces of jewelry, he had a red fan, and her fan always cover her face as if the body itself was
used to doing such actions.

She had a rather mean and curious glare but her signature laugh gave her identity away.

“KHAHAHAHA… Well well, to think I would possess the body of a young maiden.”

This was the youngest daughter of Ryu Liones, Natasha Lioness, Aka the Star princess, her beauty, talent,
and power were recognized greatly in the academy, and out of all other siblings her mana was the
highest, as her attribute was Sun Magic.

Kind of ironic seeing that the person who possesses this vessel was no other than a progenitor vampire,
the one and only Rize-Eternal-Immortal-DyingOrion-Nebulamoon.

And finally was Gorgo who possesses someone not known but a new body created from combining all
the servants, it tall woman with blond hair, and was dressed in a black tuxedo, her body was that of the
“Answer Race”

She looks around to see everyone talking amongst themselves but remains quiet just to watch.

“I see you have adjusted properly to that body ha Rize?”

Gorgo questions Rize, as she already notices the ironic twist of that body she possesses.

“Of course, although you don’t seem human?”

But to everyone’s surprise, Lilith the person who did the ritual speak up as she said.

“Well that’s because I create Gorgo’s body using my own body as a base, it should be considerably
stronger than her original, but either way with this we are another step closer to our king’s goal.”

At these words, everyone’s focus was on Lilith, and to be honest, her beauty even made some of the
girls present here a little envious, although one first didn’t sit well with this mysterious individual.

And that was Nero because she began to sniff the air around her, and she said to herself.

‘This woman reaks of darling, even more than me and everyone here, it’s so potent I almost mistake her
as darling, it wasn’t for the fact that I don’t feel a connection to her, what’s their relationship I wonder,
no… She also smells Lilu as well, how suspicious.’

And the first person to ask the question everybody wants to know was Necroma who had an unsatisfied
expression as she asks Lilith.

“And who might you be?”

“Yeah, I’ve never seen or heard about you before.”

Followed Rize a little interested in the new individual.

“And why does darling scent hangs so thickly upon you?”

Nero shouts out for everyone to hear, at these words, Lilu froze in fear a little, meanwhile Gorgo wave at
the familiar person who she met four different times already, although he felt sorry for the maid and the
human seeing, that this person was even more dangerous than the vampire.

The woman’s smile seems to drop, as her eyes look at everyone in the group, who jump back in fear, of
course, everyone except Nero seeing her skill prevents her from feeling fear.

However, Lilith just gave a smug smile as she said.

“Oh, you don’t know me, well I can’t blame you, my existence has been kept a secrete all this while,
however in terms of this polygamous hierarchy, I stand above all thots… “Cough!” “Cough” I mean
concubines of Asmodeus, allow me to introduce myself.”

Lilith bowed in an elegant but ignorant fashion to make a statement even clear, as she look up at Nero
and Necroma with a venomous and predatory glare that can make even the strongest and bravest of
warriors shit their pants in fear, as maintained her terrifying smile and introduce herself while asking.

“My name is Lilith mother fucking Morningstar, the main wife of Asmodeus Morningstar, and the
mother of that lovely demon over there, now tell me #2 and M.S slave is there a problem we must

To Be Continued

Next Time: Yandere Blood Contract

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