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LUDFARS - they are the aquifers, liquids under the Earths mantle.

good question tho, The answer would be in the Dec 13 WS where it

was intro'd, I believe. possibly Aruba, if that was before Dec.. would
need to study

The TrhU'ah Layer or the Plasma Body- the "TrhU'ah

Body" for short:

Embedded plasma layer just outside of the plasma body Ludfar

(liquids) layer and interfacing with the biological inner fascia
layer; can be thought of as an "invisible energy-skin" surrounding
and permeating water molecules and water vapor in and around
the body.

The Cha'TrU Point:

When activated, opens Krystalbridge flows between the TrhU'ah

Plasma body, light body and water-molecules/atoms.
Can be viewed as a "2-part valve" that regulates (KB) energy flows
between 3 points (TrhU'ah Body, Light-Body and "water-body"

Krystalbridge Flows:

Internal Creation D(density)-Planes EFFI-TrhU'ah-Plasma flows

(downstepped) plus External Creation Amenti Keylontic Light-
Body trans-dimensional ("Aurhora continuum") flows
TrhU’ah Plasma Body activation PART 1 (Planetary
(going deep in... into body projection journey “space behind the
words” deep-focus)

In doing these or any other techniques that were pre-recorded, you

are picking up a part of the original encryption from the live wave
of the original time that event or ‘activation’ took place.

It is suggested to lay down but you can sit up. You will be using your
hands ('palm access') for this activation. The energy you will be
breathing in is 'Krystal bridge frequencies of the Integral Bridge'.
The Integral Bridge allows for the Plasma flows that are coming in
from Internal creation into our External creation and the Krystal
Bridge is the part of those that blend with the Light Body (External)
currents and then blends in with our water, vapor and water
molecules around us. This is the current you will breathe in with
your palms.

 Palm Chakras, cone-shaped vortices located in the palm of the

 'Cha’ TrU spot' located behind the head at the base of the skull.

 AzurA located at the base of the breastbone.

 3rd Eye located at center of the brain.

Slow breathing to half, relax the body. Attune to the 'space behind
words', 'behind your brain' where you can see the words and
thoughts in front of you. If laying down, raise both palms up with
arms outstretched facing in front of you. If sitting, raise arms up
with palms facing up.
Attune more to the space behind words. Inhale and pull energy from
the water vapor molecules in the air through the palm chakras and
into the AzurA, exhale/expanding it out and into the lungs. You can
hold to allow the stream to continue pulling frequency from the air.
Take a few of these breaths.

Next, inhale one more set of Krystal Bridge frequencies from the
water vapor in the air bringing it into a ball, while holding it in the
center of your chest as if there is a space in between the lungs. Hold
this breath and you can rest your hands. Use the exhale to push the
ball into the blueberry sized spot called the Cha’ TrU point, located
behind the neck in the divet where the skull meets the spine.

Breathe through your nose and fill the lungs with water vapor, then
exhaling the water vapor energy into the Cha’ TrU point. Do this for
a few moments and sensitize to the energy area of the Cha’ TrU
pointat the base of the skull. Take some time with this.
See if you can sense the water vapor energy moving through your
body after doing this a few moments, while breathing energy into the
Cha’ TrU point.


3 Krystal Bridge 'trypto-phasic wave bursts’ will be released. With

each burst, you will breathe it in from your skin behind the full back
of your body (from the heels of the feet up to the top of head) as if
your entire skin was made of little vortices that can breathe energy
in. If sitting up, it will come in from the bottom so you will breathe it
in from the feet and bottom.


If you hold the breathe during each burst it will continue to pull in
the trypto-phasic frequency into the body.
Inhale and as you hold the breathe become aware of a thin filament
layer inside the body shaped just as the body. This is the TrhU’ah
body. Exhale the wave into the outer layer of the TrhU’ah body.
Continue inhale hold and exhale into the TrhU’ah body while
becoming aware of the sensation of a moist parchment feel made of
filament like texture. You may experience tingling sensation while


Take a normal inhale and then exhale lungs completely out in prep
for burst 2. Hold and then inhale burst 2 when you feel it come up.
There is a deep Ultra-Marine Blue (not as deep as Navy Blue)
frequency that comes in with burst 2. Exhale/spread the frequency
to the ThrU’ah body. As the first burst coats the outer layer of the
ThrU’ah body, the burst 2 wave fills the inside of the body with

Inhale, hold, and exhale. Then inhale and exhale deeply and fully,
holding at bottom of exhale, awaiting for burst 3. Inhale when burst
3 is felt and hold the inhale to pull the wave up. This wave will
continue to keep running even after exhaling. A 'cold wave’ conduit
opens.. Possible ‘icy’, effervescent. A jittery feel- but not an
unpleasant jittery. Chilly, cool energy right underneath the physical
skin may be felt.


Begin to stretch now and bend the knees, feet flat on the floor now if
laying down. This allows the flows to distribute the current through
the ThrU’ah body. Now, personally intend to receive the activation
and await for a 'rocket' wave that will come up from below your feet
from Earth core and split into a Y shape to go up each foot, going
right to the Cha’TrU point (in the base of the skull) as one beam. If
sitting up with feet facing out, the activation will come in from the
water vapor in the air in the direction facing your feet.
Visualize a 3-dimensional square on it’s side making a diamond
shape (Krystar Vehicle) at the 3rd eye. You will inhale the activation
up through the feet and into the diamond at the 3rd eye.

Inhale and exhale. Then inhale and hold. Exhale fully out and hold
again. Breathe up the activation through the feet when felt, one
current up each leg and all the way up to the diamond shape in the
3rd eye. Feel the line of energy coming from Earth core like ‘stretchy
strings’ running up each foot. Exhale and the current will run on its
own now.

Inhale into the 3rd eye and hold, then exhale a stream of energy
forward into the diamond shape and hold at the bottom of the
exhale. Inhale to connect to the diamond shape with the breathe,
hold at top of inhale for a while. Exhale the diamond shape into the
Cha’TrU point. The blueberry size of the Cha’TrU point will expand
to possibly a grapefruit size or larger eventually turning the Cha’TrU
point into the Cha’TrU sphere. Everyone’s Cha’TrU sphere will be
different sizes and form at different paces but all will be activated
within a couple hours. Some warmth, possible light pressure in the
Cha’TrU area at the base of the skull may be experienced.

Strongly suggested to allow 12-20 mins (at least) for full

activation before moving onto PART 2: ‘The OUT’.

The Cha’TrU point is now activated.

The Cha'Tru Point Activation PART 2: The OUT

(2-part valve that regulates flows btw TrhU'ah Body, Light Body and
water molecules/atoms) "stepping out in your new TrhU'ah Plasma
Body... in-room "slow peel-out projection)

In doing these or any other techniques that were pre-recorded, you

are picking up a part of the original encryption from the live wave
of the original time that event or ‘activation’ took place.
Begin after at least 2 hours following TrhU’ah Body Activation PART
1: The IN

 Palm Chakras, cone-shaped vortices located in the palm of the

 'Cha’ TrU spot' located behind the head at the base of the skull.

 AzurA located at the base of the breastbone.

 3rd Eye located at center of the brain.

 DhA center located right below the navel.

 Blood crystal sac located in between chakras 3 and 4

Bring your focus to the Cha'TrU point at the base of the skull (the
sphere size may vary from grapefruit or bigger and may expand or
shrink smaller also) while sitting in a vertical position. Take a few
relaxing breathes and slow your breath wave down. Remember the
'diamond shaped crystal' that you left in the Cha'TrU sphere and use
your inhale breath to grab it and then exhale it forward to the pineal
at the center of the brain.

Next, you will use a 2-point inhale breathe with one stream down
from above your head (from ‘the Cosmos’) and one stream up from
Earth core to meet at the diamond in the pineal. Hold at the top of
the inhale to build charge and then use a quick burst exhale 'pop' to
spin the diamond clockwise in the pineal.

Put your attention on the diamond in the pineal and observe the spin
rate. Take a couple more 2-point breathes, holding each breathe at
the top of the inhale to build charge, and then ‘pop’ exhaling to spin
the diamond quicker. The diamond needs to reach a fast spin for the
next step. Observe a spark at the center of the spinning diamond on
the last 2-point breath.

You will now go into the spinning diamond. Visualize a 'mini-me' of

yourself inside the spinning diamond crystal, in the center spark. Put

it in the same exact position you are in right now in the physical

body. Attune to the mini-me and feel that you are really inside a

large spinning diamond, the Krystar Vehicle. While sensing yourself

as the mini me, also sense in your physical body the large diamond

capsule around you spinning at the same rate as the diamond in the

pineal. Take a few breathes and sensitize to this.

If you cannot feel the spinning sensations, do not worry. The

Guardians/your HS will still ensure this is working

Next, you will need to lay down. Take some relaxing breathes. With
each exhale, feel your body 'sinking' into the ground below you as if
the surface below you is becoming less dense, but a warm
comfortable feeling. Take this further with each exhale still sensing
the spinning Krystar vehicle around you.

You will now use a 2-point breathe to move the spinning diamond
from the pineal down to the blood crystal sac, located in the central
vertical column between chakra 3(solar plexus) and chakra 4 (heart
chakra). Inhale from above the head and below the feet from Earth
core to the pineal at the spinning diamond and hold at the top of the
inhale. Exhale and gently push the spinning diamond into the blood
crystal sac.

Sense the spinning diamond in the blood sac now while also aware
of the ‘sinking’ feeling in the body. Breathe normal the Krystalbridge
currents and become aware around the shoulders and upper torso.
Slow your perceptions down into the place behind the words. Sense
the effervescent feeling again around your skin, but also underneath
your skin. Sense your arms becoming lighter and less dense. Tingly.

Use a gentle 2-point inhale breathe and hold at the spinning crystal
in the blood sac, using the exhale breathe to gently push the
spinning diamond at the DhA center, just below the navel. Feel the
diamond crystal still spinning clockwise (bringing electrical energy)
at the DhA center now. There may be ‘bubbly’ feelings during this
part. Ensure that the body is vertical and laying straight. Notice the
DhA center 'puff up' a little and the abdomen possibly puffing
upward or puffing inward from this reaction.
Take another 2-point breathe, inhaling at the DhA center and
grabbing the spinning Krystar diamond crystal with the mini-me
inside of it, exhaling it down the CVC (central vertical column) and
all the way down to Earth core. Retain a sense of connection with the
mini-me inside the crystal as it goes down to the Earth core.

note: When plasma body is fully activated this will be one current
running down and not 2 currents of one through each leg.

As it travels down it will pass through the ‘skin’ of the deep aquifers
of the planetary ThrU’ah Body. When it comes back up it will create
a live link through that layer, picking up the Earths activation
signature and bringing the ThrU’ah frequencies up through the CVC.
You will position it back into the Cha’TrU sphere in the next part.

This time, use a 2-point breathe from your mini-me at Earth core
inside the Krystar crystal, breathing from the physical body but in
the mini-me body. Inhale and hold into the mini-me body.
Exhale/push the mini-me with the spinning Krystar crystal all the
way back up- through the aquifers and up the CVC into the Cha’TrU
sphere. There may be a tingling effect in chakra 1(root/base) from
the frequencies coming up through this conduit that is the planetary
TrU’ah Krystalbridge frequencies of Earths ThrU’ah body to your
ThrU’ah Body, giving you a live link to the Earths TrU’ah Body
activations. This is then connecting Plasma Body(Internal Creation),
Light Body(External Creation), and the mixture of Internal and
External water molecules around the body, through the deep
aquifers of the planet. The current may be about the diameter of a
tennis ball, streaming up thru your CVC. This conduit is activated
You could view the ThrU’ah Body as a 'Plasma-water-vapor + Light

Body or Krystalbridge body.

Next , expand the water molecules from Earths aquifers out around
your body like a ‘sprinkler effect’, by inhale and exhales of the
unlimited supply of ThrU’ah frequencies spreading through out your

Put attention now at your toes, remembering your mini me at the

Cha’TrU sphere. Sense a vibration, a gentle side by side ‘shaking’
that will assist the 'peel out' of the ThrU’ah from the physical body
and starting at your toes. Now bring up this wave through your feet,
this gentle water sensation that doesn't feel wet. Then bring it up to
your ankles. Then calves. The knees. Leave at the knees and sense
the difference of feeling in the body from the knees down and the
knees up. This ‘gentle tide’ feeling will be distinct from the knees
down, almost like another pair of legs from the knees down inside
the legs.

Continue now to breathe up the wave around the thighs, then hips.
Give more time for the fluxing of the wave in this area, allowing
more time in larger areas of the body. Bring it up further to the
navel. Go deep now at this part of your body, feeling the wave now
all the way down to your toes from the navel. A gentle side by side
sloshing-like wave.

Before moving further past the navel, sensitize to your 'second body'
inside the physical body. Feel it’s movement of the side by side wave
inside you. Start with your right foot and begin to (if you don’t have
a foot imagine you do. Even if there is loss of a physical leg or foot,
you still have a Plasma leg) gently wiggle it around inside your
physical foot. Keep the physical foot still while wiggling the inside
body toes and gradually moving the entire ThrU’ah body foot all the
way to the right or left. Distinguish more the difference between the
physical foot.

Put the feet back together and now begin the 'peel out' of the entire

leg, in the same way. Start with the right (the right will be easier)

and move the entire ThrU’ah body leg out to the side of the physical

leg. This is the beginning of ‘Proga’, Projection Yoga. You may bring

the ThrU’ah leg all the way up to bend the knee and then 'shake out’,

to get the circuits flowing, while keeping the physical leg stationary.

Repeat with the left leg.

Next bring attention back to the wave (that is all the way up to the
navel now) and breathe it gently up to the collar bone at the neck,
being aware of the feel of a ‘fluxing’ back and forth. Spread the wave
now down the shoulders. The arms. Then through the fingers. Now
repeat the process of peel out with the arms while sensing the
ThrU’ah body arms beginning to peel out of the physical arms. Begin
with bringing the hands up from the elbow. Flex the ThrU’ah body
hands. Next bring the entire ThrU’ah body arms up to the shoulders
and stretch them out, roll your ThrU’ah body shoulders.
Now begin the 'out' part. Moving the wave up to the head, breathe
the ThrU’ah wave up through the neck and then to your face and
around your head. Out through the forehead. Past the top of your
head. Gently feel the wave and notice the distinction in the jaw bone
area of the ThrU’ah body and physical body. Sense your ThrU’ah
body lips. ThrU’ah body eyes. Sense the whole head region. Make
funny faces with your ThrU’ah body to begin opening the circuitry.
Squish up your nose, mouth, eyes to feel the sensations of the
ThrU’ah body face.

Bring the physical hands up to meet each other. Do 3 flexes of in an

out from the fingertips touching each hand and palms facing,
creating a spark in between the physical and ThrU’ah palms. Sense
the sparking. You can do 3 more flexes to amp. This will create fuzzy
‘ThrU’ah balls’ in the palms that can be used to activate the ThrU’ah
body of inanimate objects such as rocks, crystals.

It is suggested to not activate people’s ThrU’ah body’s. However, if

you have children, they will also pick up levels of the ThrU’ah body

activation, as well as past/present/future relatives.

Now sit up with your physical/ThrU’ah body, placing your right

hand (with the ThrU’ ah fuzzy balls in the palms) onto the back of
the head at the Cha’TrU point. Bring the left palm over the top of the
right. Inhale a 2-point breath directly into the AzurA. Exhale it down
through the arm currents, into the palms, thus moving the ThrU’ah
fuzzy balls into the Cha’TrU sphere. Rest the hands.
Relax and breathe normal. Sense the horizontal flux wave vibration,
filling your Cha’TrU sphere. Sensations may be felt in the ThrU’ah
body eyes that may ‘pop’ them open.

Some activations may take longer but within 2 hours all should be

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