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Address: 105 New Cross Road, London, SE14 5DJ

Tel: 020 7639 9071


Private Hire Agreement


‘Event Organiser’ is the person appointed by the Hirer to ensure that all technical aspects
of the Private Hire set forth in the Hire Agreement are adhered to on
the Private Hire
‘Guest List’ is a list of the people invited to the Private Function that contains their
full legal names
‘Hire Agreement’ is a legally binding agreement between the Centre and the Hirer for
the one-off hire of the specified Premises and facilities
‘Hirer’ is the person detailed on the Hire Agreement and deemed to be the
responsible person for the purposes of complying with any legislation
‘Meet & Greet Person’ is the person appointed by the Hirer to admit the set number of guests
to the Premises as specified in the Guest List and to ensure that all
guest comply with the relevant Covid safety measures before entering
the Premises
‘NHS Covid-19 Track is the official contact tracing app for England & Wales used by the
& Trace’ Centre to admit visitors on its Premises by scanning an official QR
code for the Centre
‘Private Hire’ is a function or event organised by a person or registered organisation
and limited to a set number of invited guests whereas the general
public would not be admitted
‘The Centre’ is All Saints Hatcham Community Centre, located at 105 New Cross
Road, London, SE14 5DJ
‘The Premises’ is the whole (or part as indicated) of the property known as All Saints
Hatcham Community Centre

1. The Hirer is responsible for the proper use of all areas included in the Hire Agreement.
The Hirer shall be present on the Premises throughout the period of the Private Hire.
2. The Hirer is required to provide in writing to the Centre the details of a person who will act as
the Event Organiser and will liaise with the Centre representatives on behalf of the Hirer on the
day of the Private Hire. The details, such as full name, email address and phone number of the
event Organiser shall be provided at least 4 (four) working days prior to the Private Hire date.
3. The maximum number of guests attending the Private Hire may not exceed 200 (two hundred)
guests, including children, at any time. Failure to comply will result in the immediate
termination of the Private Hire on the day.
4. The Hirer is required to provide in writing to the Centre a Warden for the children (AKA)
Children’s Warden. Unsupervised children will cause the hirer to lose half of the deposit.

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5. The Hirer is required to provide in writing the kitchen Supervisor who is in charge of the

6. The Hirer is required to provide in writing to the Centre the details of the Meet & Greet
Person, who will strictly admit the set number of guests specified in the Guest List and
ensure that all invited use either NHS Track and Trace or sign in on the form provided by
the Centre. The details, such as full name, email address and phone number of the Meet &
Greet Person shall be provided to the Centre at least 4 (four) working days prior to the
Private Hire date.
7. The Hirer shall contact the Centre to book an induction meeting on the last
Wednesday or Thursday before the Private Hire date for the Hirer, Meet & Greet
Person and Event Organiser with the Centre representative to finalise all logistics
and ensure smooth operation on the Private Hire Day.
8. A booking deposit of £100 (one hundred pounds) shall be paid upon signing of the Hire
Agreement. The booking deposit will be forfeited in the event of a cancellation. The
booking deposit remains effective in the event of a postponement of the Private Hire.
9. A security deposit of £300 (three hundred pounds) shall be paid together with the outstanding
balance of hire charges at least 2 (two) months before the Private Hire date. The Centre does
not guarantee the booking unless full payment is received by the due date.
10. The security deposit shall be held by the Centre against any additional charges that may be
incurred as a result of non-compliance with the Hire Agreement.
11. If any government restrictions related to Covid-19 are in place and the Private Hire
cannot proceed as intended, the booking deposit will be fully refunded together with any
other funds paid towards the Private Hire.
12. On the day of the Private Hire, prior to its commencement, the Centre representative and
the Event Organiser shall carry out a pre-hire inspection of the Premises and facilities to
ensure that all is in good working order and the Event Organiser is satisfied with their
current state.
13. The Centre representative and the Event Organiser will also carry out a final post-hire
inspection of the Premises and facilities upon which the Centre representative will issue a
refund of the security deposit within 14 (fourteen) days of the Private Hire date as per
clause 6 of the Hire Agreement together with the booking deposit.
14. The Centre may introduce a reduced capacity on the number of guests attending the Premises if
any government restrictions related to Covid-19 are in operation on the Private Hire date.
15. The Private Hire is between to The Centre does not give any guarantee of access
to the Premises prior to the hire commencement time.
16. The Centre will allow an extra occupation between and 11.00pm for removing the
Hirer’s property from the Premises. The Hirer shall completely vacate the Premises, including
outdoor grounds adjacent to the Centre, by 11.30pm the latest.

17. If the Hirer does not vacate the Premises by 11.30pm, the Centre will hold the deposit, of
£400, in full.
18. The Hirer must ensure that only the areas hired are used during the Private Hire and no food or
drinks are consumed outside the Premises or at the reception area. The Hirer shall be liable for

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any additional cleaning costs and other expenses incurred as a result of non-compliance with
the Hire Agreement.
19. Changing and dressing room facilities are not provided as part of the Private Hire and shall be
hired separately, if required.
20. The Hirer shall be responsible for the Private Hire set-up services, including arranging tables,
chairs and decorations.
21. No use may be made of any Centre equipment without prior agreement of the Centre
representative. The Hirer shall not interfere with the fabric, fittings or contents of the Premises
in any way. The cost of repair to any damage must be borne by the Hirer from the security
deposit. In the event of the costs of the damages exceeding the security deposit held by the
Centre, the Hirer shall pay the excess charges within 14 (fourteen) days upon a written request
from the Centre.
22. No nails, screws or pins may be driven into the walls, floors, ceilings, furniture or fittings of
any part of the premises. The Hirer shall be liable for any costs of the damages exceeding the
security deposit held by the Centre. The Hirer shall pay the excess charges within 14 (fourteen)
days upon a written request from the Centre.
23. If the Kitchen is used, the Hirer shall comply with the Health and Safety practices under the
Food Safety Act of 1990 and any subsequent regulations. If the Hirer engages catering services
on the Premises, their names, including company name, if any, phone details and address shall
be sent to the Centre in writing at least 1 (one) week prior to the Private Hire date. The Hirer
shall ensure that the caterers comply with the relevant provisions of the Hire Agreement. The
Hirer shall be liable for any costs of the damages caused by the professional caterers. The costs
of the damages will be recovered from the security deposit or directly from the Hirer if the
costs exceed the security deposit held by the Centre. The Hirer shall pay the excess charges
within 14 (fourteen) days upon a written request from the Centre.
24. The Hirer must not bring any electrical equipment (except for music equipment), hazardous
and easily inflammable substances, explosives or any other items of dangerous nature into the
Premises. All other electrical equipment may be brought into the Premises with a written
consent of the Centre representative and subject to a valid Portable Appliance Testing (PAT)
electrical safety test.
25. The Centre will provide cleaning services after the Private Hire and ensure that all furniture is
placed back in the storage area. The Hirer is responsible for removing any food, cutlery,
tableware or any other private possessions from the tables at the end of the Private Hire. The
Centre shall not be liable for any loss, deterioration or damage of the Hirer’s possessions,
equipment and materials at the time of Private Hire cleaning.
26. The Centre shall provide 1 (one) 1000-litre capacity bin for the Hirer’s waste disposal. If there
is a greater amount of waste left for disposal, the Hirer must bear additional waste disposal
costs incurred by the Centre at £65 (sixty-five pounds) per extra waste bin.
27. The Hirer is responsible for ensuring good behaviour of all guests attending the Premises.
Children must be continuously supervised within the building and external grounds by a named
adult, who shall accept responsibility for their safety and welfare.
28. The Hirer must ensure that no unauthorised persons are permitted to enter the Premises. Any
Private Hire for young persons under 18 years of age must be supervised by at least 1 (one)
adult per 10 (ten) young persons. The supervising adults shall be present throughout the Private
Hire and must also take responsibility for ensuring that access is restricted to invited guests.
29. If the Private Hire is to include music, the Hirer must keep the sound down to a reasonable
level, respecting the residential nature of the area.

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30. Sound must be kept at a considerate and reasonable level as determined by the noise limiting
equipment installed in the Premises. Noise limiters operate a traffic light system: green, when
the sound is within the allowed levels; amber, when the sound is raised beyond the allowed.
If public address or/and sound systems are used the external fire doors must be kept closed at all
times. Adequate air circulation will be ensured through air-conditioning and extraction facilities
available on the Premises.

31. Professional discos and live bands are not allowed unless prior written approval has been
granted by the Centre. The Hirer is responsible for ensuring that all relevant legislation and
copyright regulations are complied with. The Hirer will be liable for the cost of any penalties
levied on the Centre for any breaches of these regulations.
32. Under no circumstances may vehicles of any sort be parked on the pedestrianised area of
Monson Road or in front of All Saints Church. New Cross Road is a red route; parking and
waiting regulations are strictly enforced at all times. Off street parking is available in the
nearby areas for public use.
33. Whilst the Centre takes reasonable precautions to secure the Premises, it does not provide
secure storage for the Hirer’s equipment and materials, or constant supervision of such
equipment and materials at the time of the Private Hire. The Hirer is responsible for any loss,
deterioration or damage of their equipment and materials brought on the Premises.
34. The Centre is unable to provide storage for Hirers’ property, which must be therefore removed
at the end of the hire period.
35. Information and advice about the Centre’s Health & Safety Policy and Fire Risk Assessment
are available from the Centre Manager. It is the Hirer’s responsibility to ensure that they
familiarise themselves and their guests with these regulations.
36. The Hirer must ensure that they provide and make available the necessary first aid materials or
facilities, in accordance with the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations, 1981.
37. Alcohol may not be sold unless Justices’ Occasional License for the sale of intoxicating liquor
is in force. The Hirer who intends to apply for such a license must receive prior written
approval of the Centre Manager. The Hirer is advised to apply to the Justices at least 1 (one)
month in advance, and are responsible for paying the fee for the issue of such a license. The
Hirer shall ensure compliance with the terms of the License as well as the provisions of the
Licensing Act in force.
38. Film, musical, dancing and stage events are all considered public entertainment unless entrance
is restricted to the guests attending the Private Hire.
39. The Centre reserves the right to cancel any Private Hire without notice if the Premises will, due
to circumstances outside its control, be unavailable for hire; or the Hirer failed to disclose
information concerning the proposed Private Hire; or there are reasonable grounds to believe
that the conditions of the Private Hire may be breached to a material extent.
In the event of a cancellation due to circumstances outside the Centre’s control, all charges and
deposits paid to date will be refunded to the Hirer and the Centre shall have no further liability
to the Hirer.

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