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Project 1: My Vision of Success (20%)

Guidelines & Rubric

Class ENG1405-3
Teacher Javiera Ossa Aravena
Date September 26th & 28th
Contents Unit 1
First conditional
Second conditional
Vocabulary related to the unit
● Success
● Goals
● Career path
Evaluation type Oral, pairs at random
Objectives Students will engage in a discussion about their goals to succeed and the steps
and conditions necessary to achieve them by means of sharing their vision


What does a vision board do?

Vision boards are a collection of images or objects arranged in a way to help you manifest your goals
or vision, in this case, your vision as a successful professional.

Before the evaluation:

● In order to represent these ideas, you will create a “vision board” using images, phrases, or
quotes, to visually represent your goals and steps to achieve success as a young professional.
You can use digital tools such as Canva, Powerpoint, Jamboard, etc., or you can also make
them in a physical format with magazine scraps, prints, pictures, etc.
● Teachers will pair up students at random.


● Student A talks about their goals (2 goals minimum, 3 maximum) and the steps and
conditions necessary to achieve them (minimum 3, maximum 5 steps)
● Student B must ask 4 questions in total. At least 2 questions must be about possible
scenarios regarding student A’s goals. e-g: What would you do if … (this failed/…).
● Student A answers giving arguments and providing possible solutions to the hypothetical
situation presented by the classmate.
● Roles are inverted.
During the evaluation:

1. The teacher will randomly assign pairs.

2. Students will look at each other’s boards.
3. After observing their boards, students have to describe their path or steps to reach their
4. After their presentation, students have to interact by asking questions about their
classmate’s vision, initiating, maintaining, interacting, and finishing the conversation. This
interaction will last for 3-5 minutes.
5. Students need to ask 4 questions to their classmates.
6. If a student is unable to ask a question, the teacher will intervene.

Critera 4 3 2 1-0
Maintains an almost Shows limited degree of
Maintains a consistent Shows some degree of
consistent good degree of control of a range of simple
good degree of control of a control of a range of simple
control of a wide range of structures and no control
wide range of simple and and some complex
simple and complex of complex grammatical
complex grammatical forms grammatical forms needed
grammatical forms needed forms needed to achieve
needed to achieve the task. to achieve the task.
Grammar to achieve the task. the task.
Student uses mostly
Student consistently uses a appropriate and varied Student uses some Student uses limited or
wide range of appropriate vocabulary related to the appropriate vocabulary repetitive vocabulary
and varied vocabulary topic, with some minor related to the topic, but sometimes related to the
related to the topic. inconsistencies or lacks variety. topic.
Vocabulary repetitions.
Appropriate control of Limited control of sound Limited control of sound No control of sound
sound articulation. Speech articulation. Speech is articulation. Speech is articulation. Speech is
Pronunciation is always intelligible. almost always intelligible. sometimes intelligible. unintelligible.
Smooth and natural Smooth and natural
delivery of speech. delivery of speech. Delivery of speech occurs Delivery of speech occurs
Demonstrates a high level Demonstrates a high level with some hesitations, with frequent hesitations,
of fluency, with minimal of fluency, with minimal pauses, or disruptions in pauses, or disruptions in
hesitations, pauses, or hesitations, pauses, or communication, hindering communication, resulting
Discourse disruptions in disruptions in overall fluency. in no fluency.
Management communication. communication.
Initiates or responds in a
Initiates and responds Initiates and responds
limited manner, and
appropriately, linking appropriately, sometimes Maintains simple
occasionally links
contributions to those of links contributions to those exchanges. Requires
contributions to those of
other speakers. Maintains of other speakers. prompting or interaction
other speakers. Maintains
and develops the Maintains interaction with does not occur. Teacher has
interaction with some
interaction to complete the some development to to intervene.
Interactive development to complete
task. complete the task.
Communication the task.
Limited use of the vision
Student uses the vision Student uses the vision
board as a medium to board as a medium to Student uses the vision
represent their steps and represent their steps and board as a medium to
vision of success accurately. vision of success. represent their steps and
vision of success in a The vision board is absent
and or limited way, or not used, affecting the
Student uses their Student uses their or
partner’s vision board to partner’s vision board to
ask questions about ask questions about Student occasionally uses
possible scenarios. possible scenarios. their partner’s vision board
to ask questions about
Vision Board possible scenarios

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