Activity 3 - RIPH

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“Kartilya ng Katipunan: Importance to the Narrative of Philippine History”

[5s] OVERLAPPING AUDIO (indios, timawa,
What if one day we wake up and all of the things we have right now are just a part of a
dream, including our freedom? Being awakened by shouts like “Despierta! Como era de esperar,
Los Indios son una panda de vagos.” Wake up and see how the Katipunan and “Kartilya ng
Katipunan” saved us from experiencing hell. Listen to the conduct embodied by every katipunero
who fought for the independence of the Philippines. See the importance of Kartilya ng Katipunan
to the narrative of Philippine History.
Ever since I was born, started walking, running, and entering an educational institution,
rules are already present. Inside these rules lies the morals and values that the institution wants to
promote. This also applies to the times of the Katipunan, when Emilio Jacinto created a
guidebook for the katipuneros to follow and learn by heart called “Kartilya ng Katipunan para sa
mga Anak ng Bayan.” In addition, it is an oath for the Filipinos to evaluate themselves and to
shape the mind of their comrades into loving the country. Furthermore, this code of conduct help
created peace within the group and raise the righteousness of each member as well as the vision
for a morally sound Filipino nation.
With this, the Filipino people were inspired to fight for what they already had and for the
freedom they believed would always be a pipe dream. The katipuneros who battled for our long-
awaited liberation were shaped by "Kartilya ng Katipunan," who also served as their backbone. It
is essential to acknowledge Katipunan's enormous contributions to the revolution and the
creation of Philippine history in light of this.
According to Daniel Nayeri, “The world is full of stupid people. That’s why we have
rules. But with enough intelligence, a person can be above many rules.” We are just a bunch of
fools back then and even now. The only difference is that they had leaders and an oath to follow
and shape their minds. Which makes me wonder, for all those who say they are the “anak ng
Katipunan,” how many have actually read, comprehended and put the rules of the Kartilya into
practice? Despierta!

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