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From what I learned, the nature and process of Oral communication is something
that we people do everyday or you can even say that its basically “simple human
mechanics in interacting with another”.

-It’s a process where we talk to another person and we share

things that are on our minds in which we are able to convey
meaning to other people in what we say that’s also the case vise-
-Its also a process where we establish relations, relationships
and especially build understanding towards others as well.

And as humans we are very social beings but some are introverted but they still
communicate with the use of the internet and mostly some are extroverts which
means they communicate in person which is way harder depending on the situation
but it gives you a variety of perspectives and hidden meanings in their body
language or personal mannerisms.

How about an example:

Lets say theres 2 boys in a room, boy number 1 tells boy number 2
something then boy number 2 receives the information so boy
number 2 proceeds to decode or interprets the based of the
context then boy number 2 thinks of an answer to reply then
finally boy number 2 provides feedback to boy number 1.

But now lets discuss the Oral communication if we look at it as a process:

We can say that communication is DYNAMIC

-in my experience as a human myself I can say that its not fixed
because it always changes depending on the topic because some
topics end pretty early and some end after a certain amount of
time but mostly because it deals with our change of behavior.
We can say that communication is SYSTEMATIC
-in my experience as a human myself I can say that even a simple
interaction Is already inside a system because to talk about
something, well you need elements like:
-a topic
-pick a main cause in the topic
-provide imaginary examples from the topic
-provide feedback
We can say that communication is transactional
The quote we all know which is “theres no relationship if theres
no communication” it can also be viewed as a communication that
is transactional as well.

How about an example when transactional communication is applied:

When a couple are talking about an upcoming event that the male
proposed to the female then they communicate online for a while
but one day the male suprises the female with the said event in
person which the female has forgotten about so the transaction
was the female has engaged physical contact with the male as a
sign of gratitude in short just a kiss.
We can say that communication is adaptive
Kind of somewhat similar to the DYNAMIC process of communication
but this time adaptive communication its purpose takes place
within an intent to achieve some outcome. So you must really pay
attention to what they are saying if you want your communication
to adapt to a certain conversation but also keep in mind the
elements which I stated earlier.

But also keep in mind the physical sorroundings, motives and

needs. But basically adaptive communication is highly effective
if you learn how to adapt in many situations.
We can say that communication is continuous
But overall when we say communication is continuous well IT
REALLY HAS NO END AND NO BEGINNING. As new topics occur from
certain events that has happened to a person’s life well… I can
say that the communication is somewhat nigh-infinite because it’s
kind of a system where another topic comes up after another and
another feedback after another but ofcourse another idea after

I guess I can teach you a few tips in communicating but that’s a topic we have yet
to discuss another day...

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