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Redefining Strategies and Approaches in Solving Reading

Difficulties of Third Graders


An Action Research Paper

Presented to
The College of Teacher Education Department
Negros Oriental State University
Guihulngan Campus

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

ED 405 Teaching Internship

Delantes, Alnie Grace A.

Arances, Micah Joy

Salimbagat, Reidoni A.

Enadio, Mely

June 2023

This research proposal aims to investigate and redefine strategies and

approaches in solving reading difficulties among third-grade students. The

study seeks to address the problem of reading difficulties faced by this specific

age group, with the ultimate goal of improving reading skills and academic

performance. By examining existing literature on reading interventions and

exploring innovative methodologies, this research intends to provide valuable

insights and recommendations for educators and policymakers to enhance

reading instruction and support for third-grade students.


Reading comprehension is the best way to aim a better and productive

environment of learning. Proficient reading and writing skills are critical to success. If

students are not competent readers, they are at risk for academic, behavioral, social and

emotional difficulties. Students with reading disabilities have the potential to be

unsuccessful academically and socially. This research gives a bird's eye - view about how

to back - up learners in their mode of learning towards achieving an effective path of

reading comprehension skills. Children with reading difficulties throughout school and

into adulthood, said how embarrassing and devastating it was to read with difficulty in

front of peers and teachers, and to demonstrate this weakness on a daily basis. It is clear

that this type of failure affects children negatively earlier than we thought. By the end of

first grade till to their third grades children having difficulty in learning to read begin to

feel less positive about their abilities than when they started in their first step in learning
processes .Researchers have made considerable progress in understanding all types of

reading disabilities specifically in redefining strategies and approaches in solving reading

difficulties of third graders. Moreover, "reading impaired" children may be all those

who have difficulties in basic reading skill. In addition, the researchers upholds to the

beauty of giving fair attention to the learning of learners who have difficulties of reading

especially in the third graders. This idea tends to lead the way of having positive outlook

towards heading of one goal of having an action that somehow can aid those problems of

reading comprehension to some learners who undergoes of that same certain problems.

Poor readers have trouble with accurate and fluent word recognition that originates with

weaknesses in phonological processing, often in combination with fluency and

comprehension problems. These students have obvious trouble learning sound-

symbol correspondence, sounding outwards, and spelling. Reading had been a long-

lasting and widespread problem among pupils in the primary level. One of the challenges

that teachers are facing now is how to motivate the pupils to read and how they will

engage the learners to practice their reading agility. The implementation of the K to 12

curriculum also swell with the problem in reading of third graders.

The Department of Education from the national level down to the school level

launched different programs to solve the problem in reading. One of these

programs are some projects such as the Project READ (Reading Empowerment for

Academic Development ) and Project Reach for the STAR(Strive Toward Achievement in

Reading) . These aims to improve reading fluency, reading skills and comprehension skills

of the pupils both in English and Filipino in third graders . Currently, it has been

implementing and all hoped that the objectives will be achieved after its
implementation and will solve the problems in reading.The aforementioned

situations above triggered the researcher to conduct an action research on how

to take part in shaping the minds of the learners of third graders through redefining

strategies and approaches that somehow can aid and solved reading difficulties of third


I. The Problem

The problem under investigation is the reading difficulties encountered by

third-grade students. These difficulties can have a long-lasting impact on their

academic success and overall educational development. It is crucial to identify

effective strategies and approaches to address these difficulties and provide

appropriate interventions that support reading comprehension, fluency, and

vocabulary acquisition.

Purpose of Study

The purpose of this study is to redefine strategies and approaches in

solving reading difficulties among third graders. The research aims to identify

effective instructional methods, interventions, and support systems that can

assist students in overcoming reading challenges and improve their overall

reading proficiency.
Definition of Terms

Reading difficulties- The challenges faced by students in acquiring and

comprehending written text, which may include decoding, fluency, vocabulary,

and comprehension issues.

Third graders- Students typically in the third grade, aged 8 to 9 years.

Research Questions:

1. What are the primary causes of reading difficulties among third-grade


2. What strategies and approaches have been previously utilized to address

reading difficulties in this age group?

3. What innovative methodologies can be employed to enhance reading

instruction and support for third graders?

4. How effective are these strategies and approaches in improving reading

skills and academic performance of third graders?

5. What recommendations can be made for educators and policymakers to

better support third-grade students with reading difficulties?

Scope and Delimitation

This action research was conducted in Buenavista Elementary School.

The respondents of this action research were the pupils from three sections of

grade three of the school year 2022-2023. This action research will be limited

to grade three pupils only and is not conducted to other pupils of the school.

Research Design

The researchers use the descriptive research with statistical analysis in

conducting this investigation. Since this is a quantitative research, the

researchers firmly settled on the gathered reliable data of randomly chosen


Locale of the Study

The study will take place at Buenavista Elementary School Division of

Guihulngan City since the chosen respondents are pupils of the school.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study are the Grade 3 pupils of Buenavista

Elementary School Division of Guihulngan City. The total population of Grade

3 pupils are 87 and 50 respondents are randomly picked to answer the


Table 1

Distribution of Respondents

Grade 3 Pupils Number of Pupils

Section Mango 28

Section Apple 30

Section Guava 29
Total Number of Pupils 87

Data Gathering Instrument

The researchers used a researcher-made questionnaire in gathering the

necessary data. The survey questionnaire is consisting of question to be

answered by the respondents.

Data Gathering Procedure

A letter of request was secured for from the School Principal with the

endorsement of the Master Teacher. Upon its approval, proper coordination

with the class advisers and parents of the pupil respondents was done by the


The researchers personally administered the questionnaire to ensure

that all items will be answered.

Statistical Treatment

Responses to the questionnaire by Grade 3 pupils were statistically

analyzed with the data requirements of the study. Students were statistically

analyzed with the data instruments of the study. Descriptive statistics such as

such as frequency count, mean , and percent are considered.

To know if there are significant difference between independent and

dependent variables the Mann-Whitney U Test was utilized with 0.05 level of


Formula :

Percentage = Part x 100


Mean = sum of the terms

number of terms

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