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There is no Christian symbol other than the Cross has the widest and profound
ecumenical, social, religious, and mystical bearing. In all Christian functions,
institutions, memorials, prayers and celebrations one directly experiences the
centrality of the Cross of Christ. Even the very existence of the created nature,
including human beings, is in relation to the Cross. The mysteries of the history of
salvation can also be seen revolving round the mystery of the cross of Christ. With
regard to the cross of Christ and the history of salvation clear cut typological
connection are seen between the ‘tree of paradise and tree of the cross’. As one tree
was the agent of death, like wise another tree become the agent of life, for by one tree
death conquered, in the other life shines out.

The cross symbolises the suffering, humiliation and even death. Some even
see the whole life as a way of the cross, a journey carrying the burdens, problems, and
anxieties of one’s own and of those who are near and dear to one. Often the suffering
or death of another becomes more severe and unbearable. For Christian believers also
the cross is something in itself frightening and painful, but it is bearable and
meaningful by Christ who invites all who to share in his yoke which is light and easy
(Mt 11: 29- 30).1 The same cross may be carried by different people with different
attitudes and varying grades of suffering. Some take it as a help to grow and mature in
love and glory. There is a genuine satisfaction and joy in suffering as the apostles
experienced when they beaten by the Jewish authorities (Acts 5: 40-41). As a disciple
of Jesus, Paul could write to the Romans. “I consider that the sufferings of this present
time are not worth comparing with glory that is to be revealed to us” (8: 18).

Cross is seen as the sole ground of salvation. It is a mystery and also the
symbol of love. We are living in a world where the humanity does not even want to
hear the Word. To change this, we have to go back to the teaching of Christ by
hanging on the cross for our salvation. The cross is our symbol which shows the union
with Christ. For St. Paul the message of the cross is the heart of the gospel. With
this conviction he

Scriptural references are from The New Revised Standard Version: Catholic Edition,
(Bangalore: Theological Publications in India 2014).
proclaimed to the world that “the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are
perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God” (1 Cor 1: 18).

This paper is an attempt to know about the “Theology of the Cross According
to St. Paul in 1 Corinthians 1: 18-31; and its Implication for Christian Life”. My thesis
is divided into three parts. The first chapter explains about how to analyse the history
of cross. In this section, I tried to explain about the various understanding of the cross
and crucifixion from primitive era to the present scenario. The second chapter gives a
clear notion about Pauline understanding of wisdom of the cross as foolishness. In this
part, I tried to explain Paul’s rejection of human wisdom in favour of proclaiming that
Jesus Christ crucified is the wisdom of God, and the Cross itself is the power of God.
In the third chapter we can see how the theological understanding of the cross is
implicated in Christian life. This chapter will provide the light of the ethics on the
cross, helping the faithful approach the truth, goodness and beauty and also it will
give knowledge about how the cross related with human and nature.

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