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The USAID Learning, Acting and Building for Rehabilitation in Health Systems (ReLAB-HS) is a multi-
country USAID activity that focuses on strengthening health systems that are responsive to the growing
need for Rehabilitation and Assistive Technology in the country. It is a consortium of five international
Organisations by led by Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit.
ReLAB-HS supports the Ministry of Health to develop health systems to meet the growing need for
rehabilitation and assistive technology (AT).
Staff Retreat

ReLAB-HS is planning a staff retreat for the for the core Uganda country office based staff. The purpose
of the retreat will be to enable staff reflect on their work performance for the just ending FY (October
2022-Sept 2023). Part of the retreat will include a human resources session to build the capacity of staff
and enhance their human resources exposure in areas among others like;
 Personal Leadership development
 Effective communication from personal and organizational point of view
 Personal Effectiveness, productivity and accountability
 Any tailored session from the HR perspective suitable for country level staff.

Other retreat details are as follows;

1. Venue: Kalangala Victoria Resort Hotel
2. Dates: 19th sept – 22nd Sept 2023. The HR session is expected to be delivered the half day of
21st Sept 2023 unto lunch time.
3. Travel Arrangements: ReLAB-HS will offer transport to and fro to the venue from kampala. The
Guest presenter will be expected to travel to Kalangala on 20th Sept and be able to present on
the 21st Sept 2023
4. Accommodation: ReLAB-HS will meet the accommodation for one HR external guest/
5. Professional fee: ReLAB-HS will cover the professional fee for one HR guest presenter.
6. Number of participants: 15

Sam Tukei Ojulo

Country Director
ReLAB-HS Uganda Country Office
Tel: +256702369696

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