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‫ۓ نَ ِب ْينَا ُم َحمد ﷺ‬ َ ‫سلّ ْم‬

ِ ‫عل‬ َ ‫ص ِل و‬
ّ ‫اللهم‬

‫جروب واتس صدقة جارية‬

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1. Analysis is defined as breaking the problem into parts

2. Research The goal of the research process is to produce new knowledge or deepen understanding of a topic or
3. Exploratory research helps to iden fy & define a problem or ques on.
4. Construc ve research Tests theories & proposes solu ons to a problem or ques on
5. Empirical research tests the feasibility of a solu on using empirical evidence
6. SWOT- Acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportuni es, and Threats
7. SWOT --Technique is credited to Albert Humphrey who led a research project at Stanford University in the 1960
to 1970.
8. SWOT- Used as framework for organizing and using data and informa on gained from situa on analysis of
internal and external environment
9. SWOT- Technique that enables a group / individual to move from everyday problems / tradi onal strategies to a
fresh perspec ve.
10. Strength - Characteris cs of the business or a team that give it an advantage over others in the industry
11. Strength- Posi ve tangible and intangible a ributes, internal to an organiza on
12. Weakness - Characteris cs that place the firm at a disadvantage rela ve to others
13. Opportuni es- Chances ‫ فرصه‬to make greater profits in the environment - External a rac ve factors that
represent the reason for an organiza on to exist & develop
14. Threats - External elements in the environment that could cause trouble for the business - External factors,
beyond an organiza on’s control, which could place the organiza on’s mission or opera on at risk
15. Aim of SWOT Analysis - To help decision makers share and compare ideas
16. Predictable risks are risks that extrapolated from past project experience
17. Managing the problem includes using the informa on gathered effec vely
18. SWOT analysis used as a framework for organizing and using data and informa on gained from situa on analysis
of internal and external environment.
19. Risk is a poten al problem – it might happen and it might not
20. Project risks - They threaten the project plan
21. Technical risks -They threaten the quality and meliness of outcome
22. - Business risks-They threaten the viability (prac cality) of project’s outcomes
23. Known risks -Those risks that can be uncovered a er careful evalua on of the+ project plan
24. Predictable risks -Those risks that are extrapolated from past project experience (e.g., past turnover)
‫ۓ نَ ِب ْينَا ُم َحمد ﷺ‬ َ ‫سلّ ْم‬
ِ ‫عل‬ َ ‫ص ِل و‬
ّ ‫اللهم‬

25. Unpredictable risks -Those risks that can and do occur, but are extremely difficult to iden fy in advance
26. Reac ve risk strategies -Nothing is done about risks un l something goes wrong
27. Proac ve risk strategies -Primary objec ve is to avoid risk and to have a con ngency plan in place to handle
unavoidable risks in a controlled and effec ve manner

Team work :

 Analy c Ability
 Crea vity/Lateral thinking
 Logical reasoning
 Persistence
 Communica on
 Persuasion
 Nego a on
Problem-Solving Process

Define the problem

Gather informa on
Develop alterna ves
Weigh alterna ves
Select the best alterna ve
Implement the solu on
Monitor progress and follow up

Problem solving stages

Evalua ng the problem : Clarifying the nature of a problem Formula ng ques ons Gathering informa on
systema cally Colla ng (ordering) & organizing data Condensing & summarizing informa on Defining the desired
objec ve.
Managing the problem : Using the informa on gathered effec vely Breaking down a problem into smaller, more
manageable, parts Using techniques such as brainstorming & lateral thinking to consider op ons Analyzing these
op ons in greater depth Iden fying steps that can be taken to achieve the objec ve
Decision-making : deciding between the possible op ons for what ac on to take deciding on further informa on
to be gathered before taking ac on deciding on resources ( me, funding, staff etc.) to be allocated to this
Resolving the problem : Implemen ng ac on Providing informa on to other stakeholders; delega ng
tasks Reviewing progress
‫ۓ نَ ِب ْينَا ُم َحمد ﷺ‬ َ ‫سلّ ْم‬
ِ ‫عل‬ َ ‫ص ِل و‬
ّ ‫اللهم‬

Examining the results :# Monitoring the outcome of the ac on taken

# Reviewing the problem & problem-solving process to avoid similar situa ons in Future

Conceptual defini on of risk

 Risk concerns future happenings

 Risk involves change in mind, opinion, ac ons, places

Two characteris cs of risk

 Uncertainty – the risk may or may not happen, that is, there are no 100% risks (those, instead,
are called constraints)

 Loss – the risk becomes a reality and unwanted consequences or losses occur

Steps for Risk Management

 Iden fy possible risks; recognize what can go wrong

 Analyze each risk to es mate the probability that it will occur and the impact (i.e., damage)
that it will do if it does occur
 Rank the risks by probability and impact - Impact may be negligible, marginal, cri cal, and
 Develop a con ngency plan to manage those risks having high probability and high impact

Assessing Risk Impact

 Three factors affect the consequences that are likely if a risk does occur
 Its nature–This indicates the problems that are likely if the risk occurs
 Its scope – This combines the severity of the risk (how serious was it) with its overall distribu on (how much was
 Its ming–This considers when and for how long the impact be felt
 The overall risk exposure formula is RE = P x C
 P = the probability of occurrence for a risk
 C = the cost to the project should the risk actually occur

‫ۓ نَ ِب ْينَا ُم َحمد ﷺ‬ َ ‫سلّ ْم‬
ِ ‫عل‬ َ ‫ص ِل و‬
ّ ‫اللهم‬

P = 80% probability that 18 of 60 so ware components will have to be developed

C = Total cost of developing 18 components is $25,000

RE = .80 x $25,000 = $20,000

The RMMM Plan


Mi ga on,



Seven Principles of Risk Management

Maintain a global perspec ve: View so ware risks within the context of a system and the business problem that is
intended to solve

Take a forward-looking view Think about risks that may arise in the future; establish con ngency plans

Encourage open communica on Encourage all stakeholders and users to point out risks at any me

Integrate risk management Integrate the considera on of risk into the so ware process

Emphasize a con nuous process of risk management Modify iden fied risks as more becomes known and add new risks
as be er insight is achieved

Develop a shared product vision A shared vision by all stakeholders facilitates be er risk iden fica on and assessment

Encourage teamwork when managing risk Pool the skills and experience of all stakeholders when conduc ng risk
management ac vi es

1- Write the three types of research - ( Exploratory - Construc ve - Empirical )

2- Write five of research Evalua on Criteria - ( Accuracy - Authority - Audience Objec vity - Purpose - Current
Informa on - Depth of Coverage )
3- The teamwork skills - ( Analy c Ability - Crea vity - Logical reasoning - Persistence - Communica on -
Persuasion – Nego a on )
4- Problem solving Stages - ( Evalua ng the problem - Managing the problem - Decision-making - Resolving the
problem - Examining the results )
‫ۓ نَ ِب ْينَا ُم َحمد ﷺ‬ َ ‫سلّ ْم‬
ِ ‫عل‬ َ ‫ص ِل و‬
ّ ‫اللهم‬

5- Problem solving process - ( Define the problem - Gather informa on - Develop alterna ves - Weigh alterna ves
- Select the best alterna ve - Implement the solu on - Monitor progress and follow up)
6- Who needs SWOT analysis - ( Business Unit - Job Holder – Company )
7- Analysis of the project aims to - It help us to know what we need to finish the project from ( technology –
engineers – maintenance )
8- The factors to choose the project - ( modern – serves a large society – na onal project )
9- How to conduct SWOT analysis - ( Analyse Internal & External Environment – make SWOT analysis - Prepare
Ac on Plan )
10- Write five of the benefits of SWOT analysis

Helps in se ng of objec ves for strategic planning

- Provides a framework for iden fying & analyzing strengths, weaknesses, opportuni es & threats

- Provides an impetus to analyze a situa on & develop suitable strategies and tac cs

- Basis for assessing core capabili es & competencies

- Evidence for, and cultural key to, change

- Provides a s mulus to par cipa on in a group experience

11- Write five of the disadvantages of SWOT analysis

- Can be very subjec ve.

- It lacks detailed structure, so key elements may get missed.

- Categorizing aspects as strengths, weaknesses, opportuni es & threats might be very subjec ve

- May cause organiza ons to view circumstances as very simple due to which certain key strategic contact may be

- The data used in the analysis may be based on assump ons that subsequently prove to be unfounded [good and

12- - Write the conceptual defini on of risk

- Risk concerns future happenings
- Risk involves change in mind, opinion, ac ons, places
13- Two characteris cs of risk
- Uncertainty – the risk may or may not happen
- Loss – the risk becomes a reality
‫ۓ نَ ِب ْينَا ُم َحمد ﷺ‬ َ ‫سلّ ْم‬
ِ ‫عل‬ َ ‫ص ِل و‬
ّ ‫اللهم‬

14- Steps for Risk Management

- Iden fy possible risks
- Analyze each risk to es mate the probability
- Rank the risks by probability and impact
- Develop a con ngency plan
15- The RMMM Plan - ( Risk - Mi ga on - Monitoring - Manage )
You were asked to apply what you studied in the course on a project
16- What was the tle of your project - ( Rod Al-farag Bridge)
17- What is the analysis of your project
18- How to apply the problem solving process on your project
19- How to apply the problem solving stages on your project
20- What is the conclusion of the SWOT analysis you made
21- What are the risks you es mated for your project
22- What is your plan for the expected risks

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