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Janna Christina C.

Speech Communication

1. What makes communication effective? Is it through digital technology? Prove

your answer.
Effective communication is achieved when the intended message is clearly and accurately
conveyed to the recipient in a way that they can understand and act on it appropriately.
Effective communication involves several factors, including the clarity of the message, the
choice of language, the context, the receiver's interpretation of the message, and the
feedback received.

Digital technology can enhance communication by providing faster and more efficient means
of transmitting messages. Digital technology has made it possible to communicate with
anyone, anywhere, at any time, using various tools such as email, text messaging, video
conferencing, and social media. However, technology alone is not enough to ensure
effective communication. The use of digital technology requires appropriate communication
skills to convey messages effectively, including the ability to use appropriate language, tone,
and non-verbal cues to communicate effectively. Effective communication requires a
combination of appropriate technology and communication skills to convey messages
accurately and clearly.

2. What are the issues presented by the speaker? How are you going to solve the

The speaker presented communication issues throughout her speech. Her gestures and little
mannerisms were distracting. Instead of focusing on her speech, I was busy watching her
movements. If I were the speaker, I would mind my movements more. I would record myself
while doing my speech and observe distracting actions I do so that I can avoid them when I
give my next speech. Effective communication won’t happen if the listeners are too
distracted by your movements.

3. Does technology serve human purposes? How does it affect us? To your
family, friends, and loved ones.
Technology is a tool that is designed to serve human purposes. Technology has also
transformed the way we communicate and interact with each other, making it easier to stay
connected with family and friends, no matter where they are in the world.

When it comes to our family, friends, and loved ones, technology can be both a blessing and
a curse. On one hand, it can help us stay connected and communicate more easily with
those who are far away or unable to meet in person. On the other hand, it can also create a
disconnect in face-to-face interactions if we are too focused on our screens instead of
engaging with those around us.

Ultimately, it is up to us to use technology in a way that serves our human purposes and
enhances our lives without detracting from our relationships and well-being. We need to
strike a balance between the benefits of technology and the importance of face-to-face
interactions and human connection.

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