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Course Learning Knowledge Skills Attitudes and Values

What did you learn from What were you able to What values and/or
this course? do in your own beliefs/views relevant to
classroom/school/ your work or
division/ professional practice did
district/workplace you develop after taking
because of your this course?
learning in this course?

I learned many things in Having this course have Patience and perseverance
this course about help me a lot, especially towards my work and
quantitative research. I during LAC sessions with studies as well. I learned
learned that quantitative is my co-teachers in school. I to be more resourceful. I
more on numerical data, can share to them some of tried to value my time
such as objective data that the strategies in computing since having this is not
can be clearly data using apps or even easy especially if you have
communicated through simple way in using many work at school. But
statistics and numbers. It Microsoft excel. This help because of my patience
relies more on numerical our task or work easier. and my goals in life, I
or measurable data which always tried to manage my
is different compared to work from my studies as a
qualitative data. scholar.

Instructions: For the items below, provide your rating using a scale from 0 (extremely low) to 4 (extremely

Rate your effort in the Rate your level of

course 4 learning 4

Rate the contribution of 4 Rate the 4

the course to your contribution of
professional the course to
development your preparation

for your

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