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10. Elbow joint.

Joints between the bones of the forearm


 Connects the upper arm to the forearm:

o Distal end of the humerus + proximal ends of the radius and ulna
 Biomechanical classification: complex
 Allows for flexion and extension relative to the upper arm + supination and pronation
relative to the forearm

Bones of the elbow

 Humerus
 Radius of FA
 Ulna of FA
 Landmarks:
o Med. And lat. Epicondyles of H
o Olecranon of U
o Heuter’s triangle when flexed = equilateral triangle

Articulating surfaces and movements

2 separate articulating surfaces

 Humero-ulnar joint: Trochlear notch of U + Trochlea of H → extension and flexion

 Humero-radial joint: Head of R + Capitulum of H → extension and flexion
 Prox. Radioulnar joint: Head of R + Radial notch of U → Pronation by pronator quadratus and
teres and Supination by supinator and biceps brachii

Joint capsule

 Synovial joint – hinge joint.

 Surrounded by a common joint capsule: encloses the elbow joint and proximal radioulnar
joint. Fibrous and strong – provides stability to the joint
 Collateral ligaments support the joint on both med. And lat. Sides but relatively weakest ant
and post.
 Articular cartilage surrounds distal end of H + proximal end of R & U
 Like all synovial joint: capsule surrounds the joint
o Providing strength and lubrication
o Blood vessels supply the synovial membrane
o Synovial membrane produces synovial fluid: extends ant. To the radial and coronoid
fossae and post. To the olecranon fossa. Distally extends to the
 Role of lubrication – fills the synovial cavity
 Prevents friction and damage to the articular surfaces = no pain upon
 Bursae can also be present: Subtendinous; intratendinous; subcutaneous
Sac bounded by synovial membrane and filled with synovial fluid typically found around
Function: Acts as a cushion prevent friction between structure, preventing degenerative
o SB – Located between the olecranon and tendon of triceps brachii
 Reduces friction between these 2 structures during flexion and extension of
the elbow at the upper arm
o IT – located within the tendon of the triceps brachii
o SC - located at proximal end of olecranon and overlying connective tissue.

3 Ligaments of the elbow joint

 Collateral ligaments of the joint capsule : Ulnar-collateral ligament of elbow; Radial “ “ “ “

o Strengthens the joint medially and laterally
o UCL – ant portion connects the medial epicondyle of H + med margin of coronoid
process of U. // post portion connects the medial epicondyle of H + olecranon of U
 Formed by thickening of joint capsule medially
 Function: prevent medial translation of the elbow joint
o RCL – lat epicondyle of H + annular radial lig.
 Formed by thickening of joint capsule laterally
 Function: prevent lateral translation of the elbow joint and medial flexion =
stability during flexion
 Annular ligament of radius of elbow. Function: stabilizes the prox. Radio-ulnar joint
o Attaches from ant margin radial notch of U + surrounds the head of the radius to
post. Margin of radial notch
o Blends with the radial collateral lig. And joint capsule of the elbow
 Function: prevents displacement of the head of R in close contact with the
radial notch of U


 Arterial supply = cubital anastomosis

o Recurrent and collateral branches ← deep brachial and brachial arteries
 Nerve supply = Ant. Median, musculocutanous and radial nerves
Post. Ulnar nerve


Joints between the bones of the forearm

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