9-Histogenesis of The Intercellular Substance of The Connective Tissue-Pro Alpha Chain - Alpha Chain - ProCollagen - TropoCollagen

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Histogenesis of the intercellular substance of the connective

★ Intercellular substance is made from ground substance. Ground substance:
◦ It is a gel like material which can be liquid or solid. Its features are optical homogeneity,
hydrophobicity, and is stained metachromatic. It is colourless, and fills the spaces between fibres
and cells
◦ Ground substance is synthesised by fibroblasts, Osteoblasts, chondroblasts, and smooth muscle
◦ Ground substance is very good at absorbing water (spongey absorbing 90% of the extracellular
◦ Ground substance is made up of glycosoaminoglycans (GAGs) which link together to form
► GAGs:
◦ Are carbohydrates made up of one sugar residue and one amino sugar hence the name amino-
◦ They form other types of intracellular substance such as:
◦ Proteoglycans which create pores in the matrix to allow movement of molecules. Presence
of proteoglycan give metachromsia to ground substance
◦ Hyaluronic acid (HA) which is found in cartilage making them extremely long and rigid.

★ Biosynthesis of collagen
◦ Tropocollagen is synthesised by fibroblast and released into extracellular space, where they get
polymerised to form collagen fibres.
◦ Also synthesised by other cells also, e.g., Chondroblasts in cartilage, osteoblast in bone and
smooth muscle in blood vessel.
Three such chains join to form


Such molecule through s leave the cell vacuoles
Tropocollagen molecules
secretory to form |

Which aggregate to form 1


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