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Department of Communication Design & Communication Design Management Advertising Graphic Design Program

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New York City College of Technology Company: Unity For Equality
The City University of New York
300 Jay Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201 Address: 4249 Colden Street Flushing
718-260-5175 (Department) l
718-278-6180 Fax City Queens State NY Zip 11355
Professor Stella Nicolaou Supervisor Gina Licona Phone: 202-878-0027
(917) 881-1102 Email: :

FIELD WORK HOURS CERTIFICATION Semester: Fall ___ Spring_ _ Summer_ X _ 2023
All students enrolled in the Advertising Design Internship course COMD4900 are required to complete one hundred
twenty (120) hours of fieldwork at an approved internship site. An accurate record of hours worked should be entered
on this form. At the completion of the field internship the form should be signed by both the student and the internship
site supervisor and sent to the Internship Professor along with the final evaluation.
Student Name: Darren D Le Course/Section: COMD 4900 OL91 [9399]
Internship Coordinator: Professor T. Goetz Instructor: Professor Stella Nicolaou
Date Hours Worked Total Weekly Hours Supervisor’s Signature
Time In / Time Out

Total Hours Worked This Semester: 120

Date: 07/08/2023
Darren Le

Student Signature:

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