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Template of Performance Standard, Transfer GOAL and GRASPS


The learners should be The students on their own

able to skillfully deliver a and in the long run will be
speech for a special able to deliver speech
occasion through utilizing during celebrations.
effective verbal and non-
GOAL: To deliver a speech to
verbal strategies and ICT celebrate an anniversary.
resources. ROLE: President of the Environmental
AUDIENCE: Environmentalists,
Members of the community
SITUATION: The annual celebration of
Earth Day is about to be held in your
community, as the President of the
Environmental Club, you were tasked
to deliver a speech to promote
awareness of sustainable conservation
and protection of the environment as
well as in celebration to the
anniversary of the club in front of
environmentalists, and members of the
PRODUCT: Recorded Speech delivery
STANDARDS: Clarity, Content,
Language, and Appropriateness.

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