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Set Theory 871


S et Theor y
It is one of the easiest and most interesting chapters. Almost every year 2-3 questions appear
in CAT from this chapter, either in QA or in DI/DS section. The important feature of this
chapter is Venn diagrams which play a vital role in the logical reasoning. That’s why this
chapter is interesting, logical and important in CAT, XLRI, FMS, CET etc. Since we have to
solve most of the problems through Venn diagrams, therefore the whole emphasis is given on
the theory and concepts of Venn diagrams. Formulae and algebraic theory is not important
particularly in CAT, still we have to know some fundamentals of sets and their applications.

15.1 Set
A well defined collection of objects is called a set. The objects in a set are called its members
or elements. If a is an element of a set A, then we write a ∈ A (and say a belongs to A) i.e., ‘a’
is a member of ‘A’. If a does not belong to A, then we write a ∉ A By convention the sets are
denoted by capital alphabets e.g., A, B , C , ... X , Y , Z etc and elements of a set are denoted by
a, b, c, ...., x, y, z etc.

Important Notations of Standard Sets Chapter Checklist

N : the set of natural numbers Z : the set of integers Set
Z+ : the set of positive integers Q : the set of all rational numbers Methods of Representation
Q+ : the set of all positive rational numbers R : the set of real numbers of Sets
R+: the set of all positive real numbers C : the set of all complex numbers. Types of Sets
Venn Diagrams
15.2 Methods of Representation of Sets Operations on Sets
1. Roster Method Algebraic Laws of Sets
In this method a set is described by listing all the elements, separated by commas, within Important Results on
braces {} , e.g. Number of Elements in Sets
(i) The set of perfect squares upto 100 may be described as{0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81100
, } Problems Based on Venn
(ii) The set of all the days of a week may be described as {Sunday, Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday}. Concept of Maximum or
NOTE The order of elements (i.e., position of elements) is not important. Hence any element can be
written anywhere within braces { }.
CAT Test

2. Set Builder Method

In this method, a set is described by listing its property in the given manner.
The set P ( x ) is described as P = { x : P ( x ) holds } or { x P ( x ) holds }
or P = { x : x has the property abc K } 3. A = {C , A, T }, B = {C , A, T , A}
which is read as ‘the set of all x such that P ( x ) holds’. The C ={A, C , A, A, T } ⇒ A = B = C
symbol ‘’ or ‘:’ is read as ‘such that’, e.g., Remark
1. The set of perfect squares upto 100 can be written as 1. Order of elements in the list of elements is not
P = {x : x is a perfect square and 0 ≤ x ≤ 100, x ∈ N } important i.e., meaningless.
or P = { x : x ∈ N , x = n 2 , 0 ≤ x < 100, n ∈ Z } 2. The repetition of elements in a set is meaningless.
or P = { x 2 : x ∈ Z} 3. φ ≠ {0} ≠ 0, since φ is a set containing no element at all,
2. The set of all the odd natural numbers can be {0} is a singleton set and 0 is not a set.
expressed as A = { x : x ∈ N , x = 2n − 1, n ∈ N } Remember that equivalent sets are not always equal
but equal sets are always equivalent. Thus {1, 2, 3,4}
15.3 Types of Sets and {W, X, Y, Z} are equivalent but not equal.
Singleton Set : A set consisting of a single element is called
Subsets : Let A and B be two sets such that every element of
a singleton set.
A is the element of B (i.e., every element of A is in B), then A
e.g. 1. {cat}, {7} etc. 2. { x : x + 5 = 7 } = {2} is called a subset of B and is denoted as-A ⊆ B (Read it as-A
3. {0} is a singleton set. is a subset of B)
Empty Set : A set containing no element at all is called an Superset : If A ⊆ B , we say that B is a superset of A and we
empty set or a null set or a void set and is denoted by φ. In set write B ⊇ A. Read it as-B is the superset of A.
builder form it is expressed as φ = {} e.g. B = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10}, A = {4, 8} ⇒ B ⊇ A
e.g. 1. { x : x ∈ N , 9 < x < 10 } = φ 2. { x : x ∈ R , x 2 = − 8 } = φ Proper Subset : If A ⊆ B and A ≠ B , then A is called a
NOTE A set containing atleast one element is called a proper subset of B and denoted as A ⊂ B e.g.,
non-empty or non-void set.
1. {5, 15, 25} ⊂ {5, 10, 15, 20, 25}
Finite Set : If a set has finite number of elements that can be
2. N ⊂ W ⊂ I ⊂ Q ⊂ R
counted or listed i.e., the counting of elements surely comes
Comparable Sets : Two sets A and B are said to be
to an end, is called a finite set, e.g.,
comparable if either A ⊆ B or B ⊆ A.
1. Set of all the management institutes in the world.
2. Set of all the recognised countries in the world. Results on Subsets
Cardinal Number : The number of distinct elements in a 1. The empty set φ is a subset of every set.
finite set is called the ‘cardinal number’ of the set e.g., 2. Every set is a subset of itself.
n ( A ) → n is the number of distinct elements in the set A. 3. The number of all possible subsets of a set containing
Infinite Set : If the number of elements of a set is infinite i.e., n elements is 2 n .
which cann’t be counted by natural numbers, is called 4. The number of all proper subsets of a set containing
infinite set in other words if a set is not finite then it must be n elements is (2 n − 1).
an infinite set, e.g. 5. The set of all subsets of a given set A is called
1. Set of all points on the arc of a circle the power set of A, denoted by P ( A ). Thus, if A has
2. Set of all concentric circles with a given centre n elements P ( A ) has 2 n elements.
3. Number of all lines in a particular plane. Universal Set : A set that contains all sets in a given context
4. { x : x ∈ R , 1 < x < 2 } and {x : x ∈ I , x <10 } is called the universal set e.g.,
Equivalent Sets : Two finite sets A and B are equivalent if 1. In a two dimensional coordinate geometry, the set of
their cardinal numbers are same i.e. n ( A ) = n ( B ) all points in x- y plane is the universal set.
e.g. A = { a, e, i, o, u }and B = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9} ⇒ n ( A ) = n ( B ) 2. Sets containing natural numbers have a universal set N .
Equal Sets : Two sets A and B are said to be equal, if every 3. If A = {1, 2, 4}, B = {2, 2, 4, 6},
element of A is in B and every element of B is in A and it is C = {1, 2, 5, 6, 7}, then U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}
denoted as A = B . When the elements of A and B are distinct, ∪
then A ≠ B i.e., A and B are not equal e.g.,
1. A = {a, e, i, o, u} and B = {e, o, i, a, u} ⇒ A = B
2. A = { p, q, r}, B = {q, p, r} and C = {r, q, p} A B
⇒ A = B =C
Set Theory 873

Power Set : The collection or family of all the subsets of a ∴ B and C are intersecting sets.
set A is called the power set of A and is denoted by P ( A ).

NOTE The power set is always non-empty, because the empty set
Sets A and B have no
and the given set itself are the members or elements of the power set.
elements common.
A = {1, 2, 3}, then the number of subsets of the P ( A) will be 23 = 8
P ( A) = { }, {1}, { 2}, { 3}, {1, 2}, { 2, 3}, {1, 3}, {1, 2, 3} A B

15.4 Venn Diagrams Difference of Sets : The difference of set A and set B
(written as A − B ) is the set of all those elements of A which
First of all Swiss mathematician Euler elucidated the idea of
do not belong to B. Thus, A − B = {x : x ∈ A and x ∉ B }
representing the sets by points in a closed curve. Later on
British mathematician Venn brought this into practice.That's or A − B = {x ∈ A : x ∉ B }
why this whole concept is known as Euler-Venn diagram or Clearly x ∈ A − B ⇔ x ∈ A and x ∉ B
simply Venn diagrams. In Venn diagrams the universal setU e.g. If A ={1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, B = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10}
is represented by points within a rectangle and its subsets are
A − B = {1, 3, 5} and B − A = {8, 10}
represented by points in closed curves (usually circles)
within a rectangle. ∪

(A – B) is represented
15.5 Operations On Sets by the shaded region
1. Union of Sets : If A and B be two sets, then the union
of A and B is the set of the all those elements which A B
belong either to A or to B or to both A and B. It is

denoted as A ∪ B (read as ‘A union B’) e.g.
A = {2, 3, 5}, B = {1, 2, 4, 5}, A ∪ B = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} (B – A) is represented
by the shaded region

[The shaded region is
representing the union Symmetric difference of two Sets : The symmetric
of sets] difference of sets A and B is the set ( A − B ) ∪ ( B − A ) and is
A B denoted by A ∆ B
2. Intersection of Sets : If A and B be two sets then the

intersection of A and B is the set of all those elements
that belong to both A and B. It is denoted by A ∩ B
(read as ‘‘A intersection B’’)

[The shaded region is
representing the Thus A ∆ B = ( A − B ) ∪ ( B − A ) = {x : x ∉ A ∩ B }
intersection of sets] Complement of a Set : If U be the universal set and a set
A is such that A ⊂ U then, the complement of A with respect
toU is denoted by A′ or A c orU − A and is defined by the set
e.g. A = {3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18}, B = {4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18} of all those elements of U which are not in A.
∴ A ∩ B = {6, 12, 18} Thus A ′ = {x ∈U : x ∉ A}
Disjoint Sets : Two sets A and B are said to be disjoint, if Clearly x ∈ A′ ⇔ x ∉ A
A ∩ B = φ. If A ∩ B ≠ φ then A and B are said to be
intersecting or overlapping sets. ∪
[A′ is shown by the
e.g. A = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9} B = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10}, C = {4, 8, 12} A shaded region]
Here A ∩ B = φ and B ∩ C ≠ φ
∴ A and B are disjoint sets
e.g. U = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 ... }, A = {2} 5. ( A − B ) ∩ B = φ
A ′ = U − A = {3, 5, 7, 11, 13, ...} 6. A ⊆ B ⇔ B ′ ⊆ A ′
7. ( A − B ) ∪ ( B − A ) = ( A ∪ B ) − ( A ∩ B )
15.6 Algebraic Laws of Sets
1. Idempotent Laws : For any set A, we have 15.8 Important Results on Number
(i) A ∪ A = A (ii) A ∩ A = A of Elements in Sets
2. Identity Laws : For any set A, we have If A, B and C are finite sets, and U be the finite universal set
(i) A ∪ φ = A (ii) A ∩ U = A then
3. Commutative Laws : For any two sets A and B, we have (i) n ( A ∪ B ) = n ( A ) + n ( B ) − n ( A ∩ B )
(i) A ∪ B = B ∪ A (ii) A ∩ B = B ∩ A (ii) n ( A ∪ B ) = n ( A ) + n ( B ) ⇔ A, B are disjoint
4. Associative Laws : If A, B andC are any three sets, then non-void sets.
(i) ( A ∪ B ) ∪ C = A ∪ ( B ∪ C ) (iii) n ( A − B ) = n ( A ) − n ( A ∩ B ) i.e.,
(ii) A ∩ ( B ∩ C ) = ( A ∩ B ) ∩ C n ( A − B) + n ( A ∩ B ) = n ( A)
5. Distributive Laws : If A , B andC are any three sets, then (iv) n ( A ∆ B ) = Number of elements which belong to
(i) A ∪ ( B ∩ C ) = ( A ∪ B ) ∩ ( A ∪ C ) exactly one of A or B = n ( A ) + n ( B ) − 2n ( A ∩ B )
(ii) A ∩ ( B ∪ C ) = ( A ∩ B ) ∪ ( A ∩ C ) (v) n ( A ∪ B ∪ C ) = n ( A ) + n ( B ) + n (C ) − n
6. De-Morgan’s Laws : If A and B are any two sets, then ( A ∩ B ) − n (B ∩ C ) − n ( A ∩ C ) + n ( A ∩ B ∩ C )
(i) ( A ∪ B ) ′ = A ′ ∩ B ′ (ii) ( A ∩ B ) ′ = A ′ ∪ B ′ (vi) number of elements in exactly two of the sets A, B , C
= n ( A ∩ B ) + n( B ∩ C ) + n(C ∩ A ) − 3n( A ∩ B ∩ C )
15.7 Important Results on (vii) number of elements in exactly one of the sets A, B , C
Operations on Numbers = n ( A ) + n ( B ) + n (C ) − 2n ( A ∩ B )
1. A − B = A ∩ B′ − 2n ( B ∩ C ) − 2n ( A ∩ C ) + 3n ( A ∩ B ∩ C )
2. B − A = B ∩ A′ (viii) n ( A ′ ∪ B ′ ) = n [( A ∩ B ) ′ ] = n (U ) − n ( A ∩ B )
3. A − B = A ⇔ A ∩ B =φ (ix) n ( A ′ ∩ B ′ ) = n [( A ∪ B ) ′ ] = n (U ) − n ( A ∪ B )
4. (A − B) ∪ B = A ∪ B

Introductory Exercise 15.1

1. If A = {S },which of the following is a correct statement ? 5. The set {x : (x − 3 ) (x − 5 ) > 0 } is equal to :
(a) S ∈ A (b) S ⊂ A (c) {S } ∈ A (d) A = S (a) {x : 3 < x < 5 } (b) {x : x < 3 } ∪ {x : x < 5 }
2. Consider the following statements : (c) {x : x < 3 } ∪ (x : x > 5 } (d) none of these
1. Any set A is comparable with itself 6. If A is the set of all integral multiples of 3 and B is the
2. {0 } is a singleton set set of all integral multiples of 5, then A ∩ B is the set of
3. {φ } is an empty set. all integral multiples of :
Of these statements, the correct ones are : (a) 3 + 5 (b) 5 − 3
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3 (c) GCD (3, 5) (d) LCM (3, 5)
(c) 1 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3 7. If X = {4 n − 3 n − 1 : n ∈ N } and Y = {9 (n − 1) : n ∈ N,
3. The total number of elements in the power set of a set then precisely :
A containing n elements is : (a) X ⊂ Y (b) X ⊆ Y
(a) n2 (b) 2 n (c) X = Y (d) X ⊇ Y
(c) 2 − 1
(d) none of these 8. The number of elements of the set {x : x ∈ N , x2 = 1},
4. Let A = {3 , π , 2 , − 5 , 3 + 7 , 2 / 7 }. The subset of A where N is the set of all natural numbers is :
(a) 2 (b) 1 (c) 0 (d) 3
containing all the elements from it which are irrational
numbers is : 9. If A = {1, 2 , 3 , 4 } and B = {5 , 6 , 7 }, then A ∩ B is :
(a) {π , 2 , 3 + 7 } (b) {3 , π , 2 /7 , − 5 , 3 + 7 } (a) {1, 2 , 3 } (b) {5 , 6 , 7 }
(c) {3 , 2 / 7 , − 5 } (d) {3 , − 5 } (c) {4 } (d) φ
Set Theory 875

10. If A = {1, 2 , 3 , .... 9 }, B = {2 , 4 , 6 , 7 , 8 } and 15. Consider the following statements :

C = {3 , 4 , 5 , 8 , 9 , 10 }, then (A − B) ∪ C is : For any two sets A and B
(a) {1, 3 , 4 , 5 , 8 , 9 , 10 } (b) {1, 2 , 3 ,4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 } (1) (A − B) ∪ B = A (2) (A − B) ∪ A = A
(c) {2, 4, 6, 7, 8} (d) {1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9} (3) (A − B) ∩ B = φ (4) A ⊆ B ⇒ A ∪ B = B
Of these statements :
11. A ∪ B = A, then :
(a) 1, 2, 3 are correct (b) 2, 3, 4 are correct
(a) A ⊂ B (b) B ⊂ A (c) 1, 3, 4 are correct (d) 1, 2, 4 are correct
(c) A ⊄ B and B ⊄ A (d) none of these
16. If X and Y are two sets and X′ denotes the complement
12. If A has 3 elements and B has 6 elements, then the
of X , then X ∩ (X ∪ Y )′ equals :
minimum number of elements in A ∪ B is :
(a) X (b) Y (c) φ (d) none
(a) 3 (b) 6
(c) 9 (d) 18 17. If B ⊆ A, which of the following statements is correct?

13. Let X = {1, 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 } be the universal set (a) A ∪ B = B ⇒ A = B (b) A ∩ B = B ⇒ A ⊇ B

(c) A − B = A ⇒ A = B (d) B − A = B ⇒ A = B
and A = {2 , 4 , 6 }, B = {1, 3 , 7 }, then Ac ∩ Bc is equal to :
18. If A, B and C be any three sets, then A ∪ (B ∩ C ) is the
(a) {2 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 8 , 9 , 10 } (b) {1, 3 , 5 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 }
(c) X (d) {5 , 8 , 9 , 10 } same as :
14. If A, B, C are any three sets, then : (a) (A ∩ C ) ∪ (B ∩ C ) (b) (A ∪ B) ∩ (A ∪ C )
(c) (A ∪ B) ∩ (B ∪ C ) (d) (A ∪ C ) ∩ (B ∪ C )
(a) A − (B ∪ C ) = (A − B) ∪ (A − C )
(b) A − (B ∪ C ) = (A − B) ∩ (A − C ) 19. A − (B ∪ C ) equals :
(c) A − (B ∩ C ) = (A − B) ∪ (A − C ) (a) (A − B) ∪ (A − C ) (b) (A − B) ∩ (A ∩ C )
(d) A − (B ∪ C ) = (A ∪ B) − (A ∪ C ) (c) (A − B) ∪ C (d) (A − C ) ∪ B

15.9 Problems Based on Venn Diagrams

Venn Diagram Containing Two Circles Solution Pass 60% Pass 70%
Maths English
Exp. 1) In a group of 1000 people 700 can speak English Fail 40% Fail 30%
and 500 can speak Hindi. If all the people speak atleast
Fail in both subjects = 10%
one of the two languages, find :
(a) how many can speak both the languages?
(b) how many can speak exactly one language?
30 10 20
(a) n (E ∪ H) = n (E) + n ( H) − n (E ∩ H) 40 30
1000 = 700 + 500 − n (E ∩ H)
Failed number of candidates
∴ Total number of candidates failed in atleast one subject
500 200 300 = 30 + 10 + 20 = 60%
∴Total number of candidates passed in both the subjects
= 100 − 60 = 40%
700 500
Let total number of candidates appeared in exam = x
⇒ n (E ∩ H) = 200
(b) People speaking exactly one language ∴ = 300
n (E ∪ H) − n (E ∩ H) = 1000 − 200 = 800 ⇒ x = 750
Alternatively People speaking exactly one language Hence, total 750 candidates appeared in exam.
= 500 + 300 = 800
Exp. 3) A class took two tests, one in Physics and other
Exp. 2) In an exam 60% of the candidates passed in 1 rd
in Maths.   class failed in Maths and class failed in
Maths and 70% candidates passed in English and 10%  3 2
candidates failed in both the subjects. If 300 candidates
passed in both the subjects. The total number of Physics. 60% of those passed in Physics also passed in
candidates appeared in the exam, if they took test in only Maths. If 300 students took both the tests then how many
two subjects viz-Maths and English. students failed in both?
Solution NOTE In general we cannot determine the solution but this can
Fail 100 Fail 150 be done if we assume that all the Indians like atleast one of these two
Maths Physics types of movies.
Pass 200 Pass 150
Exp. 6) In a certain city only two cellular (mobile) phone
M P services are available. One is Radiance and other is DSML.
It is known that 25% of the city population uses the
110 90 60 services of Radiance and 20% uses the services of DSML,
while 8% uses both Radiance and DSML. It is also known
200 150
that 30% of those who uses Radiance services but not
Total number of students passed in atleast one subject services of DSML have prepaid cards and 40% of those
= 110 + 90 + 60 = 260 who uses DSML but not Radiance have prepaid cards
Therefore number of students failed in both the subjects while 50% of those who uses the services of both Radiance
= 300 − 260 = 40 and DSML have prepaid cards. What percentage of the
population have prepaid cards?
Exp. 4) In an exam 49% candidates failed in English and (a) 12 ⋅ 5% (b) 10% (c) 13 ⋅ 9% (d) 20%
36% failed in Hindi and 15% failed in both subjects. If the
total number of candidates who passed in English alone is
630. What is the total number of candidates appeared in R D
17 8 12
25 20
34 15 21
∴ Percentage of people have prepaid cards
49 36 = (30 % of 17) + (40% of 12) + (50% of 8) = 13.9%

Number of candidates failed in atleast one subject Ven Diagrams Containing

= 34 + 15 + 21 = 70%
Three Circles
E H Explanation of the concept using an example
21 30 34 Q

a x b
51 64
∴Number of candidates passed in both the subjects z y
= 100 − 70 = 30%
Number of candidates passed in English only c
= 51 − 30 = 21% R
Let the total number of candidates be x, then = 630 Let P , Q, R be three books, then
⇒ x = 3000 a → number of people reading only P
Alternatively Since 21% candidates failed in Hindi only it b → number of people reading only Q
means they are pass in only English. Hence, number of c → number of people reading only R
candidates who are passed only in English = 21% x → number of people reading P and Q both but not R
Exp. 5) In a survey it was found that 69% of Indians like y → number of people reading Q and R both but not P
romantic movies and 61% like action movies. What z → number of people reading P and R both but not Q
percentage of Indians like both type of movies? k → number of people reading all the three books
Solution n ( R ∩ A) = ( 69 + 61) − 100 x + k → number of people reading P and Q both
R A y + k → number of people reading Q and R both
z + k → number of people reading P and R both
a + x + k + z → number of people reading P
69 61 b + x + k + y → number of people reading Q
c + y + k + z → number of people reading R
Set Theory 877

a + x + b → number of people reading P or Q but not R ∴ Number of students who are only science graduate
b + y + c → number of people reading Q or R but not P = 42 − [(18 + 8) − 5] = 42 − (13 + 3 + 5) = 21
c + z + a → number of people reading P or R but not Q. S
8 L

a + b + c → number of people reading only one book 42 21 3 18 34

x + y + z → number of people reading only two books
k → number of people reading all of three books 13 8
( a + b + c) + ( x + y + z ) + ( k ) → number of people reading 18 13
atleast one book ( x + y + z ) + ( k ) → number of people 32
reading atleast two books ( a + b + c) + ( x + y + z ) + ( k ) → C
total number of readers.
Exp. 3) In a premier B-school having 100 students in the
Finding the Values of Components MBA final year, 15 students specializes in Marketing
P + Q + R = ( a + x + k + z ) + ( b + x + k + y)+( c + y + k + z ) and HR. 17 students specializes in HR and Systems,
P + Q + R = ( a + b + c) + 2( x + y + z ) + 3k 16 students specializes in Marketing and Systems. The
P + Q + R = α + 2β + 3γ number of students specializes in only one field is equal
where α = a + b + c, β = x + y + z, γ = k and is 22 in each field of specialization. How many
students specializes in all three fields viz- Marketing, HR
Again ( x + k ) + ( y + k ) + ( z + k ) = ( x + y + z ) + 3k = β + 3γ
and Systems?
∴ (α + 2β + 3γ ) − (β + 3γ ) = α + β Solution α = a + b + c = 22 + 22 + 22 = 66
and (α + β + γ ) − (α + β) = γ
∴ β + γ = 100 − α = 100 − 66 = 34
NOTE ‘And’ means intersection, ‘or’ means union M H
Exp. 1) In a group of 100 children, 32% play hockey, 64%
play football and 40% play cricket. 14% play hockey and 22 8 22
football, 15% play football and cricket, 13% play hockey 7
9 10
and cricket. Only 6% play all the three games.
16 17
(a) How many children play only one game? 22
(b) How many children play atleast two game?
(c) How many children play hockey or football but not S
circket? Again β + 3 γ = x + y + z + 3 k = 15 + 16 + 17 = 48
∴ (β + 3 γ) − (β + γ) = 2γ = 48 − 34 = 14 ⇒ γ = 7
Solution (a) 11 + 41 + 18 = 70 (b) ( 8 + 7 + 9) + 6 = 30
Hence, 7 students specializes in all the three fields.
(c) (11 + 41) + 8 = 60
Exp. 4) In a music school 28 students learn trumpet,
30 students learn violin and 32 students learn guitar.
32 11 8 41 64 6 students learn trumpet and violin, 8 students learn
violin and guitar, 10 students learn guitar and trumpet.
7 9 The number of students who learn only one instrument is
13 15 54. Also 20 students learn only violin. Every student learn
18 atleast one instrument out of the three instruments.
C (a) Find the number of students in the music school.
(b) Find the number of students who learn trumpet and
Exp. 2) In a hostel of 100 students capacity, 42 are guitar but not violin?
science graduate, 34 are law graduate and 58 are Solution
commerce graduate. 8 students are science and law 6 V

graduate, 13 students are law and commerce graduate,

18 students are commerce and science graduate. How 28 16 2 20
many students are only science graduate? 4
6 4
Solution α + β + γ = 100; α + 2β + 3 γ = 42 + 34 + 58 = 134
10 8
β + 3 γ = 8 + 13 + 18 = 39 18
α + β = (α + 2β + 3 γ) − (β + 3 γ) = 134 − 39 = 95 G
∴ γ = (α + β + γ) − (α + β) ⇒ γ = 100 − 95 = 5 32
x + b + k + y = 30 (a) How many guests took only one bottle colddrink?
b = 20 (b) How many guests enjoyed Dew or Sprite but not
⇒ x + k + y = 10 6 Pepsi?
But, ( x + k) + ( y + k) = 14 2 20 (c) How many guests enjoyed Pepsi and Dew but not Sprite?
⇒ ( x + y + k) + k = 14 4 Solution Number of guests = ( a + b + c) + (11 + 12 + 14) + ( 9)
⇒ 10 + k = 14 = 278
⇒ k=4 P 20
(a) Number of students in music school D
= (16 + 20 + 18) + ( 2 + 4 + 6) + 4 = 70 a 11 b
(b) Number of students who learn trumpet and guitar but 9
not violin = 6 12 14
T V 21 23

x b S
K Number of bottles = ( a + b + c) + 2(11 + 12 + 14) + 3( 9)
= [( a + b + c) + (11 + 12 + 14) + ( 9)] + (11 + 12 + 14) + 2( 9)
= 278 + 55 = 333
∴ Each kind of bottles = = 111
G 3
Q a = 111 − (11 + 9 + 12) = 79
Exp. 5) Out of 180 students in a class 7 students failed in
b = 111 − (11 + 9 + 14) = 77
all the three subjects viz., Physics, Chemistry, Maths.
c = 111 − (12 + 9 + 14) = 76
Only 144 students pass in only one subject and 21 students
(a) Number of guests who took only one bottle = a + b + c
pass in only two subjects.
= (79 + 77 + 76) = 232
(a) How many students passed in all the three subjects?
(b) Dew or Sprite but not Pepsi = b + 14 + c
(b) How many students passed in atleast two subjects?
= 77 + 14 + 76 = 167
(c) How many students passed in at most two subjects (c) Dew and Pepsi but not Sprite = 20 − 9 = 11
but atleast in one subject?
Solution α = a + b + c = 144 ⇒β = x + y + z = 21 Exp. 7) 250 students appeared in MOCK CAT consisting
α + β + γ = 180 − 7 = 173 ∴ γ = (α + β + γ) − (α + β) of three sections viz. Maths, Data Interpretation (DI) and
⇒ γ = (173) − (144 + 21) ⇒ γ = 8( γ = k) English. 20 students did not qualify any of the three
(a) 8
sections and 66 students qualified all the three sections, 24
students did not qualify DI only. 12 did not qualify DI and
(b) Atleast two subjects = β + γ = 21 + 8 = 29
Maths only.
(c) Atleast one subject but atmost two subjects.
= α + β = 144 + 21 = 165. Those who qualified Maths only exceeded those who did
P not qualify any of the section by 16. Those who did not
C qualify Maths only exceeded those who did not qualify
a b only DI and Maths by 8. Those who did not qualify
English only were twice the number of students who did
z y not qualify Maths only. Find the number of students who
has qualified atleast two sections.
c Solution Total students = 250
Exp. 6) In a marriage party total 278 guests were present. a x b
20 guests took Pepsi and Dew, 23 guests took Dew and 66
Sprite and 21 guests took Pepsi and Sprite and 9 guests z y

took all the three cold drinks viz. Pepsi, Sprite and Dew. It
is also known that there were equal number of bottles of c
each of three kinds viz. Pepsi, Dew and Sprite Maths
Set Theory 879

Number of students who did not qualify any of the three Type 2. In a Business school there are 3 electives offered to
sections = 20 the students, where students have a choice of not choosing any
∴Number of students who qualified atleast one section electives. 70% students opted for Marketing, 60% students
= 250 − 20 = 230 opted for HR and 50% students opted for Finance. 30%
Hint y = 24 (It means 24 students must have qualified English students opted for Marketing and HR both, 40% opted for HR
and Maths) b = 12 (It means they have qualified neither DI and Finance both, 20% opted for Marketing and Finance both.
nor Maths but English only)
(a) What is the minimum number of students opted for
c = 36 = ( 20 + 16) ⇒ x = 20 = (12 + 8) ⇒ z = 40 = ( 20 × 2)
all 3 electives?
∴ ( a + b + c) + ( x + y + z) + 66 = 230
(b) What is the maximum number of students opted for
( a + 12 + 36) + ( 20 + 24 + 40) + 66 = 230 ⇒ a = 32
all 3 electives?
but the required answer = ( x + y + z) + 66 = 84 + 66 = 150 M 30
Solution Total number of H
students = 70 + ( x − 10) + ( 40 − x ) 70

30 –x
15.10 Concept of Maxima and +( x − 10) = 90 + x
x + 20
x – 10 60
Minima (a) The minimum value of x so
20 x

that none of the categories x – 10

Type 1. In a Business School there are 3 electives and atleast becomes negative = 10
one elective is compulsory to opt. 75% students opted for F
(b) The maximum value of x so
Marketing, 62% students opted for Finance and 88% students that none of the categories becomes negative = 20
opted for HR. A student can have dual or triple specialization.
Type 3. In a hostel there are 250 students. 120 watch news
(a) What is the minimum number of students that are channels, 80 watch sports channels and 90 watch music
specialize in all three streams? channels. Each channel telecasts the content as per their
(b) What is the maximum number of students that can nature. 50 students watch both news and sports channel 60
specialize in all three streams? students watch both sports and music channel and 65
Solution students watch both news and music channels.
(a) 75% students opted for Marketing, it means atleast 25%
(a) What is the minimum number of students who watch
students opted for HR or Finance or HR and Finance both.
atleast one of the given channel?
H (b) What is the maximum number of students who watch
75 88
atleast one of the given channels?
(c) What is the minimum number of students who watch
all the three types of channels?
(d) What is the maximum number of students who watch
62 all the three types of channels?
Solution Since the number of 50
Similarly alteast 12% students opted for Marketing or Finance students cannot be negative S
50 –x

or Marketing and Finance both. Again atleast 38% students x − 30 ≥ 0  5+x x – 30

opted for Marketing or HR or Marketing and HR both. ∴  80
x − 35 ≥ 0 x6
∴ 25 + 12 + 38 = 75% 65 –x 0–
50 − x ≥ 0  65 60
It means that if there is no intersection in these three 
courses,75% would be maximum number of students in M, Also 60 − x ≥ 0 x – 35
H, F alone or ( M ∩ H ), ( M ∩ F ), ( H ∩ F ). Thus it gives 65 − x ≥ 0  90 M
atleast 25% = (100 − 75) students in all 3 departments. Total number of students playing atleast one game
(b) (75 − x) + ( 88 − x) + ( 62 − x) + x = 100 ⇒ x = 62.5% = 120 + ( x − 30) + ( 60 − x) + ( x − 35) = 115 + x
M (a) Minimum number of students watching atleast one
H channel = 115 + 35 = 150
75 – x O 88 – x (b) Maximum number of students watching atleast one
x channel = 115 + 50 = 165
O O (c) Minimum number of students watching all the 3
channels = 35
62 – x
(d) Maximum number of students watching all the 3
62 F channels = 50

Questions Helping you bell the CAT


1 In a city 45% of the people read English and Hindi Directions (for Q. Nos. 7 and 8) In a class of 80 students
newspapers. 15% read only Urdu newspaper and 75% read 25 passed in QA and DI, 25 passed in DI and English, 20 passed in
Hindi newspaper. If nobody reads all the three newspapers QA and English. 10 student passed in all the three subjects.
and everybody read atleast one newspaper out of English,
7 How many students passed only in Q.A.?
Hindi and Urdu newspapers, how many read Urdu
(a) 20 (b) 15
(c) 12 (d) can’t be determined
(a) Max 45% (b) Max. 55%
(c) Min 25% (d) Min 30% 8 If no student failed in all three subjects, what is the total
number of students who passed in QA only, DI only and
Directions (for Q. Nos. 2 to 5) In our coaching institute there English only?
are total 170 students and they use different vehicles for (a) 50 (b) 30
transportation viz. bike, car and taxi. (c) 25 (d) can’t be determined
The ratio of students using all 3 vehicles to students using atleast
2 vehicles is 2 : 9. The ratio of students using only one vehicle to Directions (for Q. Nos. 9 and 10) A survey shows that 41%, 35%
students using atleast 2 vehicles is 8 : 9. and 60% of the people watch ‘‘Maine Pyaar Kiya’’ ‘‘Maine Pyaar
Number of students using car only exceeds number of students Kyun Kiya’’ and ‘‘Pyaar to Hona Hi Tha’’ respectively. 27%
using bike only by 14. people watch exactly two of the three movies and 3% watch none.
Number of students using taxi only exceeds number of students 9 What percentage of people watch all the three movies ?
using bike only by 12. Number of students using taxi, bike, car is (a) 40% (b) 6%
90, 93, 97 respectively. (c) 9% (d) 12%
2 Number of students using all three vehicles is : 10 If another survey indicates that 16% of the people watch
(a) 18 (b) 12 Maine Pyaar Kiya and Pyaar to Hona Hi Tha, and 14%
(c) 20 (d) none of these watch Maine Pyaar Kyun Kiya and Pyaar to Hona Hi Tha,
then what percentage of the people watch only Maine
3 Number of students using no more than one vehicles is :
Pyaar Kyun Kiya ? (Use the data from the previous
(a) 76 (b) 80
question, if necessary)
(c) 60 (d) can’t be determined
(a) 10% (b) 8%
4 Number of students using exactly two vehicles is : (c) 12% (d) 15%
(a) 38 (b) 55
11 Find the number of positive integers up to 100 which are
(c) 70 (d) none of these
not divisible by any 2, 3 and 5 ?
5 The number of students who are using both bike and car (a) 24 (b) 25
but not taxi is : (c) 26 (d) 27
(a) 23 (b) 40
12 A survey was conducted at a coaching institution and it was
(c) 36 (d) data insufficient
found that there were 34 students who appeared in MAT.
6 In a survey among B-school students, 68% of those There were 37 students who appeared in CAT of which
surveyed were in favour of atleast one of the three 17 students appeared in MAT. 30 students appeared in XAT
magazines- A, B and C. 38% of those surveyed favoured of which 13 students appeared in MAT. Of the XAT
magazine A, 26% favoured magazine B and 36% favoured applicants (i.e., appeared students) 14 appeared in CAT
magazine C. If 11% of those surveyed favoured all three and these 6 appeared in MAT. How many students
magazines. What per cent of those surveyed favoured more appeared in CAT but not in MAT or XAT ?
than one of the three magazines? (a) 9 (b) 10
(a) 25% (b) 33% (c) 21% (d) 26% (c) 12 (d) none of these
Set Theory 881

13 A survey among 151 persons is conduced regarding their Number of aspirants who had qualified LR is 38
favourite channel of radio - Radio city, Radio mirchi and Number of aspirants who had qualified Maths and English is 30.
Radio life. It was found that every listener of Radio mirchi Number of aspirants who had qualified LR and English is 15.
Number of aspirants who had qualified Maths and LR is 20.
also listen either Radio city or Radio life. The number of
Number of aspirants who had qualified Maths, LR and English is 5.
persons listening all the radio channels is the same as the
Number of aspirants who had qualified DI is 22.
number of persons who listen none of the channels. Number of aspirants who had qualified DI and LR is 5.
55 persons listen exactly two channels and 70 persons Number of aspirants who had qualified DI and Maths is 5.
listen only one channel. The number of people who listen Number of aspirants who had qualified DI, Maths and LR is 5.
all the three channels ? Number of aspirants who had qualified English is 50.
(a) 16 (b) 13 Number of aspirants who had qualified English could not qualify
(c) 9 (d) data insufficient DI section.
14 In a group of 132 people 50, 60, 70 people like three 20 Number of aspirants who had qualified only in DI section
different sweets-Barfi, Jalebi, Rasgulla, respectively. The (a) 17 (b) 22
number of people who like all the three sweets is half the (c) 27 (d) none of these
number of people who like exactly two sweets. The number 21 Number of aspirants who had qualified in only Maths and
of people who like exactly any two out of the three sweets is LR sections :
the same as those who like exactly any other two of the three (a) 20 (b) 10 (c) 28 (d) 38
sweets. The number of people who like the three sweets 22 Find the number of aspirants who had qualified in atleast
(a) 12 (b) 6 two sections out of 4 sections.
(c) 8 (d) none of these (a) 45 (b) 35
15 In the previous question (number 14) find the number of (c) 55 (d) can’t be determined
people who like Rasgulla or Jalebi but not Barfi. 23 Find the number of aspirants who had qualified none of the
(a) 82 (b) 42 (c) 48 (d) 38 sections.
(a) 12 (b) 18 (c) 7 (d) 0
16 In a group of 80 employees, the number of employees who
are engineers is twice that of the employees who are MBAs. 24 In a survey among 80 people, 50 people like arrange
The number of employees who are not engineers is 32 and marriage and 70 people like love marriage. What is the
minimum and maximum number of people like both the
that of those who are not MBAs is 56. The number of
marriages respectively?
employees who are both engineers and MBAs is twice that
(a) 40, 45 (b) 40,50
of the employees who are only MBAs. How many
(c) 30, 40 (d) can’t be determined
employees are neither engineer (B. Tech) nor MBAs?
25 In a car agency one day 120 cars were decorated with
(a) 24 (b) 38
three different accessories viz., power window, AC and
(c) 36 (d) can’t be determined
music system. 80 cars were decorated with power
Directions (for Q. Nos. 17 to 19) There are 60 workers who windows, 65 cars were decorated with AC and 80 cars were
work for M/s. Nottan Dibbawala Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai, out of which decorated with music systems. What is the minimum and
25 are women. Also : maximum number of cars which were decorated with all of
(i) 28 workers are married (ii) 26 workers are graduate three accessories ?
(iii) 20 married workers are graduate of which 9 are men (a) 10 ,61 (b) 10, 45
(iv) 15 men are graduate (v) 15 men are married. (c) 25, 35 (d) none of these
26 In our coaching there were 200 students enrolled for DI, 150
17 How many unmarried women are graduate ? for English and 150 for Maths. Of these 80 students enrolled
(a) 20 (b) 8 for both DI and English. 60 students enrolled for Maths and
(c) 0 (d) can’t be determined English, while 70 students enrolled for DI and Maths. Some of
18 How many unmarried women work in the company ? these students enrolled for all the three subjects. Diwakar
(a) 11 (b) 12 teaches those students who are enrolled for DI classes only.
Priyanka teaches those students who are enrolled for English
(c) 9 (d) none of these
only and Varun teaches those students who are enrolled for
19 How many graduate men are married ? Maths only. Sarvesh is a senior most faculty therefore, he can
(a) 9 (b) 15 teach all the three subjects. Students always prefer a specialist
(c) 13 (d) none of these for their respective subjects. If Diwakar teaches 80 students
then the other three faculty can be arranged in terms of the
Directions (for Q. Nos. 20 to 23) In the year 222 B.C. 100 CAT number of students taught as
aspirants appeared in CAT- (Common Admission Test for MBA in
(a) Sarvesh > Varun > Priyanka
some prestigious institutions). They had to show their competency
in all the following four areas viz- Maths, Data Interretation (DI), (b) Sarvesh > Pri0yanka > Varun
Logical Reasoning (LR) and English. (c) Varun > Sarvesh > Priyanka
Number of aspirants who had qualified Maths is 55. (d) none of the above
Directions (for Q. Nos. 27 to 29) on the basis of the information (b) More volunteers are now associated with Yoga as
given below compared to Pooja
Sanskaram Karoti (SK) is a spiritual organisation involved in (c) More volunteers are now performing Body Massage as
performing spiritual rites. Currently it has 37 volunteers. They are compared to Pooja
involved in three jobs : Body Massage (BM), Yoga and Pooja. (d) None of the above
Each volunteer working with Sanskaram Karoti (SK) has to be
involved in atleast one of the three jobs mentioned above. Direction for (Q 30–32) A modeling agency conducted a survey
A maximum number of volunteers are involved in Yoga. Among to figure out the most preferred brands of lingerie. In the survey
them, the number of volunteers involved in Yoga alone is equal total 969 models participated and the top three brands emerged
to the volunteers having additional involvement in the Pooja. are – Vagin Pouvoir, Victoria’s Secret and Ravage. 169 models
like all the three brands, 269 models like Vagin Pouvoir and
The number of volunteers involved in Pooja alone is double the
Victoria’s Secret, 369 models like Vagin Pouvoir. The number of
number of volunteers involved in all the three jobs.
models who like Ravage is 69 less than that of models who like
17 volunteers are involved in Body Massage (BM).
Victoria’s Secret.
The number of volunteers involved in Body Massage alone is
one less than the number of volunteers involved in Pooja alone. 30 The number of models who like Ravage is 69 less than that
Ten volunteers involved in the Body Massage are also involved of models who like Victoria’s Secret. What could be the
in atleast one more job. maximum number of models who don’t like any of these
top three brands?
27 Based on the information given above, the minimum (a) 369 (b) 331 (c) 300 (d) 269
number of volunteers involved in both Yoga and Body
31 The number of models who like Ravage is 69 less than that
Massage, but not in the Pooja is : of models who like Victoria’s Secret. If the number of
(a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5
models who like only Ravage is less than the number of
28 Which of the following additional information would models who like only Vagin Pouvoir then what could be the
enable to find the exact number of volunteers involved in maximum number of models who like only Victoria’s
various jobs? Secret?
(a) Twenty volunteers are involved in Yoga (a) 68 (b) 300 (c) 136 (d) 299
(b) Four volunteers are involved in all the three jobs 32 The number of models who like Ravage is 69 more than the
(c) Twenty three volunteers are involved in exactly one task number of models who like Victoria’s Secret.
(d) No need for any additional information (a) 269 (b) 300 (c) 231 (d) 369
29 After some time, the volunteers who were involved in all 33 Let S = {1,2,3,4}. The total number of unordered pairs of
the three tasks were asked to withdraw from one task. As a disjoint subsets of S is equal to
result, one of the volunteers opted out of the Body Massage (a) 34 (b) 43 (c) 42 (d) 41
and one opted out of the Pooja, while the remaining ones 34 There are two sets A and B such that A ∈(1, 5, 9, 13, 17, …,
involved in all the three tasks opted out of the Yoga. Which 100th term) and B ∈{3, 10, 17, 24, 31, …, 100th term}. If
of the following statements, then, necessarily follows? there is another set S = A ∪ B, find the total number of
(a) The least number of volunteers is now performing elements in S.
Body Massage (a) 186 (b) 165 (c) 135 (d) 172

Introductory Exercise 15.1

1 (a) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (c) 6. (d) 7. (a) 8. (b) 9. (d) 10. (a)
11. (b) 12. (b) 13. (d) 14. (b) 15. (b) 16. (c) 17. (b) 18. (b) 19. (b)

Level 01 Basic Level Exercise

1 (b) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (c) 5. (a) 6. (c) 7. (d) 8. (b) 9. (b) 10. (c)
11. (c) 12. (c) 13. (b) 14. (a) 15. (a) 16. (a) 17. (c) 18. (b) 19. (a) 20. (a)
21. (b) 22. (c) 23. (d) 24. (b) 25. (d) 26. (a) 27. (c) 28. (a) 29. (b) 30 (c)
31. (a) 32. (c) 33. (d) 34. (a)
Hints & Solutions
Level 01 Basic Level Exercise
1 It is clear that 45% people cannot read another third (i.e., 5 23
Urdu) newspaper. Besides them all of the rest people can 6 α + β + γ = 68
read Urdu newspaper.
α + 2β + 3γ = (38 + 26 + 36) = 100
and γ = 11
∴ (α + 2β + 3γ ) − [(α + β + γ ) + γ )] = β + γ
45 = 100 − [ 68 + 11]
= 21
Urdu 11

Hence, maximum 55% (100 – 45) people can read Urdu

T 36%

a x b Hence, 21% favoured more than one magazine.
93 (α → favoured only one magazine, β → favoured only two
k magazines, γ → favoured all three magazines)
z y
Solutions (for Q. Nos. 7 to 8)
c 7 Since we don't know how many students failed in all the
97 three subjects, the questions cannot be answered. Hence
C (d).
a + b + c =α, x + y + z = β, k = γ QA 25
α + β + γ = 170
α + 2β + 3γ = 90 + 93 + 97 = 280 a 15 b
γ : (β + γ ) = 2 : 9 10
10 15
⇒ γ :β = 2: 7
20 25
and α : (β + γ ) = 8 : 9 c
⇒ α :β : γ = 8: 7: 2
∴ α = 80, β = 70 and γ = 20 English
⇒ a + b + c = 80, x + y + z = 70 …(i) 8 (a + b + c) = 80 − [(15 + 15 + 10) + (10)] = 30
and k = 20 9 MPK
Again c − b = 14 and a − b = 12 …(ii) MPKK
On solving eq. (i) and (ii) we get a = 30, b = 18, c = 32 a x b
Again ( a + x + k + z ) − ( a + k ) = ( x + z ) 41 k
z y
= 90 − ( 30 + 20 ) = 40
and ( x + y + z ) − ( x + z ) = y = 70 − 40 = 30 c
similarly x = 25 and z = 15 60
Solutions (for Q. Nos. 2 to 5)
α + β + γ = 97%
2 20
α + 2β + 3γ = 41 + 35 + 60 = 136%
3 80
But β = ( x + y + z ) = 27%
4 70
∴ (α + 2β + 3γ ) − (α + β + γ ) = β + 2γ = 39%
∴ (β + 2γ ) − β = 2γ = 39 − 27 = 12% Let m people listen none of the three channels, then
∴ γ = 6% = (k ) m=γ=k
∴ 6% people watch all the three movies (α + β + γ ) + m = 151
10 z + k = 16 ⇒ z = 10 {Q γ = k = 6} ⇒ α + β + γ + γ = 151
⇒ (55 + 70) + 2γ = 151
y + k = 14 ⇒ y = 8
⇒ γ = 13
∴ x=9 (Q x + y + z = 27 )
Hence, there are 13 people listen all three channels.
∴ b = 35 − ( x + k + y ) = 35 − (9 + 6 + 8) = 12%
14 α = a + b + c, β = x + y + z, γ=k
11 Total numbers divisible by 2 upto 100 = 50
Total numbers divisible by 3 upto 100 = 33 J
Total numbers divisible by 5 upto 100 = 20
Total numbers divisible by 2 and 3 i.e., 6 upto 100 = 16 50 a x b 60
Divisible by Divisible by k
16 y z
50 27 13 14
33 R
3 70
7 3
10 6 Here γ=β ⇒ 2γ = β
20 Again x=y=z=p
Divisible by 5 ∴ β = 3p ⇒ γ= p
Total numbers divisible by 3 and 5 i.e., 15 upto 100 = 6
Now, α + 2β + 3γ = 50 + 60 + 70 = 180
Total numbers divisible by 2 and 5 i.e., 10 upto 100 = 10
⇒ α + 4γ + 3γ = 180
Total numbers divisible by 2, 3 and 5 i.e., 30 upto 100 = 3 ⇒ α + 7 γ = 180 …(i)
∴Total number of numbers upto 100 which are divisible by Again α + β + γ = 132
at least one of 2, 3 and 5 = 74 α + 2γ + γ = 132
∴ Total number of numbers upto 100 which are not ⇒ α + 3γ = 132 …(ii)
divisible by any 2, 3 or 5 = 100 − 74 = 26
From eq. (i) and (ii), we get
12 CAT 17 γ = 12
Hence, 12 people like all 3 sweets.
37 12 11 10 3 3
34 15 γ = p ⇒ 12 = p ⇒ p = 8
6 2 2
8 7 B
14 13 J
50 22 8 32 60
XAT 12
8 8
Hence, there are 12 students who appeared in CAT but not
in MAT or XAT. 42
13 β = ( x + y + z ) = 55 R
α = (a + b + c) = 70 70
γ=k Hence, the number of persons who like Rasgulla or Jalebi
RC but not Barfi = 32 + 8 + 42 = 82
16 Let a be the number of engineers only
a x b c be the number of MBAs only
k b be the number of employees who are both engineers and
y z

a b c

Set Theory 885

MBAs and d be the number of employees who are neither Solutions (for Q. Nos. 20 to 23)
engineer nor MBA 22
∴ a + b + c + d = 80 …(i) DI
(a + b) = 2(b + c) 17
⇒ (a − b) = 2c …(ii) 5 5
and c + d = 32 …(iii) 0 0
and a + d = 56 ...(iv) 10 8
Maths 10 LR
and b = 2c …(v) 5 38
From eq. (ii) and (v), we get 25 10
a = 2b ...(vi) 30 15
From eq. (i) and (iii), we get
a + b = 48 50
From eq. (vi), we get English
b = 16 20 17
∴ a = 32 (from eq. vi) 21 10
and c=8 (from eq. v) 22 55
and d = 24
23 0
Hence, 24 employees are neither engineer nor MBAs. 24 For the minium value of x people who like only arrange
Solutions (for Q. Nos. 17 to19) marriage and only love marriage must be greater
Total number of employees A L
= 60 Married
Women = 25 35 50 50 – x x 70 – x 70
a x b
Men = 35
Married workers = 28 k
z y
Graduate workers = 26
a → unmarried men who are c
∴ x = (70 + 50) − 80 = 40
not graduate
b → married women who are Graduate For the maximum value of x: (50 − x ) and (70 − x ) must
not graduate not be negative, therefore max. possible value of x is 50.
c → unmarried women who are graduate 25 80 cars were decorated with power windows it means at
x → married men who are not graduate least 40 cars were decorated with AC or music system or
y → married women who are graduate both.
z → unmarried men who are graduate
84 cars were decorated with ACs, it means atleast 36 cars
k→ married men who are graduate
p → unmarried women who are not graduate were decorated with power windows or music systems.
According to the given information the Venn diagram can be 80 cars were decorated with music system means at least
completed as given below. 40 cars were decorated with power windows or ACs.
It means if there is no intersection in these three, then at
17 No one unmarried woman is graduate. Hence (c) most 40 + 36 + 40 = 116 cars had been decorated with one
15 or two accessories.
Hence at least 4 cars would have been decorated with all
35 14 6 2 28 three accessories.
Men For maximum value of x :
9 Married
6 11 PW
15 O AC

80 – x O 84 – x
Graduate x
18 Number of unmarried women
80 – x
= 60 − [14 + 2 + 6 + 6 + 11 + 9] = 12
19 There are 9 graduate men who are married.
Music System
Total number of cars = (80 − x ) + (84 − x ) + (80 − x ) + x Remember Maximum number of volunteers are involved in
120 = 244 − 2x Yoga.
⇒ 2x = 124 Now, b=k + y …(i)
⇒ x = 62 c = 2k …(ii)
minimum → 4 cars and maximum → 62 cars a + x + k + z = 17 …(iii)
a= c−1 …(iv)
26 a + x + k + z = 200 …(i)
x + k + z = 10 …(v)
b + x + k + y = 150 …(ii) From eq. (iii) and (v), we obtain
c + y + k + z = 150 …(iii) a=7 …(vi)
and from eq. (iv) and (vi), we obtain
DI English
(150) c=8 ⇒ k=4
∴ (z + x ) = 6 ⇒ x = (6 − z )
a x b ∴ b = ( y + 4), from eq. (i).
k BM Yoga
z y
70 60 7 6–z 8 (y+4)
z 4y
Maths 8

But since Diwakar teaches only 80 students of DI. Pooja

Therefore, a = 80
Again 7 + (6 − z ) + 4 + z + ( y + 4) + y + 8 = 37
Hence, x + k + z = 120
⇒ 29 + 2y = 37 ⇒ y = 4
but ( x + k ) + (k + z ) = 150
27 Since no. of volunteers involved in Yoga are maximum so
∴ k = 30
we can compare it from the no. of volunteers involved in
Hence, x = 50, z = 40, y = 30, b = 40
Pooja and that of Body Massage.
DI English BM Yoga

7 6–z 8
80 50 40
30 4
z 4
40 30
50 8

Maths Pooja
∴No. of students taught by Diwakar = a = 80 6 − z > z ∀ z ∈ (0, 1, 2, 3, K )
No. of students taught by Priyanka = b = 40 ∴ z = 0, 1, 2 ⇒ (6 − z ) = 4, 5, 6
No. of students taught by Varun = c = 50
No. of students taught by Sarvesh = x + y + z + k = 150 Hence, the minimum possible value of (6 − z ) = 4.
Hence, choice (a) is correct. 28 See the venn diagram shown in solution no. 27,then you
will notice that you are required to know the value of y.
Solutions (for Q. Nos. 27 to 29)
Thus from the data provided by choice (a) enable us to
BM Yoga calculate all the required details.
a Q {(6 − z ) + 4 + 4 + 8}Yoga = 20
x b
⇒ z=4
z y Hence, we can find the exact number of volunteers
involved in various projects.
NOTE Coincidentally we obtain z = 4 in both the
questions 27 and 28 but actually these two answers have no
Pooja any relation between them.
Set Theory 887

29 Initially And (100 + b + 169 + n) − (169 + n + m + c) = 69

BM Yoga ⇒ (100 + b) − (m + c) = 69
⇒ b = m + c − 31
7 x 8
z 4
100 m+c–31
VP 100–m
m n
After the withdraw of volunteers : c
BM Yoga

7 8 RG
0 30. In order to maximize the number of models who don’t like
2 4 +1
z+ any of the top three brands, you have to minimize the total
8 value represented by the above Venn diagram.
Therefore, minimum number of models who like at least
one of these three brands
= min[(369) + (c) + (n) + (m + c − 31)] …(i)
The volunteer who is opted out of the BM will be involved
in the Yoga and Pooja. But you know that c ≥ 0, n ≥ 0, m + c − 31 ≥ 0, 100 − m ≥ 0
Similarly the volunteer who is opted out of Pooja will be Since, you have to minimize the value of Eq. (i), so you can
involved in the BM and Yoga. take n = 0, as there is no other restriction on n.
and the remaining two volunteers who are opted out of Now, 100 − m ≥ 0 ⇒ m ≤ 100.
Yoga will be involved in BM and Pooja.
And m + c − 31 ≥ 0 ⇒ c ≥ 31 − m
NOTE Since initially 4 volunteers are involved in all the Therefore, maximum value of m = 31 and the minimum
three jobs, but when a volunteer leave one job, he or she value of c = 0
still continue to perform other two jobs.
Thus, the minimum value of Eq. (i) is 369.
Total no. of volunteers in BM So, the maximum number of models who don’t like any of
= 7 + ( x + 1) + 0 + (z + 2) these top three brands = 669 − 369 = 300
= 16 (Q x + z = 6) Hence, choice (c) is the correct answer.
Since we know that x = 4, 5, 6 31. Given that c < a
Therefore corresponding values of z = 2, 1, 0 ⇒ c < 100 − m
(Q x + z = 6)
⇒ m + c < 100
∴ No. of volunteers involved in Yoga = 18, 19 or 20
⇒ (m + c) − 31 < 100 − 31
and No.of volunteers involved in Pooja = 17, 16 or 15
⇒ (m + c) − 31 < 69
Hence, it is clear that choice (b) is correct. ∴ Maximum of (m + c − 31) = 68
Solutions for (Q. 30-32) Consider the following diagram. Hence, choice (a) is the correct answer.
269 32. Given that a + m + 169 + 100 = 369
⇒ a = 100 − m
a 100 b 269
369 169
n 100 m+c–31
m VP 100–m
m n

RG c

Given that, a + m + 169 + 100 = 369

⇒ a = 100 − m RG
And (169 + n + m + c) − (100 + b + 169 + n) = 69 But the problem is asking for unordered pairs, so it would
⇒ (100 + b) − (m + c) = 69 34 − 1
be pairs.
⇒ b = m + c − 169 2
In order to maximize the number of models who don’t like Now, we will add back one more unordered pair Pi in which
any of the top three brands, you have to minimize the total both X i and Yi are empty.
value represented by the above Venn diagram. So, the total number of unordered disjoint pairs
Therefore, minimum number of models who like at least  34 − 1 34 + 1
=  +1= = 41
one of these three brands  2  2
= Min[(369) + (c) + (n) + (m + c − 169)] …(i)
Hence, choice (d) is the answer.
But, you know that c ≥ 0, n ≥ 0, m + c − 169 ≥ 0 and
34. The common difference between any two consecutive
100 − m ≥ 0
elements of A = 4
Since, you have to minimize the value of eqn. (i), so you And the common difference between any two consecutive
can take n = 0, as there is no other restriction on n. elements of B = 7
Now, 100 − m ≥ 0 ⇒ m ≤ 100. Therefore, the difference between any two consecutive
And m + c − 169 ≥ 0 common terms = LCM of (4, 7) = 28.
⇒ c > 169 − m The first common term is 17.
Therefore, minimum value of c = 69 The 100th term of A is 397 and the 100th term of B is 696.
Thus, the minimum value of Eq. (i) is 438 (= 369 + 69). Since, the largest term of A is smaller than the largest term
So, the maximum number of models who don’t like any of of B, it means there can’t be any common term beyond 397.
these top three brands = 669 − 438 = 231 Now, since all the common terms are in Arithmetic
Hence, choice (c) is the correct answer. Progression, so you can use the formula a + (n − 1)d = l.
33. Let us assume a random pair Pi having two sets X i and Yi, Therefore, 17 + (n − 1)28 ≤ 397
such that X i and Yi are the subsets of S, but no element is ⇒ (n − 1)28 ≤ 380
common in X i and Yi. ⇒ (n − 1) ≤ 13
Now, each element of S can be the element of either X i or Yi ⇒ n ≤ 14
or none of them. It implies that any element of S can be It implies that there are 14 common terms between A and B.
placed in 3 ways. So, all the 4 elements can be placed in
Therefore total number of elements in
3 × 3 × 3 × 3 ways. It means the total pairs = 34.
S = (100 + 100) − 14 = 186
But, this includes a pair Pi in which both the sets X i and Yi Hence, choice (a) is the correct one.
are empty.
NOTE To know more about the arithmetic series and
So, the total number of ordered pairs having at least one
number of terms you may like to refer Sequence, Series and
element in at least one of X i and Yi = 34 − 1 Progressions chapter in Quantum CAT.

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