Electronic Spreadsheet

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Electronic Spreadsheet

Important Questions & Answers


Q1. What is Data Consolidation?

Ans. Data Consolidation allows you to gather your data from separate worksheets into a
master worksheet.

Q2. Consolidate option available in ___________ menu.

Ans. Data

Q3. Write two functions which are available in function list of Consolidate data dialog box.
Ans. Two functions are : (Write any two)
a. Sum
b. Max
c. Min
d. Average

Q4. What do you mean by range of cells?

Ans. Collection of two or more cells in Excel is called range of cells. for example A1 : A5

Q5. How can you give name to a range of cells?

Ans. We can give name to a range of cells as follows :
Select the range of cells.
Click on Data menu —-> Define range
Type the name & click OK

Q6. What is Subtotal in Spreadsheet?

Ans. SUBTOTAL, totals/adds data arranged in an array—that is, a group of cells with labels
for columns and/or rows.

Q7. Subtotal option available in ___________ menu.

Ans. Data

Q8. ___________ are a tool to test “what-if” questions.

Ans. Scenario

Q9. Write the steps to create Scenario.

Ans. To create scenario :
a. Select the cells that contain the values that will change between scenarios.
b. Choose Tools > Scenarios
c. On the Create Scenario dialog , enter a name for the new scenario.
d. Click OK to close the dialog.

Q10. Define the term Goal Seek in reference to Spreadsheet.

Ans. Goal Seek option available under Tools menu, we can find what values will produce the
result that we want.

Q11. What is Solver in Spreadsheet?

Ans. Solver option under Tools menu is a more elaborate form of Goal Seek. The difference
is that the Solver deals with equations with multiple unknown variables.
Q12. How can you insert a new sheet?
Ans. We can insert a new sheet by
a. select the sheet that will be next to the new sheet.
b. Select Insert > Sheet from the menu bar.

Q13. How can you rename a sheet?

Ans. There are three ways to rename a worksheet :
a. Double-click on one of the existing worksheet names.
b. Right-click on an existing worksheet name, then choose Rename from the resulting
Context menu.
c. Select the worksheet you want to rename and then select the Sheet option from the Format
menu. This displays a submenu from which you should select the Rename option.

Q14. How can you reference the ‘F4’ cell of a sheet named “Class X”?
Ans. =’Class X’.F4

Q15. What is the difference between Relative and Absolute hyperlink?

Ans. An absolute link will stop working only if the target is moved. A relative link will stop
working only if the start and target locations change relative to each other.

Q16. In Spreadsheet Hyperlink icon is present on ___________________ toolbar.

Ans. Standard

Q17. In Spreadsheet Hyperlink option is present in ___________________ menu.

Ans. Insert

Q18. Write the steps to share spreadsheet with others.

Ans. Spreadsheet can be shared by :
a. Open the sheet to be shared
b. Tools > Share Document
c. A dialog box opens.
d. To enable sharing, select the box at the top of the dialog, and then click OK

Q19. Write the steps to add comment to a shared spreadsheet.

Ans. Steps to add comment to a shared spreadsheet.
a. Make the change to the spreadsheet.
b. Select the cell with the change.
c. Choose Edit > Changes > Comments
d. Type your own comment and click OK.

Q20. How can you edit the entered comment?

Ans. We can edit the entered comment by :
1 Select the cell with the comment that you want to edit.
2. Select Edit > Changes > Comments.
3. Edit the comment and click OK.

Q21. Intersection of row and column is called ____________

Ans. Cell

Q22. Formula in spreadsheet begin with _________ sign.

Ans. =
Q23. Parth scored 130 in Term1 and 140 in Term2 (out of 150 ). How much will he score in
Term3 so that the aggregate becomes 80%. Which option will help him to find?
Ans. Goal Seek

Q24. __________________ option under Tools menu is a more elaborate form of Goal Seek.
Ans. Solver

Q25. _______________ are predefined formulas in Calc.

Ans. Functions

Q26. ___________ is the top most bar of Calc Window.

Ans. Title bar

Q27. Shortcut to open Function Wizard is __________

Ans. Ctrl + F2

Q28. Suman wants to share her worksheet with others but she wants to protect her worksheet
so that no one can make unnecessary changes. Help her to find such option.
Ans. Edit –> Protect Document

Q29. A cell in the spreadsheet with dark boundary is called ______

Ans. Active Cell

Q30. Write the steps to open consolidate dialog box in OpenOffice Calc.
Ans. Steps to open consolidate dialog box are:
Click on Data Menu.
Click on Consolidate.

Q31. Write any four statistical functions available in Consolidate dialog box.
Ans. Four statistical functions available in Consolidate dialog box are :

Q32. Which command can be used to switch the mode for a worksheet from unshared to
shared and vice-versa?
Ans. Tools > Share Document

Q33. How can we use a shared worksheet in unshared mode?

Ans. We can use a shared worksheet in unshared mode by saving the shared worksheet using
another name or path. This creates a copy of the spreadsheet that is not shared.

Q34. What is a Record Changes feature in Open Office Calc?

Ans. Record Changes feature is used to track what data was changed, when the change was
made, who made the change and in which cell the change has occurred.

Q35. Write the steps to turn ON the “Record Changes” feature in Calc?
Ans. Steps are:
Open the Shared Spreadsheet.
Select Edit > Changes > Record from the menu bar.
Q36. What is cell reference?
Ans. A cell reference refers to a cell or a range of cells on a worksheet and can be used to
find the values or data that you want formula to calculate.

Q37. What is the use of Hyperlink in Calc?

Ans. Hyperlinks can be used in Calc to jump to a different location from within a spreadsheet
and can lead to other parts of the current file, to different files or even to web sites

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