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Subject: EARTH AND LIFE SCIENCES Semester: 1st

Week & Day Week 2 – Day 1&2 Quarter: 1st
Lesson Title/ Topic: Minerals

Note: Do not write anything on this activity sheet, use your activity paper or notebooks.

Name: ___________________________________________________ Grade & Sec: _____________________


Activity Objective/s: At the end of this activity, you are expected to:

● Describe the properties and characteristics of the following minerals.

● Collaborate on identifying the properties and characteristics of the following minerals.

Time Frame/Duration:
You are to finish this activity in 1 day, submit the work documentation on the next meeting.

● Learners will look for a pair for the activity following the strategy THINK-PAIR-SHARE.

● Minerals will be arranged on a table with corresponding numbers and not their names. Each
pair will be assigned to a mineral.
● The pair will look for its characteristics such as, a) Color, b) streak, c) Crystalline Structure,
d) Amount of Transparency, and e) Luster.
● The pair will take a picture of their mineral and their working stage of the activity for
● The pair will answer the following guide questions.

● A rubric will be used to grade the said activity.

Materials Needed: List all materials, resources, or tools required for the activity.

● Rock/Mineral samples

● Flashlight for checking the luster or camera functions or app

● Magnifying glass or camera functions or app

● Long bond paper

Guide Questions for the task/Activity:

Question 1: Describe in on to two sentences the characteristics of the mineral assigned:
Mineral no. ________
a) Color –
b) Streak –
c) Crystalline Structure –
d) Amount of Transparency –
e) Luster -
Question 2: Using Google Lens or Google Search Engine drag the picture of your rock. To
what mineral it is similar?
Question 3: What are uses of the mineral from #2 to our daily activities?
Assessment/Evaluation: (write the rubrics guided by the specific criteria and rating descriptor as
per performance standard)

Name of Pair: ___________________________ Score

On Task 1 2 3
My partner and I were on My partner and I were on My partner and I were on
task only a little bit. task most of the time. task the whole time.

Volume 1 2 3
My partner and I were My partner and I were a My partner and I used six-
very loud and distracted little too loud. inch voices.

Attention 1 2 3
I listened to most of what I listened to everything my
I listened to only a little bit
my partner said. partner said.
of what my partner said.

Participation 1 2 3
We didn’t talk about our One of us shared an Both my partner and I
answers. answer. shared answers.

Signature of Pair: ___________________________ Total Score /12

● The remaining 3 pts will come from answers in nos. 1 to 3.


● Write a reflection on the activity, try to reflect using the following questions;

o What is the importance of knowing minerals?

o What materials made of minerals that you need to be wise and careful of using?
Communication Activities:

● Write down all the unfamiliar words that you may encounter in your notebook.

● Look up for its meaning or definition and write it down.

● Use it in a sentence for you to be more familiar of the word.

● This activity will enhance your vocabulary and communication skills.

Note: be reminded that each activity for the week shall be used again in the next or future activities
in the class. It may be used as your reference or main material for the next activity.

Subject: EARTH AND LIFE SCIENCE Semester: 1st

Week & Day Week 2 – Day 3&4 Quarter: 1st
Lesson Title/ Topic: Rocks

Note: Do not write anything on this activity sheet, use your activity paper or notebooks.

Name: ___________________________________________________ Grade & Sec: _____________________


Activity Objective/s: At the end of this activity, you are expected to:

● classify rocks as to igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks.

● appreciate the importance of rocks in our daily life.

Time Frame/Duration:
You are to finish this activity in 1 day, submit the work documentation on the next meeting.

● The learner is given 3 specific rock samples for each type.

● The learner will fill-out the necessary information for sample

Materials Needed: List all materials, resources, or tools required for the activity.

● Long bond paper

● Sample rocks (from the laboratory)

● Flashlight (for amount of transparency)

● Camera or camera app on phones

Guide Questions for the task/Activity:

- Attached the picture of the assigned rock
(write the rubrics guided by the specific criteria and rating descriptor as per performance
1 2 3 4 SCORE

Igneous Describes the igneous Describes the igneous Describes the Describes the igneous
Rocks rocks based on 1 of rocks based on 2 of the igneous rocks based rocks based on 1 of the
the ff: ff: on 3 of the ff: ff:

A. Appearance A. Appearance A. Appearance A. Appearance

B. Texture B. Texture B. Texture B. Texture
C. Color/s C. Color/s C. Color/s C. Color/s
D. Layer or bands D. Layer or bands D. Layer or bands D. Layer or bands
State its importance State its importance State its importance State its importance

Sedimentary Describes the Describes the Describes the Describes the

Sedimentary rocks Sedimentary rocks Sedimentary rocks Sedimentary rocks
based on 1 of the ff: based on 2 of the ff: based on 3 of the ff: based on ALL of the ff:

A. Appearance A. Appearance A. Appearance A. Appearance

B. Texture B. Texture B. Texture B. Texture
C. Color/s C. Color/s C. Color/s C. Color/s
D. Layer or bands D. Layer or bands D. Layer or bands D. Layer or bands
State its importance. State its importance. State its importance State its importance

Metamorphic Describes the Describes the Describes the Describes the

Rock Metamorphic rocks Metamorphic rocks Metamorphic rocks Metamorphic rocks
based on 1 of the ff: based on 2 of the ff: based on 3 of the ff: based on ALL of the ff:

A. Appearance A. Appearance A. Appearance A. Appearance

B. Texture B. Texture B. Texture B. Texture
C. Color/s C. Color/s C. Color/s C. Color/s
D. Layer or bands D. Layer or bands D. Layer or bands D. Layer or bands
State its importance State its importance State its importance State its importance

Score: /


● Write a reflection on the activity, write it on the reflection notebook. Try to reflect using
the following questions;
o What is the new thing you learned about rocks that you did not know to begin with?
o How does rocks help you better to learn about Earth?
Communication Activities:

● Write down all the unfamiliar words that you may encounter in your notebook.

● Look up for its meaning or definition and write it down.

● Use it in a sentence for you to be more familiar of the word.

● This activity will enhance your vocabulary and communication skills.

Note: be reminded that each activity for the week shall be used again in the next or future activities
in the class. It may be used as your reference or main material for the next activity.

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