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Works in such a way that there is a sense of

VIRGINIA HENDERSON accomplishment.
(NEEDS THEORY) 13. Play or participate in various forms of
 “The nurse is temporarily the conscious of the recreations.
unconscious, the love of life for the suicidal, the 14. Learn, discover, or satisfy the curiosity that
leg of the amputee, the eyes of the newly blind, leads to normal development and health and
a means of locomotion for the infant, knowledge use the available health facilities.
and confidence for the mother, the multipiece
for those too weak or withdrawn to speak and so
on” The Nurse-Patient Relationship
 First lady of nursing 1. The nurse as a substitute for the client.
 First international nurse 2. The nurse as a helper to the client
 Full-time instructor in Virginia 3. The nurse as a partner with the patient.
 Advocate of the introduction of psychiatric
nursing The Nurse-Physician Relationship
 Outstanding teacher  Henderson asserts that nurses function
 Published a book: nature of nursing independently from physicians. She insisted that
 Selected as American nurse’s association hall nurses do not follow in a philosophy that allows
of fame the sigma theta tau library was physicians to give orders to clients or HCT. She
named after her said that many nursing roles and responsibilities
 One of the 51 pioneer nurses in Virginia overlap with that those of the physicians.
 Considered the 20th century nurse (19th is
nightingale) Nurses as a member of healthcare team
 Henderson mentioned that every member must
work independently for the team to work in
THE METAPARADIGM IN NURSING harmony. The nurse should work and contribute
(the practice of nursing is independent from the practice in carrying out the total program of care.
of physicians)
 Nurses must promote the treatment plan  Practice
prescribed by the physician. She must act  Henderson’s approach focuses on decision
independently. Care must include all walks of making and is deliberate in such a way that in
life, from well to sick, from the newborn to every step of the nursing process
dying. This definition was considered the  Assessment phase
“signature” of nursing.  Planning phase
 PERSON  Implementation phase
 The client that requires assistance to achieve  Evaluation phase
health and independence and in some cases, a  Education
peaceful death. The person must function to the  Henderson developed three phases of curriculum
utmost by maintaining physiological and development
emotional balance.  A. first phase – the emphasis is made
 HEALTH on helping the client perform activities
 Quality of life. it is influenced by external and of daily living.
internal factors. Health promotion is more  B. Second Phase – importance is placed
important than the care of the sick. on assisting clients to achieve their
 ENVIRONMENT needs in times of marked body
 Healthy individuals should control the disturbances or illness. In here, the
environment but if there is illness, this ability is students understand the rationale behind
affected or diminished. the prescribed therapeutic plans made by
the physicians.
14 COMPONENTS OF VIRGINIA HENDERSON’S  C.Third phase – centered on the client
NURSING NEED THEORY and his family together with the
1. Breathe normally dynamic affecting the relationship inside
2. Eat and drink adequately the unit.
3. Eliminate body wastes  Research
4. Move and maintain desirable postures  she supported the use of research in improving
5. Sleep and rest the practice of nursing. Various questions arise
6. Select suitable clothes; dress and undress commonly from her 14 basic needs.
7. Maintain body temperature within a normal  Accessibility
range by adjusting clothing and modifying  Henderson’s theory is used in practice and the
the environment concepts are clinically significant as they are
8. Keep the body clean and well-groomed and focused on assisting individuals to gain
protect the integument independence in relations to the performance of
9. Avoid dangers in the environment and avoid activities contributing to health or its recovery.
injuring others.  Importance
10. Communicate with others in expressing  The perspective related to Henderson’s theory
emotions, needs, fears, or opinions opened doors for development by the upcoming
11. Worship according to one’s faith nursing theorists. Her definition of the unique
function of a nurse has been widely read and  Sympathy- it happens when the nurse wants to
accepted. lessen the cause of the client’s sufferings.
JOYCE TRAVELBEE  Rapport- nursing interventions that lessen the
(HUMAN TO HUMAN RELATIONSHIP MODEL) client’s sufferings. The sick person shows trust
 Psychiatric nurse and confidence in the nurse.
 She died at the age of 47 and was not able to
finish her doctorate degree. ACCEPTANCE BY THE NURSING
 Instructor in psychiatric nursing COMMUNITY
 She published various articles and journals  PRACTICE
 She published a book entitled “interpersonal  The hospice is one good example in which her
aspects of nursing 1996 and 1971” theory is applied. The hospice nurse attempts to
build rapport or a working relationship with the
METAPARADIGM IN NURSING client as well as her significant process.
(Travelbee’s work is conceptual, and she wrote about  EDUCATION
illness, suffering, pain, hopes, communication,  Her concepts served as better assistance for
interaction, empathy, sympathy, rapport and therapeutic nurses who help individuals understand the
use of self) meaning of illness and suffering.
 An interpersonal process whereby the  Numerous sources in research studies have cited
professional nurse practitioner assists an some aspects to one to one relationship
individual, family or community to prevent or projected by travelbee.
cope with the experience of illness and suffering
and to find meaning in these experiences. THEORY ANALYSIS
 PERSON  Clarity
 Defined as a human being (nurse and patient).  Her definitions are not consistent in clarity and
the human being is unique, an irreplaceable origin. Some of her definitions were lifted from
individual who is in continuous process of the standard sources. She also uses different
becoming, evolving, and changing. terms with the same definitions.
 HEALTH  Simplicity
 It is measured by the subjective and objective  Her theory contains different variables, so her
health. Subjective is the person’s wellbeing in theory is not simple.
accord with self-appraisal of physical emotion –  Generality
spiritual status.  Her theory has a wide scope of applications. It is
 ENVIRONMENT applicable whenever the nurse encounters clients
 Was not clearly defined in her theory. Human in distress and life changing events.
conditions and life experiences encountered by  Accessibility
all men as suffering, hope, pain and illness  her theory appears to have a low measure of
which are all associated with the environment. empirical soundness, as it lacks simplicity.
 Importance
 It is useful because it can describe, explain,
predict, and control phenomena.


 “nursing is responsible to individuals who suffer
or anticipate a sense of helplessness; it is
focused on the process of acre in an immediate
experience; it is concerned with providing direct
assistance to individuals in whatever setting they
are found, for the purpose avoiding, relieving,
diminishing or curing the individual’s sense of
 Associate professor
PATIENT AND NURSE INTERACTIONAL  Director of the graduate program in mental
PHASES health psychiatric nursing.
 Original Encounter – described as the 1st  Project investigator of a national mental
impression by the nurse of the sick person and health psychiatric nursing
vice versa. The nurse and the patient see each  Director of a research project
other in stereotyped or traditional roles.  Board member of Harvard community health
 Emerging identities – nurse and patients plan.
perceive each other as unique individuals. This 
time the relationship begins to form. METAPARDIGM IN NURSING
 Empathy- this the ability to share in the  NURSING
persons’ experience. The result of this is ability - Unique and independent in its concerns for
to expect the behavior of the individuals with an individual’s need for help in an
whom he or she emphasized. immediate situation.
She used the concept of human or persons.
Human are the focus of nursing practice.
- It is replaced by a sense of helplessness as - The nurse uses the nurse clinical judgement
the initiator of a necessity for nursing. She about health problems.
stated that nursing deals with individuals  PLANNING
who are in need of help. - It addresses each of the problems identified
 ENVIRONMENT in the diagnosis.
- She disregarded this in her theory  IMPLEMENTATION
- The nurse uses the nursing care plan
- Nurse should converse with the client and - The nurse investigates the progress of the
let them know what the plan of care for the client towards the goals set in the nursing
day is going to be. care plans
- However, regardless of how will thought out
a nursing care plan is for a client, ACCEPTANCE BY THE COMMUNITY
unexpected problems to the client’s recovery  PRACTICE
may arise at any time. - Very easy to understand, easy to use, and
- With these, the job of the nurse is to know focuses on the client.
how to deal with those problems so the  EDUCATION
client can continue to get back and reclaim - Her process of recording has made a
his or her wellbeing. significant contribution to facilitating self-
 RECIPROCAL RELATIONSHIP - Her theory has been applied in various
BETWEEN THE NURSE AND THE research settings. She focused on how to
PATIENT IS VERY IMPORTANT. produce improvement in client’s behavior.
 NURSING IS VERY DISTINCT FROM - Clear as it involves defining concepts
MEDICINE minimally
- Patients have their own meanings and  SIMPLICITY
interpretations of situations and therefore - Simple as it can predict statements as
nurses must validate their inferences and opposed to description and explanation.
analyses with patients before drawing  GENERALITY
conclusions. - Focuses on limited situations
- It benefited research application
- Beneficial in achieving valued outcomes


- The nurse completes a holistic assessment of
the client’s needs. She uses objective and
subjective data.
and body” in her description of nursing as
comprehensive service.
- “I never wanted to be a medical doctor because I could  Environment
do all I wanted to do in nursing, which is caring - The ideas of environment are addressed by
profession.” abdellah and is included in “planning for
- first woman and first nurse to serve as DEPUTY optimum health on local, state, national, and
SURGEON GENERAL of the US. international levels,
- inducted into the Us national woman’s hall of fame
- fellow, American Academy of Nursing ABDELLAH’S TYPOLOGY OF 21 NURSING
- she contributed 100 applications related to nursing PROBLEMS
care, education, nursing research, and advance
nursing practice.
- promoted client-centered all-inclusive nursing care
making nursing a true humanitarian service of (SA BABA)
 The concept of nursing as an art and science
mold the attitude, intellectual competencies,
and technical skills of the individuals’ nurse THE PROBLEM-SOLVING APPROACH
into the desire and ability to help individuals 1. Identifying the problem
cope with their needs. 2. Selecting the relevant data
3. Devising hypothesis
AS A COMPLETE HUMANITARIAN SERVICE, 4. Testing hypotheses through the assortment of
 Be acquainted with the nursing problems of the 5. Revising hypotheses when necessary, on the
client. basis of conclusions obtained from the data.
 Choose the definite courses of action to make in
the scope of relevant nursing principles. ACCEPTANCE BY THE NURSING COMMUNITY
 Make available continuous care of the  PRACTICE
individual’s entire health needs. - The typology of 21 nursing problems helps
 Give continuous to relieve pain and discomfort nurses and nursing students perform in
and provide immediate security for the scientific and systematic way.
individual  EDUCATION
 Regulate the total nursing care plan to meet the - the typology of 21 nursing problems has the
client’s entire health needs. most potent effect in the educational system.
 Serving the individuals to become more self-  RESEARCH
determining in achieving maintaining a healthy - the typology of 21 nursing problems
state of mind and body. produced through research therefore, it is
 Informing the nursing personnel, family and expected that more research followed after
support system to provide the individuals act for its introduction to the academic world.
oneself within perceived limitations.
 Facilitate the individuals to adapt to limits and THEORY ANALYSIS
emotional problems.  CLARITY
 Team up with different allied health professions - All terms are consistent and easy to
in working with the diagram for optimum health understand and are all nursing related.
on local, state, national, and international levels.  SIMPLICITY
 Engaging in non-stop evaluation and research to - The typology is straightforward and is
develop nursing techniques and create new practical to use among clients.
techniques to serve the health needs of different  GENERALITY
people. - The typology of 21 nursing problems is
collective and associated with time and
- The concept of nursing in this theory is - the concepts are very exact with empirical
generally grouped into 21 problems areas for referents that are easily recognizable.
nurses to work out their judgement and  IMPORTANCE
appropriate. - The importance in problem-solving is not
 Person restricted by time or space and gives a way
- She classifies the beneficiary of care as for continual growth and change in the
individuals. However, she does not set service of nursing care.
standard limits on the nature and essence of
human beings.
 Health
- It is defined as the center and purpose of
nursing services. She does not give a
definition of health; she speaks to “total
health needs” and a “healthy state of mind
She said human is grated than and different
from, the sum of his parts.


( )
 Noted herself that her ideas of her theory is  HEALTH
concerned with spirit than matter, flux rather - Unity and harmony within the mind, body,
than form, inner knowledge and power rather and soul associated with the degree of
than circumstance. congruence between self as perceived and as
 She moved beyond contemporary nursing to a experienced.
view that is rooted in nightingale’s vision.  ENVIRONMENT
 She reflects, “it is both theoretical and beyond - Provides the values that determine how one
theory” should behave and what goals one should
 Transpersonal caring relationship is foundation strive toward.
of her theory. It is a special kind of human care
relationship a union with another person high ASSUMPTIONS
regard for the whole person and their being in 1. Caring can be effectively demonstrated
the world. and practiced only interpersonally.
2. Effective caring promotes health and
METAPARADIGM IN NURSING individuals or family growth.
 NURSING 3. Caring responses accept a person not
- She sees nursing as having to move only as he is now bur as what as she
educationally in the two areas of stress and may become.
developmental conflicts to provide holistic 4. A caring environment is one that offers
care, which she believes is central to the the development of potential while
practice of caring in nursing. allow the person to choose the best
- A human science of people and human action for himself or herself at a given
health-illness experiences that are mediated point in time.
by professional, personal, scientific, 5. Caring is more “healthogenic” than
aesthetic, and ethical human care curing. A science of caring is therefore
transactions. complementary to the science of curing.
 PERSON 6. The practice of caring is central of
- Is valued person in and of him to be cared nursing.
for, respected, nurtured, understood, and
assisted. A fully functional integrated self. 10 CARAIVE FACTORS
- Watson is optimist. Her writing encourages
explorations of questions such as “what is
the root of my response?”, “how will I
respond?”, “why do I respond?”, “when is it
hard to care?”, how will I sustain and
nurture my caring consciousness?” who will
care for me?
- It leads the reader through an inspiring
experience emphasizing deep inner
reflection and personal growth,
communication skills, use of self
transpersonal growth, attention both nurse
and patient, and the human caring process
that potentiates human health and healing.
- Client outcomes in caring transactions are a
potential area for studies. Research and
practice should focus both on the subjective
and objective patient outcomes whether
caring is indeed the truest essence of

 CLARITY- her concepts are concise and precise
to be used and understood. Concepts were
outlined and used and understood
 SIMPLICITY – she used sophisticated words in
her theory. So we need to read in between the
 GENERALITY- her theory provides the moral
and philosophical basis of nursing. The scope of
her framework encompasses all aspects of
health-illness continuum.
 ACCESSABILITY- she draws heavily on
widely accepted work from other disciplines.
This solid foundation strengthens her views.
 IMPORTANCE- her concepts such as the use of
self, patient-identified needs, the caring process,
and the spiritual sense of human being, may help
nurses and their patients and harmony in a
period of increasing complexity.
client can use to help realize their own
- Considered environment in terms of
objective world. environment is other human

JOSEPHINE PATERSON & LORETTA ZDERAD beings, the immediate surrounding, the clients and
- “nursing occurs within the context of relationship. It is
nurturing response of one person to another in time of HUMANISTIC NURSING MODEL
need that aims toward the development of well-being - It is nursing practice that is derived from
and more being.” lived experiences of the nurses and the
person receiving care
DR. JOSEPHINE PATERSON - It is the articulated vision of the experience
- Finished doctor of nursing science - Concerned with phenomenological
specializing in mental health and experiences of individuals and the
psychiatric nursing. exploration of human experiences.
- Conceptualized and taught humanistic - Nurses need to fully appreciate the value,
nursing to graduate students and faculty biases, myths and expectations other bring
and staff in a variety of settings. to the nursing experience.
- Clinical nurse specialist in the north point  The practice of humanistic nursing is rooted
veteran’s administration medical center. from:
- Finished doctor of philosophy approach to understanding life, individuals
- Taught in several universities and has are faced with possibilities when making
lead groups on humanistic nursing choices. These choices determine the
- Associate chief for nursing education direction meaning one’s life.
- PHENOMENOLOGY – the study of the
METAPARADIGM IN NURSING meaning of a phenomenon to a particular
 NURSING individual.
- Viewed as transactions between persons.
Transactional whose meaningless demands
conceptualization founded on a nurse’s HUMANISTIC NURSING
existential awareness of self and other. - Is an existential phenomological humanistic
 PERSON approach referring to a reverence for life
- A unique human with their own gestalt, an that values the need for human interaction in
organized whole that is perceived as more order to determine the meaning that comes
than the sum of its parts. Person is viewed as from the individual’s unique way of
an incomate being, always becoming in experiencing the world.
relation with man and things in a world of
time and space. The person has the ACCEPTANCE BY THE NURSING COMMUNITY
capability of self-reflection.  PRACTICE
 HEALTH - The theory applies the basic foundation of
- Wellbeing and more being, conceptualize as human relationship in nursing. It is
somewhat more than that the freedom from commonly used in palliative care,
diseases. They are it as a resource that the
spirituality in nursing and patient
participation and communication.
-they believe that nursing education should be
founded in experience and that a nurse’s training
should focus as much on the nurse’s ability to
relate and interact with clients with scientific
and medical background.
- It has been applied in research regarding
hospice and palliative care.

- Comprehensive and broad enough to include
many areas of nursing practice and provide
guidelines for research and education.
- It can be applied to different scenarios
giving rise to more specific theories.
- The concepts are abstract and
multidimensional. However, the main idea
of this theory is concrete and clinically
- It strongly emphasizes the nurses-client
relationship. Trust between the nurse and the
client builds a string basis for a positive
nurse-patient relationship.

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