Performance Task (Science 7 - First Quarter)

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Performance Standard:

To conduct a simple investigation using various separation techniques to separate components of mixtures of
varying concentrations using materials available in the community for a specific purpose.

Materials to bring:
Iron fillings
Paper towels
Pencil and paper for recording observations

Materials available in Science Lab:

Filter paper
Beakers or containers
Heat source (e.g., Bunsen burner or stove)


1. Magnetic Separation:
Mix a small amount of iron nails with sand in a container.
Use a magnet to separate the iron nails from the sand. Record your observations.

2. Decantation:
Create a mixture of sand and salt in water. Stir well to dissolve the salt.
Allow the mixture to settle, and then carefully pour off the liquid (decant) into another container, leaving the
sand behind. Record your observations.

3. Filtration:
Create a mixture of sand and water.
Set up a funnel with filter paper over another container.
Pour the mixture through the filter paper to separate the sand from the water. Record your observations.

4. Chromatography:
Take a strip of filter paper and draw a line near the bottom using a pencil.
Place a drop of colored ink on the line.
Dip the bottom of the filter paper into a small container of water, making sure the ink line is above the water
Observe what happens to the ink as it moves up the filter paper.
5. Evaporation:
Take the liquid obtained from the decantation step and pour it into a clean container.
Set the container with the liquid on a heat source (with adult supervision) and slowly heat it until all the liquid
evaporates. Observe what's left behind.

Observations and Conclusion: (Worksheet)

a. For each separation technique, record your observations of what happened during the process and
what you were able to separate.
b. Based on your observations, write a conclusion about which technique was most effective for
separating the components of mixtures with varying concentrations.
Performance Task Rubric: Separating Mixtures Investigation

8 Points
Criteria 10 Points (Excellent) (Proficient) 6 Points (Basic) 4 Points (Limited) Score

Demonstrates a deep
Shows a good
understanding of all Demonstrates a
understanding of
separation techniques basic understanding Lacks
most separation
(magnetic separation, of some separation understanding of
Understandi techniques,
decantation, techniques, but most separation
ng of explaining their
evaporation, filtration, explanations are techniques and
Separation principles and their
chromatography), limited and contain provides minimal
Techniques application in the
accurately explaining significant or incorrect
experiment with
their principles and inaccuracies or explanations.
minor errors or
how they were applied omissions.
in the experiment.

Does not follow the

Follows the
Follows most of the Follows only some experimental
Experiment experimental of the experimental procedures
procedures accurately
al procedures with procedures with correctly, resulting
and safely for all
Procedure some minor errors significant errors or in unsafe
techniques, making
or safety concerns. safety concerns. conditions or
minimal to no errors.
unreliable results.

Records detailed and
observations with Records basic Fails to record
accurate observations
Observation moderate detail observations, but meaningful
for each separation
s and Data and accuracy, but they are often observations or
technique, noting
Recording some observations vague, incomplete, records them
changes and outcomes
may lack clarity or or inaccurate. incorrectly.

Draws a
well-supported and Attempts to draw a Fails to draw a
insightful conclusion Draws a conclusion conclusion but does meaningful
based on experimental that is supported not effectively conclusion or
Conclusion observations, by observations relate it to the provides an
accurately assessing but may lack depth observations or unsupported or
the effectiveness of or clarity. lacks support from inaccurate
separation techniques the data. conclusion.
for varying mixtures.

Group Members: Grade & Section:

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