Chemistry Class 11 Notes

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Class work Practice:

Topic:Some Basic Concepts Of Chemistry

Problems for practice:

1. How many significant figures are there in each of the following?

a) 4.008 d) 474.0
b) 0.000648 e) 6.45×106
c) 6000

2. A ring of copper weighs 7.5382 g and its density id 8.2 g/cm3. Calculate the
volume of copper in the ring.

3. Add the numbers 28.521, 6.32 and 0.126 and give the result up to correct place of

4. Convert the following:

a) 1 year in second. c) 1 fg in kg. [weight of RNA
b) 500 Mg in kg. [weight of a ship] molecule]
d) 41 pm in cm.

5. Density of an object is 9.4 g/cm3. Express the density in kg/m3.

6. Convert 9×1013 J energy in calorie and erg.

7. Calculate the mass in grams for;

a) 2.5 mol Ca. d) 0.72 g molecule of CO2.
b) 1.5 g atom of oxygen. e) 12.044×1023 atoms of carbon.
c) 5.2 g atom of iodine. [I = 127]

8. Given the abundances of isotopes 54Fe, 56Fe and 57Fe are 5%, 90% and 5%
respectively. Calculate the average atomic mass of Fe.

9. Calculate the total number of atoms in;

a) 0.5 mol potassium dichromate. d) 160 amu of ammonium nitrate.
b) 1.4 g of nitrogen gas. e) 124 g of P4.
c) 3.42 g of cane sugar.

10. Calculate the percentage composition of:

a) Each element in calcium nitrate.

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Class work Practice:

b) Water in green vitriol. c) Each element in ammonium

[FeSO4.7H2O] carbonate.

11. An organic compound with molecular mass 30 g/mol contains 80% carbon and
rest hydrogen. Calculate its empirical and molecular formula.

12. An aromatic organic compound contains 92.31% C and rest hydrogen. Calculate
the empirical and molecular formula of the compound if its molar mass is 78

13. A compound on analysis was found to contain 57.8% C, 3.6% H and rest oxygen.
The vapor density of the compound is 83. Determine its empirical and molecular

14. An organic compound was found to contain 48% C, 8% H, 28% N and rest
oxygen. Calculate the empirical formula of the compound.

15. Mothballs contain 93.71% C and rest H. if its molecular mass is 128 g/mol, then
calculate its molecular formula.

16. Calculate the empirical formula of the compound containing 26.6% potassium,
35.4% chromium and rest oxygen. [K = 39, Cr = 52]

17. Calculate the mole fraction of benzene[C6H6] in a solution which is 30% by mass
in CCl4.

18. The molality of ethyl alcohol in water is 1.55 m. How many grams of ethyl alcohol
is dissolved in 2 L of water?

19. The hemoglobin from red blood corpuscles of most mammals contain
approximately 0.33% of iron by weight. The molecular weight of hemoglobin is
67200. How many iron atoms are present in each molecule of hemoglobin?

20. 1 M aqueous solution of NaOH of volume 300 mL is diluted to 1L by adding

excess water. Calculate the molarity of the resultant solution.

21. Calculate the molarity of pure water.

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Class work Practice:

22. Calculate the molarity and normality of a solution containing 3.15 g of oxalic acid
dihydrate dissolved in 250 mL of the solution.

23. A sample of NaOH weighing 0.38 g is dissolved in water and the solution is made
up to 50 mL in a volumetric flask. What is the molarity of the resulting solution?

24. How many moles of NaOH are present in 27 mL of 0.15 M aqueous solution?

25. A solution of ethanol in water is 1.6 molal. How many grams of ethanol is present
in 500 g of the solution.

26. 250 mL of H2SO4 solution contains 24.5 g of it. If the density of the solution is
1.98 g/cm3, the determine (a) molarity (b) molality.

27. Concentrated nitric acid used in laboratory is 68% nitric acid by mass in aqueous
solution. What is the molarity of such a sample? [ density of the solution is 1.504

28. 3 g of hydrogen reacts with 29 g of oxygen to yield water.

a) Determine the limiting reagent.
b) Calculate the amount of one of reactants that remains unused completely.

29. Calculate the volume of hydrogen gas at STP produced by 5 moles of zinc in the
following reaction:
Zn + H2SO4 → ZnSO4 + H2

30. Calculate the number of moles of hydrogen gas present in 0.224 L of it at STP.

31. Two elements X (at. wt = 75) and Y ( at. wt = 16) combine to yield a compound.
The percentage by mass of X in the compound was found to be 75.08. determine
the formula of the compound.

32. What amount of lime will obtained by the thermal decomposition of 1500 g of
CaCO3 → CaO + CO2

33. Calculate the amount of MgCl2 obtained in the following reaction from 17 g of
MgO +2HCl → MgCl2 + H2O

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Class work Practice:

34. Calculate the amount of lime obtained by heating 200 kg of 95% pure CaCO3.

35. Calculate the amount of oxygen in grams required to completely burn 570 g of
octane. [C8H18]

36. How many moles of phosphine [PH3] will be obtained in the hydrolysis of 3 mol
calcium phosphide [Ca3P2]?

37. Sulphur trioxide is prepared by the following two reactions:

I. S8(s) + 8O2(g) → 8SO2 (g) II. 2SO2(g) + O2(g) → 2SO3(g)
How many grams of SO3 are produced from 1 mole of S8?

38. Define the terms: molarity, molality, mole fraction.Which of these concentration
terms are temperature dependents
39. State the law of multiple proportions, Avogadro’s hypothesis.

Topic-Structure Of Atom

Problems for practice

1. Calculate the mass of 1 mole of:

a) Electron. b) Neutron.

2. Give the symbol of element which is isoelectronic with Cl- and S2-.

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Class work Practice:

3. How many electrons are present in 0.192 g of 16S32 ?

4. Calculate the frequency of X-ray having a wavelength of 1.5 × 10-10 m.

5. Calculate the energy of 1 mole quanta of radiation whose frequency is 5 × 1010 s-1.

6. Neon gas is generally used in the sign boards. If it is emitted strongly at 616 nm,
then calculate:
i. The frequency of emission.
ii. Distance travelled by the radiation in 30 s.
iii. Energy of quantum and,
iv. The number of quanta producing 2 J energy.

7. Calculate the frequency and wave number of a radiation with wavelength 480

8. Calculate the wavelength corresponding to frequency of 98.7 MHz.

9. What is the ratio between the energies of two radiations, one with wavelength
6000 Å and other with 2000 Å.

10. Calculate the energy per mole of photon of electromagnetic radiation of

wavelength 4000 Å.

11. Calculate the radius of Bohr's 3rd orbit in Li2+ ion.

12. Calculate the shortest and longest wavelengths in hydrogen spectrum of Lyman

13. Calculate the velocity of an electron in cm/s placed in the 3rd orbit of H-atom.

14. The energy of first Bohr orbit of H-atom is -2.18 × 10-18 J atom-1. What is the
energy associated with 5th orbit?

15. Calculate the first excitation energy of electron in hydrogen atom.

16. What is the wavelength of radiation emitted when the electron in hydrogen atom
undergoes transition from n=4 to n=2 energy level?

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Class work Practice:

17. The ionization energy of hydrogen atom is 13.6eV. What will be the ionization
energy of He+ and Li2+ ions?

18. Light of wavelength 12818 Å is emitted when the electron of hydrogen atom drops
from 5th to 3rd orbit. Find the wavelength of the photon emitted when the electron
falls from 3rd to 2nd orbit.

19. Calculate the number of lines in the spectrum of hydrogen, when the electron
enters from 7th shell to 2nd shell.

20. When light of 470 nm falls on the surface of potassium metal, electrons are
emitted with a velocity of 6.4 × 104 m/s. what is the minimum energy required to
remove one mole of electrons from potassium metal?

21. Threshold wavelength of a metal is 230 nm. What will be the kinetic energy of
photo-electrons ejected when the metal is irradiated with wavelength 180 nm?
[ h = 1.66 × 10-34 Js]

22. The energy requires to remove an electron from surface of sodium metal is 2.3
eV. What is the longest wavelength of radiation with which it can show
photoelectric effect?

23. Calculate the wavelength of a sub-atomic particle of mass 9 × 10-27 g moving with
a velocity of 106 m/s.

24. A proton ( mass = 1.66 × 10-27 kg) is moving with a kinetic energy of 5 × 10-27 J.
what is the wavelength of the proton?

25. A moving particle is associated with wavelength 5 × 10-8 m. If its momentum is

reduced to half of its value, calculate the new wavelength.

26. Calculate the wavelength of a CO2 molecule moving with a velocity of 440 m/s.

27. The kinetic energy of an electron is 4.55 × 10-25 J. Calculate its wavelength.
[ h = 1.66 × 10-34 Js, mass of electron = 9.1 × 10-31 kg]

28. Calculate the uncertainty in velocity of an electron if the uncertainty in its

position is 1 Å.

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Class work Practice:

29. The uncertainty in position and velocity of a particle are 10-10 m and 5.27 × 10-24
m/s respectively. Calculate the mass of the particle. [ h = 1.66 × 10-34 Js]

30. Calculate the uncertainty in velocity of a cricket ball of mass 150 g if the
uncertainty in its position is of the order 1Å. [ h = 1.66 × 10-34 kg m2 s-1]

31. Write the four quantum numbers of;

a) Last 2 electrons in the atom of Ca. (Z = 20)
b) 19th electron in Cr. ( Z = 24)

32. How many electrons in an atom may have the following quantum numbers?
a) n = 4, ms = -1/2 c) n = 5 l = 3 ms = 1/2
b) n = 3 l = o

33. One unpaired electron in an atom contributes a magnetic moment of 1.1 B.M.
Calculate the magnetic moment in;
a) Mn c) Fe e) Cu
b) Cr d) Ni f) V

34. Calculate the angular momentum and orbital angular momentum of the
a) 3s b) 4p c) 3d

35. Calculate the number of radial nodes, angular nodes and total number of nodes
a) 3s b) 3p c) 4d
36.State the following principles:
Heisenberg Uncertainity principle, de-Broglie principle, hund’s rule, pauli’s

Topic:Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties

One Mark Questions:
1. State Modern periodic law.
2. Write the atomic number of the element present in the third period and seventeenth group
of the periodic element.
3. Write the general electronic configuration of
a) s-block elements b) p-block elements
c) d-block elements d) f0block elements

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Class work Practice:

4. Define the following terms. How do they vary in the periodic table
a) ionization enthalpy b) electron gain enthalpy
c) electro negativity d) atomic radii.
5. Give reason:
a) Successive ionization enthalpy of an element keeps on increasing.
b) Boron has a lower first ionization enthalpy than beryllium.
c) Oxygen has lower first ionization enthalpy than nitrogen
d) Noble gases have the highest ionization enthalpies.
e) Halogens have very high negative electron gain enthalpies.
f) Noble gases have large positive electron gain enthalpies
g) Electron gain enthalpy of O or F is less negative than sulphur in the group 16.
h) Electron gain enthalpy of F is less negative than Chlorine in the group 17.
i) First ionization enthalpy of nitrogen is greater than oxygen
j) Electron gain enthalpy of Nitrogen is positive whereas Oxygen has a negative value.
6. How does valence vary along a period?
7. Name the most electronegative element.
8. b) i) Identify the most reactive element in group group-1 and group-17.
ii) Identify the element with the highest ionization enthalpy element and highest negative
value of electron gain enthalpy.

Two mark Questions:

1. Based on IUPAC nomenclature write the name and the symbol of the following elements
with atomic numbers
a) 103 b) 107 c) 109 d) 112
e) 114 f) 116 g) 118 h) 120
2. Assign the position of the element having outer electronic configuration
(i) ns2np4 for n = 3
(ii) (n – 1)d2ns2 for n = 4
(iii) (n – 2) f7 (n – 1)d1ns2 for n = 6, in the periodic table
3. How would you justify the presence of 18 elements in the 5th period of the periodic table?
4. On the basis of quantum numbers, justify that the sixth period of the periodic table should
have 32 elements.
5. In terms of period and group where would you locate the element with Z = 114?
6. In which family/group would you place the elements with Z = 117 and Z = 120. Also give the
electronic configuration in each case.
7. Considering the atomic number and position in the periodic table, arrange the following
elements in the increasing order of metallic character: Si, Be, Mg, Na, P.
8. What is meant by periodicity in properties? Mention the reason for the same.
9. Define:
a) covalent radius c) metallic radius

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Class work Practice:

c) van der Waal’s radius

10. How does atomic radius vary in a period and in a group? How do you explain the variation?
11. Which of the following species will have largest and the smallest size? Mg, Mg2+, Al, Al3+
12. What do you mean by isoelectronic species? Name a species that will be isoelectronic with
each of the following atoms and ions:
a) F  b) Ar c) Mg 2 d) Rb 
13. Consider the following species:
N 3 , O 2 , F  , Na  , Mg 2 and Al 3 .
a) What is common in them?
b) Arrange them in the order of increasing ionic radii.
14. Explain why cations are smaller an anions are larger in radii than their parent atoms?
15. How does ionization enthalpy vary along a period and down a group? Explain the variation.
16. How would you explain the fact that the first ionization enthalpy of sodium is lower than
that of magnesium but its second ionization enthalpy is higher than that of magnesium?
17. The first ionization enthalpy values of the third period elements, Na, Mg and Si are
respectively 496, 737 and 786 kJ mol–1. Periodic whether the first ionization enthalpy of Al
will be more close to 575 or 760 kJ mol–1? Justify your answer.
18. The first ionization enthalpy values (in kJ mol–1) of group 13 element are: B(801), Al(577),
Ga(579), In(558) and Tl(589). How would you explain this deviation from the general trend?
19. Would you expect the second electron gain enthalpy of oxygen as positive, more negative or
less negative than the first? Justify your answer.
20. How doe electron gain enthalpy vary along a period and down a group? Explain the
21. Which of the following will have the most negative electron gain enthalpy and which the
least negative? P, S, Cl, F. Explain your answer.
22. Why do second period elements exhibit anomalous properties?
23. Are the oxidation state and covalency of Al in [AlCl(H2O)5]2+ same?
24. Show by a chemical reaction with water that Na2O is a basic oxide and Cl2O7 is an acidic
25. Explain. Down a group the reactivity of alkali metals increases while that of halogens
26. How does electronegativity of carbon vary in ethane, ethane and ethyne? Explain.
27. Using the periodic table, predict the formulae of compounds which might be formed by the
following pairs of elements:
a) silicon and bromine
b) aluminium and sulphur
Three Mark Questions:

1. The first  i H 1  and the second  i H 2  ionization enthalpies (in kJ mol–1 ) and the  eg H 
electron gain enthalpy (in kJ mol–1) of a few elements are given below:

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Element  i H1 i H 2  eg H
I 520 7300 -60
II 419 3051 -48
III 1681 3374 -328
IV 1008 1846 -295
V 2372 5251 +48
VI 738 1451 -40
Which of the above elements is likely to be:
a) the least reactive element b) the most reactive element
c) the most reactive nonmetal d) the least reactive nonmetal
e) the metal which can form a stable binary of the formula MX2(X = halogen)
f) the metal which can form a predominantly stable covalent halide of the formula
MX (X = halogen)?
2. Predict the formulae of the stable binary compounds that would be formed by the
combination of the following pairs of elements:
a) lithium and oxygen b) magnesium and nitrogen
c) aluminium and iodine d) silicon and oxygen
e) phosphorus and fluorine f) element 71 and fluorine

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Class work Practice:

Topic: Chemical Bonding and Molecular structure

One mark Questions:
1. How many sigma and pi bonds are there in CH2 = CH-CH2-C  CH?
2. Which of the following has the maximum bond angle? H2O, CO2, NH3, CH4
3. Draw the resonating structures of
a) SO3 b) O3 c) CO2
4. Why does BF3 behave as Lewis acid?
5. Write the Lewis dot structures of BeF2 and SiCl4.
6. Mention two exceptions to octet rule.
7. Out of NaCl and MgO, which has higher value of lattice energy?
8. Arrange the given bonds in increasing order of poarity: P-H, H-O, N-H, H-F
9. Write electron dot structure of CO and AlCl3.
10. What is the hybrid state of each carbon in
a) CH2 = C = CH2
b) H – CHO
11. How many types of bonds are present in NH4Cl?
12. BF3 has a zero dipole moment though the B-F bonds are polar. why?
13. Why are the axial bonds longer than equatorial bonds in PCl5?
14. What is the covalency of nitrogen in N2 molecule?
15. What is the electrovalency of magnesium in MgCl2?
Two Mark Questions:
1. CO2 and SO2 both are triatomic molecules but there is a big difference in their dipole
moment. Why?
2. Which out of NH3 and NF3 has higher dipole moment and why?
3. Out of H-H and Cl-Cl bonds, which is expected to have higher bond enthalpy and why?
4. Out of N2 and O2 molecules, which has greater bond dissociation enthalpy and why?
5. What is the hybrid state of central atom in the following?
NO3 , BF4 , IF5 , CO2 , CO32 , BH 4
6. The two O-O bond lengths in ozone molecule are equal. Justify.
7. Give any two differences between sigma and pi bonds.
8. Although geometries of NH3 and H2O molecules are distorted tetrahedral, bond angle in
water is less than that of ammonia. Discuss.
9. Considering x-axis as the internuclear axis which out of the following will not form a sigma
bond and why?
a) 1s and 1s b) 1s and 2px c) 2py and 2py d) 1s and 2s
1. On the basis of VSEPR theory, predict the shapes of
a) H2O b) NH3 c) SF4 d) ClF4
e) SF6 f) BeF5

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Class work Practice:

2. Write the factors favourable for ionic bond formation.

TOPIC :Redox Reactions

1. What are the oxidation numbers of the underlined elements in each of the following and how
do you rationalize your results?
(i) KI3 (ii) H2S4O6 (iii) Fe 3O4 (iv) C H 3 C H 2 OH
(v) C H 3 COOH
2. Justify that the following reactions are redox reactions:
(i) CUO( s)  H 2 ( g ) 
Cu(s)  H 2O( g )
(ii) Fe 2O3 ( s)  3CO ( g ) 
 2Fe ( s)  3CO2 ( g )
(iii) 4 BCl3 ( g )  3LiAIH 4 ( s) 
 2 B2 H 6 ( g )  3LiCl ( s)  3 AlCl3 ( s)
(iv) 2K s   F2 ( g ) 
 2K  F  s 
(v) 4 NH 3 ( g )  5O2 ( g ) 
 4 NO ( g )  6 H 2O( g )
3. Fluorine reacts with ice and results in the change:
H 2O s   F2( g ) 
 HF(l )  HOF(l )
Justify that this reaction is a redox reaction.
4. Calculate the oxidation number of sulphur, chromium and nitrogen in H2SO5, Cr2O72 and

NO3 , Suggest structure of these compounds. Count for the fallacy.

5. Identify the substances oxidized, reduced, oxidizing agent and reducing agent for each of the
following reactions:
(i) 2 AgBr ( s)  C6 H 6O2 (aq) 
 2 Ag ( s)  2 HBr (aq)  C6 H 4O2 (aq)
HCHO (l )  2Ag ( NH 3 ) 2  (aq)  3OH  (aq) 

 2 Ag ( s)  HCOO  (aq)  4 NH 3 (aq)  2 H 2O(l )
(iii) HCHO(l )  2Cu 2 (aq)  5OH  (aq) 
Cu2O(s)  HCOO (aq)  3H 2O(l )
(iv) N 2 H 4 (l )  2H 2O(l ) 
 N 2 ( g )  4H 2O(l )
(v) Pb( s)  PbO2 ( s)  2H 2 SO4 (aq) 
 2PbSO4 (s)  2H 2O(l )
6. Consider the reactions:
 S 4O62 aq   2 I  aq 
2S 2O32 (aq)  I 2 ( s) 
S 2O32 aq   2 Br2 (l )  5H 2O(l ) 
 2SO42 aq   4 Br  (aq)  10 H  (aq)
Why does the same reductant, thiosulphate react differently with iodine and bromine?
7. Why does the following reaction occur?
XeO64 (aq)  2F  aq   6 H  (aq) 
 XeO3 ( g )  F2 ( g )  3H 2O(l )

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Class work Practice:

What conclusion about the compound Na4XeO6 (of which XeO64 is a part) can be drawn
from the reaction.
8. Consider the reactions:
(i) H 3 PO2 (aq)  4 AgNO3 aq   2 H 2O(l ) 
 H 3 PO4 (aq)  4 Ag ( s)  4 HNO3 (aq)
(ii) H 3 PO2 (aq)  2CuSO4 (aq)  2 H 2O(l ) 
 H 3 PO4 (aq)  2Cu ( s)  H 2 SO(aq)
C6 H 5CHO (l )  2Ag ( NH 3 ) 2  aq   3OH  aq  

 C6 H 5COO  (aq)  2 Ag ( s)  4 NH 3 (aq)  2 H 2O(l )
(iv) C6 H 5CHO (l )  2Cu 2 (aq)  5OH  aq  
 No change observed.
What inference do you draw about the behavior of Ag+ and Cu2+ from these reactions?
9. Balance the following redox reactions by ion-electron method:
(i) MnO4 ( aq )  I  ( aq ) 
 MnO2( s )  IO31( s )
(in basic medium)
(ii) MnO4 (aq)  SO2 ( g ) 
 Mn 2 (aq)  HSO4 aq
(in acidic solution)
 Fe3 (aq)  H 2O(l )
(iii) H 2O2 (aq)  Fe (aq) 
(in acidic solution)
(iv) Cr2O72 (aq)  SO2 ( g ) 
 Cr 3 (aq)  SO42 aq 
(in acidic reaction)
 2
v) MnO 4 ( aq )  Sn ( aq )  Mn2( s )  Sn4( s )
10. Balance the following equations in basic medium by ion-electron method and oxidation
number methods and identify the oxidizing agent and the reducing agent.
a) P4 ( s)  OH  (aq) 
 PH 3 ( g )  H 2 PO2 (aq)
b) N 2 H 4 (l )  ClO3 (aq) 
 NO ( g )  Cl  (aq)
 ClO2 (aq)  O2 ( g )  H  (aq)
c) Cl 2O7 ( g )  H 2O2 (aq) 
Direction: In the following Questions, the Assertion and Reason have been put
forward. Read the statements carefully and choose the correct alternative from the
(a) Assertion and reason both are correct statements and reason is correct explanation for
(b) Assertion and reason both are correct statements but reason is not correct explanation
for assertion.
(c) Assertion is correct statement but reason is wrong statement.
(d) Assertion is wrong statement but reason is correct statement.
11. Assertion: Among halogen fluorine is the best oxidant.
Reason: Fluorine is the most electronegative atom.
12. Assertion: In the reaction between potassium permanganate ions act as oxidizing agent.

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Class work Practice:

Reason: Oxidation state of manganese changes from +2 to +7 during the reaction

TOPIC:General Organic Chemistry

A. Write the IUPAC names of the following
1. The IUPAC name of the molecule

a) 4-oxo-2, 3-dimethyl pent-2-en-1-oic acid
b) 2-carboxy-3-methyl pent-2-en-3-one
c) 4-carboxy-3-methyl pent-3-en-2-one
d) 2,3-Dimethyl-4-oxo-pent-2-en-1-oic acid
2. The IUPAC name for

a) 1-Chloro-2-nitro-4-methylbenzene b) 1-Chloro-4-methyl-2-nitrobenzene
c) 2-Chloro-1-nitro-5-methylbenzene d) m-Nitro-p-chlorotoluene
3. Write IUPAC name of the following organic compound:
CH3 – C(CH3)2 – CH = CH2
4. Give the IUPAC name of the following compound:

5. Write IUPAC name of the organic compound.

6. Write the IUPAC name of:

7. Write the IUPAC name of following?


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Class work Practice:

8. Give IUPAC name of the following compounds:

(i) (ii)
9. (a) Write IUPAC name of the following:

(b) Draw the structure of Pent-4-en-2-ol.

B. NCERT Exercises
1. What are hybridization states of each carbon atom in the following compounds:
CH2 = C = O, CH3CH = CH2, (CH3)2CO, CH2 = CHCN, C6H6
2. Indicate the  and  bonds in the following molecules:
C6H6, C6H12, CH2Cl2, CH2 = C = CH2, CH3NO2, HCONHCH3
3. Write bond line formulas for;
Isopropyl alcohol, 2,3-Dimethylbutanal, Heptan-4-one
4. Draw formulas for the first five members of each homologous series beginning with the
following compounds:
(i) H – COOH, (ii) CH3COCH3 (iii) H – CH = CH2
5. Give condensed and bond-line structural formulae and identify the functional group(s)
present, if any, for:
a) 2,2,4-trimethypentane
b) 2-hydroxy-1, 2, 3-propanetricarboxylic acid
c) Hexanedial
6. Identify the functional groups in the following compounds:

(i) (ii)

7. In the organic compounds:
1 2 3 4 5 6
C H 2  C H  C H 2  C H 2  C  C H , the pair of hybridized orbital’s involved in the
formation of C2 – C3 bond is:

The Amaatra Academy

Class work Practice:

(i) sp – sp2 (ii) sp – sp3 (iii) sp2 – sp3 (iv) sp3 – sp3

Important Points to Remember in General Organic Chemistry

The Amaatra Academy

Class work Practice:

The Amaatra Academy

Class work Practice:

The Amaatra Academy


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