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The Magic of Self Hypnosis

7 Day Course

Master the Magic of Self Hypnosis

in your Life to bring happiness, peace
& success.

By Rob Chapman
Session 1 – Magick in Theory

Welcome to the 7 day, Magic of Self Hypnosis Course.

Have you ever wondered how it is that some people seem to flow through life?
They are happy, successful, and fortunate.
Others seem to go from one disaster to another, always struggling, complaining and

Magick – the moment one experiences when making personal change, or achieves a goal
through the self work that has been done. Magick is an emotion 

The Reticular Activating System

There is a part of you known as the Reticular Activating System, it’s job is to keep you
awake, Keep you alert and keep a look out for certain things.

During the day, when you are looking for certain things the R.A.S. searches your
unconscious mind for information. To decide whether or not the things about you are
relevant to your beliefs & well being.

If the things going on are not in keeping with your ideas/ beliefs about your reality the R.A.S.
will filter them out, or focus you elsewhere.

Someone who thinks they are lucky:
Walks along the road, see’s something on side of the road. R.A.S. checks in, I am a lucky
person, good things happen to me let’s check it out! Discovers a roll of twenty pond notes.

Someone who thinks they are unlucky:

Walks along the road, sees something. R.A.S. nothing good ever happens to me, ignore it,
maybe it is bad. Spots dog muck, ignores roll of twenty pond notes and treads in the dog

If you believe life is good & full of opportunity the R.A.S focuses you more on good things &

If you believe life is difficult, painful and full of suffering the R.A.S. will bring all those things
to your attention.

Opportunity is everywhere for good and bad. It is that which you pay attention to the most
that you will discover. Self Hypnosis helps you shift that inner focus, make changes within,
so you can experience success, happiness, good fortune, peace, wisdom, more vitality and

You are the key to all this, and over the next 7 days, I am going to show you how to master
the magic of your mind and bring these things to your life. Self Hypnosis puts you in charge
of your life.

Conscious & Unconscious Mind

First thing to make clear, there is no conscious and unconscious mind!

It is just a metaphor for certain types of behaviour. You are just you.

Conscious Mind

Everyday awareness. It is limited, can only hold onto 5-9 pieces of information at a time. It is
the organiser, it is also how you know you exist. The Logical part of you, the conscious mind
is very good at solving conscious problems.
Unconscious Mind

Wisdom, insight learning feeling, experience, memory, emotions, dreams imagination.

It deals with a lot of info you are not consciously aware of. It knows how to run every single
process of your body.

If the conscious mind was Richard Branson, the unconscious mind is everyone that works for
him within his business that makes it happen.

The conscious mind cannot make you feel a certain way, it can however give instructions to
the unconscious mind.
When the body heals, you do not know consciously how to do that, the unconscious mind
on the other hand protects, balances and maintains the body.

Every experience you have contains wisdom and resources. However we do not hold onto
all that consciously, we would forget it. The majority of beliefs, behaviours, fears, patterns
that we have learnt are held within the unconscious mind. All these things you have learnt,
you are not born with them.

Your patterns are both immensely useful but can also hold you back. Self hypnosis allows us
to discover the limiting beliefs, behaviours and patterns and change them.

The unconscious mind registers what is happening to you a fraction of a second before you
are consciously aware it is happening. What you think consciously is happening now is an
interpretation of events, that happened a moment ago, projected outward from your
unconscious mind. In essence, reality is an illusion. There is a difference between reality
and what the unconscious mind thinks is happening.

Think back to the roll of twenty pond notes. Same situation, 2 different realities.

There was a test carried out in America to test this very thing. With two groups of people.
1 – Lucky Group – Believed they were fortunate, good things happened.
1 - Unlucky Group - Believed that nothing good ever happen, unfortunate.

No one in the Unlucky Group discovered the money on the floor, whilst all in the lucky
group discovered the cash.

Will Power – a myth

Will Power does not exist!

It is made up of a collection of logical assumptions that more often than not get derailed by
just not feeling like it.

Try to achieve through Will Power and you may not succeed. Place an idea into the
unconscious mind you will always achieve it.

If you were to see me as a hypnotist there are certain obstacles that I can help you get
around which can happen quickly, where as with self hypnosis things have to be given time
to work their way through. Which is why we do not rush the process. Expecting results
immediately will get in the way of your results.

The Guardian on the Threshold

One of the obstacles we will learn to overcome is the guardian of the threshold. Otherwise
known as the critical faulty. The guardian makes life easy. It keeps out information that is
contrary to the story you tell yourself about your reality. It keeps you safe but also can hold
you back. If something maybe of benefit to you it will filter it out if it does not match your

With Self Hypnosis you will learn to get past the guardian. Learning to focus the attention
within the unconscious mind.

You see, conscious attention is limited, as I mentioned before it can only hold between 5-9
pieces of information at any one time, after that it will become distracted,
By learning to direct attention correctly you can change your inner story.

Definition = Realty
Perception = Projection

By beginning to change the energy flow of attention you can change your life.

Think of your happiest memory – feels good

Think of your saddest feels bad,

Attention changes inner state. You can through Self Hypnosis become the author of your
own story.

So we are going to learn to get past the guardian.

Direct Attention
Focus Energy and rewrite the limiting stories you have been telling yourself. Allowing you to
live the life that you want to live.

Concerns About Hypnosis

Is it Safe?
Perfectly natural, anyone can do it, if you did not naturally enter the hypnotic state you
would probably not survive very long.

Can I get Stuck?

No – people do not get stuck in sleep and hypnosis is just another natural state.

Your Unconscious Mind is there to protect you and help you thrive. Sometimes it gets a bit
cuffudled, but it means well. It protects you from things that you are just not ready to deal
with, so you will never uncover pain and suffering unless it is the right time for you to deal
with it.

During this 7 session course you are going to learn:

How to use self hypnosis to create the life you want to live.
Discover how hypnosis will benefit those around you as well as yourself.
By day 7 you will know how to:
Change problems, habits, beliefs, behaviours that limit your life.
How to set goals, create suggestions and take control of your inner life.

The sessions will run as follows.

1: Magic in Theory
2: Magic in Practice – getting into Self Hypnosis

3: Set your Intent – Goals

4: Cast your Spell – the power of suggestion
5: Communication – resolving problems with Self Hypnosis
6: The 4 Elements – 4 powerful techniques to aid personal transformation
7: Becoming the Magician – bringing it all together to use the magic of self hypnosis in your

To get the most from these sessions.

Listen to them in Order

To get results I want you to think about everything you do within the context of a 21 day
cycle. You can try to rush this, but I want you to get the best from this material.
Repeat the practice from session2 for three weeks before you start using suggestions of
your own. This allows you to really get a feel for and make progress with the magic of self

Finally, for this session I want you to dream a dream. Dream Big, think about the life you
want to lead, how you want to feel, the changes that you wish to make. Allow yourself to
get carried away with it. Enjoy!
Session 2 - Magick In Practice

Welcome back to Session 2 of the Magic of Self Hypnosis 7 day course,

In today’s session I want to take you through, step by step how you can access the magic of
your mind through developing the magic of self-hypnosis in your life.

You have within you a vast power for personal change and transformation. You can live a life
of peace, happiness, wellbeing and success. Today marks the first step towards that and
much more. Today we start you upon your path of self-hypnosis so you can enter it and
utilise this natural ability, whenever you like. Easily and effortlessly for your greater good
and for the greater good of those around you.

Before we get going I really want you to take a few moments to really think about all the
wonderful changes you will make in your life as you harness the magic of your mind. Think
about your big goals, your dream life. Start to allow yourself to begin, now, to feel the
excitement of starting a new adventure, a new chapter in life through the magic of self-
hypnosis you will begin to live the life you want, happiness, peace, love, joy, money, success.
All can be yours once you become the magician in your life. Self-hypnosis gives you access to
all the vast resources of your mind to make that happen.

Your unconscious mind is a vast repository of transformation and personal magic. I want you
to connect with your unconscious mind, to access your personal power to create the life you
want to live.

To do this we need to get past the Guardian of the Threshold. The guardian prevents you
over using your inner mage.

We all have a story, it tells us who we think we are, how to be in situations, it is the myth
that defines your personality. Who you think you are is just a collection of ideas. Ideas can
be changed.

The guardian protects the story, stops us from re-writing it. In some ways this is good. If
someone were to tell you that you could fly the guardian most usefully stops you from
trying to launch yourself of a very tall building. However if your inner story tells you that you
cannot be happy, then the guardian will attempt to stop this being changed. So in some
ways the guardian can hold us back.

However, with self hypnosis we learn to bypass the guardian, to allow us to re-write parts of
that story, to bring beneficial change into your life.

In essence, through the magic of self hypnosis you can choose your reality re-write your
inner story to transform your experience of life.

So in todays session I am going to show you how to get past the guardian. To do this you will
need to be:

Open – allow yourself to relax

Pacify – the guardian
Magic- use the magic of self hypnosis to make those changes that you want to see.

At this point I want to ask you to not get caught up in the techniques and methods. That is
not where the magic of this lies. Practice self hypnosis to the point where just thinking
about it will bring about the change and you will realise that the real magic is inside of you.
Where it has always been.

I want you to take a moment to think about a memory, one that is sad, or a time that was
difficult. Do not go to deep into it, just to the point of starting to feel some of the emotion
connected to that moment. Done? Good, now clear that and think of the best time you have
ever had. Allow all the good feelings connected to that memory to flow through you,
bubbling to the surface.

What did we just do?

You just changed state. From one state of mind to another. We do it everyday, it is a natural
ability that you have, to generate a different state of mind, easily and effortlessly.
Today you will discover how to create a state of mind where the guardian has no effect. We
will create an open state of mind away from the influence of the guardian. In doing this you
will discover that the state was already, naturally in existence, that you have it within you
already. Today you will discover how to access this whenever you choose.

Before we start:


Make sure you will not be disturbed.

You are about to activate the magic in your mind, to awaken your own personal power to
create positive change in your life.

To get the most out of this you do not need to try to do anything. Instead, as you listen, just
follow my instructions, to get the most of this, focus now upon my words. All you need do is
listen, if I ask you to picture something, do not worry if you cannot, just think of it, however
you do that.

(Listen to the Hypnotic session on video/audio)

Welcome back.

You have just completed the process that you will master for bringing the magic of self
hypnosis into your life.

Like everything, the more you practice the more you can get out of this. There will come a
point where just thinking about doing this will make that shift into your magic mindset.

I want you to practice this twice a day, morning and evening.

Allow yourself to have a curious and playful attitude, know that this is working for you. And
allow it to just be

The Steps to Self Hypnosis

1: Deep breath, tell yourself I am going to use self hypnosis, I will be in hypnosis for ____
minutes ( no more than 10), outside noises will not distract me, if there is a n emergency I
will emerge clear headed, calm and relaxed and able to deal with the situation to the best of
my ability.
2: Look at your right arm, Once you can sense and feel it, close your eyes.
3: Relax the arm, tell it to relax, keep relaxing it. Then when it feels deeply relaxed.
4: Imagine a calming and peaceful place.

5: Give your suggestion: “ I am mastering the magic of self hypnosis in my life” (9 times)
6: Drift, let yourself go, do not analyse, do not plan, just sit back and observe your
experience of you.
7: Remind yourself, I am feeling calm, peaceful, happy. I have a bright future with the magic
of self hypnosis working powerfully for me.
8: Emerge, count yourself out.
1 – I feel energised, refreshed,
2- Coming back to everyday awareness

3- Take a deep breath, feel good

4-Imagine a refreshing rain, cleansing and clearing
5- Eyes open, feel good stretch.
Session 3 – Set your Intent – Goals

To achieve successfully your mind needs goals. They tune in the R.A.S. Harnessing the vast
power of your unconscious mind. Allowing the magic to work through you and for you and
for you. Creating the reality, the life that you wish to live. There is no rush with this, allow
your unconscious mind to bring about the changes that lead to your success, health, wealth
and happiness.

As you start working and moving towards your goals, learn to trust the inspiration & insights
that come to you. This will happen slowly at first, but will pick up speed and frequency with
time. A little like riding a bike. Although at first you maybe a little wobbly at a certain point
this will just click and you will just get it. Learn to trust your unconscious mind.

Quite often you maybe the last to notice any change. Do not be surprised if others point out
a change in you before you become aware of it.

To build this trust, experience and learning, remember:

Practice the techniques twice a day, for the next three weeks

Manifesting the life you want…

How do you create the life you want?

By setting intent/ creating goals. When it comes to setting goals it is important to keep in
mind that what you think you want consciously is limited. If your unconscious mind knew
exactly what you wanted that would create happiness, peace and love in your life you would
have it.
But that which you really want is not just a conscious process. The conscious mind in it’s
limitation does not always know what is best for you.

e.g. A Musician loves playing guitar. Wants to be a famous rock star, thinks when I am a
famous rockstar I will be happy, life will be great I can play guitar all the time. Yet when he
achieves this conscious goal, he discovers that the reality strips him of the joy he had expected
to discover. In truth his happiness came from just sharing and playing music with others and
he would have been a lot happier with his music if he had got a job in a related field perhaps,
and then made the most of the opportunities he had to play with others. The limelight is not
always what it appears and the big dream is often a metaphor for those qualities we wish to
have in our lives.

This is why it is we learn to trust the unconscious mind. To set the ideal intent we need to
look beyond the ways & means of the goal, the practicalities, and focus our attention higher.

What is the real purpose of your goal?

Why do you want this?

What is it that achieving this goal brings to you?

What does it do for you?
What is the goal behind the goal?

We need to let go of the details. Be open to what is beyond the goal.

What does this ultimately bring you?

You will know when you reach the goal beyond the goal. When you touch the essence you
will feel excited, energised, it is this energy that will help you overcome obstacles and enable
you to achieve your true dream. When you connect to that you will feel alive.

And you can dream big, because when you look at what is beyond that you will start to tap
the magic of your unconscious mind.

To achieve a goal it needs to be clear and simple, never layer in or over complicate your goals.

Allow your unconscious mind the space to work at each step at a time.
Making your goal:

Simple – focused, direct. How you want to feel. Make your goal your true purpose.

Measurable – how will you know when you have achieved it? If you do not, you can revisit
your goal there maybe obstacles or conflict.

Affect – The feeling/ emotion is the energy of your magic. If you are not inspired by and
excited by your goal re-work it, return to its true purpose.

Realistic – Within your control. If you want to travel it is no good if you do not have a passport
or money.
What are the steps?

Dream big but be flexible in how things will happen. Be open.

By When – Set a time to achieve it in.

Exercise: Choose a couple of goals, find their truth,

Magic Works
Magic works by transforming yourself from within to meet the world. NOT by trying to change
the world to meet you.

Why Magic fails:

1: You become lost in the details rather than focusing upon the essence.
2: Lack of energy. Difficult to commit. No drive to do it.
3: Intereference, wanting creates more wanting conscious mind, logical processes, this gets
in the way, we try to solve it as a problem.
4: Questioning, when we doubt the guardian steps in. Causes contradiction, tries to stop us
changing the story.
5: Obstacles – Conscious mind and Unconscious mind focusing on different things. Part of you
may be trying to keep you safe from perceived change.

Ways to not fail:

1: Lost in detail – let go, do not get caught up in how you are going to do this. Trust your
unconscious mind, drift.

2: Energy – Check your practice, are you getting there?

Are you focusing too much in a specific desire, rather than it’s essence? Are you tired?
Distracted? Is this really what you want? Connect to the essence, re-evaluate.

3: Interference – Trying to hard? Return to your practice. Allow yourself to drift. Relax, hold
on tightly, let go lightly.
Practice as you go to bed, sleep on it. Go to the feeling behind the dream. Float in that feeling,
trust the inner mage. Focus on convincer.

4: Questioning – Guardian activated.

Imagination always wins over will.
Engage your imagination
Challenge the doubt/fear

Doubt – challenge it, is that the best that you can do?
Affirm your desire.

5: Obstacles – Where conscious mind and unconscious mind are in conflict. (session 5 will help
with this)
Ask/ tell unconscious mind to come up with a different approach to the goal. A new way to
achieve it.
Avoid thinking that says I can’t.

Sleep on it – focus as you drift off on your true purpose.

Session 4 – Casting your spell

Firstly, I hope you have been practicing. The more you do this the better your ability to
access your personal alchemy will become. Like an athlete, we cannot expect to get great
results if our training is adhoc.

We are transforming our inner base metals into gold. Re-writing and becoming the authors
of our story. Through the magic of self hypnosis you can do this.

So we have learnt the opening ritual, how is it we cast our spell.

The answer! With Suggestion.

If you think about gardening, For a successful garden you must.

1. Prep the ground
2. Plant at just the right time
3. Water
4. And give time and space for things to grow.

This is what we do with hypnosis.

1. Learn/ practice induction

2. Suggestion
3. Water – don’t sit around
4. Trust the unconscious

For later I want you to pick a goal you have, so we can use the magic of self hypnosis to set
you on the way to happiness and success.

There are 4 ways that we cast our hypnotic spell. The most important of all of it though is
your intention. There is no quick magic formula, gestures or words that will miraculously
drop this on your lap.

Your intent is key:

The 4 ways fall under two approaches

Words – Affirmations

Inner Guide
Images- Rehearsal
Mission accomplished

There are other ways, but these are simplest, and often the most powerful.

If after a few weeks you are not seeing some signs of change this is usually due to a conflict
between conscious & unconscious mind. We shall look at ways of dealing with this kind of
conflict in upcoming sessions.

Let us first take a look at some of the “How To2 of this process.

New suggestion should be worked for 3 weeks, by then you should start to notice changes
occurring, at least enough to know that you are on your way.

If you have fully achieved the goal then great, start something new. However, if things start
to slip, just pick it back up and carry on. When first developing your practice only work on
one thing at a time for the first 6 months.

Explore, Experiment, Play and Discover that which works for you. Practice twice a day, 5-10
mins max. This should be easy, fun and not take all day. Best time is on waking and on
sleeping. Before bed allows the suggestion to work undisturbed by the conscious mind. The
guardian is off duty when your asleep, it is a case of whilst the conscious cat is away, the
unconscious mice can play.

First thing in the morning, within half an hour of waking you are still partly in the in between
of wake and sleep. Again this is an easy time to bypass the guardian.

At the end of the day though, find what works best for you.
Give your session your full attention. But do not lust for results, stay relaxed. Once you have
completed a session do not dwell on it, go do something else. If you do end up thinking
about it, see yourself having achieved the goal, being excited about it.

When it comes to suggestion, keep things simple, that way your conscious mind is less likely
to get involved.


1. Seta a time limit 5-10 mins.

2. In Emergency state you will emerge refreshed, clear minded and able to deal with
the situation calmly.
3. Sounds will not disturb you.
4. Relax/ Induction eyes or arm. Special place
5. Suggestion 1 of the 4 techniques or a blend of.
6. Drift, just observe whatever comes up.
7. Emerge, tell yourself you are coming back, feeling good, ready to have a great day or
night sleep.
The 4 Suggestion:

Created by Emile Coue a hypnotist. Most people think you recite a positive statement and
wonder why they do not work often. Coue spent time teaching his clients how to access
hypnosis before using affirmations. This is the secret to making them work.

Affirmations should be simple and easy to remember. Do not use negative statements.

“I don’t want to be shy” “ I don’t want to be fat” “I don’t want to be poor”

The unconscious does not process a negative so it is hearing the instruction to be fat, be
poor, be shy.

Speak as if the thing is happening or has already happened. Avoid, “One day I will…..”

“I am………”

“I am becoming more…………. Everyday.”

It is now
It is now beginning

Make your affirmations

Simple – Positive-Now

Affirmations should be delivered with feeling take your time, speak with emotion.


Talk about the goal as if being coached. How good it will feel, talk about it as if it is
happening now, unfolding in your life.

Do not intellectualise this inner talk. Let your emotions, your excitement inspire this talk.
For inspiration watch people like Tony Robbins when they are doing a coaching speech.
Talks as though you are addressing a 9 year old child.

A definite edge can be added if you address this to a higher power.

Highest Self
Great Spirit

The unconscious mind is stimulated and acts well in response to this.

Describe the outcome, what it means to have……. Lots of emotion


Everyone can visualise. If I ask you to think of an apple, what colour is it?

You possibly thought green, or red, or maybe a mix of both. Whichever, to do that you have
to be able to visualise. To practice visualisation, imagine walking around your house. Go into
the rooms, look about, then imagine moving things about re-arrange stuff.

Do not worry about not seeing images.

Rehearsal – When working for a skill you require.

Mission Accomplished – When there are elements of the goal you may not yet know.

When doing these, use as many senses as you can. Create the image/ scene that you want.
Bring emotion into it, how it makes you feel.

Rehearsal – See, hear, feel yourself doing that you wish to be able to do.
Miss.Acc. – as above but seeing yourself having achieved the goal. As though it has happened

Once done let your unconscious mind drift and take you there.

You have to be in the world to be able to manifest your desire.

Don’t do all this then sit on your backside expecting the world to drop your every desire into
your lap.

How will you know you are more confident if you do not go out an meet people?
How will you get the appointment if you do not apply?

How will you be £10 better off if you do not bend down and pick it up?

Get my point?

The magic of self hypnosis works from within. You have to engage with life, to create and see
the opportunities that lead to your happiness.

So now pick the first goal you wish to achieve, your first bit of magic.

I would recommend

“ I am mastering the magic of self hypnosis within my life,” Or something along a similar line.

Take some time to think of an affirmation & visualisation. When it comes to practice you can
combine techniques, find what works for you.

Remember practice twice a day:

Get comfy
Set Time

In case of emergency/ noise

Deep Breath
Relax/ Induce

Session 5 – Communication

Hopefully by now you are starting to get a feel for the self hypnosis practice. Your mind can
be getting a feel for it. And you start to feel the subtle shifts that connecting with the magic
of self hypnosis can bring.
Today we are going to explore a great way of communicating with your unconscious mind.
So as to guarantee success with your self hypnotic practice.

To do this we are going to look at how to use a pendulum to establish the connection
between the unconscious mind and the outside world.

We do this through one of my favourite methods. The Pendulum.

How does it work?

When we hold the pendulum, directing a question inwards, the unconscious min responds
through ideomotor movement. It sends subtle muscle movements through the arm, these
cause the pendulum to swing in an established way. Giving simple responses to questions.
These answers and communication can be used to create the best circumstances for
hypnotic magic to work. Allowing you to uncover blocks, agree suggestions and pave the
way to powerful personal transformation,

Your Pendulum

Make or buy your pendulum and only use it for working with your unconscious mind. There
is nothing occult about this, psychology has proven the method.

If you choose to make a pendulum it can be as simple as a nut on a piece of cotton, a ring, a
washer, a holed stone. Heavy enough to swing, not so heavy that you have to move your
arm to get it to do so.
Starting to play.

Hold between finger and thumb

Elbow floating not resting.

Relax grip, relax arm swing it back and forth consciously, a lot. Notice how it feels.

Stop. Now relax, deep breaths, tell yourself it is moving back and forth. Imagine, picture etc
until it moves. When it does tell unconscious mind to strengthen the response.

Repeat this for:

Side to side
Circle clockwise

Circle anti clockwise

Next Step:

Once you have got the hang of this go for answers.

Ask for yes

Ask for no

Do not ask can you give me a no sign, it may answer yes.

Get answers for also:

I do not want to answer
I do not know.

Now move on.

Test questions you know answers to.

Am I male/ female
Is my name….. etc

Then test to see you only get good answers. We need true answers for this to work. A
genuine response is sort, not what the unconscious thinks we want to hear. Otherwise we
will not solve problems.

So ask a few questions that the answer is yes, but think no at the time. You are look for the
correct response from the pendulum, not that which you are consciously thinking.

If it gives you the no, tell your unconscious mind you want the correct answer and re-test.

Revers thise process for no answers but think yes.

Once you have calibrated your pendulum responses you are ready to use this. Always start a
session with your pendulum with this calibration method.

Exploring the inner:

The pendulum can be used to uncover blocks, causes and to build suggestions that your
unconscious mind will work and respond to. By engaging the unconscious mind to uncover
the root of a problem we can travel back, safely, through our past, the unconscious mind
allowing us to work at our own pace.

Sometimes we may encounter blocks, these can manifest as lethargy, fuzziness. Often this is
a sign you are getting close.
There are 2 outcomes from working with the pendulum:

1. Insight – an understanding of the root cause, and how to fix it.

2. Instant magic – The insight alone is enough and the problem resolves without any
further work needed.
Instant magic does not happen every time, but when it does it is great.

Let us look at this further.

Say you want more motivation.

You have used suggestion but no change.

You use your pendulum (may take mins,hours, days)

You discover you got shouted down as a child when you thought you had made an effort.
Now your unconscious mind tells you why bother because you are waiting to be shouted at.

You can use this insight for a new suggestion.

“I feel great when I achieve.”

This teaches the unconscious mind to feel differently when doing things and frees up new
motivation. Alternatively the insight is enough and the desired result is made manifest.

Sometimes the unconscious mind will not see the issue as a problem. It may think it is doing
a good job. Use your pendulum to connect. Tell the U.M. you wish to change……
If it refuses use suggestion to change this.

Anytime you find yourself stuck. Come back to the pendulum.

As you look at all this you will realise that in this course we are looking at methods that
allow you to work through all possibilities.
The magic of self hypnosis will work for you with most challenges. Working through
problems and getting results. Most courses will just teach trance and suggestion and leave
you to it. And then people wonder why they get patchy results, but with the magic of self
hypnosis approach you are getting a complete system for personal change.

However, sometimes seeing an actual hypnotherapist will help you get results quicker.
Maybe at the beginning of all this you will choose to see a hypnotist, to kick start your


Spend time, at the beginning really learning and practising all this and you will find it works
powerfully for you. When it comes to questioning the unconscious mind think out our
questions in advance.

We are wanting to gain healing, insight and understanding. Checking your unconscious mind
is ready to work with you and checking that you have created suggestions that your
unconscious mind is willing to work with boost your possibility of success.

Our process so far is:

Calibrate/ warm up the pendulum/ genuine response

Ask does the unconscious mind recognise the problem?

I want to change x do you see it as a problem?

If not have a chat, ask again, suggest. If still no, ask it to see it as such, use suggestion Then
check back again after a couple of days. Once you get a yes continiue.

All behaviour is motivated by a good intention, however this can become distorted. Once
we know the intention behind a behaviour we can rewrite the story. This is great when
wanting to change habits, remember a habit is not just picking your nose, thoughts,
behaviours are all habits.

Discover the intent – change the plan.

Sometimes our unconscious mind just enjoys a behaviour or wants to experience a
condition it creates. It serves a purpose even if that purpose does not serve us. The
questions we need to ask work around….

How – cause etc

When – in time

Who – was someone involved

Where – location
What happened.

These questions will lead you to a new understanding and provide the insight you require.

Warm up/ calibrate
Recognise the problem
Permission to explore, may need time before ready to.

IS there something else I need to look at before this?

Once you have done your session pay attention to your life. The unconscious mind may
make you more aware of certain things, hints of what to do, what may help, directions in
which to head.

And remember, if you feel the need to see a hypnotherapist give it a go, it maybe just what
you need for the next step of your journey.

Once you have worked with the pendulum you should be in a place to create the relevant
and most powerful suggestion.

A few last things.

Just use the pendulum for self hypnosis.
Sometimes you may feel tired. This can be because you are. It can be due to resistance.
Check in with yourself.
If tired, stop. If resistance push on.
Avoid asking questions like, “Can I work with this?”

If you get a no you create a block. Avoid just straight possible no responses. Instead ask
questions like, “How can I…….”

Presuppose that you can.

The use of the pendulum is one of the key parts in the magic of Self Hypnosis approach. Get
proficient with it and you will be harnessing a powerful tool for personal growth.
Session 6 – The Four Directions

Welcome, hope you are practising and starting to notice this starting to work for you.

One of the problems that we can face is when the conscious mind gets too involved in the
process. The interference can hinder our progress.

Trying to consciously create the desired result, or consciously focusing on the details can
override the magic. You must learn to trust the unconscious mind. We want to be in a place
of doing without doing. You get on with everyday whilst your powerful unconscious mind is
doing the work in the background.

We want to plant the suggestion and let it grow. Think what happens if you bake a cake. All
the ingredients are there, ready for a wonderful cake. You do everything right. However,
once in the oven if you keep opening the door to check on it then it is never going to rise
properly and your cake will be ruined.

How do we stop the conscious mind interfering?

We keep it busy, distract it.

In magic we are always aware of the 4 elements. Earth, Air, Fire and Water. So we are going
to use a set of 4 techniques/ the 4 directions to get past/ distract the unconscious mind.

North – Earth – Planting

East – Air Questioning – (mind)

South – Fire – Drifting (smoke drifting)

West – Water-Emotion

These can be combined with the previous techniques we have learnt to increase the power
of magic on your life.
The best time to look at/ use these is before bed. Not only do you create a more powerful
approach to your self hypnosis, but as you sleep your conscious mind cannot interfere,
allowing your unconscious mind to really work with the suggestion.

So use these techniques if you think you are over thinking or conscious mind feels like it is
trying to take control. You can also practise them and use them as a stand alone techniques.

Earth – Planting

This technique is used before going into Self Hypnosis. Include it in with the set up where
you tell yourself you are going into hypnosis, for x amount of time. Create a pre-induction

So at present maybe something like. “ I am mastering the magic of self hypnosis for me.”

Spend a couple of mins thinking about what that means t you, focus on what that brings to

A session would go like this.

1. Set time
2. Pre-suggestion – a couple of mins, if you drift return back.
3. Start induction
4. Perfect place
5. Suggest
6. Drift
7. Count out.

Air – Questioning

Suggestive questioning allows the unconscious mind to jeep searching for the very best

Do not ask questions like, “Why cant I do…. Why do I always fail…..” etc.
Instead ask…

How can I do?

How can I achieve …… when I do……?

So our session would go.

1. set up
2. Induce
3. Ask question, repeat it.
4. Drift
5. Count out

This is a great one to do before bed.

Water – Emotion

Similar to the last session but rather than focusing on mind, focus on the emotions that
arise. Emotion = Energy, focusing on the energy, the emotion distracts from the detail.

Focus on the future, on having achieved and gone beyond the goal.

How does it feel?

How will it be to have achieved the goal?

Just focus on the emotion. How will I feel when I have mastered the magic of Self Hypnosis?

When you start to notice the emotion, focus on it, if you lose focus drift back to the

It is not for the conscious mind to direct this, just observe, trigger the feelings.
How? Watch, wait, feel.

Fire – rising smoke/ drift.

If you practice the other direction techniques this will be easy. Just trust your unconscious.

1. Prep. Hands into talking hands position. How do they feel, pay attention – focus
2. Allow one hand to descend. Just in the time your unconscious mind needs to take to
review the purpose and to review your life connecting all the resources you have to
aid with this.
3. Once arm on lap ask unconscious mind to run a quick review of the problem. Thing
you wish to achieve, goal that you wish to work with.
4. Other arm now starts to descend, just in the time it needs to take to explore all the
possibilities, options, resources and choices that will help with this particular
5. Once landed, ask, what is it I can do? What simple action can I undertake that will
allow me to ……
6. Close your eyes – integrate, drift await a feeling of fullness.
7. Return, bring any insights, ideas and just live your life. (get on with it)

This technique will lead to insights, hunches and sign posts. Pay attention to ways your
unconscious mind maybe guiding you forward.

With all this, TRUST your unconscious mind. All of the 4 direction techniques and all the
other techniques will help you use the magic of Self Hypnosis to shape your journey, make
powerful changes and lead a happier life.

Learn the basic magic, then the advanced magic. Use both, jump between all that you are
learning till you see your goals manifesting.
Session 7 – Magickal Sleep

Hello, so by now you have learnt everything you need to know to start to use the magic of
self hypnosis in your life.

In this final session we will look at some practical ways in which to apply these techniques
and discover your hidden magick. To bring forth abilities and skills that you maybe are
unaware of to enhance your everyday.

Before I go on though, I really want to congratulate you on all you have learnt. You have
completed this training and discovered the keys to a happier, more rewarding future. I
cannot emphasise this enough. Keep practising, true mastery comes with practice. Once you
have mastered the magic of self hypnosis there is nothing to stop you living the life you
want to lead.

So let’s jump straight into this final session, starting with sleep. Using the magic of self
hypnosis you can get a great nights sleep anytime, anywhere.

I use this technique and now find I can sleep anywhere, sleeping through noise etc.

Sleep problems are common, but sorting this is simple and in most cases you do not need to
take pills and potions to get past this. However if you do this but still struggle to sleep, go
see your doctor.

With this method of magic you will always get to sleep.

1. Lie in bed, get ready to go to sleep. Make your bed and bedroom all about sleep. Do
not watch tv, work etc from bed. Do not take your troubles to bed, write them down
for tomorrow. Do not dwell on the past or worry about the future. Make this ALL
about going to sleep.
2. Use Self Hypnosis to enter trance. Set the parameters. Nothing will disturb you
unless it is an emergency, in which case I will wake, deal with it and then be able to
go back to sleep easily and effortlessly. Time wise state. “I am going to go to sleep
using self hypnosis. I will sleep comfortably and easily through the night. I will awake
in the morning feeling relaxed, refreshed and ready to have a great day.”
Close eyes, relax arm, or do eyes. Once they are completely relaxed, scan the body part for
another part of the body that feels similar. Focus there, as it relaxes more, scan for another
are. Keep shifting awareness around the body for those areas that are relaxing. If it is not
happening automatically, consciously choose the next location and relax it in the same way
you did your arm. Keep doing this until you notice your mind wanting to drift of, then go
with it.

Do not try to control this, you will stuggle, do not think of plans or worries. If they pop up,
slip back into the relaxation. If you find you are struggling then I want you to do one very
simple thing. I want you to try and really stay awake. Try as hard as you can to stay awake,
try….. and really try to hold onto consciousness.

You will either feel like you are going to drift off or you will feel like you are aware, but then
drift off. At first practice you may drift in and out throughout the night, but after a few days
you will sleep through.

Remember any thoughts that may distract you, return to the relaxation method.

(take through exercise)

Now you have cast the spell, use it, everyday.

Next, lets set your inner alarm to allow you to set your own personal wake up call. So you
can sleep through the night and wake up without setting alarms.

To wake up clear and refreshed.

Use the previous method, however, just before you start to scan.

Think of an alarm clock. It is set for your time now, then change it to the time you want to
wake up. Now repeat I will wake up at…..
When you wake the next morning, check your clock and see the time. Within ten mind of
the time to get up is good and a sign that this is working for you. Practice initially on days
that if it does not quite work it will not matter that you do not arise on time.

Next let’s look at working with habits.

Thoughts, behaviours can all be habits, with self hypnosis you can create good habits that
benefit your life.

1. Relax, arm, eye technique

2. Tell UM. what you change or install.
An action may consist of more than one habit. If you want to study you may need to
be excited about doing it and then a habit of getting on with it.

Suggestion: should include that it is automatic, you do not have to think about it. It is
just who you are. If you do not know what to do you can get the unconscious mind
to do it for you. By tuning it into the desired good habit, behaviour it will work for
you in finding out and discovering the way forward.
3. Set Outcome, affirm, rehearse, etc
4. Drift
5. Emerge

If it does not happen for you, use the techniques we have learnt to overcome the obstacles.

Allow time, do not rush.

When you solve one problem often others will solve indirectly so you are not just
benefitting in one area. Allow your work to integrate. The unconscious mind will work on all
factors for you. Give it time, space and opportunities to do so.

Magic Happens – Allow it to do so.

Problem Solving.

1. Think about the problem

2. Offer it to your unconscious mind.
3. Create a problem solving room/ mind space
4. Await response
Never try to solve a problem if you are stressed, anxious, down.

If you have a problem

1. Change State – this is what you have been learning to do over the past week.
2. Prime your mind – deep thought, How do I solve this? How do I find the solution to…
3. Drift let it go, allow unconscious mind to work for you.

You may have to repeat, but you will get there, give space.


Relax, arm eyes….

Deep thought – Prime(air) Emotion (water)

Sleep on it.

Go through the sleep method and in your intent say, “ Whilst I sleep my unconscious mind
will solve…….. Whether it is in the morning or during the day my unconscious mind will find
a solution.”

Use the magic of self hypnosis when you wake, pay attention to any dreams, insights or
impressions. Note anything that comes to you upon waking,

Visualise the outcome.

What will it be like when you have done the thing? How will you feel? What will you do? It
gives your unconscious mind a goal.

Or use the Fire direction to make this happen.

Practice schedule.

Twice a day within half hour of waking and just before sleeping.

3 weeks one topic. Or keep going till you get the results. If it slips, pick it back up.

If you are not getting results trouble shoot.

Pendulum, four directions

You can use the magic of self hypnosis during the day even if you are work on a long term
goal, however if you find a situation where you need to relax, use it.

Stick to the 3 week project, do not rush. 5-10 mins is enough. Self Hypnosis empowers you,
do not get into the habit of doing hours at a time.
When doing the fire direction allow it to work at its own pace/ Practice everyday for next
few months. Even if it is just 5 mins a day before bed.

Finally, how do you use the magic if self hypnosis to live the life you want?

Take time, allow it to work for you. Use all the tools I have taught you. Practice the sleep
technique, practice using the recording back in session two for the next 15 days.

How do you know what to do? What to work on?

Wish list – anytime something comes to mind jot it down. Work through the list.

One good exercise is to write your life from earliest memory to today. Once done,, use your
pendulum to dowse each paragraph to find if you need to work on anything in it. Then focus
on the specifics. It will take time but is well worth it.

Use the air process, ask what shall I work on now.

Whatever comes up work with it.

Finally use a general spell cast. Go to the idea of how you want things to be, allow emotion
of how it will feel to be living your ideal life. Talk yourself up, tell yourself you are doing it
you are making it happen through the magic of self hypnosis. It feels great etc.

Make sure you complete the three week initiating practice.

Enjoy, have fun and be awesome. You have connected with a great force in your life,
practice, apply and live life to the full.

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