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SWOT analysis

Complete the table below with bullet points (this is for your own benefit and you don’t need to
share it, but it will help you achieve your aims and you may decide to reflect on it in your portfolio).

(Identify your aims/why you want to complete the foundation year (e.g. what you hope to get from
the course, aims for degree/career progression after the course, if known):

Factors which can help achieve aim Factors which might hinder achievement
(Strengths/opportunities) of aim (weaknesses/threats)

Strengths ‘Weaknesses’

(e.g. skills and knowledge, personal qualities, (e.g. skills/knowledge you are less confident
useful habits/behaviours) in/want to develop, less helpful

Opportunities Threats

(resources in the university e.g. people, groups, (e.g. risk factors/stumbling blocks which
services, facilities, information, resources may need anticipating/managing, outside
outside uni e.g. support networks, sources of resources which may be difficult to access)
knowledge or motivation, online resources)

Action plan (Considering the SWOT analysis above, write 3 specific SMART actions which you
are taking or plan to take to help you achieve your aims above)

(Note: general intentions e.g. ‘I’ll submit my coursework on time’, while valid, aren’t SMART. Think,
what specific actions can I take (today, next week etc) to maximise their likelihood e.g. By the end
of week 2, I’ll set up an online calendar with all coursework deadlines.)

Reflection (to think about after completing the SWOT – useful if you decide to reflect
on this task in your final portfolio)
1. How did you get on with completing the SWOT? What was challenging or interesting or
useful (or not) and why?

2. Was it easier to list strengths or ‘weaknesses’? If you asked another person what your
strengths and ‘weaknesses’ are, would they list the same points that you identified? How
can any of the ‘weaknesses’ be turned into strengths?

3. Was it clear to distinguish ‘internal’ and ‘external’ factors or was there some ambiguity and
overlap? (consider how this relates to the module themes)

4. Did it confirm what you know already or give you any new perspectives or insights?

5. Does breaking things down into these categories (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities
and threats) help you better analyse and plan? Or is another approach to goal setting and
action planning (e.g. ‘learning ecosystem’/flower/garden visualisation) more successful for
you? (if so, consider developing your learning ecosystem visual representation)

6. Could this SWOT analysis tool be useful to you in your future academic or professional life?

7. Has this process increased your sense of agency over your outcomes?

8. (In a few weeks) Did you act on/follow your SMART action plan? How did it go?

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