Adventures 3

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Spirits of the Forest sy Anprew} Lucas oft oats an adventure designed forthe Sect Fighter™ rlepaying same, and eet n Japan, The Sactierhle Te niet ree ce ene a See ae oe Soe Se een eer ee = soci at So aoe So site ee eee eet Sthcnacs ae | san! eet tae Sn moon ce eee rae ae oo ee oe soe cme he soe Seer ee otty Saka ae 36 ADVENTURES UNLIMITED. + chapctes. Of couse your players may ala wn 1 techllnge cach other Eyesin The Night “Japan wt at al bt gh wold bee Laing ‘ack Pent aly re bt Tac eet har dy Kore arn sss end et of pel onal dhe eal al of tt ack en ‘Sete What lyse mews he snl ral ty of hor Backbone kf “aon an indi Mag, Povo eit baits ‘ch mech mee. The leafee dy barn ne rs “Thesods ee gui SPD walle sy S ‘it tthe sain he Cimefon Ita argh gin i Sacre uy aca Sapa Ry meee Recs QU Seat en Shere Taye Sided beta thy ster apo agin Tad a heirs stoped nga at el dle eget end rt on Tt They nl cin Mowe prin or het ‘erate Teen Hemel aati Bede bo wes Seeger bee silt on nb aaa sf ep ai ad ig en Tr el do ito et in ht wnt eps ite : ‘Weld met Ninja onty once befor, ix Barcelona, When the corschd in cl ol fie Sacto gt ib yf tack hin righ ati ge Teg ge pie ee tof me bt id Ni this goed kin st Bory hima bling Terao ppl li Ir, cond tt nit Na wel ‘dt Thc te goad onl a olive ae Fy "Sully Naa er aller Feds Keck indy singin th oto of hd bad on Farle lke doo, ting oo bead word. nd hind cel er Keston, Thx ying wrt os Ths hg wd at we eal onthe outcome ofthe tury. TF the group leaves that right dey can Be Back a ‘ume prcpate nthe final runs and watch the fal but between Thome and Hikan ‘Thewilg the home of Hikes Ninja, tut ithas ae taken Thomat sister hostage Its inhabitant wll defend there from the eam but Know nothing ofthe es Thomas has spread about theirilge or his ster. "Theater indeed atthe vilage nt a toner bu a th lender of eek oc sehen itr TCEESAES of Shaclo wops whoa intent on agit [Neck Fontana interviewed by Grout Wc magazine The Story “The player ar invited to 8 tournament being eld 39 ert In lapan The contents do ros aie br the. fourmument (and the Shadoloo plot destroy the Nina ‘lage has ben sciated by the Nin Yo Takada a et. ‘She wither to ef liars Shoals worthy of founding a Nina clan wih er. “Yak has been spying onthe setvies of lar and i lage Sd iimpresed with what she a fen. Tosco Hakan sty worthy of her she ishoding Street Behtng tournament at her ako, knowing ll ‘well tht Shadoloo wil se he eurmament 253 Stmoescreen to launch some plot to dso Hitant Ifthe lo sseeed then Far was never worthy of ‘Yuki tere fl she will make erations known Hila, "The vournament rns forthe ays. Ovethe ‘course ofthe event vay canbe obveed between {he two highest ranked opponents ~a Wester: Kiekborernamed Thomas Wess, ad Hikans ‘Souk, 3 Nina saspected to be working for Shadoloo, ‘Tere sno love lost between the two ‘opponents ad the combat threatens o engl the ‘resort where the tournament being held ‘On the seand dy ofthe ourament, Thomas pproahes the group with ples for help Heel ‘hem dha iar as aken hist hostage an tempt to force him out ofthe tournament Thomas ppl tothe group help him. He knows the leeatin ofthe ilage where she being eld sd seks the team to reieve her whe he aces Shokicht inthe ing horas ut ight and cane accompany the group, his hometown has gabled ‘azing the peel community fhe ‘ground, The ster nd Thomas re pawns {F Shaoloo, who have ped the team ‘eto softening up the defenses ofthe Nina wile for hem, Once they have dstoyed ths paral horn in M. Bons sie, Thomas lars to beat Hann the ning by ‘Can the eam survive the assulton the Nin Stronghold and return tothe Fa Wil Hikary prove strong enough to {uninertioaly) win the affections of Yu Taka Wl the Sighs survive to eae) ‘Scene The Tournament “Wath Teas Yas, My names Voki Tada” “The characters have hen vied to pripate ina Stet Fighter tournament held 3 endionsl panes in elle aryl) Tkayama es ‘expected tht al ight wil stay atthe ako and partake of ts hospitality Yuk willbe there her fuse ofthe yb hostess. Shes very demure and Speaks he She sce oly rarely and vay ina femal kimono “als nows everything tha happens inthe ‘kas and ses hee Nina ables spy onal of her ‘hens. No one rare that shew aN. Yuk te tertone for holding the tournament at et he tls of Hikaru Shoulch ee shove. Yuki tater canbe Fund on poe 19.20 of ‘he Payers Gide Ie unely that you wll aced the for ht adventure, however ince che wil probaly not ener combs, (Overthe int day ofthe tournament a number of bouts are fought. The players should have the ‘opportunity to ght at ast one tam and one single {igh Ar Stone, yu wl ave develop ADVENTURES UNLIMITED 37 Id LATULS rs £) jan) mf ise ‘opponents forthe players. This could be a good opportunity wo enhance od ras with pers the Players have reviusly encountered ‘Darn the tourna, the PCS are sure to notice the nay between he Kickbower Thoms Wessma andthe Ninja Haru Shoukich. They oveshear nore that the Naa wil a ohn to inch Thomas are The player ask what the Basi ofthe Feud i ‘hey will tind any lean information = on ‘specsltion (Thomas cate fighter and he Ninja acared ete). Nether ian nor Shouikich-Ryu Ninja Genin “The Geni ar the minty ofthe village Aefenses Thee warriors are composed of the ‘young men and women of the wilage who rally ‘nder the command ofthe Curiae it aft fnvadee Chara 86 Dest Swengiho¢ Perception Manipulation o» — Ieligence Staminaeee Appearance ee Alertness 4 Bind Fighsng Taighe = Irtimidson © iystenes® Seunty Seal SpleLore® Subrege «| Manas «Poo Speed / Damage Move) Punch: ab 57312 Pneh Strong 35/2 Pach: Bree 2/7/14 Kick Shore 44/2 Kick Forward 3/6/1 Kick Roundhouse 1/81 Gb 3/371 Block 7 (+1 sok) /0 Movement 6/05 Handsand Kick2/47¢ Jaap 6/02 She Kick 27/3 ow Health Willpower a apo Speed / Damage Move) Shuriken 6/572 38 ADVENTURES UNLIMITED Thoma wil dicate ay, but Thoma sterie qt wilng tak Infact Katherine Wena a {enya her brother isle Katherine speaks fpanese fuety and wil ake the players team under her wing and show them he he ofthe town, Katherine pleasant company fd gives every impression of Being the player best fend She spend the nght ener he Steet, Fighters whl her brocher rates for his ght shed about Thomas she polite Bu appear very bored by the convertion nd soon changes the subject oisy Neighbors ‘The second day proceeds very much ike the fist wth many eas and dil ting in he ‘ouryan ofthe akan Thomas ad the Ninja exchange hate ied glances, while Katherine cheers the player? team fo victory (or console ther ete) As sight alls, the players hearan anguished from Katherine rom nthe yak ‘Watin Katherine room ae Yak dese a shsaysin an legant kimono) and Thomas Thome is chtchiog «Hood aie skirt ad looks areus He explains that he and Katherine were gong to inet for dinner Se wat ate, and whe he Became swomed and weno look for he hs what he Tound inher room i shows the players eter writen in spare kan script She anaes "Your Sisters mine. Tomeortow you wll lose your match swith me. or youl lore mach more The ler ‘wos tacked to the wall bya shure, “Thomas informs everyone that be knows that ‘his isa nap and that he expected to ake the bat fd ty eo rescue hi ster ths ising (and forcing) the fight Unorntlyhientre hometown has wagered heal on him If he oes = ven by default there willbe mach hardship back Inthe States, ‘Yuk siggess thatthe PCs could go in hs stead "Surly the Ninja re only expecting one fighter Many may be enough to amp If yc eve now you could be thre rescue Katherine snd be back for your own fabs” As Storytelie,you may be forced to improvise to emice the players otk the rescue mission Scene TheWinjaViNage “The players should eck to rescue the seemingly helpless Katherine rm thee clutches af the Shouchi clan. Ceting othe vilge an adventure in sll. While the paves wl be able wo get transportation bu rts tthe bas ofthe mountain) they willbe unable to comince any locas torake them del tothe lage The local people sre deathly ado he on (Semon spits) tht hve Inthe forest and dance onthe slope of the mountain, [None ofthe vesiens of Takayama o other lea towns wil st foot on the mex, They wil not ‘ent len, or sll any transportation to the Fighters to din their mission, for fear of angering the a They tev the on wil wreak tere vengeance upon yone wha els gf foreigners) ivade their. ‘Warning, FottolesAbead Inthe likly and unfortunate) event hat the players sce and rnspor, they wl encounter dhe Irany varied and deadly taps and pal thatthe inj have established orand ther village, You should describe the huge gaping pt the layers dove ‘ver ~econde before they hi the booms. ‘Alernately, he players wllspiag 2 line which ‘ings huge hardwood log with a sharpened ip Sight sto that vehicles engine lock The hers ‘nl sage inn, Ba thew il be totaled Fourth oy Ifthe Suet ies ave sc Resour or Backing nd dete ochre on plane elope take thm dete the ilag, hey vlfind the Sj prepared Shadoloo haved © Senet lage blo ings modiied 150 ‘Gog plane that washes outited wih weapons ‘mupeled inp They eget tea the Sage wins ex mice What hyd expect Were theatinger ae the rescurhi Nins had Benin ro Alga rane ihe "The Nin clan may vale thane was but they know the worth goed mre to-rmse ‘TheStatln pane wan ln, ong with zie Imvrmen of or nde Bao hs sworn een, tetieumlinge ee een more tops nd ‘espons hee the lot wet Ses ager 0 ‘np he silage for Stadlos aul oop. Stinger mie Spal 4 naj 10 to any ocupants ofthe veil. The scr il artim fame pd ers inthe Forse, 5.4 mes away from the Nina village. Proceed eth the est ofthe scene WYouGotntotie Woods Today ‘The players wil probably be forced to tek though the woods on foot = whch wil nt do much or their ‘sponiton, Shadoloo i counting onthe fc that they will pig al the Ninja aps along the way — td they probably wil, The Stoller should ‘ede how any trap the PCs wl fe, king nt account adventure pacing and how damaged she swans dhe PCS tobe once they get othe ile, Shoukichi-Ryu Ninja Chunin ‘Chania serve double duty nthe Shoukich village, not only a teachers an pier, but a tte wasor, The hese ofthe Chine Alile mae esborate than he vmple Genin. ‘mas ot (demon) face masks hide the wenttes ‘ofall Shoukch-ne Nina andthe fesnomeness lof he mks visge denotes the roicency of ‘eearer. Try the Chinn wea the ot aghtning ate ofthe clo, second only othe ‘nak oftheir Jonin pardan ikara Shook, Sirenatheee Charis Perception see Deter Manipulation os» Intligence Surin Wie Appezance Alene lesight oe Secuiy Sole Lore ee Mayes «Poses Speed / Damage Move) Pact ab 6/43 Punch: Seong 4! 6/3 Fanch Ferce4/8/2 Kick: Shor 5/573 Kick: Forward 4/772 Kk Roundhowe 2/92 Gnb4/s/t Block 8 (2 sos) /0 Movemene7/0/6 | Blind Fighting Incmidton Backflip Kick 4/72 Hel Stomp 6/1/4 Jump 7/013 ‘Shrouded Moon 30/2 ‘hide Kick 37874 Wall Sping 6/375 Chisee Helin Willpower se Weapons Speed Damage /Move) Shuriken 6/5/2 ShilaneKen $170 Ninjto ab 8/6/3 Ninja Seong 6/8/35 Ninja Frce 10/2 ADVENTURES UNLIMITED 39 42 ADVENTURES UNLIMITED arr ay R. Crowe Gray low ech of the plyers «Perception + Survival alo roid the bby traps. The dicate 6 and wo seccetswllallow the Faber to sidestep any tap Ary Fighter who fasts al wil ping 2 booby tap Possible ap nla [Nas Desert Adlets test 9 eid Seng esto break free Are Speed 6 Damage 6 Bia Arh test oe ling in, Danae 10 Lag. Atbetin + Destesty to ‘oid swinging lg an ‘chic tap Damage 14 Sure Dee» Athletes t0 void beng suspended {side down, Damage 2 alps Perception to spot these Donte pier onthe forest Moor, Damage 3 (The target mame oral ete is) Evenly the fighter reach the Nina villag, where the Shouich clan har manta al of forex to fight the ivaders There willbe one (Genin foreach fighter and one ‘Ghani for every wo fighters (round op). The Chenin bein combat wath ‘fast Heel Stomp allowing the Genin to ht hr rg wth Side Kick A east one Canin hans back, throwing surke, ‘Allow the combat to proceed as ronal les gh unskely ha the plyes wil lose, bt it appears that they will advance to the net See Nininto ‘The Ning shor salah word issmaler than the samurai fatana aed canbe ay easly concealed “This sword ia ast weapon that sllowe Nina to strike frst in mort {red confets Base Technique: Sword Speed +2 Damage, 0 Move Assault Robot Mk-Ill “The asl ror Mill ea recent development of ‘Shadoloo Mrgankan laboratories. The rbot devgned for Frontline combat and packs enoigh firepower o deal wih mos treats be they armored unis, hardened emplacemens ‘rsp lane batons. "The ead ofthe rbot contains a elaborate Sensor suite, which combines mation sense target seston hardware With sonar and ina detection scanners The sensor are ‘mounted upon two titanium posts welded to the upper os ‘These ar separted by athe oot pan, giving the robot ‘excellent binoalr vison and allowing te main armament 9 ‘vel over dhe robs toro and lack into place a part ofthe headunit Once this action complete the robot ay tne ead and fire tay age it can se An armored bck unt contains the uni mai armament vehich comin of « power ging cannon. The hig back tf the rbot hae a dence unchbacked pearance, ‘etended wisp fear ia enemy oops. The cannon contains ‘nogh ammniton ln indefinitely but the unis rat of res med by the energy required 0 run he canon. tere (ch ol only enough power to fe dhe gating ‘anon mes If the robo and il eecively ized) it ‘may recharge on point of energy (hi. Swengihaee —Charima®——_Pereption #48 Denes Manipulation ® —Ineigence® Stamina sees Appearance ® Wie ernest Computer Intimidation © ‘Manes Paves (Speed / Damage Move) Panch:Jab $732 Pach: Strong 37/2 Pach: ree 971 Kick Show 4/6/2 Kick Fora 3/8/1 Kick Roundhouse 1/ 10/1 Block 0/010 Gab 75/1 Movement 7/07 hiss Willpower eath Weapon (Speed / Damage /Move) Catting Cannon 471470 ‘Scene Surprise Attack Jit as victory seems asured ether forthe Sweet Fighter orth Nin) Stadoloo makes an sppenrance A banage of eannon hie ages ay ‘remaining Nin, nackeg them uncon Katherine, garb coro gen sides nthe wig flowed by Shodolo ele saul troop (There shouldbe one anal squad pr wo Stee Fighter, ounded down Katherine sees address the hers “Thank you for softening up the village ors ‘My Shadalo trons wt fish whee you have stared: Now kindly stepasid before you get hue” Presumably the ers wil decid wo proseet, the village once they ree that they have Been sed 5 pts by Bisons operatives they dewaly do step sie (unless it) feel eto remove 1 permanent Honor they donot step sie, Katherine wl ‘onto A, the Foolethink hey can challenge the power of ‘Shadoloo do they? She ‘waver her hand eonchalartly in the team direction “Kill them nd burn the vilge to the ground” Tet chaos eign. The troopers prefer se their baer ifs to pn down the Stet Pahter ‘while the robots advance on them. In hand trhand ‘combat the troopers ry te up the Steet Fghtes while the robots fire gating cannons at them. Katherine doc not enercomb anes Becomes obvious tat Shadoloo lng Irth layers ar be besten very badly, Ys “Takada ene the fy ninja guise vo even ti the side She as Been watching the proceedings sce 1 Hikanss clan is worthy of her tenis ‘Shadoloo Avauk Spend ‘These cite Woops operate in teams of tree — to trooper and one anal robot. The troopers ct 2 fire suppor forthe root, which wl advance ‘pon an enemy poston shugaing off mos forms of tack, Te troopers andsinat the robots target. ralow ts sophia AI progam t choose 3 Target independently “The asl squads 3 new ation to ‘Shadoloo armed fores and ule new weapons 44 ADVENTURES UNLIMITED eited in M. Bon science lab. ison vasing tis ‘tack at tet forthe new equa well a8 ‘opportunity to destroy an obstinate Ning an ‘Assle Troopers For the aout oper, se the Lifer Soler ‘tse fom page 174 of the Sh br rules Book. “The toopers wear camouflage aigues nd combat hemes. The elmet contain advanced Sensors tht alow the woopers to detect hidden ‘Sppmenis ing ona nd infared senor (These sil eimiat the Ninja Shrouded oon ality and ‘lee concrled ambushes) The sensors ls. mak the toopers scene to being blinded by Aral and ike ack Any trooper succely Struck by fame stick betes Ficbal, aning Fist corany simi aack— automatically Aisied athe helmets decries overload Sone stock ike Sting Shout wl alr overload the helmets (The Asal Robot i not fered mths was) Tr adivon tthe Sensor helmet he twoopee ls cary the folowing weapons Blaster Rll +1 Speed) 26 Damage Knife 2 Speed, 1 Damage 40 Move ‘Scene. Aftermat 1+ Once the threat to the Nina village lover the players can return wo the ournaent forthe final >> ‘drew Lact “Andrew began i career writing poetry and short stores fori own enjoyment He soon realaed tht women wee more impressed by a lage “payeheque = thin early crafted prse and sold ‘ute the BC. Telephone company: “Andrew exbied peat atic il by >> R Crowe Geay Ross was bor in Edmonton, spent ime in the \Northwen Tetris adil sted in ‘ancower. He sa sel aught arts and fan ofthe ongl Sur Television es. His work appenss ‘ult nthe fanzine Sylrkng Digest He > Snavid gamer and enjoys bath Cyhopnk and ADD. >>> Dana Nosh (Onmally from Nova Scotia, Danas sel taught aro She wsis primary with an exacto Irie cresting arecting cards ning a Ain or of sthouete paper eating Pen and snk and Imapmakng) 3 new medium for hee Trained 2 ruse, Dana worked in that profession fora pumber ff yan, and alo pen some tine on ee igandmothey shee farm in the Hebrides of Scotland She came o Vancouver to yet go ADVENTURES UNLIMITED 49

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