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Our college's internship She anticipated that we We must uphold the

coordinator anticipated would be able to apply virtues of politeness and

that the student interns the many teaching courtesy as interning
would be familiar with concepts during our college students.
instructional concepts practice teaching.
and teaching principles.
I'm supposed to be I'm supposed to try using I must embody the
familiar with the teaching the tactics for managing virtues of responsibility
resources my cooperating online classes more. in order to forge solid
teacher uses. We are also Additionally, I'm bonds between students
urged to be familiar with anticipated to receive and teachers.
the rules and policies that more training on
apply inside the school. developing lesson models
We were supposed to be and becoming more
knowledgeable and familiar with the
knowledgeable about the technology tools required
field in which we for both online and in-
concentrate. person teaching.
To perform my work I need to increase my I must exhibit the virtues
efficiently, I must ability to control conduct of commitment and
comprehend the and encourage student attention.
distinction between learning. Give students a
teacher-centered and secure and encouraging
student-centered study atmosphere.
classrooms since my Developing time
cooperating teacher management skills is
wanted us to comprehend another way to encourage
the right teaching student learning.
approaches for the

One of the most difficult aspects of being a student teacher is Phase 3 when you
deal with the real teaching environment and need to be psychologically,
physically, and emotionally prepared. As a teacher, you will function as a
teacher at this stage and serve as an example for your students.

RA 10627 ANTI BULLYING An act mandating that all I have a responsibility to serve as
ACT OF 2013 elementary and secondary an example for the pupils and
schools develop measures to stop educate them about the negative
and deal with bullying in their impacts of bullying.
RA 4670 THE MAGNA Act to promote and improve the I'm thankful to know about this
CARTA FOR PUBLIC social and economic status of kind of regulation for protecting
TEACHER public-school teachers, their teachers because I want to
living and working conditions, become one. In exchange, I
their terms of employment and promise to use money wisely and
career /prospects in order that put educating kids' welfare as my
they may compare favorably with top priority.
existing opportunities in other
walks of life.
RA 7877 ANTI SEXUAL Sec. 2. Declaration of policy- I will ensure that everyone feels
HARASSMENT ACT OF 1995 The state shall value the dignity secure and has the freedom to
of every individual, enhance the stand up for their rights, both
development of its human within and outside of the
resource, guarantee full respect classroom, as a teacher and role
for human rights, and uphold the model, especially in a school
dignity of workers, employees,
setting which is the working area.
applicants for employment,
students or those undergoing
training, instruction or education.

By taking pleasure in studying alongside my pupils, I can make the most of my teaching
internship. I need to make friends with my pupils in order to enjoy this journey, but I must
make sure that there is mutual respect between the teacher and the students. I must offer
everything I have to any task I plan to complete.I'll make sure to cherish every moment I
have during my internship in order to fully appreciate the opportunity to gain experience as
a teacher. I won't take this opportunity for granted; instead, I'll value and adore the job I've
02/06/23 English 6:55- To effectively To effectively
G7-Pasteur Instructional
7:50a.m. explain and explain and
discuss the discuss the
subject, the subject, the
teacher uses a teacher uses a
PowerPoint PowerPoint
presentation. presentation.

02/08/23 English 9:00- Personal The teacher The teacher

9:55a.m. Qualities of the arrived on time was very easy
Teacher and her voice to understand.
was modulated
and clear,
which helps
her students to
understand the

02/16/23 English 9:00- Students The students Choosing and

9:55a.m. Engagement are being having the
active best activities
participants in that fits to the
the class, they students
have their interests can
desire to really help them to
learn, and learn while
dedicated in enjoying.
their activities.

03/01/23 English 9:00- Instructional The teacher Students are

9:55a.m. Materials was using very
(IM’s) electronic interactive
Resources devices such as because they
phones to use integrating
by her students gadgets while
as part of their learning.

03/07/23 English 9:00- Intended The learning Keeping on

9:55a.m. Learning outcomes were time helps the
Outcomes partially teacher
achieved finished the
because it is desired
time already. learning
outcome of her
within the
limited time
frame of the

03/13/23 English 6:55- Classroom The class was The classroom

7:50a.m. Management well-managed management
because the really helps
teacher knows the teacher to
how to handle maintain the
her students. behaviour of
the students.

It prepared the pupils for the lessons and discussions by conditioning them.
Additionally, by organizing the tasks that students and teachers are required
to complete, it improves the efficiency of the class flow. Additionally, it
facilitates activity changes that are less disruptive.
Another benefit of predictable routines is that they give teachers more time to
concentrate on the lesson's content rather than its organization. On the other
hand, when they are aware of the limits, pupils behave well and concentrate
on their work.
Technology is an effective tool that teachers can use to aid in the learning of their
students. Teachers can design engaging and dynamic learning experiences for
students by integrating technology like interactive whiteboards, collaboration
software, and other digital tools. Additionally, by offering visual and audible feedback,
these technologies can aid in making more difficult subjects simpler to comprehend.
In the classroom and remotely, technology can be used to improve student
communication, comprehension, and teamwork.

This is advantageous because it enables educators to interact with various learning

styles. A game or movie may be more effective with some pupils than a lecture
because not all students will pay attention in class. Teachers can differentiate how
each kid learns using this technique. One technique to carry out this procedure is to
group pupils according to their level of preparation or how well they complement one
another. The teaching of concepts in several ways, such as through visual, aural, or
kinesthetic methods, is another. The process of customizing lessons to each student's
unique interests, requirements, and strengths is known as this form of instruction.
This method of instruction enables teachers personalize learning for each student
while giving them choice and flexibility in how they learn. This approach necessitates
precise instruction and learning objectives to better enable students to fulfill their

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