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CMA (Managerial) MBA-IT & Business
Cisco Certified Network Administrator
Microsoft Certified System Engineer
Linux Operating System Certified
Comptia Computer Hardware Certified

CHAPTER 8: Getting Started with C

Copyright @ Superior College Kharian RASHAD MAHMOOD ( IT SPECIALIZED)


• Program and Programming languages

• Characteristics of High-Level Programming Languages
• Differentiate between Low-Level and High-Level Languages
• Source Code and Object Code
• Language Processors or Translators
• History of C Language
• Advantages or Characteristics of C Language
• Turbo C++
• Create, Edit , Compile and Execute C Program
• Steps to prepare C Program for Execution

Copyright @ Superior College Kharian RASHAD MAHMOOD ( IT SPECIALIZED)

• .c and .cpp Extensions
• Process of setting te output and source directories
• Basic Structure of C Program
• Preprocessor Directives
• Header Files
• main Function
• C Statements
• Bug and Debug
• Types of Error ( Syntax errors, Logical Errors and Run-Time Errors
• Unstructured and Structured Programming Languages
• Debugging Features of Turbo C++

Copyright @ Superior College Kharian RASHAD MAHMOOD ( IT SPECIALIZED)

Q13 (Long) Define Bug and Debugging
 Bug
• An error in a computer program
• Programmer can make different errors while writing programs
• A program cannot be compiled if it contains any syntax error
• The compiler detects and displays error message to describe the cause of error

 Debugging
• Process of finding and removing
• The errors msut be removed from the program before it can be
compiled and executed

Copyright @ Superior College Kharian RASHAD MAHMOOD ( IT SPECIALIZED)

Q14 (Long) While writing a C program how many types of errors can occur??

 Syntax Errors
• A type of error that occurs when an invalid statement is written in the program
• Compiler detects syntax errors
• A program containing syntax errors cannot be compiled successfully
Syntax is a collection of
 Causes of Syntax Erros rules for writing programs
• The statement terminator is missing at the end of statement in any language
• A misspelled keyword is used in the program
• Any of the delimiters is missing
Typing forr instead of for is an example
 Logical Errors
• A type of error that occurs due to poor logic of the programmer
• A statement with logical error may produce unexpected and wrong results in program
• Difficult to find because translator cannot detect
• It can only be detected by examining the program thoroughly
• Using wrong conditions in program such as writing a<5 instead of a>5
• Using wrong formula as writing average=total *5 instead of average=total/5
Copyright @ Superior College Kharian RASHAD MAHMOOD ( IT SPECIALIZED)
 Run Time Errors
• A type of error that occurs during the execution of program
• It occurs when a statement directs the computer to execute an illegal operation
• These are detected and displayed by the computer during execution
• Normally occur due to wrong input from the user
• Computer stops executing the program and displays error message if a run time error occurs
• Dividing a number by zero
• User may enter wrong type of data
• User may ask the program to open a file does not exist

Copyright @ Superior College Kharian RASHAD MAHMOOD ( IT SPECIALIZED)

It cannot be detected by the compiler

It does not crash the program

The user needs to review the whole program to find out logical error

It may take a lot of time for detecting logical error

Copyright @ Superior College Kharian RASHAD MAHMOOD ( IT SPECIALIZED)

Q15 (Long) Discuss some debugging features of
Turbo C++?
• Debugger provides the facility to find errors by executing one line of program at one time
Single • Enables the programmer to detect the exact place of error
Stepping • Procedure to execute one step at a time with single stepping
• Select Run > Trace Into OR press F7

• Used to check the value of variable as the program executes

• Indicates how the values of variables change during program execution
• Normally used with single stepping
• Place the cursor on the variable whose value is to be checked.
• Select Debug > Watches. A submenu will appear.
Watches • Select Add Watch from the submenu.
• The selected variable will appear in Watch expression field.
• Click OK OR press Enter.
• A new window will appear indicating that the selected symbol is undefined.
• Select Run > Trace Into OR press F7 to execute single stepping.
• The value of the selected variable will appear in Watch window.

Copyright @ Superior College Kharian RASHAD MAHMOOD ( IT SPECIALIZED)

• Used to mark a part of program where program execution will stop
• Program executes all statements up to the breakpoint and then stops
• User can check the values of variable at this point by using Watch window by single
Breakpoints stepping the remaining part of the program
• Place the cursor on the line on which the breakpoint is to be inserted.
• Select Debug > Toggle breakpoint OR press CTRL+F8.
• The breakpoint will be inserted and the line will be highlighted.

• Used to change the value of variable during program execution

• Can be useful if the user is single stepping the program and wants to change the
value of certain variable
Evaluate/Modify • Select Debug > Evaluate/Modify.
Window • A new window will appear with three fields.
• Enter the name of the variable whose value is to be modified in Expression field.
• Enter the new value for the variable in New Value field.
• The value of the third field Result will also change automatically.

Copyright @ Superior College Kharian RASHAD MAHMOOD ( IT SPECIALIZED)

Copyright @ Superior College Kharian RASHAD MAHMOOD ( IT SPECIALIZED)

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