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Project Report On Comparative Analysis on Customer Preference between Netflix and Amazon Prime Video Submitted in Partial Fulfillment for the Award of the Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration (2019-2022) Under the Supervision of: Submitted By: Dr. Bharti Chaudhary Aman Kumar Gupta Professor (MAIMS) 00414701719 “dp: aky alee” Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Management Studies Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi PSP Area, Plot No. 1, Sector 22, Rohini, Delhi 110086, India Declaration by the Student This is to certify that |, Aman Kumar Gupta have completed the Project Report titled “Comparative Analysis on Customer Preference between Netflix and Amazon Prime Video" under the supervision of Dr. Bharti Chaudhary, Professor (MAIMS) toward partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration at Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Management Studies, Delhi. This is an original piece of work and | have not submitted it earlier elsewhere. (Signature) Name of the Student: Aman Kumar Gupta University Enrolment No.- 00414701719 Program- BBA Batch- 2019-2022 Date: COUNTERSIGNED BY: (Signature) Name of Internal Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Bharti Chaudhary Designation- Professor (MAIMS) Date: CERTIFICATE FROM GUIDE This is to certify that, Aman Kumar Gupta, has completed the project report entitled "Comparative Analysis on Customer Preference between Netflix and Amazon Prime Video" towards partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration at Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Management Studies, Delhi. This Report is the result of his own work and to the best of my knowledge. Internal Supervisor Dr. Bharti Chaudhary Professor (MAIMS) Acknowledgement Guidance, inspiration and motivation have always played a key role in the success of any venture. | would like to pay my sincere regards to all those who guided me in my project work. | would like to avail this opportunity to pay my sincere gratitude and regards to Dr. Vijay Khurana, HOD, Business Administration, Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Management Studies for providing me such a wonderful opportunity to widen the horizons of my knowledge. | would also like to express my heartfelt thanks to my Project Supervisor Dr. Bharti Chaudhary, Professor (MAIMS) for giving his/ her support, guidance and encouragement throughout the project work. Last but not the least | would like to thank my parents, family and friends who have directly or indirectly contributed in making this project a success. Name of the Student: Aman Kumar Gupta University Enrolment No: 00414701719 Program & Section: BBA 6A Batch: 2019-2022 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The project titled “Comparative Analysis on Customer Preference between Netflix and Amazon Prime Video” to study the customer satisfaction while using various streaming platforms. It is a primary data focused study project. The main motive behind doing this project is to know about the customer preference between the two most famous streaming platforms ie Netflix and Amazon Prime Video. The project is based on both primary and secondary data. The project started with collection of information about the Entertainment Industry and the various company's profile who were indulged in providing streaming services. This project has been analyzed by meeting a proper number of users in NCR region by direct interview and questionnaire method. It has been quite exciting and enjoying experience to perform this job and the data was collected and recorded. The next step was to study the gathered information from the Questionnaire and study the responses of the respondents as well as the information from the secondary data sources. The recorded data was analyzed and findings were noted down and summarized using various analytical tools like pie charts, Bar graphs etc. Suggestions and recommendations were drawn out of the summarized data suggesting various measures to be taken over by the companies or firms to get over the trouble causing factors or problems from the analysis done. TABLE OF CONTENTS Contents Page No. Student Declaration i Certificate from Internal Supervisor i Executive Summary Ti Chapter I - Introduetion ‘Chapter 2 ~ Literature Review Chapter 3 — Researeh Methodology 3.1 Objectives of's ady 3.2 Scope of study 3.3 Sourves of Data Collection 3.4 Sampling Technique & Sample Size 3.5 Tools of Data Analysis 3.6 Limitation of Study Chapter 4 Data Analysis and Findings 41 Data Analysis 4.2 Findings Chapter 5 - Suggestions and Recommendations ‘Conclusion Bibliography ‘Annexures: CHAPTER- 1 INTRODUCTION ITRODUCTION When making a choice, one of the simplest method that any individual can use is to make comparison between at least two items, known as comparative lysis. Depending on the feature that the most important to you ~ price, quality, durability, you will compare two products and using your knowledge in onder to decide upon which product to buy. Comparative analysis is extended also to business industries, where appraisers conduct more complex anal , depending on the items that are to be compared. Briefly, by comparing two or more things you have a scope of discovering something unknown about either one of the s has a wide products which are compared. However, in business, comparative analysi 4s of data, This data is application and — does not involve only products, but also complete s generally analyzed to provide any scope of improvement in the & sses. At first isting proces sight, comparative anal: s seem like an easy research to conduct. However, as is the problem with comparative studies, it raises many questions and it can give problems depending on the method used. This project is a comaparative analysis between two leading video streaming companies- AMAZON PRIME and NETPLIX. Ad-free online streaming for movies and ‘TV shows on virtually any device — that is the promise of both Netflix and Amazon Prime Instant Video. Netflixhas # larger content library and apps for more platforms and devices than that supported by Amazon Prime. Netflix also offers subtitles (or closed-captioning) for more TV ‘The biggest bone of contention between Amazon Prime and Netflix has been the size of the content library. Amazon Prime has a smaller library of available titles, but tends to offers more of the latest movies and TV shows for instant watching, Netflix, on the other hand only off 15 TV shows and movies that are over a year old (with the exception of Netflix’s own productions), but has a much larger library of shows and movies than Amazon. STREAMING INDUSTRY Cable television was the staple of entertainment for over 50 years until the arrival of streaming services was introduced at the start of the 21st century. ‘The introduetion of this concept revolutionized our accessibility to television, making “on-demand? video readily available from any electronic device (phone, laptop, or T.V.). While cable television continues to diminish, with 19% of households already having "cut the cord," streaming methods continue to evolve with new companies emerging into the market trying to get a stake in the game. ‘The leading television streamer has long been Netflix since its introduction into the market in 2007, who currently plays host to 139 million subscribers in over 190 nations and territories. Amazon's Prime Video service also has a similar global reach to Netilix, but still lags behind in user base and viewing options. One innovative idea that Hulu has begun to use— which is only available in the U.S, and Japan—is to offer live sports streaming on their platform. This is significant in the fact that a predominant amount of users only utilize cable television for news and sports, so having an alternative option available further incentivizes cutting cable. With Apple's introduction of Apple TV+ and Disney announcing Disney+, the market has become even more competitive and has reinforced the future of exclusive streaming rights to popular shows, White competition can be a good thing, a Deloitte study found that 47% of consumers are already suffering from “subscription fatigue.” and 56% were frustrated that ever-changing licensing deals make finding their favorite shows difficult to find, Due to this frustration, many users are turning to piracy, which has a strong correlation with prices. A UK study found that piracy streaming—the act of accessing content illegally through websites or files—Wwould double if users believe streaming content became too fragmented among too many services at a high price point. When analyzing global piracy rates, Europeans Utilize it most, with the 10 highest online piracy levels being European countries, The reason for this is because Europeans typically have a lower likelihood of being penalized in their respective countries. One way many countries around the world attempt to counter this issue is by banning, VPNs (virtual private networks), which allow a user to mask or change their geolocation, making it difficult to track and monitor users. Countries such as China, Russia, Australia, Turkey, and the UAE have already taken this preventative measure, While American giants eye the global market, they would be wise to reconsider their pricing strategies going forward, as well as attempting to address piracy issues in order to maximize profit. With so much money already in the fold for these massive companies, it will be interesting to see what actions they take going forward. COMPANY PROFILE NETFLIX Netflix Ine. is in the home video entertainment market, within the larger video entertainment industry. Horizontal markets include Airline, Hotel and Theater video entertainment markets. All four markets together make up the industry. Video rental and retail combined made Netflix’s market worth $26.7 billion in 2008. (BBI) The market is segmented into a number of strategic groups, which include briek and mortar rental and sales, DVD vending kiosks, online rentals and sales, mail-delivery services, and video-on-demand services accessible through the television. Due to rapid technology convergence, whieh cl the quality of the disruptive technologies, the rental portion of the market is changing from physical rentals to digital rentals, provided via streaming channels through broadband-connected set-top boxes, game consoles, and computers, All work to bring streaming content straight to the consumer's television, mal viewing interactive, easier, and available whenever the consumer wants it. Netilix’s primary competitors are Blockbuster and Comeast, Blockbuster has the majority of the market share (52 percent), Netflix has 13 percent, and Comeast has 3 percent, Netflix adds most value to consumers through low capital and input costs, and through convenience of streaming, video. Netflix Inc, and Warner Bros, reached an agreement in January of 2010 regarding movie title acquisitions. Within the agreement, Netflix Ine. (NFLX) has agreed te accept new titles 28 days after being released to the public, In return, Wamer Bros. have agreed to provide Nettlix with more titles released later than five years ago and “straight-to-video” DVD, Blu-ray dises, and streaming video that are currently not offered. Warmer Bros. has agreed to continue ongoing negotiations regarding price changes that will favour Netflix’s title acquisition prices Netflix is a provider of on-demand internet streaming media available to viewers in North and South America, the Caribbean, and parts of Europe. Netflix occupies a unique place in the media industry - aggregating, distributing, and recently creating its own content through an online platform that fets viewer choose when and where they want to watch television shows or movies. Subscribers pay US $7.99 per month for this right. ls disruptive business model has proven popular among younger users, whose lives are increasingly spent on theit personal computers, Netflix, Ine. was established in 1997 by founders Mare Randolph and Reed Hestings (present CEO) who had previously worked together, and its headquarters are at Los Gatos, California. The Netflix website was launched on August 29th 1997 with only 30 employees and 925 titles available for rent, with a per-title rental cost model. It maved to a monthly subscription coneept in 1999, building its reputation on the business model of flat-fee unlimited rentals without due dates, late fees, shipping and handling fees, or per-title rental fees. Netflix began as an online DVD mail order company, allowing customers to select DVD titles online and receive them via Permit Reply Mail. Netflix has since moved on to providing ondemand Intemet streaming entertainment across @ wide variety of genres, though it still maintains its DVD rental busines Netflix had its IPO on May 29th 2002, selling 5.5 million shares of common stock at US $15 per share. On June 14th 2002, Netflix sold another 825,000 shares at the same rice. Netflix posted its first profit during 2003, earning $6.5 million profit on revenues of $272 million, By 2005, 35,000 film titles were available and Netflix shipped close to 1 million DVDs every day, It had developed an extensive personalized video-recommendation system based on reviews and ratings by customers, and currently uses the same algorithm in predicting customers’ preferences, In February 2007, the company delivered its billionth DVD, and began to move towards ‘Videoon-Demand via internet streaming, which it saw as the future of media and entertainment. DYD sales fell from 2006 to 2011. By 2010, Netflix’s streaming business had grown to the extent that the company shifted from being the fastest-growing customer of the USPS’s first- class mail service to the biggest source of intemet traffic in North America in the evening, On September 18th, 2011 Netflix revealed plans to split off their DVD-rental section and rename it Qwikster, where users would have to use a separate website to access Qwikster. This received a negative reaction from many customers, and Reed Hastings quickly announced the cancellation of the planned Qwikster service on October 10th of the same year Netflix has exclusive pay-TV deals with major and mini-major movie studios. Select titles from Relativity Media, DreamWorks Animation, Open Road Films, FilmDistriet, The Weinstein Company and Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures are only available through Netflix. In 2013, Netflix was the first company to acquire and release original content for its subscription streaming service with the political drama House of Cards, which debuted in February 2013 ‘This was a landmark event because all 13 episodes of the drama were released at the same time, reinforcing the notion that the average American TV viewer was inclined to “binge-watch” episodes, as opposed to the traditional weekly release of a single episode. Currently, Nettlix has ten original series in its library, with Emmy and Academy Awards nominations and wins for many of its series. As of 2014, Netflix reported 33.1 million UIS subscribers, and around 44 illion globally. Employees % 2018 2018 218 20182017 Shareholders Mutual fund holders 50.26% Individual stakeholders 4.48% Other institutional 32.70% ‘The company is led by Reed Hastings, a serial entrepreneur who has helped transition the company from a mail order business for DVDs to a technology and content powerhouse. The 57 year old entrepreneur sat down with ET during his visit to India for the Economic Times Global Business Summit to talk about progress it has made in India, future of the studio business and advise for startups. Services offered by NETFLIX INDIA Netflix plans in India At the time of login, Netflix offers four subscription options. The most basic option is a mobile~ only offering and it goes up to the premium offering. Here is a detailed look at all the Netflix subscription plans at offer in India Mobile-only plan 1 199/month As the name suggests, the mobile-only subscription provides the user access to all the content on their mobile devices. Users can not watch Netflix content on a bigger screen using the Netflix mobile-only plan. The Netflix subscription fee for the mobile-only offering is | 199/month, Basic plan (1 499/month ‘The basic Netflix subscription plan offers users access to Netflix content on one screen only. However, unlike the mobile-only subscription plan, the users can use their subseription to access Netflix content on any screen irrespective of the size. The Netflix subscription fee is 499/month. Standard plan (1 649/month The standard Netflix subscription plan offers users access to the entire Netflix content library on two sereens simultaneously. Users ean make use of their subscription plan on multiple devices and multiple sereen sizes. The Netflix subscription fee for the standard offering is 649/month. Premium plan © 799/month ‘The Premium Netflix subscription plan offers users access to the entire Netflix content library and all the Netflix features. The plan can be used on four screens simultaneously and can be used ona mobile device, laptop, tablet or TV. The Netflix subscription fee of the premium plan is 799/month, ont rice are month ends on 108/16 Re ato HO avabebe ¥ ‘Uva HO avataie vy ‘Screens yu canwaeh on atthe same ene ‘ Watch on you app. TV phone ad abl v atin movies ana TV son a ence anytine y Fit mont oe v AMAZON PRIME. Amazon Prime is a paid subscription service offered by Amazon that gives users acc services that would otherwise be unavailable, or cost extra, to the typical Amazon customer includes free two-day delivery (one-day in some areas), rapid delivery for a fee through Prime Now, steaming music and video, and other benefits. Amazon Prime also includes alternative delivery methods through their service called Amazon Key and the proposed Amazon Prime Ai. In April 2018, Amazon reported that Prime had more than 100 million subscribers worldwide Early history In 2005, Amazon announced the creation of Amazon Prime, a membership service offering free two-day shipping within the contiguous United States on all eligible purchases for a flat annual fee of $79 (equivalent to $101 in 2018), and discounted one-day shipping rates. Amazon launched the program in Germany, Ja . and the United Kingdom in 2007; in France (as ‘Amazon Premium!) in 2008, in Italy in 2011, in Canada in 2013 in India in July 2016 and in Mexieo in March 2017, According to Amazon, there are now Prime members in 17 countries in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific. From 2012 - 2016 Amazon Prime membership in Australia, Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom, India and the United States also provides Amazon Video, the instant streaming of selected films and TV Programs at no additional cost. In November 2011, it was announced that Prime members had access to the Kindle Owners! Lending Library, which allows users to borrow up to one a month of specified popular Kindle e-books. People with an email address at an academic domain such as edu or, typically students, are eligible for Prime Student privileges, including discounts on Prime membership. In March 2014, Amazon increased the annual US membership fee for Amazon Prime from $79 to $99. Shortly after this change, Amazon announced Prime Music, providing unlimited, ad-free music streaming. In November 2014, Amazon added Prime Photos, adding unlimited storage of iles deemed to be photographs in the users' Amazon Drive. Amazon began offering free \eday delivery fo Prime members in 14 United States metropolitan areas in May 2015. In April 2015, Amazon started a trial partnership with Audi and DHL in order to deliver directly into the tunks of Audi cars, available in the Munich, Germany area to some Audi-connected car users, Amazon announced that July 15, 2015, its 20th birthday, would be "Amazon Prime Day", with deals for prime members similar to those on Black Friday. That month Amazon Prime announced signed up Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, and James May, formerly of BBC's ‘Top Gear, to begin working on The Grand Tour, which was released in 2016. On July 13, 2016, Amazon Prime said customers placed 60 percent more orders worldwide on "Prime Day" In December 2015, Amazon stated that "tens of millions" of people were Amazon Prime ‘members[23] Amazon Prime added 3 million members during the third week of December 2015,{24] That month Amazon announced the creation of the Streaming Partners Program,[25] a subscription service that ptovides Amazon Prime subscribers with additional streaming video services. Among the programming providers involved in the program are Showtime, Starz (with additional content fiom sister network Encore), Lifetime Movie Club (containing recent original movie titles from Lifetime Television and Lifetime Movie Network), Smithsonian Earth, and Qello Concerts 2016 onward In January 2016, Amazon Prime reached 54 million members accordi Consumer Intelligence Research Partners. Several reports in January 2016 sa all U.S. households are members of Amazon Prime. In April 2016, Amazon announced same-day delivery would be expanded to include the areas of Charlotte, Cineinnati, Fresno, Louisville, Milwaukee, Nashville, Central New Jersey, Raleigh, Richmond, Sacramento, Stockton, and Tucson, bringing total coverage to 27 metro areas In September 2016, Amazon launched a restaurant delivery service for Prime members in London, England, with free delivery on all orders over £15. In September 2016, Amazon subsidiary Twitch announced features available to users with an Amazon Prime subscription (Twitch Prime), including monthly offers of video games and addon content, and the ability to purchase a free subscription to a user’s channel once per-month, In December 2016, Amazon began offering Prime membership for an alternative monthly, instead of yearly fee, of $10.99 per month, increased to $12.99 in February 2018, In December 2016, Amazon announced Wickedly Prime, an own-brand line of food and beverages available to Prime members. Amazon announced , a service that lets customers try on clothes before they pay, in June 2017 ng to a report from | that nearly half of In 2017, Amazon announced the Prime Exclusive Phone program, which offers some smartphones displaying Amazon ads on the lock screen from companies including LG, Motorola and Nokia at a discount. In May 2018 Amazon increased the annual US Prime membership fee from $99 to $119. ‘The largest e-commerce company in the United States, Amazon's entry into video streaming is no surprise. The company rebranded its video services as Prime Video in 2018, and Amazon Prime members have access to a large library of movies and TV shows. Closely replicating Netflix, Prime Video offers instant streaming on Amazon products, major game consoles, set-top boxes, and devices supporting the Amazon app. Users of Amazon's video service can download video content to watch when internet connections are unavailable. Amazon expanded its library with content from HBO. Prime members can view recent shows like “Game of Thrones” and “Sharp Objects,” or watch classics such as “The Sopranos.” They have also started producing their own original content including the award-winning "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel,” "Bosch," and "Homecoming, Services offered by AMAZON PRIME VIDEO IN INDIA ‘Amazon Prime Plans, Price Amazon Prime is priced at Rs. 129 per month and Rs. 999 per yea And, the Prime Video service can be used in up to three devices, be it smartphones, tablets, TVs, and laptops. Interestingly, Prime Video lets users stream ad-free content across various languages. And, it lets users enjoy movies, original series and content for kids as well. Also, Amazon does not require you to pay any additional cost to stream HD or 4K content. What's more interesting is that Prime Video comes along with other benefits such as Prime Music, Prime Reading, and Prime Delivery that delivers parcels without any shipping fee. And, it includes the Amazon Pay service, Amazon Pay Credit Card from ICICI and much more. Is there a free trial for Amazon Prime? Amazon Prime offers a free trial for a month and does not charge users during this free trial After the free trial, you will have to pay for the service either on a monthly or yearly basis to continue enjoying the service. Is there any discount on Amazon Prime? Occasionally, Amazon Prime subscription will be available at a discount. For ins youth offer for users willing to take up the Amazon Prime membership. Thos to get this offer will get a 50% discount on the subscription fee. nice, there was who are eligible What are the different Amazon Prime plans in Indi Amazon Prime is available in two different plans for its sub: ia. There is an annual plan that offers all benefits for Rs. 999 per year. The other one is a monthly plan priced at Rs. 129 per month. What are the Amazon Prime membership benefits? With the Amazon Prime membership, subscribers can get many benefits such as free and fast shipping for eligible purchases, streaming of movies, TV shows and music, exclusive shopping deals and a collection of unlimited reading among other benefits. What about Amazon Prime membership renewal! Once the subscription is over, you can renew the same from the Amazon settings page with a click of a button and make the respective payment, A zon Prime vs Netflix Plans vs Hotstar Plans Each of these services has its own collection of content and titles. And, there are different plans at various pricing for them. The Amazon Prime subscription is Rs, 129 per month or Rs. 999 per year. On the other hand, Hotstar Premium is Rs. 83 per month or Rs. 999 per year. There is, another Hotstar subscription called VIP that is priced at Rs, 365 per month. In comparison, Netflix is relatively expensive priced from Rs. 199 to Rs. 799 per month. amazon prime FREE fast delivery, videos, music & more One simple membership, many benefits, Join now. od ns | = =e CHAPTER -2 LITERATURE REVIEW REVIEW OF LITERATURE + Amazon Vs Netflix: Who will win Indian battleground: international journal of multidiseiplinary research and development — volume1; issue 2; Feburary, page no140-142 Karan sabharwal(researvh scholar, IGNOU) says Video streaming is becoming part of our modern daily lives, which means no domination of TV networks. Amazon and Netflix ate the ‘0 major players in the online video streaming market. Netflix has been world’s leading online streaming network since 1997 while Amazon prime video was launched in 2006 in the US. Subscribers can watch anytime, anywhere, on nearly all devices connected with internetconnected. To keep pace with the competition, Amazon has introduced a number of exclusive content deals to differentiate its service. This paper presents a case study on the comparative analysis of the two main players and the strategies they use to capture the Indian market. + House of Netflix: Streaming media and digital lore: Popular communication- Feburary 2018 In this article Benjamin Burroughs (university of neveda,las veges) focuses on the emergence of nascent streaming industry. The media industry studies conceptualization of “industry lore” can be read during times of transition for media industries, Streaming lore is a re-articulation of existing industry lore accompanying the advent of streaming technology and distribution. Contemporary streaming acts as a site of rupture, wherein industry discourses related to digital media are rendered visible. The article proposes three categories of emergent streaming lore and analyzes their relation to a growing streaming media industry. These categories include (a) Netflix as “quality” streams, (b) the algorithmic audience, and (¢) cord-cutters and cord-nevers. + TV Got Better:Netflix’s Original Programming Strategiesand Binge View: industries journal 2.2(2015) media Chuck Tryon’s (Fayetteville State University)this paper analyzes the promotional strategies of Netilix, arguing that the company reinforces what Pierre Bourdicu has called the discourses of ction. In particular, the streaming service highlights what Tryon calls the promises of tude, participation, prestige, and personalization, Netflix highlights these discourses in part through its ongoing engagement with subscription cable channel HBO, and in part through promotional materials such as its TV Got Better campaign, which sought to naturalize viewing practices such as binge watching as being part of a technological and narrative cutting edge. CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLGY OBJECTIV! s OF THE STUDY Every study hes certain objective there is no study without the objective, because objectives are the purpose of study. No study serves any existence without its significant thus; they are the backbone on which the body stuely stands 1) To understand which of the two companies are more popular among the customers, 2) To identify which of the two companies are better based on different factor price, interface, device support etc. mely- content, 3) To indentify the shortcommig of both the companies SCOPE OF THE STUDY 1) ‘The study an analysis made through survey in this project is within the boundaries of the Delhi region. The respondents are people of the age I8years-30years who are well aware of AMAZON PRIME and NETFLIX and services provided by them. 2) Further, this study can be used to analyze customer satisfaction of the customers (users) of AMAZON PRIME and NETFLIX. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research mehodology refers to the specific procedures or techniques used to identify, select, process, and analyze information about a topic, In a research paper, the methodology section allows the reader to critically evaluate the study’s overall validity and reliability Research Methodology of this project is as follows Sources of Data Collec! ‘The research is based on both + Primary data Primary data is data that is collected by a researcher from first-hand sources, using methods like surveys, imerviews, or experiments. It is collected with the research project in mind, directly from primary sources For collecting the primary data the survey was done through questionnaire, which was personally and through mails given to different people and was filled + Secondary data For theoretical overview, secondary data was collected from different websites and rescarch papers. Research Desigs A research design is a set of methods and procedures used in collecting and analyzing measures of the variables specified in the research problem research ‘The methodology to be used would be a Descriptive Research Design which is a scientific method that involves observing and describing the behavior of a subject without influencing it in any way Sampling Methods: ‘There are (wo methods of selecting samples from the population: + Non Probability sampling ‘Non-probability sampling is a sampling technique where the samples are gathered in a process that does not give all the individuals in the population equal chances of being selected. + Probability Sampling Probability Sampling is a sampling technique in which sample from a larger population are chosen using a method based on the theory of probability, For a participant to be considered as a probability sample, he/she must be selected! using a random selection In this research, I have used the first method, i.e. the Non Probability, Sampling, because of the time constraints and also to gather as much information as possible. Sampling Technique: Initially, a rough draft was prepared keeping in mind the objective of the research. A study was done in order to know the accuracy of the Questionnaire. The final Questionnaire arvived only after certain important changes were done. Thus my sampfing came out to be convenient which isa type of Non probability sampling Sampling Un ‘The respondents who were asked to fill ont questionnaires are the sampling units. These comprise of people of the age group from 18 years till 30ycars. Sample Siz ‘The sample size was restricted to only 51, which comprised of mainly peoples from different regions of DELHI {questionnaire was sent to a lot of people out of whieh $1 responded properly) Questionnaire: A structured questionnaire would be designed and the customer preferences and factors effecting the customer preference would be determined using the survey and observation method, Place of study: The study and survey is done in National Capital Region (NCR) only. LIMITATIONS TO THE STUDY To make mistake is human nature and I'm no exception. f have tried to make this project approachable and helpful for the company and tried collecting sufficient and reliable amount of data from various sources of information provider. I accept the occurrence of intermittent mistakes that could happen will recording the primary data from the respondent and I do accept my mistake sincerely a) Time Consuming Process: Those sample sizes for the customer could not have been large due to time constraints, it was at Sl only b) Limited coverag The survey was conducted in National capital region (NCR) only. ©) Error of Biasedness: This error might have occurred while recording the responses of the respondents. 4) Time Constraint: ‘Time was the major constraint for conducting study. e) Error of Questionnaire Design: The questionnaire design might not be appropriate to collect the information from the respondents. f) Other Errors: While conducting the survey unavoidable error kept in such as, non-response error, and inaecuracyin response, CHAPTER-4 DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS TA REDUCTION, PRESENTATION & ANALYSIS 1, Preferred mode of watching shows, movies ete @ FOLLOWING TELECAST ON TELEVISION @ AMAZOM PRIME @ NETFLIX @ OTHER Options percentage Following on television 23.5% ‘Amazon prime 275% Netflix 29.4% cf others 19.6 2.Awareness about video streaming website- Net ix or Amazon prime Option percentage Yes 96.1% No 3.9% Time spent on these websites HOW MANY HOURS IN A WEEK DO YOU SPEND ON WATCHING NETFLIX OR AMAZON PRIME @ 2HOURS @ 3 HOURS @ 4HOURS @ MORE THAN 4 HOURS Option Percentage 2hours 32.4% 3 hours 19.6% 4 hours 17.6% More than 4 hours 31.4% Better website in terms of content @ NETFLIX @ AMAZON PRIME Option ~ [percentage Netflix 60.8% ‘Amazon prime 39.2% Ideal average subscription cost @ LESS THAN 500 @ 500-1000 @ 1000-2000 @ MORE THAN 2000 Option Percentage Less than 500 52% 500-1000 30% 1000-2000 12% More than 2000 6% 2. Better in terms of subscription cost @ AMAZON PRIME @ NETFLIX Options Percentage ‘Amazon prime ia 71.6% Netflix 22.4% 3. Which site has more Indian/regional content? @ AMAZON PRIME @ NETFLIX Options Percentage ‘Amazon prime 92% Netflix 8% 4, Better in terms of library size @ AMAZON PRIME @ NETFLIX Options Percentage Netflix 60% ‘Amazon prime 40% 5. Where amazon prime should improve @ SUBSCRIPTION COST @ PROMOTION @ LIBRARY SIZE @ DOWNLOADING VIDEOS @ ORIGINAL CONTENT Options Percentage Subscription cost 18% Promotion 15.7% Library size 47.1% Downloading videos 15.7% Original content 13.7% 6. Where Netflix shoul improve @ SUBSCRIPTION COST @ PROMOTION @ LIBRARY SIZE @ DOWNLOADING VIDEOS @ ORIGINAL CONTENT Options Percentage Subscription cost 68.6% Promotion 7.7% Library size 58% Downloading videos 118% Original content 8% A INTERPRETATION is your preferred mode of watching shows, movies etc? ‘The most preferred mode of watching tv shows and movies, etc is Netflix (29.4%) closely followed by Amazon Prime, then television forecast(23.5%) and then others. Netflix is the most popular mode among people as a result of its well formulated and implemented strategies 2. Are you aware of video streaming website- Netflix or Amazon prime? About 96.1% are aware of these video streaming websites, thus it can be concluded that these websites are emerging as a strong and efficient platform to watch movies and follow tv shows as well as these provides a wide range of new series and shows. 3. How many hours in a day do you spend on watching Netflix or Amazon prime? Maximum people spend 2 hours on watching Netflix and amazon prime(32.4%), closely followed by people who spend more than 4 hours on these websites(30.4%), then people who spend 3 hours and last people spending 4 hours(17.6%). 4. Which of the two do you think is better website in terms of original content? According to the survey 60.8% people think that Netflix has more and better original and exclusive content whereas 39.2% people believe that amazon prime has more exclusive content 5. On an average how much would you be willing to spend on yearly subscription? From the aboy results it can be conclude that maximum people are willing to spend less than Rs.500 (52%). Lower the cost more attractive the subscription offer becomes. 6. Which of the two websites is better in terms of subscription cost? According to the survey Amazon Prime is way cheaper than Netflix. You are charged Rs 999 annually and Rs 129 monthly for Prime whereas Netflix's basic plan starts at Rs 500 and goes up till Rs 800 per month. If you are sharing your Prime subscription with three friends then each of you will have to pay only Rs 32.35 a month. 7. Which of the following you find more of Indian/ Bollywood content? Amazon Prime has more regional content than Netflix. According to the survey 92% people believe that Amazon prime has more india/tegional content as compared to Netflix (8%) Tamil, Telugu, Bangali and similar more regional movies can be found on Prime but not on Netflix. Netflix has a rich library of international content but regional content still needs to grow. 8. Which one do you think is better in terms of library s Netflix (60%) is considered to have a better library size as compared to Amazon prime (40%). However, according to various studies, it is found that if library size is considered in terms of movies, then Amazon prime has much larger library size, but this is opposite when consider TV shows. 9. Where do you think Amazon Prime can improve? Area that requires maximum attention is amazon prime’s library size, even though amazon has recently spend huge amount content still it is not at par as compared to other sources thus in order to improve their customer base, Netflix needs to improve its library size 10. Where do you think Netflix can improve? According to the survey conducted it was observed that the sector that Netflix need to review and improye is its subscription cost. Subscription cost Netflix is comparatively higher than all the other options, thus this is one of the factors that is turning people towards other websites as a result of which Netflix is losing its customers. FINDINGS AND RESUL + Amazon Prime appears to offer more cost savings, if it is acceptable to pay up front for one year, Prime membership further offers the free shipping, free Kindle content and more possible deals given all Amazon online shopping options. Netflix as well as Prime present attractive catalogs, However, the Netflix catalog can change quite frequently, and without notice, for movies and television series might be available one day and get pulled the next + Netflix's monthly fee offers flexibility to join, stop the service, and re.join if it is desired. Netflix at this time has a larger archive compared with Prime. Prime is expanding its content selection constantly, and over time may lessen this difference. + Amazon has invested in building the Prime Video library as the biggest any streaming ser has to offer. With over 17,000 movies on Amazon compared with less than 4,000 movies on Netflix, it is not likely that Netflix will ever be able to catch up with the sheer size of U Amazon movie library.But if TV shows are included, Netflix has over 100,000 titles in its library, which is comparable to that of Amazon + Amazon allows download of videos for offline viewing. Until December 2016, Netflix did not allow this. In December 2016, Netflix began allowing downloads of a limited number of videos for offline viewing. In the beginning, only Netflix original series were allowed to be downloaded. Netflix has said it is working on making a majority of the content available on its platform available for download, + Amazon Instant Video is currently available within the 50 United States and the District of Columbia. Amazon is not available in Puerto Rico, Guam or any other U.S. territory Netflix is available in many countries, including the US, Canada, Mexico, South America, the UK, Ireland, and Nordic countries (excluding Iceland). The available content varies depending on the region the + Netilix first won critical acclaim for its original series like House of Cards and Orange ‘New Black. It also produced a new season of the cult classic Arrested Development, Other original Netflix series include Stranger Things, Narcos, Sacred Games, new seasons of Black Mirror, 3 Reasons Why, Ozark, Lilyhammer, Hemlock Grove, Bad Samaritans and Marco Polo..The most popular Amazon Prime original series have been ‘Transparent, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, The Man in the High Castle, Jack Ryan, Sneaky Pete, Boschand The Grand Tour CHAPTER 5 SUGGESTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR NETFLIX + Netflix should focus on their pricing and should work towards redu major factors that is drawing customers away. as this is one of the * Netflix India should include shows and movies in regional languages as well, thi them target greater customer base. will help + Netflix should try and make their website more user friendly + Netflix should give its customers the option of downloading movies, shows etc. FOR AMAZON PRIME VIDEO + Even though amazon prime has the largest library of movies but it is no match of Netflix when it comes to TV shows, thus it should invest in this area as well + Amazon should focus on improving their quality of content, this will attract more customers towards it activities so that more and + Amazon should focus on spending more money on promoti more people are aware of it SUMMARY NETFLIX Strengths Brand Name = After ten years, Netflix has become the sole brand name for online streaming content with a share price increase of over 6000% since 2007 (Bradshaw and Bond, 2017). Large customer base ~ Through serving 190 countries, Netflix has access (0 over 100 million subscribers, This strength gives the company bargaining power when in talks with studios to secure exclusive content (Bradshaw and Bond, 2017) Original content — Through careful acquisitions, Netflix have secured numerous original shows that have appealed to audiences. In 2017, two Netflix shows are so popular they have pushed subscribers from 83m to over 100m in one quarter (Bradshaw, 2017). Weaknesses Cost of original content ~ While its original content creates a competitive advantage for the company, the cost continues to grow to support this content, In 2017, it is expected for Netflix to invest $2.5bn solely on securing original content rights (Bradshaw, 2017) Lack of rights to original content ~ Unlike many traditional television studios, Netflix does not own most of their original programming. Due to this, usually rights expire after a year and the original content can be shown on rival services (Bradshaw, 2017) Environmental cost ~ Netflix has been ranked ‘D’ in terms of environmental awareness. This has garnered bad publicity for the company as rival competitors Amazon and Facebook use over 40% renewable energy with their services (Lewis, 2016) Opportunities Expansion into China — Difficulties with licensing has left Netflix unable to enter China through traditional means. The company must find a joint-venture’ to capitalise on the 500m Chinese users who currently stream media content (Russell, 2017), Partnerships in Europe — To meet new European laws, Netflix can partner with the BBC and Canal Plus to gain access to a wealth of native-language European content and grow customers: in local markets (Murgia, 2017) Growth of technology ~ With the growth of VR and 4K UHD content, Netflix has new ways to allow customers to access theit content and provide further competitive advantages (Mintel, 2016). Region specific content- A growing market for content is foreign-language programming. Partnerships with local-language content will curt traditional criticism that US-based streaming services only offer English-speaking content (Mundy, 2016). Threats Increased competition ~ Facebook is the latest to try and take on traditional media by launching its own original content, Amazon, Hulu, HBO, YouTube are all competing for audiences to subscribe to their platforms. For Netflix, this will continue to develop as more companies seek to buy the latest ‘original content’ exclusively for their platform (Kuchler & Bond, 2017). Digital piracy ~ For more than 30 content providers (including Netflix), piracy has led to 5.4bn downloads of media content in 2016 alone. This threatens the whole of Netlix's business model and ability to fund content in the future (Opam, 2017), AMAZON PRIME VIDEO Strengths Amazon is the largest online retailer with an extending product line and strengthening technical platform through strategic acquisitions. Amazon’s Kindle has a strong presence among the e- reador market Weaknesses Recent patent infringement issues has worn down stakeholder’s confidence. Opportun With the increase in online retail sales, there is a large opportunity for Amazon to grow their brand and their place in the ontine retail industry. There is a growing emphasis on online display advertising business which can allow more publicity for Amazon and Amazon Prime Threats Amazon is facing increasing amounts of pressure fo collect sales tax on merchandise sold through online websites. Intense competition in the e-reader market is another increasing threat for Amazon's Kindle. Lastly, Amazon is facing risks of foreign exchange fluctuation (“SWOT Analysis Overview", 2011). Video quality is generally very good on Amazon Prime Video, and it’s remarkable that the service doesn't charge more money for titles that are available to be streamed in up to 4K with HDR and Dolby Atmos. Wherever the content allows, soundtracks are offered in Dolby 5.1 surround, Still, some people have observed that Prime Video’s quality can vary, even with very fast intemet connections, so your experience may vary. Netflix, meanwhile, has one of the most con , with only slight changes from one devive to another that are usually designed to embrace the strengths of a certain platform, like its mobile-optimized apps for Android and iOS, You can have multiple user profiles, each with its own unique recommendations, a kids-only profile to keep things perfectly PG-rated, and if you get tired of browsing the wide range of categorized content, an excellent search function is never far away, istent inter As good as it is, Netflix’s interface has one glaring drawback: The company insists on automatically showing you previews every time you shift focus to a new movie or show thumbnail. They're distracting at best and thoroughly annoying at worst, and there’s no way to disable them, Not every title has a preview, but if you're hopping between recent releases (or any Netflix original), you'll only have @ one-second window to move on before the preview starts. Keep that mute button handy. Video and audio quality on Netflix is superb. The company has mastered the art of adjusting its level of video compression to match your internet connection speed, so unless you intentionally set the video quality to a lower level to conserve data, you should get crystal-clear picture and sound — especially if you're on the Premium plan. As with Amazon Prime, 5.1 Dolby surround is available for most movies and shows, unless Dolby Atmos is offered as a higher level (assuming your A/V gear supports it) With top-quality audio and video, as well as a user interface that we love (despite the annoying previews), Netflix grabs this one, too, Amazon’s interface can be a bit unwieldy. It varies in style and usability trom one device to another, with the best experience (no surprise) on its own Fire TV media streamers, while the execution on some smart TVs is less intuitive, The web interface for Prime Video is presented as a section within Amazon’s online store, rather than its own, stand-alone experience. This can be a bit jarring, especially when you're trying to figure out how to search for a movie. ‘The big search bar at the top of the sereen is the right place, but it sure does look like you're about to search, not Amazon Prime Video. Amazon does not offer multiple user profiles for Prime Video, and its video recommendation engine isn’t especially sophisticated. Complaints ‘hat it can be hard to find something decent to watch are not uncommon, ‘There's a reason Netflix has more subscribers than any ather streaming video service ~ and by a very wide margin. It’s a fantastic way to wateh ad-free movies and TV shows, and the company’s investments in both ficensed and original content mean there's always something worth watching, If having access to the best selection of video content, delivered via a well thought-out and consistent interface, matters to you, we think it’s the best choice. However, even Netflix Standard can still put a dent in your budget, so if you've already got an Amazon Prime membership for its various other benefits, it makes a lot of sense to see if Prime Video can quench your entertainment thirst. After all, you're already paying for it, If you're not sure which to choose, we'd say both. These days, having a few streaming services {at the least) is pretty standard, allowing you to dabble in all manner of movies and TV shows for ‘a great entertainment experience right from your living room. BIBILOGRAPHY RESEARCH PAPERS + House of Netflix: Streaming media and digital lore: Popular communication Feburary(2018)- hups://vww.researchgate nev/instinution/University_of Nevada_L as Vegas + Amavon Vs Netflix: Who will win Indian battleground: international journal of multidiseiplinary research and development — volumel; issue 2; Feburary, page no- 140-14 hup-/ + TV Got Better:Netflix’s Original Programming Strategiesand Binge Viewing: media industries journal 2.22015) ‘ttps://quod. ib.umich edu/m/mij/15031809.0002,206/--tv-got-better-nerflixsoriginal- programming-strategies?rgn=main; view=fulltext WEBSITES 1. dt=0 2. 3. daL qAw&q=swottanalysis+ oftamazomtprime&oq-swottanalysistoftamaz&es_I=psy- 4. htips:// 5. htips:/Awww me.0.69i 19}69157}69i6012}35i39j0.5202}0}8&-sourceid=chromed&ie=UTE-8 6, itemakes-more-st Q' IONNAIRE Age: Contaet No: 1, What is your preferred mode of watching shows, movies? a) Netflix b) Amazon Prime ¢) Television Forecast ) Others 2. Are you aware of video streaming website- Netflix or Am a) Yes b) No 3. How many hours in a day do you spend on watehing Netflix or Amazon prime? a) hours ina day b)3 hours in a day ©)4 hours ina day 4) More than 4 hours 4, Which of the two do you think is better website in terms of original content? a) Netflix b) Amazon Prime 5. On an average how much would you be willing to spend on yearly subscription? a) 500 or less b) More than 500 6, Which of the two websites is better in terms of subscription cost? a) Netflix b) Amazon Prime Video 7. Which of the following you find more of Ind n/ Bollywood cor a) Netflix b) Amazon prime video 8. Which one do you think is better in terms of libr: ry size? a) Netflix b) Amazon Prime Video 9, Where do you think Amazon Prime can improve? Ans, 10. Where do you think Netflix can improve? Ans,

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