PBL Script

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1st scene:

*BG music start*

*Earth vids*

Narrator: Earth, One of the most amazing planets because of its human
viability. All of its characteristic, its position on the solar system, and the
components of its body. All of them is perfect as if creating this planet is
planned. Though this Amazing planet is slowly turning into a miserable one.
*earth vids rewind*
*Global warming title pops up*

2nd scene:
*Global warming explanation*
Elynher: Could you tell us what’s happening in earth?

Troy : The Earth experience the Accelerating detrimental effect even as we

speak. It’s also known as Climate Change or Global Warming.
*Container explanation visualization*

Elynher: What is it’s cause?

Troy: WE ARE THE CAUSE. Global warming exists because of human

activities such as burning plastics, deforestation, and other things involving
carbon dioxide.
*pollution vids*

Elynher: Do you resent humans?

Troy: I don’t, I’m just disappointed in our human behavior. The fact that we
need to destroy or kill something just for our own gain. Well they say, What
comes around goes around. In 2050, if we don’t stop harming the earth we
will meet the worst consequence that we can experience. Temperature
rises up until we can’t bear it anymore, seas will vaporize until we don’t
have any water at all. Edible animals will go extinct. World hunger will
worsen. It’s basically living in the desert.
*vids and images things mentioned above*

Elynher: What should we do to avoid that?

Troy: Well, if I am involved in politics we could enforce laws that bans doing
things that harms the earth, but we’re just students. Best we could do is
participate in tree planting activities, Know your Biodegradable and Non-
Biodegradable. Minimize the uses of plastic, even if just avoiding using
plastic bags at the supermarket, it will be a huge help. Know where the
proper place to put out the trash. No matter how small the things we do, if
we do it together we can have a huge progress.
*vids and images things mentioned above*

Narrator: The progress of saving earth is still far from success, and we
have a deadline, more the reason for us to work together in this mission.
Youtubers, Teachers, Engineers, Soldiers, Doctors and even Students can
make a difference. Save Earth, before it’s too late.

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