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Asim Malik

August 7th, 2023

OGL 340

Life Design Workbook

Power of Journey Part 1: Identify Your Dreams, Intentions, Mission, Values, Goals & Actions

The Call to Adventure:
Frequently in myth & story, the hero/heroine receives a call – it may be the Holy Grail
appearing before the knights of the Round Table challenging the knights to pursue the Grail. Or
it might be Joan of Arc being called to lead her army into battle.
How are you being called? What challenge reaches out to you and calls out to you for a

The challenge that reaches out to me is being able to get to a place in my career where I am no
longer living paycheck to paycheck. I would love to be able to travel and enjoy life more than I
have since I started working at fourteen.

Helpers & Mentors:

Once you respond to the call Helpers & Mentors will appear. Think of Obi Won Kenobe and
Yoda as examples. People who have been “out there,” can advise you about your journey,
provide insight and guidance in your preparation. Can you think of any Helpers & Mentors that
might help you respond to your “Call?” Identify the first names that come to mind.

After taking time off after high school and entering the workforce I realized that without
learning a trade or having a degree it was going to be almost impossible to achieve the goals
that I set for myself. When I made the decision to go back to school almost six years ago my
family became a huge support system for me. My dad is giving me advise based on his journey
going to school overseas and then coming to America and getting his degree. My mother is
always listening when I needed to vent and giving me insight based on her life experiences. Last
but not least my sister helps me study almost anytime I call or facetime her. They have been the
biggest helpers and mentors on my journey thus far.
Threshold Crossing:
You now cross a Threshold, enter into the dark, the unknown. It may be symbolized by a dark
forest, an unchartered sea, a dangerous jungle, or outer space. It may be reflected in a new job,
the loss of a job, a marriage, a divorce, a baby, retirement or ...? The threshold may be guarded
by an ogre that doesn’t want you to pass. What
is the unknown into which you must cross? Danger and adventure await. Beware! Be Aware!

The threshold that I will hopefully be entering soon is engagement and then marriage. After
eight years of dating, it is time to take the next step into life together. There are some obstacles
that are in the way.

Tests and Trials:

I’m afraid so. The journey is not without challenges. Obstacles appear. Roadblocks force us to
detour. The journey is not a vacation but has its tests along the way. Why is your friend
discouraging you? Will you give up? Do you question your Call? Or is another door opening?
Reflect on possible tests and trials or return later when you encounter a test or trial.

We have faced many tests and trials throughout our relationship, and we are going to have to
face plenty more, I am sure. We come from very different backgrounds as I was raised in a
Muslim household; my father is Pakistani, and my mother is bi-racial (African
American/Caucasian). While my girlfriend was raised in a Jewish household; her mother is
Scottish, and her father is Czech. Thankfully we have worked out most of the family drama after
eight years. However, there are still some big obstacles that are preventing me from achieving
my goals. Such as getting my degree and getting a higher paying job so that I can help provide
for my wife hopefully my family too one day.

Helpers & Mentors: Look around you. Are there Helpers or Mentors who may serve as guides?
Is there help you’re ignoring?

When reflecting about the people around me that I could utilize as a mentor the first person
that came to my mind was my girlfriend’s father. Although he is retired now, he owned and
operated multiples businesses. I should try to utilize his expertise more than I have been over
the last eight years.

The Life Satisfaction Chart

Physical Health

a. Exercise-3

b. Diet-4


a. Parents-4
b. Children-N/A
c. Friendships-2
d. Primary/Spouse-4
e. Co-Workers-3
f. Brothers/Sisters-3


Living Environments

a. Geographical Location-5

b. Home Environment-4

Spiritual Health-2

Emotional Health
a. Self-Esteem-2

b. Optimism-4

c. Ability to Feel-3

d. Self Caretaking-2
Leisure Time/ Hobbies-2


Personal Mission Statement

A. What are 3 of your best qualities? Examples: intelligence, determination, kindness,

enthusiasm, friendliness, creativity, toughness, loyalty, curiosity)

1) Kindness/Friendliness

2) Determination

3) Adaptability

B. What 3 words, in your opinion, best describe the most important things you do?
(Examples: create, parent, love, challenge, employ, supervise, counsel, nurture, heal)

1) Provider

2) Supporter

3) Innovator

C. What are the 3 most important accomplishments you could achieve over the next
6 to 12 months? (Examples: graduate from school, spend 30 minutes a day in quiet reflection,
make good grades, teach children, get a good paying job, spend quality time with my kids)
1) The first accomplishment that I can (will hopefully) achieve over the next six months is
graduate from Arizona State University with my bachelor’s degree.

2) The next accomplishment is going to be to propose to my longtime girlfriend.

3) Last but not least I will ask for a raise at my current job and if they are unable to honor
my request I will (hopefully) get a higher paying job elsewhere.

D. If you achieved, beyond your wildest dreams, all 3 accomplishments, what 3 results
would you see? (Examples: diploma in your hand, dream job, happy kids, sitting by a

1) I would be able to have my diploma in hand and the ability to update my resume to
college graduate.

2) My fiancé and I could start booking/buying things for our wedding and future together.

3) I would be able to afford to purchase not only the necessities of life but have extra
money to build a savings and go on a nice vacation next year

E. If you achieved all 3 accomplishments, what 3 feelings best describe how you would
feel? (Examples: powerful, happy, fulfilled, proud, joyful, astounded, secure, successful,

1) Grateful

2) Successful

3) Fulfilled


Next Step: Transfer the information you collected on the previous page to the appropriate
spaces below.

My personal mission is to use my Kindness/Friendliness, Determination and Adaptability

to Provide, Support, and innovate so that I can graduate from college, propose to my
girlfriend, and get a raise or a new job.

Having achieved my 3 most important accomplishments, the results I see are having my
diploma in hand and the ability to update my resume to college graduate, my fiancé and I are
able to start booking/buying things for our wedding and future together and I would be able
to afford to purchase not only the necessities of life but have extra money to build a savings
and go on a nice vacation next year.

I feel grateful, successful, and fulfilled about my accomplishments.

List your ten most important values.

1. Economic Security 2. Love

3. Spiritual Growth/Religious Beliefs 4. Education/Wisdom

5. Promotion (making progress) 6. Achievement (accomplishment)

7. Friendship 8. Stability, Order

9. Health (physical and mental well-being)

10. Adventure (new and challenging


Life Area #1: School / Academics & Health

Goal: Have less stress about school and in general

Action Steps

1. Manage time/ workload better by planning out how much work needs to be done each day

2. Take time to spend with friends and family when feeling overwhelmed

3. Focus more on being mindful in ways that I have learned while here at ASU

Goal: Live a healthier life overall

Action Steps

1. Make a better effort at getting an appropriate amount of sleep by setting time limits on my
screen time

2. Eat a more balanced diet by cooking at home more instead of eating out

3. Engage in more physical activity before and after work rather than just on the weekends

Goal: Graduate with Honors

Action Steps

1. Work hard and complete the first part of my Capstone successfully

2. Stay consistent through one of the longest and potentially most challenging science classes I
have ever taken here at ASU

3. Persevere through the second half of the Capstone project and earn the last credits that I need
for graduation

Life Area #2: Career

Goal: Exceed performance targets at work

Action Steps

1. Chip away at the target each day by setting daily achievements

2. Schedule my time strictly so that there is very little wasted

3. Leave work at the door so that I do not get burnt out early in the month

Goal: Enhance my sales capabilities

Action Steps

1. Attend after hours networking events

2 Work on different pitches daily

3. Participate in any non-mandatory trainings offered

Goal: Earn a higher raise than the minimum this year

Action Steps

1. Showcase my dedication and value to management starting with a positive attitude

2. Take on additional responsibilities if needed

3. Share my innovative ideas (even if rejected) to potentially improve work processes

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