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9/13/23, 12:21 PM ATIVIDADE SEMANAL 6: Leitura de Textos em Língua Inglesa - G1/T3 - 2023/2

Entrega 17 set em 23:59 Pontos 2 Perguntas 4
Disponível 11 set em 0:00 - 17 set em 23:59 Limite de tempo Nenhum
Tentativas permitidas 2

Caro(a) aluno(a),

Esta atividade faz parte da série que faremos, todas as semanas, nesta disciplina.

Ela vale 2 pontos e é referente à Unidade II.

Bons estudos!


Professores da disciplina.

Histórico de tentativas
Tentativa Tempo Pontuação
MANTIDO Tentativa 2 3 minutos 1,67 de 2

MAIS RECENTE Tentativa 2 3 minutos 1,67 de 2

Tentativa 1 21 minutos 0,67 de 2

 As respostas corretas não estão mais disponíveis.

Pontuação desta tentativa: 1,67 de 2

Enviado 13 set em 12:18
Esta tentativa levou 3 minutos.

Parcial Pergunta 1 0,33 / 0,5 pts

Leia o texto abaixo e responda as questões.

TEXT 01 Living in a foreign country 1/7
9/13/23, 12:21 PM ATIVIDADE SEMANAL 6: Leitura de Textos em Língua Inglesa - G1/T3 - 2023/2

Going as a tourist to a foreign country can be fun but living

there to study for a few months is a completely different
experience. Culture shock, the process of adjusting to a new
country and culture is a normal reaction as you

no longer see the familiar signs of home.

However, most people who live and study abroad for an

extended period of time go home feeling positive about their
experience. They also believe that it was beneficial both
academically and personally. So, it is important to go through
this experience.

1. A que se referem as palavras sublinhadas no texto?

there país

their viagem

it morar fora

Pergunta 2 0,5 / 0,5 pts

Leia o texto abaixo e responda as questões.

TEXT 01 Living in a foreign country 2/7
9/13/23, 12:21 PM ATIVIDADE SEMANAL 6: Leitura de Textos em Língua Inglesa - G1/T3 - 2023/2

Going as a tourist to a foreign country can be fun but living

there to study for a few months is a completely different
experience. Culture shock, the process of adjusting to a new
country and culture is a normal reaction as you

no longer see the familiar signs of home.

However, most people who live and study abroad for an

extended period of time go home feeling positive about their
experience. They also believe that it was beneficial both
academically and personally. So, it is important to go through
this experience.

Encontre no texto uma frase em que haja a relação de

causa e efeito:

Culture shock, the process of adjusting to a new country and culture is a

normal reaction as you no longer see the familiar signs of home.

Going as a tourist to a foreign country can be fun.

However, most people who live and study abroad for an extended
period of time go home feeling positive about their experience.

So, it is important to go through this experience. 3/7
9/13/23, 12:21 PM ATIVIDADE SEMANAL 6: Leitura de Textos em Língua Inglesa - G1/T3 - 2023/2

A alternativa correta é:

Culture shock, the process of adjusting to a new country and

culture is a normal reaction as you no longer see the familiar
signs of home.

Choque cultural - o processo de se adaptar a um novo país e

cultura é uma reação normal, já que você não mais terá contato
com aspectos familiares, que te lembrem sua casa.

A linking word AS, embora seja uma explicação, liga, neste

caso, duas frases que exprimem, a segunda, a causa (você não
mais terá contato com aspectos familiares, que te lembrem sua
casa) e a primeira, o efeito (o processo de se adaptar a um
novo país e cultura é uma reação normal)

Pergunta 3 0,5 / 0,5 pts

Leia o texto abaixo e responda as questões.

TEXT 01 Living in a foreign country

Going as a tourist to a foreign country can be fun but living

there to study for a few months is a completely different
experience. Culture shock, the process of adjusting to a new
country and culture is a normal reaction as you

no longer see the familiar signs of home.

However, most people who live and study abroad for an

extended period of time go home feeling positive about their
experience. They also believe that it was beneficial both
academically and personally. So, it is important to go through
this experience. 4/7
9/13/23, 12:21 PM ATIVIDADE SEMANAL 6: Leitura de Textos em Língua Inglesa - G1/T3 - 2023/2

Encontre no texto palavras que indicam:

however . Contraste

so . Conclusão

to . Finalidade

Responder 1:


Responder 2:


Responder 3:

to 5/7
9/13/23, 12:21 PM ATIVIDADE SEMANAL 6: Leitura de Textos em Língua Inglesa - G1/T3 - 2023/2

Finalidade - to - Going as a tourist to a foreign country can be

fun but living there to study for a few months...

A linking word TO, neste caso, indica a finalidade pela qual se

está indo morar em um país estarangeiro: estudar.

Contraste - however - However, most people who live and

study abroad for an extended period of time go home feeling
positive about their experience.

A linking word HOWEVER apresenta um contraste entre o que

foi dito na frase anterior (Culture shock, the process of adjusting
to a new country and culture is a normal reaction as you no
longer see the familiar signs of home.)

Assim, EMBORA se sinta um choque cultural, a maioria das

pessoas que moram e estudam fora do país têm uma
experiência positiva.

Conclusão - so - So é uma linking word para indicar então, que

é um conectivo utilizado para concluir uma ideia.

Pergunta 4 0,33 / 0,5 pts

Leia o texto abaixo e responda as questões.

TEXT 01 Living in a foreign country

Going as a tourist to a foreign country can be fun but living

there to study for a few months is a completely different
experience. Culture shock, the process of adjusting to a new
country and culture is a normal reaction as you

no longer see the familiar signs of home.

However, most people who live and study abroad for an

extended period of time go home feeling positive about their
experience. They also believe that it was beneficial both 6/7
9/13/23, 12:21 PM ATIVIDADE SEMANAL 6: Leitura de Textos em Língua Inglesa - G1/T3 - 2023/2

academically and personally. So, it is important to go through

this experience.

As palavras a seguir, retiradas do texto, funcionam como

substantivo, adjetivo, verbo ou advérbio?

1. completely [ Selecionar ]

2. different [ Selecionar ]

3. experience [ Selecionar ]

Responder 1:


Responder 2:


Responder 3:


Pontuação do teste: 1,67 de 2 7/7

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