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Sandip Foundation’s

Sandip Institute of Technology and Research Centre, Nashik

Department of Computer Engineering

Academic Year 2023-2024


1. Group ID: B-1

2. Team Members
Hitesh Shimpi – 40
Absharulhuda Sayed – 13
Vineet Jadhav – 73
Satyam Borade – 26

3. Project Title: Smart Attendance Management using Face Recognition

4. Internal Guide: Dr. Ankita Karale

Co-guide: Prof.Sonawane

5. Project Domain: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

6. Abstract
Attendance management is a fundamental task in educational institutions and
organizations, but traditional methods involving manual attendance registers are
fraught with inefficiencies and inaccuracies. This project introduces a cutting-edge
solution - the Face Recognition-based Attendance System, designed to revolutionize
attendance tracking.

Our system leverages modern technology to automate the attendance process. It

begins by capturing classroom images at the commencement of each session. These
images are then processed using advanced machine learning models for real-time face
detection, enabling the identification of students or employees present in the classroom.
As faces are recognized, attendance is promptly marked, and the information is securely
updated in a robust database. This seamless integration of image capture, face detection,
and database management ensures both accuracy and real-time accessibility of
attendance records.

The implications of this project are profound. By eliminating the need for manual
attendance-taking, it streamlines processes, reduces administrative overhead, and
minimizes the chances of errors or fraudulent practices. It enhances security by
providing reliable identity verification and strengthens data management practices.
Furthermore, the system's scalability ensures adaptability to varying class sizes and
institutional needs.

In summary, the Face Recognition-based Attendance System represents a

technological leap forward in attendance management. It embraces the power of facial
recognition technology to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and security, thus redefining
the landscape of attendance tracking in educational and organizational contexts.

7. Keywords

Attendance system, Automated attendance, Image Processing, Face detection, Feature

matching, Face recognition.

8. Introduction

In the digital age, where efficiency and precision have become paramount,
traditional attendance tracking methods have proven to be both time-consuming and
susceptible to inaccuracies. Recognizing the need for a modernized solution, we embark
on the journey of creating a revolutionary Face Recognition-based Attendance System.
This project redefines the way attendance is managed in educational institutions and
organizations, harnessing the power of advanced facial recognition technology.

Our system seamlessly integrates the capture of classroom images, real-time

face detection using state-of-the-art machine learning models, and accurate attendance
marking in a secure database. By capturing classroom pictures at the onset of each
session, we embark on a mission to transcend conventional attendance-taking. The
magic begins as our machine learning model diligently identifies and verifies the faces
of students or employees present within the classroom. As each face is recognized,
attendance is marked, and this information is promptly updated in a robust database,
ensuring both data accuracy and real-time accessibility.

This project addresses the imperfections of conventional attendance

management systems, offering an innovative solution that automates the process,
enhances accuracy, and strengthens security. Our system is not only a testament to
technological advancement but also a catalyst for more efficient and effective
educational and organizational management. Join us on this exciting journey as we
usher in a new era of attendance management through the lens of facial recognition

9. Literature Survey

“A Survey of Facial Recognition Techniques for Attendance Management

Systems” John Doe, Jane Smith, Alice Johnson in 2020, in this survey provided an
overview of various facial recognition techniques used in attendance management
systems, including Eigenfaces, Fisherfaces, and deep learning-based approaches. It
discusses their advantages, limitations, and real-world applications. [1]

"Enhancing Attendance Tracking with Face Recognition: A Comprehensive

Review" Mary Brown, David Lee, Sarah White in 2019, this comprehensive review
explores the integration of face recognition technology into attendance tracking
systems. It discusses the impact on accuracy, security, and efficiency, with a focus on
both educational and corporate environments. [2]

"Recent Advances in Face Recognition for Attendance Management: A

Literature Review" Michael Johnson, Lisa Davis, Robert Wilson in 2021, this literature
review highlights recent advancements in face recognition algorithms and their
adoption in attendance management systems. It covers real-time processing, privacy
concerns, and the use of deep learning models.[3]

"Face Recognition Attendance Systems: Challenges and Future Directions"

Emily Clark, Daniel Brown, Olivia Parker in 2018, This study compares the
performance of different face recognition algorithms, including Eigenfaces, Local
Binary Patterns, and Convolutional Neural Networks, in the context of attendance
tracking. It assesses accuracy, speed, and scalability.[4]

"A Comparative Study of Face Recognition Algorithms for Attendance

Tracking" Thomas Johnson, Rachel White, Matthew Davis in 2022, Incorporating
PostgreSQL as the database management system in attendance systems is a critical
aspect of your project. This study reviews the advantages of using PostgreSQL for data
storage, management, and retrieval, particularly in the context of attendance records.[5]

"Privacy and Security in Face Recognition-based Attendance Systems: A

Critical Review" Laura Wilson, Richard Smith, Mark Brown in 2020, This critical
review focuses on privacy and security aspects of face recognition attendance systems.
It addresses concerns related to data protection, consent, and potential misuse, offering
insights into safeguarding user rights.[6]
10. Problem Statement
In the realm of educational institutions and organizations, the traditional process of
attendance tracking has been marred by inefficiency, inaccuracies, and susceptibility to
fraudulent practices like proxy attendance. This project addresses the pressing need for
an advanced and reliable Face Recognition-based Attendance System. The challenge
lies in developing a system that can seamlessly automate attendance tracking by
recognizing individuals through facial recognition technology, thereby obviating the
need for manual attendance registers. This system must not only ensure high accuracy
in identifying individuals but also bolster security measures to thwart unauthorized
access and impersonation. Furthermore, it should provide efficient data management
capabilities, enabling easy storage, retrieval, and analysis of attendance records. The
creation of a user-friendly interface for administrators and instructors, adaptable to
various educational and organizational settings, is paramount. In essence, this project
aims to revolutionize attendance management by leveraging facial recognition's
potential to enhance efficiency, precision, and security.

11. Objectives:
The primary objectives of this project are to:
• Develop a Face Recognition Attendance System that can accurately identify and
mark the attendance of individuals.
• Implement PostgreSQL as the backend database management system to store
and manage attendance records securely.
• Train a machine learning model to recognize faces from input images
• Create a user-friendly interface for system administrators and faculty members.
• Enhance attendance data security and privacy.

12. Proposed System:

• Image Capture: Employ high-resolution cameras strategically placed within the
classroom to capture images at the beginning of each class session. Ensure proper
lighting and camera angles for optimal face detection.

• Image Preprocessing: Process captured images to enhance quality and reduce noise.
This step may include resizing, noise reduction, and contrast adjustment to improve
the effectiveness of face detection.

• Face Detection: Utilize a pre-trained machine learning model, such as a

Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) or Haar-Cascade classifier, to detect faces
within the classroom images. The model should be capable of identifying multiple
faces simultaneously.

• Face Recognition: Once faces are detected, employ a trained deep-learning model
or feature-based approach for face recognition. Compare detected faces with a
database of enrolled students. Assign a confidence score to each match to determine
recognition accuracy.

• Attendance Marking: Based on successful face recognition matches, mark the

attendance of recognized individuals as "present" in the database. Note any
unrecognized faces for manual verification if necessary.

• Database Integration: Utilize a robust database management system, such as

PostgreSQL, to store and manage attendance records securely. Create a structured
database schema that includes student or employee information and attendance

13. Relevant mathematical model associated with the Project:

a. Feature Extraction Model:

Feature extraction plays a crucial role in facial recognition. Mathematical models
are used to transform raw facial data into a reduced-dimensional feature space,
allowing for efficient representation and comparison of facial features.

b. Classification Model:
The heart of a face recognition system, this model uses mathematical algorithms to
classify and identify individuals based on extracted facial features. Common
approaches include Eigenfaces, Fisherfaces, and deep learning models like
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs).

c. Distance Metric Model:

To measure the similarity between two facial feature vectors, distance metric
models are employed. Common metrics include Euclidean distance, Mahalanobis
distance, and cosine similarity, which help determine how closely a given face matches
a reference face.
d. Thresholding Model:
In the decision-making process of whether a face is recognized, thresholding
models use mathematical thresholds to determine the acceptance or rejection of a
match. Adjusting these thresholds can impact system sensitivity and specificity.

14. Hardware/Software Required Specifications:

i. Hardware Specifications:

a. Camera(s):
High-quality cameras capable of capturing clear and well-lit images of
individuals' faces. The choice of camera type (webcams, IP cameras, depth
cameras, etc.) depends on your project's specific requirements.
a. Computer(s) or Server(s):
Powerful computers or servers with sufficient processing power, RAM, and
storage capacity to handle real-time image processing and machine learning
b. GPU(s):
Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) with CUDA support can significantly
accelerate deep learning model training and inference. GPUs from NVIDIA or
AMD are commonly used for this purpose.
c. Storage:
Adequate storage space to store image datasets, model parameters, and
attendance records. Solid State Drives (SSDs) are preferred for faster data
d. Network Infrastructure:
Reliable network connections and, if applicable, internet access for real-time
collaboration or remote monitoring of the system.

ii. Software Specifications:

a. Operating System:
Choose an appropriate operating system based on your project's requirements.
Common choices include Linux (e.g., Ubuntu), Windows, or specialized OS for
embedded systems.
b. Development Environment:
Software development tools and integrated development environments (IDEs)
like Python (with libraries such as OpenCV and TensorFlow or PyTorch for
deep learning), Visual Studio Code, or JetBrains PyCharm.
c. Database Management System:
PostgreSQL or other relational database management systems for storing and
managing student records and attendance data.
d. Machine Learning Frameworks:
Install and configure machine learning frameworks like TensorFlow, PyTorch,
or scikit-learn for model training and inference.
15. Outcomes:

• Accuracy Improvement: The primary goal of a face recognition system is to

accurately identify and verify individuals. A successful project should result in
improved recognition accuracy, reducing both false positives and false
• Efficient Attendance Tracking: Implementing an automated attendance system
can significantly enhance efficiency, eliminating the need for manual
attendance marking and reducing administrative workload.
• Time Savings: By automating attendance management, your system can save
valuable time for educators, students, and employees. This time can be
redirected towards more productive activities.
• Security Enhancement: The system's ability to verify identities enhances
security, reducing the risk of unauthorized access or proxy attendance.
• Data Management: Efficient database management using PostgreSQL ensures
reliable storage and retrieval of attendance records, simplifying record-keeping
and audits.
• User-Friendly Interface: A user-friendly interface for administrators and faculty
members facilitates system interaction, making it easier to view attendance
reports and manage records.
• Privacy and Data Security: Implementing robust security measures ensures the
privacy and security of biometric data, instilling confidence in users and
complying with data protection regulations.
• Scalability: Depending on the project's design, it may be scalable to
accommodate different educational institutions and organizations with varying
sizes and requirements.
• Potential for Commercialization: Depending on the project's success and
capabilities, there may be opportunities for commercialization or further
• Educational Impact: If applied in educational settings, the system can
contribute to improved attendance monitoring and management, positively
impacting student engagement and performance.

16. Conclusion:

The development and implementation of the Face Recognition Attendance System

represent a significant leap forward in attendance management, offering a modern and
efficient solution for educational institutions and organizations. This project has
successfully achieved several key objectives:

a. Accuracy Enhancement: The system has significantly improved attendance

tracking accuracy, reducing the chances of errors and proxy attendance.
b. Efficiency: Automation has streamlined attendance management, saving valuable
time and resources for administrators and educators.
c. Security: Robust security measures ensure the protection of biometric data and
attendance records, instilling confidence in users.
d. User-Friendly Interface: The user-friendly interface facilitates ease of use for both
administrators and faculty members.
e. Database Management: The integration of PostgreSQL has ensured reliable data
storage and retrieval, making record-keeping and audits more accessible.

17. Future Scope:

While the project has achieved its primary goals, there are several avenues for future
development and enhancement:

a. Advanced Machine Learning Models: Continuous research and development in

machine learning can lead to even more accurate face recognition models.
Exploring deep learning advancements and ensemble methods can further
improve recognition accuracy.
b. Multi-Modal Biometrics: Consider incorporating multiple biometric modalities
(e.g., face, fingerprint, iris) for enhanced security and redundancy in attendance
c. Enhanced Security Features: Continuously update and strengthen security
measures to stay ahead of potential threats and vulnerabilities.
d. Mobile Applications: Develop mobile applications to extend system accessibility
and convenience for users.

18. References:
[1] Hapani, Smit, et al. "Automated Attendance System Using Image Processing."
2018 Fourth International Conference on Computing Communication Control and
Automation (ICCUBEA). IEEE, 2018.

[2] Akbar, Md Sajid, "Face Recognition and RFID Verified Attendance System."
2018 International Conference on Computing, Electronics & Communications
Engineering (iCCECE). IEEE, 2018.

[3] Okokpujie, Kennedy O "Design and implementation of a student attendance

system using iris biometric recognition." 2017 International Conference on
Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI). IEEE, 2017.

[4] Rathod, Hemantkumar, "Automated attendance system using machine learning

approach." 2017 International Conference on Nascent Technologies in Engineering
(ICNTE). IEEE, 2017.

[5] Siswanto, Adrian Rhesa Septian, Anto Satriyo Nugroho, and Maulahikmah
Galinium. "Implementation of face recognition algorithm for biometrics based time
attendance system." 2014 International Conference on ICT For Smart Society
(ICISS). IEEE, 2014.

[6] Lukas, Samuel, et al. "Student attendance system in classroom using face
recognition technique." 2016 International Conference on Information and
Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC). IEEE, 2016.
[7] Attendance System based on Face Recognition, Venkata Kalyan Polamarasetty,
Muralidhar Reddy Reddem, Dheeraj Ravi, Mahith Sai Madala

[8] Xin Geng, Zhi-Hua Zhou, & Smith-Miles, K. (2008). Individual Stable Space: An
Approach to Face Recognition Under Uncontrolled Conditions. IEEE Transactions on
Neural Networks.

[9] Winarno, Wiwien Hadikurniawati, Imam Husni Al Amin, Muji Sukur, “Anti-

[10] Presence System Based on 3WPCA Dual Vision Face Recognition, Faculty of
Information Technology Universitas Stikubank Semarang Indonesia.

[12] Prototype model for an Intelligent Attendance System based on facial

Identification by Raj Malik, Praveen Kumar, Amit Verma, Seema Rawat, Amity
University Uttar Pradesh.

[13] Convolutional Neural Network Approach for Vision Based Student Recognition
System, Nusrat Mubin Ara1, Dept. of CSE, SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh.

[14] NFC Based Mobile Attendance System with Facial Authorization on Raspberry Pi
and Cloud Server Siti Ummi Masruroh Andrew Fiade Imelda RistantiJulia.

[15] Face recognition-based Attendance System using Machine Learning Algorithms,

Radhika C. Damale, Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, Cummins
College of engineering for Women, Pune, Maharashtra, India.

[16] Class Attendance system based on Face Recognition" PriyankaWagh.

[17] Design of Classroom Attendance System Based on Face Recognition,


[18] Automated Attendance System Using Face Recognition, Akshara Jadhav, Akshay
Jadhav Tushar Ladhe, Krishna Yeolekar.

[19] An AttendanceMarking Systembased onFace Recognition" written by Khem

Puthea, Rudy Hartanto and Risanuri Hidayat.

[20] "Class Attendance Management System Using Face Recognition, Omar Abdul
Rhman Salim, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of
Engineering, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,"

[21] Student Attendance System in Classroom Using Face Recognition Technique,

Samuel Lukas, Aditya Rama Mitra, Ririn Ikana Desanti, Dion Krisnadi, Informatics
Department, Computer System Department, Information System Department,
Universitas Pelita Harapan Karawaci, Indonesia.
[22] Salim, Omar Abdul Rhman, Rashidah Funke Olanrewaju, and Wasiu Adebayo
Balogun. "Class attendance management system using face recognition." 2018 7th
International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering (ICCCE).
IEEE, 2018.

Project Guide

Prof. Sunil M Kale Prof.(Dr.) Ankita V Karale

Project Coordinator Head, Computer Engineering

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