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2022 IEEE International Students' Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science

The Recent Advancements in Humanoid Robot

2022 IEEE International Students' Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science (SCEECS) | 978-1-6654-1418-0/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/SCEECS54111.2022.9740828

1st Deepa Ahirwar 2nd Jahanvi Purohit 3rd Vijay Bhaskar Semwal
Research Scholar, Department of UG Student, Department of Computer Assistant Professor, Department of
Mechanical Engineering Science Engineering Computer Science & Engineering
Maulana Azad National Institute of Maulana Azad National Institute of Maulana Azad National Institute of
Technology Technology Technology
Bhopal, MP, India Bhopal, MP, India Bhopal, MP, India

4th Suresh Gawre 5th Meenakshi Rajpurohit

Assistant Professor, Department of PG Scholar, Department of Physics
Computer Science & Engineering (Nano Technology Centre)
Maulana Azad National Institute of Maulana Azad National Institute of
Technology Technology
Bhopal, MP, India Bhopal, MP, India

Abstract— body's working, the Bipedal Locomotion, how people gain

from tangible data to secure perceptual information about
Fantasy of humanoid robot analysts is to create a total our general surroundings.
"human-like" counterfeit specialist both as far as body and
mind. The field of humanoids advanced mechanics is broadly Other than exploration, Humanoid robots are being
perceived as the ebb and flow challenge for advanced created to perform human activities. Humanoids are
mechanics. Humanoid research is a way to deal with, additionally reasonable for some procedurally-based
comprehend and understand the mind boggling genuine employments, for example, front counter managers and
communications between a robot, a climate and human. The auto assembling line laborers. They can utilize instruments
humanoid advanced mechanics spurs social associations, for and work hardware and vehicles, humanoids could
example, signal correspondence or co-employable errands in hypothetically play out any undertaking a person can, as
similar settings as the actual elements. This is fundamental long as they have the proper programming. In 1967,
for three-term connection, which targets intertwining Waseda University started the WABOT undertaking to
physical and social communication at central levels. We attempt to fabricate a human robot, and in 1972 finished
presently have seen an expanding number of humanoid the WABOT-1, the world's first humanoid savvy robot. In
robots, (for example, Honda's ASIMO, ARMAR-3, NAO, 2016, OceanOne, a group at Stanford University, made a
ATLAS and numerous others). These show just a
robot by a Computer Science teacher OussamaKhatib. The
predetermined number of intellectual abilities as far as
insight, learning and dynamic.
robot is controlled distantly, has haptic sensors in its grasp,
and man-made reasoning capacities [1]. Another
Keywords— Humanoid Robotics, Degree of freedom prominent names in the field are:
(DOF), Artificial Skin, Bipedal Locomotion, COP Balancing,  MANAV, it is India's first 3D printed humanoid
CMP Balancing, Push Recovery, Deep Learning.
robot which is created in the lab of A-SET
I. INTRODUCTION Training and Research Institutes.
Humanoid Robot is a robot with its body shape worked  SOPHIA, created by Hanson Robotics.
to take after human body and by and large comprises of at
 Map book, created by Boston Dynamics.
least one of the accompanying parts, Legs, Torso, Arms
and some of the time a Head with camera as the eyes for  TALOS, created by Pal Robotics.
interfacing with the climate, perceiving and characterizing
objects. Due to different joints movement, the humanoid  ASIMO, created by Honda.
robots are capable of performing human similar behavior
like jumping, walking avoiding obstacle etc. Initially to
understand the human walking and posture stability the DEVELOPED
machine with bipedal architecture is designed. The A. P2
humanoid robots are extremely helpful machine to perform
Honda's Humanoid Robot has a sum of 30 DOF. 14 DOF
the social interaction, work in human habitual
in two arms (3 in shoulder, 1 in elbow, 3 in wrist), 12
environment, providing assistant in performing of variety
of tasks. DOF in two legs (3 in hip, 1 in knee, 2 in lower leg), and 4
DOF in two hands which are like a two fingered gripper.
Initially motive of this was to construct better orthosis P2 has an effect assimilation instrument in its feet, which
and prosthesis for the human body, and soon it turned into
a medium to all the more likely comprehend the human

978-1-6654-1418-0/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE

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goes about as a mechanical low pass channel which Since KHR-2 has twice as many joints than KHR-1 and
forestalls the vibration of leg consistence control. numerous fringe gadgets like vision framework, remote
LAN, we embraced the CAN convention (Multi-
Master/Multi Slave) which has a fast sequential
It is made out of 30 DOF (head = 2 DOF, each arm = 7 correspondence, which was utilized to deal with every one
DOF, midriff = 2 DOF, every leg = 6 DOF). of the 19 sub regulators.
A Cantilever type structure in the hip joint was acquainted From progressing between Single Support Phase to totally
with forestall spilling, and to get up by a humanoid robot's Double Support Phase, the lower leg pitch points and
own self after it spills. This design likewise guarantees pelvis position were altered to forestall the tendency of the
negligible harm to legs in case of spilling. It can likewise chest area by utilizing an Inertia Sensor situated at the
adapt to the harsh territory. foundation of the middle. It likewise had four 3-pivot F/T
To decrease the heaviness of the humanoid robot, primary sensors, and a rate gyro/speed increase sensor at the
parts were made of magnesium composite as opposed to storage compartment. The biped robot could work for
aluminum compound since its particular gravity is 68% of around 50 minutes.
that of aluminum amalgam. E. ALBERT HUBO
A HRP interface board and a quad power sensors interface KAIST HUBO group and Hanson Robotics group fostered
board was created in light of the fact that the then PCI an android type humanoid robot, which might be the
sheets couldn't deal with the quantity of engines, world's first expressive human face on a mobile biped
encoders, sensors which HRP-2 was to be stacked with. It robot. There are 66 DOF altogether. Face and Neck have
had a dream framework which was utilized to create a 3D 31 DOF, other Body parts have 35 DOF. The head part,
landscape guide of the worksite, distinguish ground which takes after Albert Einstein’s face, utilizes 'Fubber'
geography for strolling, and label the source and target (a construction of tissue and elastic) for smooth
focuses for object picking and putting. counterfeit skin and 28 servo engines for face
developments. The servo motors are connected with the
C. KHR-1
different marks of its face through teflon-covered nylon
The biped strolling robot stage was made out of 22 DOF strings and the face movements are produced by drawing
(12 DOF for lower appendages, 8 DOF for arms and 2 or delivering the strings which are connected with secures
DOF for midriff). It utilizes 3 sorts of driving frameworks, at different face focuses like foreheads, eyes, jaw, lips,
In-line pivot driving framework, Parallel hub driving scowl, and so on for creating a full scope of looks like
framework, Intersecting hub driving framework relying giggle, pity, furious, shocked, and so forth[1].
upon joint kinds and space limitation. The consonant drive
gear known for being light, smaller and having zero F. ARMAR-III
kickback was utilized as the principle decrease gear for The humanoid robot was intended to manage a family
each joint. Through a progression of reenactment the climate, fundamentally kitchen, and the wide assortment
greatest required engine force of hip, knee and lower leg of articles and exercises experienced in it. It has 43
joints were determined for their separate pitch, roll and (DOF). The head has an all-out number of 7 DOFs. The
yaw pivot [1]. midsection has 3 DOFs. Each arm has 7 DOFs and each
hand has 8 DOFs. For the velocity, a portable stage which
The fundamental electrical parts, for example, master
takes into consideration holonomic mobility in the
regulator,motor amplifier, battery, and so forth were
application region was utilized.One of the benchmarks is
introduced in the chest so it could stroll in work spaces
stacking and dumping a dishwasher and a cooler with
without having any wiring association with outside
different things like tetra packs, bottles with labels,
regulators. A Pentium III-500 installed PC was utilized as
ketchup, lager, and so on.
an expert regulator. It controlled 12 DC engines of the
upper and lower body of the robot. Likewise it had an G. HRP-3
inherent microcontroller which gets the deliberate power Replacement to HRP-2, HRP-3 had an aggregate of 42
and force information from the power/force sensor DOF (each arm =7 DOF, each leg=6 DOF, head=2 DOF,
appended to the sole of the robot. waist=2 DOF, each hand=6 DOF). The hand currently has
The biped robot was intended for about an hour of self- 2 fingers and a thumb though HRP-2 had 2 fingers which
sufficient strolling, with its backup power utilization at made it a gripper basically. This permits it to try and press
under 100W and 150-240W at strolling mode. fastens or hold triggers. A residue verification and
sprinkle confirmation system was created and was
D. KHR-2 acknowledged utilizing o-rings, fluid gaskets, fixed
The biped strolling robot stage was formed with 41 DOF. orientation, and silicon seals. A cooling instrument was
Each arm including a hand had 11 DOF (1 DOF for each additionally evolved in lieu with the residue/sprinkle
finger) and every leg had 6 DOF. The storage proof system primarily for the chest module as it houses
compartment had 1 DOF. It additionally included a head numerous electrical parts and the batteries. The robot
with 6 DOF (2 each for the eyes and 2 for the neck) makes some functional memories of 120 minutes.
dissimilar to KHR-1. In the head there are two CCD
cameras utilized as eyes.


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The advancement cycle can be generally partitioned into
two primary areas. The principal area decides the
fundamental necessities for the complete framework,
which must be known before the plan cycle. This stage
incorporates fundamentally two emphases: In the main
emphasis, the kinematics of the robot is determined by the
movement space of the robot and the kinematics again
must be describable to be controllable. In the subsequent
cycle, the control idea for the robot and the overall
opportunities for working the joints are acclimated to the
prerequisites for the ideal elements of the robots. The
subsequent area is the real plan measure. The grouping in
which the modules are created is controlled by their Fig 1. A deformable conductive ground plane is presented
situation in the sequential kinematics of the robot. This and the impact of contact pressure is a difference in circuit
implies that for example in the arm, first the wrist, the capacitance [3]
elbow joint and afterward at long last the shoulder joint C. THE BI-PED LOCOMOTION
are planned[2].
The bipedal design is quite possibly the most adaptable
Geography enhancement is utilized for the assurance of one for the work of strolling robots in the climate of
the essential format of another plan. Another still up in the people. It has preeminent qualities in obstruction aversion
air dependent on the plan space accessible, the heaps, and similarity in functions as human substitutes. Be that as
materials and other mathematical requirements. The it may, the elements included are exceptionally non-direct,
standard plan in geography improvement is regularly to perplexing and unsound [4].
limit the consistency compared to expanding the solidness
Step cycle is the timeframe between any two
utilizing a mass requirement for a given measure of
indistinguishable occasions in the strolling cycle. Walk
material. static structural analysis and modal analysis
cycle could be partitioned into a few occasions and
made the base of compliance optimization.
congruity between every occasion ought to be kept up
B. ARTIFICIAL SKIN with. Position and swing are occasions of the step cycle.
To cover the complete body of humanoid robot a unique Position is the occasion when the foot is in touch with the
counterfeit skin is presented. It gives pressure analysis and ground (around 60 % of the step cycle) .Swing is the
shape information about the touched surfaces in-between occasion when the foot is noticeable all (around 40 % of
robot and its surrounding.The system relies upon a cross the stride cycle).Humanoid swing foot movement ought to
part of sensors interconnected to shape an organized be quicker than the human one altogether not to fall while
development. Each sensor has 12 capacitive taxels, has a strolling. This is accomplished by expanding the joint
three-sided shape and is maintained by a versatile speeds during the swing occasion. While strolling, the
substrate to acclimate to smooth twisted surfaces. Three human leg keeps the laws of rearranged pendulum which
exchanges ports set at the edges of each sensor sides grant is an exaggerated circle.
correspondences with coterminous sensors. The material The powers following up on a walker can be isolated in
assessments are sent off embed microcontroller sheets two classifications: 1) powers applied by contact and 2)
using successive vehicle correspondence joins. The powers communicated without contact (gravity and,
structure can adaptively diminish its spatial objective, likewise, latency powers). The CoP is connected to the
further fostering the response time. These components are previous, and the ZMP to the last mentioned [5].
incredibly useful for distinguishing the primary contact
rapidly, at a lower spatial objective, and a while later ZMP is characterized as the point P on the ground where
addition the spatial objective in the area of contact for the net snapshot of the inertial and gravity powers has no
precise changing of the contact pressure assignment. part along the tomahawks corresponding to the ground
[2]. Or it can likewise be characterized as the point on the
ground where the tipping second following up on the
biped, because of gravity and idleness powers, rises to
nothing, the tipping second being characterized as the part
existing apart from everything else that is unrelated to the
supporting surface [5].
Raj et al. related the joint directions of biped robots for
headway with the assistance of BAM calculation. The
Value of energy work which is consistently negative
regarding pair of weight which assisted to erase the bogus
direction from the informational collection. Two robot
sets were utilized to do the analysis which is Nao and


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HOAP2. The one kind of tactile information can connect requirement powers obtained from Lagrangian elements.
with another to give stable biped movement and Current bipedal headway research has been intensely
subsequently the procedure decreases the intricacy of impacted by Kajita, What's more, their Linear
motion and expands security [6] Inverted Pendulum Model (LIPM). Semwal, [13]
tried to outline the issues of tracking down the most ideal
walk for a biped. The previously noticed outcome showed
As a model during the single help stage, we consider the the force and capability of crossover framework. The
altered pendulum model with adaptable connection, since work did in the paper is the initial phase toward proficient
the legs of a humanoid robot are somewhat long and they devices taking care of such kind of issues. They had
are sequentially associated with a consistent power force fostered a natural propelled regulator for humanoid walk.
sensor at the ankle. Some specialists attempt to plan an We investigate various models and procedures utilized for
ideal ZMP direction first and discover an abdomen or hip humanoid balance. There are three essential systems:
movement to acknowledge it utilizing loads of various
calculations[7]. Then again, different specialists attempt to 1) CoP Balancing (i.e lower leg technique)
get a hip movement with smooth direction first. From that 2) CMP Balancing (i.e hip technique)
point onward, they adjust the hip direction iteratively to
fulfill the ZMP limitations by utilizing a thorough inquiry 3) Stepping (i.e change-of-support technique)
calculation strategy. At the point when we need to figure For the most part, these systems can be utilized
the ideal ZMP direction, it is in reality difficult to think successively through and through, progressing to the
about exact data of robot dynamic boundaries like mass, following if the current methodology is inadequate.
area of focus of gravity, snapshot of dormancy of each
connection, and so on. Truly, the determined ZMP
direction as a rule contains the deviation from the genuine
ZMP direction. Subsequently, it is important to alter the
recommended joint direction dependent on the genuine
ZMP determined from the power/force sensor
incorporated with the underside of the foot. [8,9].
Direction replaying-Prepares a joint-movement direction
in advance, and applies it to the genuine robot with a little
on-line adjustment. This strategy isolates the issue into
two sub-problems, in particular, arranging and control.
Fig.2. In this green dot is for center of mass, pink dab
Real-time age: Generates a joint-movement in real-time, is for center of pressure and voilet arrows are for
taking care of the current state of the framework in
reaction force. 1. COP Balancing i.e Ankle Strategy 2.
accordance with the pre-given objective of the movement.
CMP Balancing i.e. Hip Strategy and 3. Step-out [14]
This technique executes planning and control in a bound
together way. 1) COP BALANCING
Despite the fact that real-time age is more promising than The easiest adjusting system which utilizes lower leg
direction replaying from the perspective of high mobility, force to apply a re establishing power, while different
they usually experience the ill effects of a lot of joints are fixed. This is regularly alluded to as the "lower
calculations. Real-time age would expect improvements to leg procedure". The area of the CoP is relative to lower
conquer the trouble [10]. leg force, and hence the cutoff points on the situation of
E. PUSH RECOVERY the CoP compare as far as possible at the lower leg.

We need to get what makes humanoids fall, and how can 2) CMP BALANCING
they be dealt with to keep away from it. Aggravations and The CMP is equivalent to CoP on account of zero second
displaying mistakes are potential supporters of falling. For with regards to the focal point of mass. For the lower leg
little aggravations, just acting like a modified pendulum procedure, this is consistently the situation. Nonetheless,
and applying a remunerating force at the lower leg can be humanoids have numerous inward joints, especially the
sufficient. As the unsettling influence increments, in any middle and arms that permit them to apply a force about
case, a greater amount of the body must be utilized. the CoM. For a non-zero centroidal second, the CMP
Twisting the hips or swinging the arms makes an extra re- moves past the edge of the foot.
establishing force. At long last, if the aggravation is too
huge, the best way to prevent falling is to make a stride. 3) STEPPING
Vukobratovic,[11] was quick to apply the idea of the For much bigger unsettling influences, no measure of
ZMP, or zero second point, to biped equilibrium. body twisting will bring about balance recuperation. For
Criticism linearizing control of a straightforward double this situation, it is important to make a stride. Making a
inverted pendulum model utilizing lower leg and hip stride moves the help region to either the region between
forces was utilized by Hemami, [12]. Venturing to the back leg impact point and the forward leg toe (twofold
stay away from fall was additionally concentrated by help) or the region under the new position foot (single
Goddard, [12] utilizing input control of processed help). Since a bigger unsettling influence requires a bigger


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reestablishing power, this for the most part prompts bigger G. THE CORNELL WALKER AND PASSIVE-DYNAMIC
advances. Nonetheless, the area of the best foot situation WALKERS
is likewise influenced by kinematic requirements and McGeer in 1990 fostered a basic two-leg instrument with
effect elements. three levels of opportunity - two at the knees and one at
Semwal et. al. [15] has tended to the strolling issue of the hip - that could stroll down a slight decay with a
humanoid robots utilizing the profound learning models, shockingly human walk. The gadget didn't utilize
in particular, ANN, ELM, and DNN. To accomplish the actuators, sensors, or control plans, however rather
goal, right off the bat, six distinctive Walking exercises depended on gravity power and the substituting pendulum
were investigated for example Lively Walk, Normal and altered pendulum movements of its two legs to push
Walk, Very Slow Walk, Medium Walk, Jogging, Fast ahead [18,19].
Walk. From these exercises they have gathered H. OPEN SOFTWARE PLATFORM FOR BIPEDAL
information for 25 subjects utilizing 6 degree IMU sensor ROBOT
and portable based accelerometers. In the following stage
joint directions Patterns of hip, lower leg, knee, knife, foot  V-rep
and thigh were analyzed for five strolling exercises. The  Webtos
Accuracy accomplished was 87.84%, 88%and 92%  Robot Operating System ( RoS)
utilizing ANN, ELM and DNN individually. It was found  CoppeliaSim
that DNN is the most appropriate profound learning model
 PyBullet
for various strolling exercises.


Human bipedal walking can be depicted as subbing The current work has addressed a subset of the large
examples of pendulum and turned around pendulum number of development and working of humanoid robot
developments. During a phase, the leg that isn't technology. Like how it started and what are the different
associating with the ground clears forward in a pendulum inventions in this field. Different concepts and
development. In the meantime, the leg that interfaces with technologies utilized are discussed. In today's world
the ground stays in a somewhat long position while the artificial intelligence being at priority and with the help of
body vaults over in a changed pendulum development, a this humanoid robotics in the coming many years, will
kind of directional falling. The overall leg then associates without a doubt turn out to be increasingly become more
with the ground while the somewhat long leg leaves the popular. In contrast to some other results of human
ground and the cycle is rehashed[16]. Forward active designing, humanoid robot technology may gradually
energy is consistently exchanged with gravitational obscure the line between how people associate with their
possible energy, with energy recuperation emerging machines and how they connect with one another. With
primarily from pendulum dynamics[17]. In separation to the help of industrialization of this technology the
walking, running does exclude a changed pendulum stage economy may go up and services will become easier for
anyway rather uses fast leg speed increment to achieve humans.
fleeting forward ballistic development. Each progression
in running components three phases: the assistance stage,
during which the foot contacts the ground and the leg REFERENCES
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