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Serbian Journal of Management 14 (2) (2019) xxx - xxx Journal



Viktor oliinyka*, olga Kozmenkob

aDepartment of Economic Cybernetics,

Sumy State University, 57, Petropavlivska Str., Sumy, Ukraine, 40000
bDepartment of Finance, Kharkiv National University of Economics,
Nauky avenue, 9-A, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166

(Received 12 March 2018; accepted 02 April 2019 )


The task of creating an investment portfolio by a financial institution is considered. Funds for
creating a portfolio are taken from two sources: enterprise's equity funds and borrowed funds.
Optimization of the created portfolio is performed. A portfolio of maximum efficiency was obtained
with restriction on the measure of risk, which is specified in the form of a VaR indicator. Using
optimization portfolio data, a model of portfolio asset management is being built. Using the
Pontryagin maximum principle, optimal strategies of its participants are determined. The optimal
function of managing the investment portfolio in the form of a share of the income received is found.
Numerical results of optimal management of investments in a financial portfolio from the financial
institution as well as from the creditor are presented.

Keywords: management, optimization, investment, asset, VaR

1. iNTRoducTioN financial interests and determines his

strategy of participation in this project.
When creating an investment portfolio, Therefore, external investors invest money
certain financial resources are needed. To in such a project to obtain additional profit as
form an effective portfolio, a financial well as the financial institution expects to get
institution (enterprise) lacks equity funds, the maximum net profit.
and it attracts external investors to use The purpose of this study is to develop a
borrowed funds. In a joint investment strategy for creating an investment portfolio
project, every participant has his own and its further management, taking into
* Corresponding author:

doi: 10.5937/sjm14-16806
xxx V. Oliinyk / SJM 14 (2) (2019) xxx - xxx
account financial interests of all its to manage investors' financing. The
participants. The main tasks to be objective in this formulation is reduced to a
considered in this article are as follows: differential game with no opposing interests
construction of an investment portfolio based regarding the financial institution
on the Markowitz theory; task formulation (enterprise) and external investors
for the optimal management of financial (Germeier, 1976).
assets using the Pontryagin maximum
principle; formulation of interests for all the
participants of the system; use of the utility 2. LiTERATuRE REViEW
function to construct the objective function;
finding the optimal control function (OCF); Many authors studied the formation of an
obtaining the results of numerical optimization portfolio, which would consist
experiments. of risk and risk-free financial instruments.
A new investment portfolio is assumed to One of the main criteria for building a
be created. The portfolio suggests every portfolio is its risk index. To build
participant to have his own quota, which is optimization models and risk analysis, Shalit
maintained throughout the entire period of & Yitzhaki (1984) suggested using the
the project's existence. To create an Mean-Gini (MG) method, which is simple in
investment portfolio of maximum efficiency, its practical application.
the Markowitz model (1952) is used. In his In their work, Kalayci et al. (2019)
work, Markowitz introduces the concept of analyze the results of research on the
risk in the form of standard deviation and formation of an optimal securities portfolio.
forms a portfolio considering this index. In Much attention is paid to algorithms and
this paper, it is proposed to form an methodologies based on the use of computer
investment portfolio, where Value-at-risk technology. A review of the previously
(VaR) is used as an indicator of risk. It constructed portfolios that improve the
should be noted that this indicator reflects standard portfolio in a deterministic
the amount of losses for a certain period in formulation was made. Based on a
money terms. comprehensive review, a future research area
Having formed the optimal portfolio of is proposed in this area.
maximum efficiency with regard to the Bender et al. (2019) propose building
restrictions on possible financial losses, the portfolios of factors based on average values
financial development of this project should of variance. In their work, they analyze
be implemented for some time. Depending portfolios based on alternative weighting
upon the funds invested and the financial schemes. It is shown that the portfolios of
interests of each of the participants, the factors describe the information more fully
stages of attracting monetary resources due to the explicit use of input factors.
should be made up. Thus, an initial project is Danko & Šoltés (2018) in their work
being developed. One of the methods of proposes to form an investment portfolio
optimal management of the acquired based on Markowitz theory in combination
investment project is the one based on the with graph theory. Testing of the resulting
Pontryagin maximum principle (Pontryagin portfolios was carried out using simulation
et al., 1962). It is proposed to use this method analysis. The results can be used by
V. Oliinyk / SJM 14 (2) (2019) xxx - xxx xxx
individual investors in the formation of the consider portfolio optimization based on an
optimization portfolio. empirical likelihood estimation method and a
Zhou et al. (2019) consider the optimal criterion for making a decision on stochastic
investment portfolio at risk of a jump over dominance. This approach is implemented in
time. It is shown that for the formation of the two stages: the necessary probabilities are
optimization portfolio important indicators found using convex programming; with the
are: the initial intensity of the jump, the use of linear programming formed an
dynamics and stability of the jump. Formed optimization portfolio. The resulting
investment portfolio provides good out-of- portfolio gives good results for the out-of-
sample performance. sample impulse strategy. Grinblatt and
Calvo et al. (2018) propose to form an Saxena (2018) propose to improve the
investment portfolio based not only on accuracy of determining the pricing of
historical data. For this purpose, it is imitating factors by obtaining a single
proposed to use the concept of value portfolio by combining basic portfolios. This
information. This indicator reflects investor approach can also be used for portfolios with
confidence in his non-historical data. The anomalies.
level of risk outside the historical interval is Since the mid-1990s, researchers began
proposed to be adjusted with the help of using the Value-at-Risk (VaR) indicator as a
diversification restrictions. Lester (2019) market risk. Holton (2003) publishes a book
builds a portfolio based on the theory of about the use of the VaR indicator at the real
factor investment. A comparison is made trading floors. In his publication, he shows
between a set of single-factor investment how to design and implement this indicator
portfolios and a single integrated portfolio. It in real time mode.
is shown that the integrated portfolio more Basak and Shapiro (2001) analyzed the
accurately analytically predicts profitability use of VaR criteria by managers while
and risk in subsequent investment periods. forming the dynamic optimization portfolios.
The application of portfolio theory in They found out that risk managers using VaR
insurance is presented in Oliynyk (2015). An opted for a risky portfolio management
algorithm for obtaining an optimization strategy and, therefore, their activities could
portfolio of the insurance company is lead to significant financial losses. To
presented. For real data, the optimal minimize these losses, they proposed an
composition of the investment insurance alternative risk management strategy based
portfolio of minimum risk by type of on the expectation of losses. Zhang et al.
insurance was obtained. As limitations of the (2019) in their article for the analysis of
task, the main indicators of the insurance maximum loss, they propose to use the
company’s financial activities are used. double-VaR indicator. This indicator
Uhl and Rohner (2018) proposes to summarizes the obtained values of the
introduce a compensation portfolio that standard one-dimensional VaR. The two-
optimizes asset allocation and related risks. dimensional income-risk confidence domain
The proposed approach allows for the is analyzed for two models. Francq and
optimization of portfolio parameters using Zakoïan (2018) considers a dynamic model
both the theory of behavioral portfolio and of changes in the composition of assets and
modern portfolio theory. Post et al. (2018) conduct a joint assessment of market and
xxx V. Oliinyk / SJM 14 (2) (2019) xxx - xxx

appraisal risks in the formed portfolio. Under bank - maximizing the exponential utility
the conditions of elliptic distribution, the function. An explicit solution of optimal
value of VaR acts as a measure of risk. We control problems is given. Bilbao-Terol et al.
also study filtered historical modeling, a (2016) propose a mathematical model based
research method that allows for more general on targeted programming, which covers the
distribution conditions. A portfolio with theory of investment portfolio with mental
minimal variance is explored in more detail. accounting and responsible investment. The
The advantages and disadvantages of the share participation of each investor is
considered approaches are analyzed. proposed to be assessed by an expert method
Burdorf and Van Vuuren (2018) in their taking into account fuzzy rules. Mei and
study analyzes the market behavior of risk Nogales (2018) explores the behavior of a
measures VaR and Expected Shortfall (ES). multi-period investor when choosing a
Considering the stock portfolio, it is shown portfolio. The optimality criterion is its
that finding these indicators by the Monte maximum utility of intermediate
Carlo method and the dispersion-covariance consumption, which depends on risky assets,
method is preferable to methods based on costs and predictable profitability. An
historical data. Rockafellar and Uryasev optimal consumption algorithm is proposed
(2002) suggested using conditional value-at- based on the proposed suboptimal plans.
risk (CVaR) as a measure of risk. This For successful functioning of a financial
criterion makes it possible to obtain risk enterprise, it is necessary to form an
assessments that do not fully reflect the VaR investment portfolio as well as to develop
indicator. When applying this indicator, a and manage it in the best possible way.
modern mathematical apparatus should be Van Gelderen et al. (2019) analyze the
used and computational experiments carried management strategy of a mutual investment
out. fund using the factor investment theory. On
To model investors’ behavior, the utility the basis of the conducted studies, it was
function could be used. This function must shown that the buy-and-hold strategy
meet certain requirements and it reflects the together with the choice of a multifactorial
attitude to the risk of the person making the manager is more profitable than the tactics of
decision. Blanchett and Ratner (2015) active fund management. Del Guercioa
introduce a new utility function that includes et al. (2018) study the effectiveness of
the risk of a decline. This function is used portfolio management, consisting of three
when forming an optimal portfolio for an types of accounts: hedge funds, mutual funds
investor focused on income generation. and separate accounts. In their studies, they
Maheshwari and Sarantsev (2018) is confirm the hypothesis of a conflict of
considering an optimal risk management interest with the parallel management of the
model. The investors are private entities that created portfolio.
borrowed money from the central bank at a Li et al. (2018) consider the problem of
controlled interest rate. It is assumed that describing the profitability of assets using
each of the participants of the investment non-parametric programming. An approach
project seeks to improve their well-being: a based on the Fama – French three-factor
private entity through the maximization of model is proposed: cost, size and market
the expected logarithmic wealth; central factor. For each factor, transformations are
V. Oliinyk / SJM 14 (2) (2019) xxx - xxx xxx
constructed, the necessity of which is The article Oliinyk (2017) discusses the
verified by a generalized criterion of the problem of optimal control of the
maximum likelihood hypothesis. The distribution of gross product when
proposed approach is tested on real data and considering a single-productive economic
samples of finite sizes. Simonian and Wu system. The control function is the value of
(2019) learn replication hedge funds when the share of the gross product, aimed at non-
investing. For accurate replication, it is productive consumption. Analyzes the
proposed to use the ridge regression method. switching point of investment at which the
This method allows to obtain a generalized company will receive the maximum income.
model that most adequately analyzes the To solve this problem, the Pontryagin
risks and improves the basic factorial models maximum method is used.
of hedge fund replication based on ordinary Hartl et al. (1995) considered various
least squares (OLS) regression. forms of the Pontryagin maximum principle
García-Melón et al. (2016) consider a for optimal management issues with
financial asset with a social responsibility restrictions on state variables. On the
(SR). SR involves finding the various criteria illustrative examples, they showed the
and their weights in the asset under application of these optimal forms for
investigation. When finding these solving managerial tasks.
parameters, it is necessary to take into Aseev et al. (2005) studied the model of
account the preferences of each investor. In endogenous growth of two countries, based
this article, the authors suggest using the on the Pontryagin maximum principle. It is
Analytic Hierarchy Process to determine shown that one of the countries develops due
weights. to the absorption of some knowledge
One of the methods for optimal control of obtained in the leading country. The work of
dynamical systems is the one based on the Aseev and Kryazhimskii (2007) is dedicated
Pontryagin maximum principle. Many to the theoretical aspects of the Pontryagin
authors used this principle in their scientific maximum principle for solving optimal
works. Koopmans (1967) reviewed the management tasks arising in the economy
results of economic growth models based on when studying the processes of economic
the Pontryagin maximum principle. He also growth. Aseev (2014) considered application
examined the obstacles that arise when of the Pontryagin maximum principle for a
applying this method and suggested class of optimal management tasks with an
directions for further research. Shell (1969) infinite horizon that appears when studying
in his work considered the application of the the economic growth processes.
Pontryagin maximum principle in the Krasovskii and Tarasyev (2008)
economy. considered the task of optimal management
Kamien and Schwartz (1971) showed that with the functional given by the improper
the Pontryagin method could be applied to integral. This task arises when considering
the problems arising in economic analysis. models of economic growth. The proposed
They have proved the theorem concerning algorithm, based on the Pontryagin
the properties of the state variables of the maximum principle, makes it possible to
system, which makes it possible to obtain the obtain optimal trajectories for real
optimal control solution for a certain class of macroeconomic data.
economic issues.
xxx V. Oliinyk / SJM 14 (2) (2019) xxx - xxx

Artstein (2011) formulated some issues formulation reduces to solving a system of

arising from the application of the differential equations with respect to the
Pontryagin maximum principle and function of assets and the auxiliary function.
suggested extending the scope of this method This solution allows a financial enterprise
to the variations calculus. and an external investor to receive the
The considered literary sources mainly maximum profit return from the invested
reflect the methodology for creating an financial resources.
optimal investment portfolio, as well as
applying the Pontryagin maximum principle
to the economic research. Therefore, 4. THEoRETicAL FouNdATioN
methods for creating and managing an
investment portfolio should be considered. 4.1. investment portfolio formation

The issue of managing the funds invested

3. RESEARcH METodoLoGY in fixed assets of an enterprise was
considered by Germeier (1976) and Pavlov
In the research, an approach based on the (2004). In this paper, management of an
Pontryagin maximum principle is applied. investment portfolio is considered.
This method is universal and allows A financial institution creates an
obtaining optimal management for financial investment portfolio in order to obtain
resources of an enterprise. A financial maximum profit from the funds invested in
portfolio of an institution is formed based on it. The organization can use its financial
the Markowitz portfolio theory. The VaR resources, as well as attract external
indicator is used as a criterion of risk investors. A financial organization takes
assessment, which reflects financial losses in advantage of the total income from the
monetary terms. Applying this indicator in portfolio functioning. An external investor
the formation of an investment portfolio receives income in the form of dividends
allows assessing its quality in real monetary from his share in the portfolio, as well as
units. The yield of a formed portfolio is interests from the invested funds. Thus, the
determined by the set of its securities taking formation of an investment portfolio, which
into account a risk component. participants are a financial organization
Management of a formed portfolio should (enterprise) and an external investor is
be carried out considering the interests of all considered.
its participants. An evaluation criterion is A portfolio of maximum efficiency on a
represented by the net present value (NPV). basis of the portfolio theory of Markowitz
Consideration of a discounting multiplier of (1952) is compiled. Availability of original
NPV allows assessing the quality of a capital to create a portfolio is considered
portfolio obtained on the studied interval of
the project functioning. To find the objective
function, a mathematical apparatus based on A0 = V0 + (1 − k )U 0 (0 ≤ k ≤ 1) (1)
utility theory is used. Analysis of the
Hamiltonian function, allows to obtain OCF where
in an analytical form. The problem in this V0 - equity funds of an enterprise;
V. Oliinyk / SJM 14 (2) (2019) xxx - xxx xxx
U0 - external investor’s funds; 4.2. investment portfolio management
k - share of the financial institution in the
assets of the investment portfolio. 4.2.1. Problem setting of the portfolio
This share in the distribution of funds can
vary throughout the process of investing in The development of an investment project
the portfolio [to;T]. is assumed to occur according to some
When forming a portfolio it is necessary mathematical model. A differential equation
to find the shares of original capital of the dynamics of changes in assets is
distribution, which maximize the expected determined:
efficiency of portfolio Ep, taking into dA(t )
account the effectiveness of its individual = µ (t ) A(t ) + V (t ) + U (t ) (3)
components. Herewith the index of portfolio
risk is ensured to be no more than VaR* and where
the balance
condition is fulfilled in the form (t) - intensiveness of assets growth;
of x i = 1 . When forming such a portfolio, V(t) - enterprise’s investments at time t;
systematic risks and the investor's attitude to
i =1

U(t) - external investor’s investments at time

risk are not considered. A portfolio includes t.
only risk assets.
A portfolio of maximum efficiency is The number of assets at the initial time is
acquired: known (1)
E p =  xi Ei → max
i =1 A(t 0 ) = A0 (4)
T ∗
We will find the income received from the
  xi = 1
i =1 formed investment portfolio:
 xi ≥ 0
D (t ) = E p (t ) A(t ) (5)
PVaR - vector-column of individual position where
risks; Ep(t) - portfolio efficiency taken from the
 - correlation matrix.
optimization task solution (2).
Having found the optimization task (2),
the solution should be analyzed and optimal We introduce the following functions: a
portfolio management should be considered. management function 0(t)1, that shows
Management consists of decision-making on how much of the income is reinvested into
the additional investment of portfolio, from a portfolio assets; the function of dividends
financial institution as well as from an 0d(t)1 which determines what percentage
investor. At the same time, investors' of revenue goes to pay dividends.
strategies should be mutually beneficial and The strategy of a financial institution is to
are considered on a time interval [to;T]. obtain the maximum discounted net present
value (NPV), and the strategy of the external
xxx V. Oliinyk / SJM 14 (2) (2019) xxx - xxx

investor is to obtain the maximum profit in dΨ (t ) ∂H (t )

the form of the difference between the =− = −{Ψ (t )[ µ (t ) + E p (t )ν (t )]
dt ∂A
discounted dividends and the discounted + exp[ − y (t ) A(t )] y (t )} (10)
investments in portfolio assets. To unite the
interests of the participants in the investment
project, we introduce the utility function in where
the form (Mas-Colell et al., 1995):
y (t ) = exp[ −δ (t )t ]E p (t )( k (t )
W (t ) = 1 − exp[ − x (t )] (6) + d (t ) − ν (t ) − 2 k (t )ν (t )

where For auxiliary function, the transversality

x(t)=x1(t)+x2(t) - function reflecting condition is held true
financial interests of project participants:
Ψ (T ) = −α (12)
x (t ) = exp[ −δ (t ) t ]{D (t ) k (1 − ν (t ) − d (t )) (7) Investigating the Hamiltonian function
+ D (t )(1 − k )( d (t ) − ν (t ))}
(9) to an extremum in the control variable,
we obtain OCF in the form:
(t) - discount coefficient. ν * (t ) =
ln[ Ψ (t )] + exp[ −δ (t ) t ]E p (t ) A(t )[ k (t ) + d (t ) − 2k (t ) d (t )] + δ (t ) t
E p (t ) A(t ) exp[ −δ (t ) t ]
The target function of the proposed model
is: As a result, we obtain the solution of the
T problem in the form of a system consisting of
J = W (t ) dt + αA(T ) → max (8) the following relations: (3), (4), (10), (12),
t0 (13). The solution of the obtained system is
carried out by a numerical method.

4.2.2. Management task solution with

the help of the Pontryagin maximum 5. RESuLTS
Each financial company creates its
To solve the set task (3), (4), (8) the individual portfolio, which reflects: its
Pontryagin maximum method (Pontryagin et attitude to risk; the amount of funds attracted
al., 1962) is applied. The Hamiltonian and their ratio between external investors;
function should be written down as follows: distribution of income received; the period of
existence of an investment project when its
H (t ) = Ψ(t ){µ (t ) A(t ) + ν (t ) D(t )} + W (t ) (9) optimal management takes place, etc. Each
of these parameters can be specified and the
where appropriate timeframes for the optimal
(t) - auxiliary function satisfying the control investment of this project can be
equation found analytically for a financial institution
as well as for external investors.
V. Oliinyk / SJM 14 (2) (2019) xxx - xxx xxx
As a numerical experiment of the management of the investment portfolio for
obtained optimization management task, the various dependencies between its
following initial data are considered, which parameters.
are constant: period of the investment
portfolio management (T=10); the amount 5.1. Analysis of the obtained results
of the investment portfolio in the initial
(t0=1) and final time (t=T) are respectively Figure 1 shows the distribution of OCF
A(1)=5 units. A(10)=15 units; the growth rate for a given return on the financial portfolio
of financial assets (=0.5). Table 1 shows (Ep=0.25), the absence of dividend payments
the various options for translating the (d=0) and the discount factor (=0). An
dynamic system from a given initial state to analysis of the solution obtained shows a
a given final state. decreasing trend in the investment of
Having the initial data, investment project additional funds. If the portfolio consists
strategies for its participants are considered. only of the assets of the financial institution
To do this, the numerical values should be (k=1), then in the initial period of the
inserted into the corresponding equations project's investment, the share of income is
and the obtained results should be analyzed. larger compared to the portfolio created only
Figure 1 - Figure 5 shows the optimal from the external investor's funds (k=0). This

Table 1. Strategies for the formation of the investment portfolio

Option k (t ) d (t ) E p (t ) δ (t ) λ
0 -1.474
1 0.6 0 0.25 0 -0.172
1 -0.042
2 0.6 0.3 0.25 0 -0.213
0.2 -0.264
3 0.6 0 0.25 0 -0.172
0.3 -0.114
0 -0.213
4 0.6 0.3 0.25 0.05 -0.197
0.1 -0.175
0 -0.341
5 0.0777t + 0.0223 0.0333t – 0.0333 0.0222t + 0.0778 0.05 -0.287
0.1 -0.235



Figure 1. The distribution of the optimal control function (Option 1)

xxx V. Oliinyk / SJM 14 (2) (2019) xxx - xxx


Figure 2. The distribution of the optimal control function (Option 2)



Figure 3. The distribution of the optimal control function (Option 3)



Figure 4. The distribution of the optimal control function (Option 4)



Figure 5. The distribution of the optimal control function (Option 5)

V. Oliinyk / SJM 14 (2) (2019) xxx - xxx xxx
ratio is reversed, when the portfolio is from 0.1 to 0.3. The nature of the distribution
formed at the end of the investment period. of OCF shows that the discount factor
Figure 2 shows the distribution of OCF significantly affects the formation of the
for a dividend payment option in the amount investment portfolio. This is especially
of 30% of revenue, the ratio between pronounced in the initial period of
investors' financial investments (k=0.6), the investment. At later stages of portfolio
portfolio's constant return (Ep=0.25) and in creation, the effect of this indicator is less
the absence of a discounting indicator (=0). evident.
Studies have shown that the distribution of
OCF dividend payout in the range of 0 – 0.3
practically did not have a significant impact. 6. diScuSSioN
Analysis of the obtained ratio (13) shows
that with equal distribution of funds between Formation and creation of an investment
investors, the ratio taking into account the portfolio can be carried out by various
dividend policy does not affect the methods. Markowitz (1952) proposed to
distribution of OCF over the whole period of create a portfolio of securities considering
investment of the financial portfolio. the risk. As a measure of risk, he suggested
When managing a portfolio of greater to use the standard deviation. A portfolio risk
profitability, it is necessary to invest less assessment can also be performed based on
investment in its development. This result is other indicators. Basak and Shapiro (2001)
confirmed by the numerical experiment analyzed the use of the VaR risk indicator by
shown in Figure 3. For different portfolio risk managers when managing a dynamic
profitability options Ep(0.2; 0.25; 0,3) OCF portfolio and proposed an alternative risk
has the character of a decreasing curve. management model based on the expectation
The results of the conducted studies of losses. In his work, Holton (2003) pays
showed that, the discounting factor has a great attention to the VaR indicator and
significant effect on the distribution of OCF. describes how to use it and implement it as a
Figure 4 shows that with an increase in the market risk when forming a portfolio.
discount rate from 0 to 0.1, the share of Rockafellar and Uryasev (2002) propose
financial receipts in the investment portfolio using conditional value-at-risk (CVaR) as a
decreases. The remaining parameters of the measure of risk and demonstrate its
proposed model are constant. Particular advantages compared to the VaR indicator.
attention should be paid to the study of the Shalit and Yitzhaki (1984) proposed to use
influence of the discounting factor on the the Mean-Gini (MG) method to construct an
formation of a dynamic investment portfolio. optimization portfolio. Analyzing proposed
Figure 5 shows the distribution of OCF, approaches to the risk assessment when
depending on the discount factor (0; 0.05; constructing a financial portfolio, the VaR
0,1). When studying the character of the indicator should be used as a restriction on
OCF distribution, it was taken into account the amount of risk in order to form a
that the parameters of the model in the portfolio of the greatest efficiency.
investment interval [to;T] increase linearly, One of the methods for controlling a
dynamical system is the Pontryagin
namely: k from 0.1 to 0.9; d from 0 to 0.3; Ep maximum principle. Koopmans (1967)
xxx V. Oliinyk / SJM 14 (2) (2019) xxx - xxx
analyzed the results of studies on the 7. coNcLuSioN
application of this principle in the models of
economic growth and showed possible ways In the paper, the issue of investment
of further usage of this principle. Aseev and portfolio management is considered. To
Kryazhimskii (2007) proposes to extend the create an optimal portfolio, the methods
application of the Pontryagin maximum proposed by Markowitz, H. (1952) should be
principle to a special class of problems used. A portfolio is proposed to include only
arising when modeling the process of risk assets. A portfolio of maximum
economic growth. Krasovskii and Tarasyev efficiency with risk restriction either a
(2008) obtained models of economic growth portfolio of minimum risk and given
using computer modeling. Mathematical efficiency can be created. The issues of
justification and analysis of application of creating and introducing the necessary
the Pontryagin maximum principle method financial assets in the portfolio are not
(Pontryagin et al., 1962) allows to use it in considered in this work and are the subject of
the management of an optimization different studies.
investment portfolio. Discussion is the use of Having created an initial investment
the utility function to meet the financial portfolio, the question of its financial
interests of all participants in the proposed development and fulfillment of investors’
project. The form of the utility function terms arises. Every investor wants to achieve
reflects the attitude to the risk operations of its ultimate goal during the project’s
the person making the decision. Considering functioning. As a target function of a
that several investors participate in the financial institution, an index of maximizing
formation of the investment portfolio, the the net present value (NPV) of all the
same degree of their attitude to risk is financial assets is considered, discounting
assumed. included. The function of the target of an
In his work Pavlov (2004) suggests external investor is also the maximization of
considering a corporate system, which the investor's NPV as the difference between
consists of the following participants: its discounted dividends and its discounted
owners of the company, managers creditors, monetary investments. It is proposed to
labor collective, and government. Special introduce the utility function as a general
attention is paid to building a model of criterion for the strategy of its participants.
interaction between an owner and an To fulfill all the requirements of potential
investor. The problem of optimal investors, the Pontryagin maximum principle
management of enterprise’s fixed assets is (Pontryagin et al., 1962) should be used. The
described taking into account the volume of criterion of optimal management used a
output and its price, tax payments, function that shows how much of the income
depreciation charges and other factors will be reinvested in portfolio assets.
affecting the enterprise net profit. When Analysis of numerical calculations showed
formulating the investor's strategy, the value that the distribution of OCF, in general, is of
of shares, dividends are paid for should be a decreasing nature. The nature of the
taken into account. Theoretical results of the distribution of OCF is practically
optimal strategy for corporate system independent of the amount of dividends paid
participants are given. (d=0-0.3) (Figure 2). For a portfolio of
V. Oliinyk / SJM 14 (2) (2019) xxx - xxx xxx
greater efficiency, it is necessary to use less between the parameters of the model.
funds for its development than for a similar Thus, the strategy of investors'
portfolio of lower yields (Figure 3). Figure 4 participation in formation of an investment
and Figure 5 show the OCF distribution as a portfolio is obtained, when observing
function of the discount factor (0; 0.05; optimal and mutually beneficial conditions
0,1). It is shown that the nature of the change for their coexistence in a financial project.
in OCF is essentially dependent on the
discount factor, while other parameters of the
model increase linearly:k from 0.1 to 0.9; d References
from 0 to 0.3; Ep from 0.1 to 0.3. To a greater
extent, this dependence is manifested in the Artstein, Z. (2011). Pontryagin Maximum
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distribution stabilizes at 0.35 regardless of economic growth problems. Proceedings of
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of the proposed model, as well as finding the and Optimal Economic Growth Problems.
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Viktor oliinyk, olga Kozmenko


Разматран је задатак креирања инвестиционог портфолија од стране финансијске

институције. Средства за израду портфолија узимају се из два извора: капитални фондови
предузећа и позајмљена средства. Извршена је оптимизација креираног портфолија. Добијен
је портфолио максималне ефикасности са ограничењем мере ризика који је наведен у облику
ВпР (вредност при ризику) индикатора. Кориштењем података за оптимизацију портфолиа
гради се модел управљања имовином портфолиа. Користећи Понтриагинов принцип
максимума, утврђују се оптималне стратегије његових учесника. Пронађена је оптимална
функција управљања инвестиционим портфолиом у виду удела добијеног дохотка. Приказани
су нумерички резултати оптималног управљања инвестицијама у финансијском портфолију
финансијске институције као и поверилаца.

Кључне речи:менаџмент, оптимизација, инвестиције, средства, ВпР

xxx V. Oliinyk / SJM 14 (2) (2019) xxx - xxx

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