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Sem. Jonathan DP.

Racelis September 20, 2020

Computer Education Mr. Mark Heddison

Written Test:
I. Identification. Identify the following types of computer:









II. Activity
1. Do you have a computer at home? Take a picture and send it along with your
answer in the written test.

III. Essay. Answer in not less than 5 sentences

1. After watching the video, what do you think will computers be like in 10-20 years’
I must admit, computers are ubiquitous already. During my childhood days, I
really thought that “computers” are only those square or rectangular shaped devices
that are placed on desks to give an ease for office works. Later have I learned that I
am still way off in the world of technology.
Thanks to the experiences and acquaintances that I’ve gained throughout my
progressive studies, I can say that I already have an “average knowledge” when it
comes to computers, so let me share you my thoughts on how computers will be
like 10-20 years from now.
Of course, none of us would know what computers will be like in the mere
future, but I’m sure that even those at the forefront of technology are still inaccurate
on how computers will be like in that span of time. In my own perspective,
computers will be more smaller and powerful, now I’m not pertaining to any
computers with a graphics card or a processor and such, I’m talking about all types
and categories of computers whether it be a pc or an embedded one. Powerful in a
sense that 20 years from now on, our refrigerators, mirrors, and doors will already
require internet to function. Cars whether it be branded or not will now drive better
than humans and who knows? Maybe we can already buy a programmed robotic
maid powered by microchips, wires, and processors.
Another factor that I’d like to point out is the pricing. I read an article about the
pricing of an iPhone before and now, I was shocked on how the original 4gb model
retailed iPhone $499 back in 2007 dropped to $30 to $60. Here we can see how
technologies advances not only in their upgrades, but also in pricing. I can assure
that a midrange gaming laptop that costs P40,000-P50,000 would only cost around
P20,000-P25,000 in 20 years due to the continuous advancement in technology.
Those are just my thoughts and opinions after seeing the video, on how
computers evolve as years pass by. The real question for us now is how we should
act with these devices that continues to flex and impress. Computers are already
living with us, and I know that their very main purpose is just to help us in our
everyday living. Let me end this essay of mine with the words of Bill Gates, a co-
founder of Microsoft Corporation, “The computer was born to solve problems that
did not exist before.”

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